RAGS n v » T H E BPKiNGFlKl.D NEWS THURSDAY NOV KM UKK 11. 192« TOWN AND VICINITY — Hauas In—C M. liouae of O ak­ Im rM r'tk Hsr«— Mai Klutnerick of W altervllle w m a liuslness visitor ridge waa a vlaltor here Saturday. her* Baltirdav. Parkins In Portland— A J. Perkins OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. I l ARRESTED ON MOONSHINE CHARGE S tart I Mayor In California Police Chief Jess 8 m It son announ­ Mayor O O. Bushtnan left Monday ced today that local officers after Sat­ night for Lodi. California, where tza urday night will rigidly enforce the was called by the dratli nf tils steter- regulations against operating auto- In-law, Mrs. David Bushman M r. will remain with hlg mobiles with open mufflers. No leni­ Bushman ency -will be extended those caught brother a few days before returning violating the regulation, be asserted, i to Springfield. Two Springfield men — William Wetzel, 66, and bis »on. Kay Wetz d. 36—are In (he Lane county Jail cluirged' with Illegal manufacture of Intoxicating liquors, and a complete booze-making outfit la In the custody of authorities a s t h e r e s u l t of S m ith nia. Tuesday after a short visit here at an altitude of 3000 feet, dence. with h*-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. o f R o u te t wna boro on hualix-aa Mon i Affection, unrequited by a 14-yesr Ray Wetzel was arrasted oy George Ditto. day. old school girl, Eva Bickford, of AJIe sheriffs officers at third and Main Visitors From North—Mr and Mr» gauy. reeulled In the suicide of Ken street» shortly before midnight, after Roy B r e w a t e r In—Roy llrewster if Delbert Hurknum of Portland and ■ noth Noah, 18. friend» believe. he had allegedly sold a bottle of Kail ('rook waa a vlaltor In Spring Mr and Mrs. A. II Fish pf Salem The Oregon »U te association of liquor to a repersentatlve of the field Sunday were visitor« over Sunday at the commercial organlxatlon secretaries sheriffs office. According to the of­ Pratt In Town—<1 -orge Pratt of J Oeorge Ditto residence. held their semi-annual meeting nt the ficer to whom tbe sale was made, Thurston -waa a Springfield vlaltor Wetzel took him In a car out In the I Cortland Chamber of Commerce. Returns To Albany— Mra. E l s i e Monday. Jess Hanson of Corvallis ba» recelv country and pretended to obtain the • I Davis left Monday evening for h>-r liquor from a field. Q ra n t Hara—Charha Hrant of Albany residence after spending the nd Information from Pullman. Wash., After the arreat of the young W et­ Thuralon visited In town on bualneaai week end with her mother. Mrs. Han­ that hl» hen« entered In the Interna zel, the officers conducted the raid tlonol egg laying contest there won all Saturday, nah t.epley. Mr Davla was here for on the residence, surprising William four of the flrat prlxea. a short time also. Wetzel In his bed. A hole -was In From Oakridge—Clifford Ryan if Of the two measure« on the state I Oakridge waa III town on business Has Major Operation— Mrs. Glenn ballot to regulate trucks and busees, found cut in the floor by the cook Jenkina of Cottage Grove underwent the one sponsored by the legislature stove In the kitchen, and within the Saturday u major operutlou at Eugene Friday. was adopted by the people and the compartment beneath the officers C ob urg R esid en t H a ra — M r (' The opi ration was performed by Hr one Initiated by the bus operators wae found a considerable quantity of Cornelius of Coburg waa n S p rin g field mash. A copper coll, tank and boiler, Eugeni Kester. defeated. vlaltor Saturday. and three sacks of sugar also were On the face of returns In Jackson confiscated. Go To 3alem— Mrs. Fred Frese of In From Jaapar— Mr», Jessie Wal Springfield accompanied Mr. and Mrs. county, tbe meseure to move the Tlx- asserted bootleggers are In the lu re of Jasper spent a part of Satur Ham Montgomery of Not! on n motor courthouse from Jacksonville to Med county Jail awaiting preliminary hear- day In Springfield. trip to Salem Sunday. Mra. Mont­ ford carried by approximately 16«” Ing. I ana -ry, formerly I.lllle Sshlewe. Is a majority. M ra. W in d h a m H a r a — M ra Jatr Work ha« been started on the Half Wloohtun of M a b ie wag In to w n shoo abler of Mrs Frese. way highway, making a new 6 per cent GARDEN WAY ptng Saturday. J. 8. Henderson III—J S Hender­ grade on the opposite Hide of the can Hera From Noll— Mra I" It W ll-n h son of Salem. father of Troubert yon. This will complete tlx- Baker Tuesday evening Miss Frances of N u l waa a visitor In Sprint debt Henderson, Springfield business man. Halfway highway, eliminating tout Travis was h< stess to dellight fill is seriously III In the hospital at miles of dangerous mountain road Mutidiiy. ' irty for the Success Club of which Albany Mr. Henderson was taken he is a member. Those who enjoyed As a result of voting down th Jackson Hara— lliirry Jarkson o f sick while on it duck hunt at Harris­ the pleasant event and delicious re- several revenue measures at the elec Wiiltrrvllle waa In town for a «hurt burg Inst week. Hon. the legislature at Its next session freaments were: Leila Brown. Miss llink Saturday Bonney, Irene Wooley. Chloe Woolev, R a ilro a d Men Here— L L. Graham probubly will face the task of prvvtc Creswell Resident Here— Mr« F J district freight and passenger agent, lug funds for governmental purposes Em ma Jane and Frances Travis. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fish and fam!ly llid , m of Creswell wan a vlaltor here and L. C Gram, district auperinted- other than from the dlrsct property wlll leave Thursday for Toledo where Sunday tax. ent. nf the Southern I'aclllc company, Assessed valuation of property In they will visit the Rev. Leslie Bailey 1« F ro m M a rc ó la — G II Wlllae of paid Springfield « visit Monday of Lane county this year la 62.617.44«, and family until Sunday. They will They conferred with Marróla, wua a rlaltor In S p rin g fie ld thia week. greater than In 1626. according to the , also drive to Newport. Age nt Carl Olson. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fish and daughter, ' , assessm ent summary completed by The to ta l. Patty, visited at the O. R. Fish home Dr. Rabhan Returns— Dr. W. C. Den F Kenney, assessor Hera From Trent— Mra. J W Hlg glna of Trent spent a part of Sunday Itebhan arrived Friday after spend­ assessed valuation thia f»«r 1» 68»,- Sunday. Friday the P. T. A. will hold an ing a month at Rochester, Minn, 611.436. here. . . I where he studied under M a y o I Bettergsn Brother» of Portland have open meeting at the school house Io At Rossman Home— I>r and Mra. N. brothers, famous medical expert«. Dr. ‘sabmlttwl th» lowest bid for general which the community has been in­ W Emery «rere Munday v isio n at Itehhan reported an enjoyable and comtructlon work an tbe proposed vited. A short program will be given. the John Rusentan home In the Camp profitable trip His practice here was new Leslie Junior high school, to be The object of the meeting is to stimu­ Creek district The Rosemana are re­ cared for during his absence by Dr. erected at Salem with is the next (aw late an intrest In the P. T. A. and get latives of the Emery family. Paul Pbetteplace, month». Bettergen Brother»* bid was new members. Thursday the Sunshine Club met for »47.464 Cox In Laston Apartments— II. J. with Mrs. W. H. Anderson. After a I City bond» totaling 1100.600 were Cog, who w as announced as moving short business meeting games and i to a house at the end of Fifth street, |X)S-T—Ladles Gold Watch In or near voted at McMinnville The bond» pro­ home made candy were enjoyed. vide for the construction of a 866.060 Lincoln School building Reward. has changed his plana and wilt live In Call »1311 Eugene It. Impounding dam on Haskins creek for the teu ton apartments. , the d ly water »apply and tbe retire ; DIXIE QUARTET TO BE m e a t of Indebtedneu on tbe present HEARD ON NOVEMBER 17 i wider system. Bam A. Koter. secretary of state. | Springfield residents will be given Issued a call tor a meeting of the em an opportunity on November 17 to ergency board Monday to appropriate hear the Dixie Jubilee Quartet, musi­ funds to carry on the activities ot cal entertainers who will appear at several state department« and Instl the high school under the auspices of tutlons during the remainder of the the school on that evening. Receipts will go toward assisting finances of present biennium. Three fast flreboats, eight new fire ’ the school. There is always something about stations and fire companies. 500 more fire alarm boxes, police and traffic the music of colored singers and play­ signals and a greater Broadway bridge ers which touches a responsive chord will be the net results of bond issues In the heart of every ltstner. They totaling 81,686.000 which the peopl do the things they love so well. Th--v of Portland authorlxed at the elec sing the old folk songs of the Soutn ‘n their own inimitable way. There •Ion. I . 1 nothing so full of genuine sweet- Filially Injured v r : the team s!v was driving ran away, racing for more - -ss. so full of melody, as these old gro songs with all their simplicity 1 than halt a mile through rocks nnu sagebrush and breaking to pieces a and It takes the real nogro to sing i hayrack. Mrs James C. Harter, about them as they should he sujig. Th-> 30, mother of three children, died success of The Dixie Jubilee Quartet while being brought to a Bend ho» is due to the fact that they stick very largely to these plantation melodies pltal. The second largest trap shoot in the for which their voices arc so peculiar i United States will be held In Eugene ly Adapted. However, while the folk­ With a single lamp, the next May when the Lane County lore songs are favored the program is Sportsmen's association will be host interspersed with many humorous Daylight Kitchen U n i t i to the best shots of the Pacific const. and popular selections. The versatility of the company is The American Trap Shoot association brighten» every corner. has awarded the Pacific coast division remarkable and makes nn intensely in­ Make» the kitchen look shoot to the Lane county organlxa teresting and varied program pos­ sible. There is not a dull moment I tlon. cheery. Emphasizes 11 s Robert Casey died at the St. Helens anywhere. Mr. Morris, the first tenor, gleaming cleanliness. hospital, bringing the death toll of. !s a cartoonist of rare ability. Always i the mysterious gun ba ttle in a ione­ sees the funny side of everything At our expense, have a ly cabin In the Yank ton district to and puts it in his original rapid draw- J Daylight Kitchen Unit In­ The unexpected Is liable to two Fred Richards was almost in ings. stalled today. IE it does Your eyes deserve this stantly killed. Casey in alleged to i happen any time on his easel. Mr. not sell itself tonight, we have shot Richards and Frank Rice, Starks, second tenor, shows his ver­ kind of light. No strain­ will replace your old fix­ and to have then turned the weapon satility by playing the violin and sax- ture- If you keep it, pay aphone. The personnel includes a on himself. ing to see what’s going on only 75c down and $1.00 brilliant pianist whose repertoire Orders booked for future delivery monthly, with your light I n the oven or where ranges from the gems of grand opera of lumber lost week ehewed a de hill. cn down to modern popular numbers. crease of 21,632.184 feet, compared to things are on the shelves. Two models. Price $7.00 the previous week, according to the Frequent references Is often made by and $8.00. See it today! weekly report ot the West Coast Lum the press to Mr. Stewart as "The bermen's association. The orders book Black Paderewski." Mr. Bennette is cd Inst week totaled 90.^10,982 feet. a complete master of the banjo-guitar Thero also were decreases in produc­ and ukulele and in his Instrumental tion and in shipments. ProducUon solos and duet numbers will make last week totaled 114,«66,188 feet and vour feet mark time in spite of your-' self No music lover should miss this shipments totaled IUI.616,460 feet. great worthwhile concert, a master I effort by four real artists. On Prot»««lonsl Trip»—Or EttgeO» spent thia week In Portland tin busi­ Kester tfiudo professional rail* at ness Donna nml Jasper Bunday and Mon­ In From W altarvllle—F II Crump Htrawberrlss are blooming In pro­ day. o f Wullrrvllle spent a pari of Mon­ fusion ground Sweat Home. Wallace In—Walter Wallace of day transacting business here. Representative« of t* conation In Jn i»-r vim lu lo a n for u »hurt time Jasper Man Hara— J. A. Olson, weati-rn Oregon gathered at Salem for Monday. Jasper resident, waa u visitor hero the forty first annual Oregon Bunday school convention. Oo To Falla—Mr. and Mra. M II Monday. M uffler Campaign Queen Marie Drops In! 1 N o so on er had she e n te re d th e fr o n t do or th a n h e r eyes fe ll on ou r T o ile tr y Oept. and th e g e s tic u la tio n s e y e b ro w g y m n a ttic e and lan gu arge fille d the room w ith p le a tin g eo u n d t and m o ve m en ts! F in a lly th e calm ed dow n an d fo cusing h e r to n g u e on th e E n g lish language, asked if it w as tr u e th a t th ia was th e m ost in te re u tir j d ru g sto re in th is C o u n ty ! B o w in g m o d e stly I a c kn o w led g ed th a t th is w as th e g e n eral o p in io n and asked If th e re wae a n y th in g in p a r­ tic u la r she'd lik e to ta k e hom e as a s o u v e n ir of h e r v is it. A fte r a g re a t deal o f b ro w w r in k lin g th e eaid fin a lly sh e’d lik e an ounce v ia l o f th is S E R V IC E sh e’d h e ard we had in such fine q u a lity . A fte r w ra p p in g th ia up c a re fu lly in a special v e lv e t and gold c o n ta in e r, I p resented i t to h e r and w ith deep lo w bow s, p r e ttily ren d ered . Q ueen M a rie va nish ed as su d d e n ly as she had a rriv e d A nd La n e C o u n ty fo lk s g e t sam ples o f th is service E V E R Y d a y! F re e ! Dust Gathers On the Royal Cuticle! Dust, grime, dirt Is no re- spector of persons. A King, a Queen, even a princess has to either wash or CAUSE to un­ washed— their FACES! And Just as the Queen said to us— "There's NOTHING nicer I've ever seen than these Miller Rubber Sponges you sell here for 40c!” Sh-- bought four of them! The Queen Promised to Write Often! But not unUI I had shown her these new Sheaffer Foun­ tain Pens. After she'd tried a couple she picked out the $7 50 one fcr herself and the 35 one for the King! She said she never even HEARD of a pen as marvelous as this one. (Ain't It great to live in the. U. S. and be used to luxuries like these?) S P E C IA L Every so often some wisely thoughtful man constructs an entirely new perfume from some oddly blended odor« and the discerning folks «-ear this until it becomes common. The NEW EST thing right now is Orchid Lilly Odor. Use it while it's NEW! A special price this week only! L KETEL’S DRUG STORE rfJX a r L ¿ Y D £ M R T M £ W fW & J You’ll Be Glad To Hear- About the Special Offer we are glad to make so that ALL our friends may have— The Daylight Kitchen Unit —BRIGHTENS EVERY CORNER ONLY DOWN Free Trial DA YLIGHT YOUR KITCHEN Mountain States Power Co. ) Another Brill Feature Purchase! Brand New Women’s Tailored COATS $19.75 to $25.00 Values $ 1 0 .9 5 Bought at Special Price Concession Offered to Our Customers at Decided Saving _The most amazing coat values at $12 95 Eugene has experienced in this new 1926 autumn season, we believe. In face ot the acute strike conditions that has been pend­ ing amongst the garment workers In the East, we are for­ tunate to be able to present these unusual values. —Almost everyone needs a jaunty wool tailored coat for utility wear because al­ most everyone walks or drives or shops many times dnring the season. Practical for school wear, too, if you please. -—In swagger straight lines, emphasizing large patch pockets, adorned with large buttons also at sleeves. Heather mixtures in both light and dark colorings, also in­ visible plaids. (Second Floor)