I K THURSDAY NOV KM HER 11. U*'-'*' THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Publish«! Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by Tonsils Removed— Tonsils were re-1 Bee Hoyt's Htaoes before making Eu­ moved troni Mis. A. J. Davie at a your purchase. SII Main street N It IB Dr. local surgeon's office Monday, 1 111 •— 1 " "* ' the ¡unlveralty, will attend the national i convent Ion of university presidents November u and 15, at Washington President Ooee East THE GREAT TASK REMAINS The new cathode ray tube Invented hy Ur. W UNIVERSITY OE ORBtlON. D. Coolidge may he of boundless benefit to the gene. Ore . Nov. 11. - (Special) - world. At present, it rem ains a scientific play-! 'm o ld Bennett Hull, president of l l ,in g T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Before its real worth can be known. It must be adapted to use hy society. n. e. aa aecond class m atter February M . IM S at Bacteria die speedily under the effelts of t h e 1, l* »««ll surted east nttsr a short postefftce. B; ringftekl. Oregoa ___________________ ____ ___ _________________ ray. Ex,mrin.ents with Hie new tube show it »’ L!?’r* " *h ’/ MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATI contains as many Beta rays as would he contain- Governor F,.»nh t Uiwden » <> -■ he gave addresses Io civic groups Our Year la Advance___ »ITS Three Months ----- T5c ,»,( jn a ton of radium. Bela rays are the most Mr. Lowden and Or, Hall were ac­ Ml M o n th s_____________ ILSS sin gle Copy -------- 6« Important em anating from radium, and only I about a pound of radium is known to exist today. companied by Or Richard 11, Olilo- H. E M A X E Y. Editor._________________ hunt, dean of the Portland Merlc.il a meeting < t Association. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 11. 1SÎS WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN Suffera«e and Safety. Like Liberty This new cathode ray tube may lead to a cure. School, who win attend for cancer—a cure the medical world Is seeking the American Medical Eternal Peace A glorious lusting PEACE u mured gift to us from our lighting Yankee doughboys! May It never he said we failed In the keeping of that trust or Hint we are lacking in uppiw»'intlon of the greut sacrifice made that we might enjoy the peace our boys won. and .diligently. Union. Are One and Inseperable."—Jam es A Gar- g u( experim ents with rabbits so far indicate Marriaa* Licenses issued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the cure would be even worse than the disease. Daring the past week marriage. The ray is so powerful it hurtled a hole th ro u g h , licenses have been issued by the! A l-ACK OE UNDERSTANDING the ear of a rabbit exposed to It for only fifty ¡county clerk to the following Frank: Comment on the to u r of Queen Marie and pro- seconds. I Ottey. Horens, and Edna Fawcett, | T o k in a crlL icislll o f European royalty in the Am-! . . . . „ . . 'co tta g e Grove; Charles F. Blair and ertaan press, particularly in the western section •* nl*>’ likewise be S cure for baldness R ^icom l Lindley, both of Eugene; Her- shows the utter lack of understanding between .when the ear of a rabbit was exposed to it ( t r w Lombard. Cottage Grove and Americans and Europeans. Institutions we re-!«” ” * second the original gray hair fell out , to be | y er# yiuijv, Kugene; Ixiula Kolker, g £ d as intolerant Europeans hold sacred. Things «*place4 two white hair growing Eugene and Theresa O'Brien. Marsh 2-., Ho, ahnii» the Pnroneans re- three tim es as luxuriantly as the old. Yet tew field; Wm Everett Miller, and Etna , ts sillv The age old custom s and envlro- ha,<1 men would «'*re to subject them selves to Clark, both of Noll. m ents have produced peoples* of different view such treatm ent until more is known of the re­ points. World travelers and people of broad «Rts. Man Sleeps Like Log. minds can appreciate these differences of opinion -pju. real value of the ray is not yet known. It Eats Anything and see m uch of good on both sides. T hese;rem ains for science, having given the new tube “Altar taking Adlerlk* 1 ran eat sources of expressed differences of opinion usual- ,o ,h e world, to discover some practical use for anything and sleep like a log I had lv spring fvOm provincialism in Europe and local- ,t ga. on the stomach and couldn't keep ism hi America. A few of the all wise editors of . . . . America, particularly the older type, must give This, science will doubtless do. And science food down nor sleep " (signed) R C. vent to their prejudice at the tim e of the visit of must not be hurried into drawing conclusions. Miller. ONE spoonful Adlerlk* r e Queen Marie and children from Rumania. The sam e careful type of experim enting that led m ove. GAS and often brings eurprla ' to a discovery of the tube will no doubt eventual- Ing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Often bring, The queen is a guest of this country, w hether; lv leail to a discovery of its uses. nut old waste-matter you never we as individuals invited her or not. She should be shrowu the same courtesy and be accorded y ,ie tube, at least, cannot be put to destructive thought was In your system Excel- the same dignity as we would expect the presi- uses |tg ¡nventor for with the highest volt- •»»« fnr fhr,’ntc « ’••«pattos Fla,, der- of the United States to receive if he were ’ ¿M e t he ray s' range would he no more '«T« Drug .«ore. traveling in R um ania purely it is n id e an d u n - t jjan a v a n js preventing its use as a "death called or and not m accord with the American „ . hospitality for editors to begin a tirade against - royalty and make light of the queen when she is in our midst. A little dignity would not spoil The sage cf Potato Hill (K ansas), E W. Howe.; some of our western dailies. writes in his m onthly •with THANK YOU! The Springfield bridge bonds emerged from the elc tion nearly a thrve to one favorite People,of the county generally recognized the fact that a new bridge across the Willamette river was need- ed here and where there was a need they were, willing. Springfield has always voted for needed improvements in other parts of the county and now her acts of friendliness comes back to her If all the communities of Lane county will work in future lo r a bigger and better Lane county then each locality will be benefitted. For the fine vote on the bridge we can say to the rest of the county, “T hank you.” • • • W ashington reports 2,000,000 gallons of whiskey a year are being sold in this country as medicine, on physicians’ prescriptions. “I predict that soon there will be written a book called "In Defense of Man." or some such title. DRUG S^OP«- ‘PurcetBST Rubbing Alcohol "And thte >l,UD* ' wen,’r ) *’ar* ,aler' haa n" representation in the statutes. •T .Laat fall a rlch man divided his fortune with his wife anrj le a „ th r o u g h w hatever its medical virtues may he. The pon,ad'''' tired, aching muscle- doctors have legal authority to prescribe 200 “Somew here cheating has been going on. Prescribed by Phys», .ails a ll tl tin. s that much. I used in hom es, ath letic clubs, • • • The president evidently-thinks th at the way to mak-1 people know th at taxes are reduced is to writ them a letter inclosing check for a rebate on income lax received by tiie government. Now days when one branch of the governm ent starts to entreru h and cuts down expenses it is but an opportunity for another branch to grab it. Really the taxpayer never gets a reduction so you can m » ii. The president's plan should make in­ come tax payers realize where the cut has been made. ••Commercial clubs should take notice. Our strong-st -p u rk isll b a t h s and best institutions are being wrecked to make a holiday ev P r y w h e r e for frivolous women." i To Ed Howe we might answ er ‘‘So Is you old m an.” But see w hat this fellow got for Mr money. What better use can a man m ake of his money than divide it with women.? • • • G rass huts in Hawaii are often equipped with I radios we are told. Ukulee strings have been It Is a priceless possession and you should guani It as life itself. Health depends on good wholesome food, pure air and proper recreation. We have good wholesome food in our PERFECTION PRODUCTS and our prosperous little city furnishes you tin* o ther two requirem ents free. Made right here In Springfield Perfection Bread and pastries cannot he excelled. Be careful what you cut. Know where It comes from. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perklns-Laxton Bldg Fred Frese. Prop. Phone tifi SPECIAL OFFER f “’* - » » « ___ and h o sp ital“ Fifth Street. C lip th e C o u p o n *'»1^,’' “*" ‘••«i i T o acquaint you «nth A riu r Quality, w« ate making a aprcial offer for a a b o rt tu n e o n l y . Brighten the Kitchen with Acme I nterior G loss F inish Acme Interior Gloss Finish is n dependable product of cheer­ ful colors. Easy to wash. No glare. Covers the surface like a fiat paint. We recommend Interior C lots Finish unreservedly for in­ terior surfaces walls, ceilings, woodwork. It is the perfect kitchen finish does not absorb grease, dirt or moisture. ACME QUALITY Painit"* Varn ish lx*t ua tell you ir. it atbout it. Anti be eurc to tee ua before you tackle uny pen it problem. Our est.inete and aiKc will probably tavc both money and time for you. Wright & Son Flanery’s Drug Store TA* Sto— beaten into antennae wires as it were. Store Closed All Day Thursday Lest We Forget (Armistice Holiday Again there dawns our great, new Memorial Day, anniversary of the Arm­ istice, November 11th, 1918. East Through Suuauier-iand Eight, years! Eight years since the bugle sounded “Cease Firing” and the screat guns fell silent Peace again, with hysterical welcome for the living and tears for the noble dead. Across the sea, on m any a sunny field, stand the tablets which m ark the graves of America’s dead. “How sleep the brave, who sink to rest By all their country’s wishes blest!” In hospitals and homes still live the wounded and maimed, the helpless and blind. Today let us rem ember them let us be thankful to them let us yield them our reverence and our devotion. They are America’s true Nobility—chevaliers without fear and without reproach. NATIONAL CANNED GOODS SALE BEGINS FRIDAY See us for your Q uantity Purchase. You Will Save About 20% By Buying in Case Lots Friday and Saturday a special Demonstration. Stidd’s Tam ales in the husk, hom e-made, boneless chicken. Try one. P hon e First National Bank OF SPRINGFIELD Your Health • • “Such a book has been needed a good many years. and lntelll|tentlv wrUteB. _____ „ _ ltK wo * w - ah our laws concerning the relations of the sexes wore »ritten with the gallantry of a young man about to marry the Dearest Girl in the World. EGGIMANN’S Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9 C olorful scenes rich in historical anti rom antic sig­ nificance. Fantastic Apache I rail of Arizona. Great cities o f the west and south. 1 he luxurious comfort of famous transcontinental trains. Travel cast through California and the southland. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Id Paso w ith Juarez just across the border, on through 1 exas and Louis­ iana to glamorous New Orleans. T h en east or north hy train or Southern Pacific steam ship to New York. A w ondrous journey. Go now. Stopovers at many points cn route. <•’ • Four train, daily .outbbound, Including the “Shasta” over- nivht t.» S.in Fran, ¡»tv, and “h.-iithern California Egpress direct to 1 a , « Angel.». From C alifornia the world fam ous “Sunset Limited” through the southland. Qet ¡urlher JctaiU tnday. Southern Paci€ic CARL OLSON, A gent