> THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH U R SD A Y NOVEMBRE M. 1926 PAGE TH R EE*' CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery o’clock In he afternoon of said day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS on prices on plats and other work, tf at Che Southwest front door of the County Court house. In Eugene, i-aae NOTICB IH HEREBY GIVEN that County. Oregon, offer for sale and sell the undersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Charles I ADMINISTRATOR H NOTICE OK for cash, at public auction, subject te redemption as provided by law, all o< Gorrle. deceased, by the County Court HALE OK REAL PROPERTY of Lane County, Oregon. All persons) Notice Is hereby given that the the right, title and interest of said having claim« against said estate are „nderslgm-d Administrator of the defendant N. H. Kalr, and all persoM required Io present them with the estate of John M Williams, deceaaed claiming by. through or under him in proper vouchers to l ie undersigned wlt| on and af„ .r Saturday, the 11th I and to said premises. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sa. w in ( S I ,,f. '.”‘5 7 * KA"* ,|ay of 1928. pursuant to | Lane County, Oregon. 981 Willamette Street, In Eugene. Ore an ordi r of the Probate Court of O 14-2128: N 4-11 gon, within six months from the date c OUBty, Oregon, duly made and ° f nt^rv?h,, • u’ rv »bi ♦ntered. off»r for Male and m HI at prl DATED at Eugene Oregon, this va(„ MaIe at thp offlcpH of ,^ an SU M M O SH * Brooke In Eugene. Oregon, to the ¡ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THB AUCTION HALE WANTED—Several cars one and hwo 14th day of October, 1928. 1 of highest bidder for cash or part cash I S' STATE OF OREGON FOR LANS 24 HEAD DK WORK MCI.EH 24 Inch side cut. Old growth Yellow lh" Estate of i hades I. Gorrle, d c-ian,| [>ar, on terms satisfactory to the' C 'OUNTY. 4 HEAD OK IIORHEH-4 Kir only. Address Coen Lumber ceased ___- __- »•_. : ______ 1 undersigned, subject to the approval Nina Walls. Plalntlc Vs., James L» Nov. 11 Till» stin k belonging Io the Atkinson Company, Roseburg. N 11-13 Walls. Defendant of the Court, the following described Construction company of I‘or I land. To James I-. W alls. Defendant: real property belonging to said estate, W AN TED To trade for Sprlnrll. Id IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATB to-wlt: Ore,, will all bo sold to the highest SUMMONS Properly. New modern live room The West 100 feet of Lots 2 and 3 OF OREGON: You are hereby bidders. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of Block 4, Mulligan's Donation to Eu- qulred to appear and answer the com ­ house In Eugene Hee John Robert- HATURDAY. NOV. 13. 1928 »on at Danner Motor Co. N 11-18 HTATE OF OREOON FOR I.ANE gene City on the West, now a part ef plaint died against you In the abov« COUNTY. Hale starting promptly at I 1*. M. Eugene, I-ane County. Oregon. entitled suit on or before six week» Joyce Reeves, Plalnllff, vs. George Also: An undivided one-fifth Inter- from date of first publication of thl« —s t — Tf) LEASE—For bunting season r.f 8. Reeves. Defendant. le s t In and to lots 1. 2 and 3 and 9E'4 summons, or for want thereof the GIIEERH AUCTION MARKET ducks and geese the hunting right To George H Reeves. Defendant: lof SW '4, Hec 1; the SE'4 of N E'4; plaintiff will take Judgment against Corner 4tb and High street on the land known as the J. M. IN THE NAME OF THE HTATEjE'4 of SW '4; WH of8E% and lots 3 you and will apply to the court for Eugene, Ore. Phllpott Place. Jennie L. Phllpott. OF OREGON. You nre hereby re- and 4 of Hec. 9; NE'4: NE*4 of the relief prayed for In t.ie complaint qulred to appear and answer the com - N W '4; W‘4 of NW '4; 814 of 8 E t4 ; and for a decree of absolute divoren This slock was uacd |n constructing O 22 28: N 4-11 plaint filed against you In the abov- NE14 of SE'4: Sec. 11; SE'4 of from you and annullment of the mar­ the low pass highway to Mapleton, entitled suit on or before six weeks! fjB I4; NW'4 of NW ’4 and lots 3 and contract. guaranteed good workers and all of ROOK RKP A 1K IN Q — Old roofs made from date of ffrst publication of this I 4 of 8ec. 15; lot 1 of Sec. 17. contaln- riage This summons Is published one# to last by a paving process will summons. or for want thereof the inK |n a|| J077 acres, all In Township good alse. Ages ranging from 6 each week for six consecutive week« save you money and grief, Let« plaintiff will take Judgment against ‘ jg south range 4 east of W M to I years. In the 8prlngfle4 Interest In Dated and first published October 28, 1. T. Loomis. Eugene. tf. ATKINSON CONSTRUCTION CO., her care. the west H of SW '4 : SE'4 of SW'4 ; 1926. Owners WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney J. K GREEK. Auctioneer N II. for Plaintiff Residence and Postoffiee Address Eugene. Oregon. O 28: N 4-11-18-25: D 2-j A toothpick Is more sanitary to i s a i i o n i u nang or Eugene. Oregon use In testing cakes that a broom Hon. G. K. Bklpworth, Judge of sai l E o, w M und Mary Frances Long as eseent- Court, made September 28. 1926 and Also: An undivided '4 Interest In NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVB- straw The holder muy he kept with ors o the I-ast Will and Testament first published September 30. 1926 MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE and to SW>4 of SE'4. Sec. 1, lot 4. other cooking materials. of George Sanderson. Deceased., WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney Sec 2; lot 3; SW '4 of SW '4: NE«4 NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Plaintiffs, vs. Thomas K Barton for Plaintiff. Residence and post of­ of SW '4. Sec. 3; SE'4 of SW '4. Sec. pursuant to a resolution of the Towa and l-urle Barton, his wife; Joh.i fice address. Eugene. Oregon 6; NE'4 of NW14; W'4 of N E '4 ; Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- SUMMONS M Barton; Betty Jane Wiseman S 30: O 7-14-21-28: N 4-11 SE'4 of N E'4: NW*4 of SE'4. Sec. ed August 30th. 1926, and a -warrant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB und J W. Wiseman, her husband; 7: NH of NE'4; NW '« of N W '4. iggnwj the town Recorder there» STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E ’ Surah K Martin and Frank Martin, OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NW'4 of S W ',. Sec. 10. a!I In tow n -, under directing me to advertise and county of l a n e her husband; Josephine Melnls; NOTICE - th’' Oregon, as the time and place range 3 E. of W M. and containing passed In all 160 acres, all of said lands be­ 25th. 1911 and November 8th, 1911» you fall to so appear |n the above en­ In Hi«' property descrlbwl In the | for the final settlem ent of sald^ Estate. ing in Lane County, Oregon. th a t I w ill on th e 12th titled cause within the said period of) compliant herein , DafendAuts. HAROLD J WELLS. Dated this 4th day of November, day of N ovem ber 19 2,6 at six weeks from the dale of the drat' Administrator. SUM M O NS 1926 the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M. publication of this summons, the plain 1 TO Thomas K. Barton and Lucie WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. LOUIS E. BEAN. Administrator of said day. in front of the Town Hall tiff will apply to the Court for the ro í Burton. Ills wife; John M Burton- N 4-11-1825: D 2: Estate of John M W illiam s, deceased. jn Spr(n wu office, fum i lumi iu#r Springfield WANTED Lady Wliluu housework by hour or day. by hour prefered. Aililrr.u H oi 17». gprlngftold. If TO TRADE Lula 2 and 3, Bloch 1. K E Knpncr addition to Bprlngfield to trade for Portland property, luiu Bandar. 1500 Villard Ave Port­ land, Dragon o »1: n 411 H P M M lIN H IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE HTATE OK OREOON, IN AND Kolt DANE COUNTY Ira A Baker and Effie D Raker, llua- liund and Wife. Plaintiff«, va„ lunar H Davla, or I,la unknown h"lrs nt law. If he 1« deceased. al»o all other peraona or purtlr» unknown claim •n< any rlatht. title, eetate. Intercut or let. In or upon the deal entate In Inc complaint described. Defend- anta. To lunar s Davla or hl» unknown • ir» at law. If he la deceaaed, si no all oilier peraona or partlce unknown claiming any right. title, aatate. in tereut or lien In or upon the real ♦ ntaie in the complaint described. De­ fendants IN THE NAME OK THE HTATE OK OREGON, Vop are hereby requlr- ml to iippnar anti answer the com­ plaint tiled against you In the above entllled suit. within «lx wi-eks from the 2Mlh day of October. 1928 the dale of the flmi publication of this Summon», lo w ll: On or before Krl day the lOOl «Uy of December. 1928. and If you »0 fall to «newer, for want thereof, plaintiff« will lake Judgment and d x ree against you a» prayed for In their complaint- to-wlt: That their title to the Knut sn acre« of the Soil I h west quarter of Section Eleven. Township Nineteen South. Rang" Four West o f the W illamette Meridian. In I-ane County. Oregon, be by the Court forever established and quieted a» against all (be defendant». whotb«r named or described; that you be forever barred anil estopped from having nr claiming any right, till* . Interest or eslp le In or to »aid land« or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff'» lille und for such other »«■ U.. »«.« W »« J- IT79VI11 1» 89 11 VID, I 11« lluda <4 n IJ OdlllO and further relief as shall be by the THIS SUMMONS Is served upon Um.wn" ¿„rf l'.'s who "have or’'H aim Lan'- ‘'(,un,y- Or,,*on *» the time and October. 1926. in said court The Pad- Sike-s. Assessed to Thomas and 9al- Cottrl deemed Just and cqultuhln In you by publication thereof In the " ,11b e X t e . li.-,^, or In’ eresl^ 7 ^ bh'< . ^ H 'lons to th" same. savin gs A- I-oan Association, a ,ie sik eg. ths> premise«. final settlem ents of said Washington corporation, plaintiff, re- Terms cash Till» summon« Is served by publlca- Springfield News once each week for tue properly described In the cckji - and for Estate «overeil Judgment against Emma C. Springfield.’Oregon. October 14 192«. week ___ for — »lx ;» Defen __________ . 1* su cc e ssiv e weeks In conformity plaint herein I>efendantn. lion thereof oner ■ each DORA O. TURNEY. Executrix Opie and Harry J Opie. defendants JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal auccissive w e e k , la the Springfield with the order of the Hon G K Skip- i x THE NAME OK THE STATE WELLS Ä WEI.1,9. Attorneys. for the sum of »3800.00. together wltn of the Town of Springfield. Oregon, News, puhllsed In Springfield Oregon. wt’tTh. Judge of the above entitled o f OREGON: You are hereby re- N 4-11-18-25: D 2: interest thereon at the rate of 10 per q 14-21-28: X 4-11 bv order of Ilon G K Sklpworfh. qulred to appear and answer the com- cent per annum from May 6. 1926 - __ The date of the first publication of p|n|nt filed aamst you In the above Juitgi of said Court entered on the until paid, and for the further sum of 25th day of Gdolier. 1926. anil the this »ummons It September .10. 1926 entitled Court and cause, within six NOTICE TO CREDITORS together with interest thereon NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- first publication thereof was made on The date of the last publication of u- ,.ks from the date of the first pub NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the rate of 10 per cent per annum MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE this summons is November IL 1926. illcatio n of this summons, and If you the 28th ilav of October. 1926. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That B. O I m MRL, [ ja|| to g4) appear and answer, for the underelgned has by order of the from August 14. 192« until paid, and a E w iiu i i ,11 kttoTMy for Attorney for Plaintiff. Resldenor wan, th ereof'th e plaintiff will applv County Court of the Stute of Oregon for the further sum of »11.84 together pursuant to a resolution of the Town P laintiffs, residing In anil whose post and postoffice address; Eugene, Ore- t|„. Court for the relief prayed for .for the County of Lane, duly made w-ith interest thereon at the rate of Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- office add ress is Eugene. Oregon. 9 30: O 7 14 21 28 N 4 11 |„ rhe complaint to-wlt- for a decree and entered been duly appointed 10 per cent per annum from August «4 August 30th. 1926. and a «arrant « 1 8 : N 4 11 18 25: D 2 9 ------------------------------------------------------- vou and each of yOu have no (administrator of the Estate of Oscar 13, 1926 until paid, and for the further issued by the town Recorder thero- ' right, title. Interest or e sta te wha' Parsons, deceased, and all persons sum of »350.00 attorneys fees and the, under directing me to advertise and ever in or Io the following described having claim s against said «‘slate are costs and disbursements here.n In th e : „eii. in the manner provided by law, ri al properly- ' herebv notified Io present the same, sum of »16.50. which Judgment was the following described property. The East half of the Benjamin H properly verified to the administrator • nrolled and docketed in the Clerk's Lot Eight (8) Block Two 12) Hunt'« Barton and R.-becca .1 Barton Dona P, "he oflt.-e of Frank. A DePue. the office of said court In said < ounty on Addition to the Town of Springfield. Don L11111I Claim No. 47. Notification I attornev for the estate nt Springfield, the 14th day of October 19.6. and sa d Oregon No 7191. In Sections 4 and 5. Town-, Ore„„n withln six months from the execution to me directed commanding for dellnqnent town improvement Hem II u . » .1 I , mrx xo rtorxxo \T tho IFA- assessed v— me in in tV the name r of the Mtnto State ivy of I Ore- by Ordinance No. Of) 243. nnaaoil passed ship 17. South Range 1 West of th e , ,jat,, oj this notice. j gon. in order to satisfy said judgment, „„a approved June 15th, 1911, Willamette Meridian, excepting the) Dated November 4. 1926. 1 interest, attorneys foes, costs of suit t h a t I w ill on th e 12th i ell on the South side of said, M M PEERY, Administrator. Your Home When In , and accruing costs to sell the follow- ,|ay o f N ovem ber 19 2.6 at claim and lying East of the McMeekini FRANK A. DePVE. Attorney. Springfield ,in g described deal properly, to-wit: the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M. (claim in Lane County. Oregon N 4-11-1825: D 2: ____ _______ Lot five (5) in Block one (1). In saj•». in tP T P S t 3 t 6 T Springfield, Ora. Iiilv'Í8»5 which Is recorded In Book of »aid County ¡ hour of one o'clock in the afternoon , cent from June i fi, h 1920. K i>n Page 788 thereof of the Deed | and appointing Monday, the 6th da of ga)d day at tj,e Southwest front Present owner Maggie J. France. Records of Lane Countv, Oregon, of December, 1926. a t, te" „ ’ ’door of the County Court house, in A ssessed to Maggie J. France. GEO.. N. M cL E A N Itecoriis ot . . m for the hearing of objections to Eugene Lane county. Oregon, offer Tepma cash he reformed so as to properly des­ said account and the settlem ent of ca(rtK at pubRc auc- : Springfield. 'Oregon. Octobei 14. 1928. Automobile, F ire end L ife Onll cribe the premises therein Intended said estate. IN S U R A N C E « in n « n b t e c t t o redemution as orovlded , JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal DATED at Eugene. Oregon, this 4th Hon, subject to red‘‘«np4ion P;”™ lof the Town of Springfield. Oregon. to be conveyed, to-wlt: 8ur«ty Bonde,. Phone S17 SUTTON TRANSFER by law. all the right, title and interest The East half of the Benjamin R I day o{ Novetnl>er. 1926 O 14-21-28: N 4-11 My buelnese le to protect your « ’ Barton and Rebecca J. Barton Dom- JAMES LAXTON. Administrator of ! of sai(1 defendants. Emma C. Opie and bu'tlneee RENA C. LAXTON Harry J. Opie, and all persons claim­ tion I,and Claim No 47, Notification the Estate of Phon« 57 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Orego, 21 No 7191. In Sections 4 and 5. Town­ Deceased. ing by. through or under them or any NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE ship 17, South Range 1 W est of the N 4-11-18-25: D 2 or either of them in and to said '¡W illam ette Meridian in Igine County. premises. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Oregon. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff, HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT pursuant to a resolution of the Tooro ^ A S B Y BROS. ' This summons Is served upon you of Lane County, Oregon. DR. N. W. EM ERY Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt­ Notice is hereby given that Fred 1 by publication thereof for six eonse- O 21-28; NJ-11-18 ed August 39th. 1926. and a warrant jrutlve weeks in the Springfield News, Wallace as filed his final account as NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON (Issued by the town Recorder there- DENTIST Painting & Decorating a newspaper of general circulation, administrator of the estate of John EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ¡under directing me to advertise and 8utton Bldg. Phon« 20-J published in Lane County. Oregon, in T Wallace. Deceased, and that me in all its branches Notice is herebv given that by vir sell, in the manner provided by law, conformity with the order of the Hon. court has fixed as the time for hear­ Raaldenco Phon« 153 M ing the same 10:00 A. M. of iJ^*" J®-, tue of an execution ............ and ....................... order of sale following „4 described property 312 Main Street f . the Beginning ll-ZK-t Z V/S orablo G. F. Skipworth. Judge of the 1926. at the office of the county Judge jn foreck)sure ¡8SUed « out of A the Clr- at ill, the Northwest corner Springfield, Oregon ¡above entitled Court, made and en in the court house in Eugene, CUR Court of Lane County. Oregon, ¡of Block 67 of W ashburns SubdivU ttllt'vxr « a.«-........... thp ft(h ()av of October. 1926, in a , sion of Springfield Investment and tered on the 27t,h day of October. All persons interested in said ac- «a said antri time ♦ I »« 4‘ and «Til suit wherein . . on the . .<■»*»_ day J__ of April, , I Power t».. . - Í’ .v» wn tv xr ‘ a Addition AHrlitirtn t to Ft the thfl 1926 Date of first publication there­ c^unt may aP P^r at 13th Company's DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL of is the 28th day of October. 1926_ pl FREl"'1 WALLACE,1 Administrator. 1926. in said court Irvin R. Fox. plain- Town of Springfield. Oregon; running I, L. RAY, Attorney for Plaintiffs. tiff recovered Judgment against the ¡thence south 119 feet; thence East DENTIST •VMnfllee Address. Eugene, Oregon. » D ALLEN, attorney for estate. defendant N. H. Fair, for the sum of ¡100 feet; thence North 119 feet; JEW ELER O 28: N 4-11-18-25: D 2-9 »225.00, with Interest there on at the 5 thence W est 100 feet to the place of Nll-18-25: D 2-9 Phone 43 rate of 7 per cent per annum from | beginning. Repairing a Specialty the 20th day of June. 1924. and th e ; for delinquent town improvement Hen. F irs t N a t'l Bank B ld g , Sprlngflald NOTICE TO CREDITORS Springfield. Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT further sum of 214.50 with in terest; assessed by Ordinance No. 378-379, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. T hit Notice Is hereby given that Ira. C. from July 15. 1925. at 6 per cent per passed and approved January 24.1914, CHIT Abrams, the duly appointed, ..... . appointed ...... executor of the anQUni and the further sum of » 1 1 .5 0 :th a t. I w ill on th e 12th oualineil nml acting administrator of Gates , was Testament and Codicil | which judgment was enrolled j day of N ovem ber 19 2.6 at - Will and Y o.t.i an(, docketed In the Clerk's office of the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M. WM. G. HUGHES deceaaed, has rendered and filed in thereto ot H Gates, dpceaaed. by a)(, court in said county on the 13th of said day, in front of the Town Hall FIRE ANO AUTO IN8URANCE Ihe County Court of the Slate of Ore­ order of the bounty Courty of Lane (,ay of April. 1926. and said execution ¡in Springfield. I-ane County Oregon, gon for the County of Lane, his final County. Oregon, duly made the 4th All kinds of gravol for con­ NOTARY PUBLIC directed commanding me In the i sell the above described property to account and by order of said Court. day of November. 1926. All persons to crete or road work. Vye . State of Oregon, in order .the bidder . for cash «- — > offers »„ who to pay Office at Saturday December 11. 1926 at the having claims against said estate of name ot the the assessm ent, costs, Interest and ac­ make n specialty of crushed hour of leu o'clock A. M. of said day II. Gates nre hereby notified to pres­ to satisfy said Judgment, in terest,! curing FIRST NATIONAL BANK costs and interest thereon, and rock and rock sand. Bunk­ nt Ihe County Court room in the city ent the same, with proper vouchers, costs of suit and accruing costs to Springfield. Oregon a Redemption Deed at the lowest of Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, has to the said executor at the office ot sell the following described real pro­ take ers et foot of Main on Mill rate of Interest, not greater than 15 been fixed and appointed as the day. Donald Young, attorney, 860 Willam­ perty, to-wit: street. Lots 1 and 2 in Block Two Van per cent. time and place for the hearing of ette Street, Eugene, Oregon, within Principal »926.36. Interest at 6 per H EN R Y W. CHASE. Prop. objections Io said final account and six months from the date of this Duyn's Addition to Coburg, In Lane cent from May 14th, 1920. FRANK A. DF PUE County. Oregon. the settlem ent thereof All object­ notice. Present owner, J. W. Machen. As­ Now. therefore, In the name of the Dated at Eugene. Oregon, the 11th ATTORNEY AT LAW ions must be In writing and filed with i State of Oregon, in compliance with sessed to J. W. Machen. the Clerk of said Court on or before day of November 1926. IRA C. GATES. Executor of the said execution and order of sale and Terms cash, NOTARY PUBLIC said day and time. In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ Springfield. Oregon, October 14, 1928. estate of H. Gates, deceased. A silver knife la always best for CLIFF ABRAMS, Administrator. Button Springfield JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal DONALD YOUNG. Attorney for te r e st costs of suit and accruing FRANK A. D EPU E. Attorney for testing baked cuatard. When the 18 Buldllng Oregon. costs. I will on Saturday the 13th day of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. estate. the estate. knife come« out clean the custard O 14 21-28: N 4-11 of November, 1926, at the hour ot one i Nll-18-25: D 2-9 Nll-18-25: D 2 9 done, [B U S IN E S S The Loop D IR E C T O R Y ’ W. F. Walker Funeral Director D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. f I