TIIVUSDA Y NOVEMBER 11, l»2ü FAOK TWO Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N ANNUAL ROLL CALL OF FORTUNE LOST AND RED CROSS IS STARTED FOUND ON FERRIES LAW C O U N T Y U N IT n O . U NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING NOTICE OE ROAD IHHTHItW MEETING By Special To Whom It M ay Concern: To Whom It May Conoorn; N o lle « I» hereby given that u meet Notice Is hereby given that a meet in n o f the leant voters being resident Ing o f the le g a l voters be in g re a td i'iit Annual roll call of the American taxpayers and owner» of real prop- in »pavers a n il o w n e rs of re a l p lo p Mat«*!«*»» gloves. to I1*** number of Red Cross will »tart In Sprlnglteld or'i- in Road Dl-drl. I No. 70 In I ¡tue i rty in Hoad O lid rli I No 21 in Ism « tw o or three hundred a month, to« t- today, with Mrs Bernice Van Valyah UPPER WILLAMETTE County, Oregon, will tie hei.l at th- C o iility O il «on. w ill be held «I Iho THURSTON her with adding machines, live in­ and Mrs. M. B. Huntly in general hour Hf 7 30 P M »n Hie 30th lim n » f I P M on II»- 30th day o f A D 192« al m» day of November. A D 192«. N ovem ber. S w ale Horace 11 Peel who died In Spring fants, baby buggies. diamond rings charge of the campaign In this city. Heboid In '»aid Mr and Mrs Charles Taylor at­ l h e SrhoolhoUee In s a i d U pper and cold cash were among the num- The drive for membership »111 con­ tended the funeral of Mr. T aylor.» held Sunday afternoon November 7 nl R.vad D is tric t, Io determine whether was buriel at the Pleasant Hill cerne ' Rond Dlatrlct. to determine win Hi r said road d la trlc t » h a ll le w a special •roua articles left on Southern Pad- sahl road district shnll le w a siiednl cousin Mrs Wilbur. In Eugene last tinue until November 25 lary Tuesday afternoon Mr Peel tux of $975 01 upon all llic taxable ta x o f $31133 1« upnn a ll the ta x a b le 8c ferry boats on San Franctaco Bay Lane County’s quota Is 5000 mem- Friday. e rlv In «nti! ilis lr le i fu r Hl. pur twelve and was an --- uncle of Mrs Frank Smith of I property in »aid district for the |*nr ,-itip during tbe past tw elre months monins ana laucfceon w ill take ’ Mr M nd Mrs Fred Spencer from --------- p«a« nf providing fund» f" ’ exii-nsion A roll call luncheon will tak* Mr and worth in all approximately $100,00$. » v ■ 01» » h inhn Ft I t'lovm lale an«l Mra M or tun Hritaow pose of providing funds fur graveling o f M ark* I rond » e - 1 o f C re s w e ll worm in ei . „n.-e at the Osburn hotel on Friday, RnrlUgfleM motored out to John Ml road according to Captain C F. Hewth. I _ ____,____ . ... , ,k - l r * ____ . ............ la-xler Mr and of Dexter -Mr . Peel Mr lived and Mrs. Peel lived said C P B A R N A R D Conn I v .lin lg - «’ P BARN MID. Cmintv Judge November IS. starting at 12 o'clock. mtston’s Thursday evening C L IN T O N I I I III». at Pleasant Hill several years ago superintendent of the company s CLINTON III IIP The latdies At<| S w lety met with All solicitors have been invited. County Coiumlssliiner County Comm lasinne r when the Markham« also live-,! here. ferry service. General chairman is David Gra­ Mr« Lawrence Gossler Thursday for O E CROWE. O. R. CROWE A baby girl was lai.n to Mr and Most costly of these was a woman s o -u n lv Comuilssliinor Countv Commissioner an all day meeting each lady taking Mrs ET»nk Smith of Cloverdale W cl handbag containing nearly $50.000 in ham. N 4 111« N 4 1119 Since the last Roll Call the Rid a covered dish jewelry, cash and securities found by Dr. Aston and family from Eugene nesday November 3. Cross has entered upon a Joint pro Cepo on the Deckhand Jose v D. . cep o i... .... - Steam- ----- Cour, Th„ visited Mr ana Mrs William Rennie Mrs. Jeanette Clurk and Miss ,r Santa Clara last July and returned earr,. Esther Gulllford teacher« of the last Sunday to It. owner with.n a few hour» The _______ ____________ Prank Rennie «pent the week-end Pleasant lllll public school are plan owner." Heath said . took her leee ^ » „ g . *Ftrat Aid. Junior Red wl, h Uu here He had the nlng on g'vtng a basket social Nov NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN lo th - legal volara of Bvhool lustrici No i* nt There will be a playlet of Lane County. R ials of Oregon, that a Hehool Meeting of ssl.l district ’ ul,e ca “ y . She wa* Cross and Hom« Service w>rh Wllft m,s|,wtua« to have his car robbed ember 1» at 7 10 i X t h a ^ en to io g o ’list who veterans of all wars, now d o .. th > < M ,„ ,’h.s IS «he m O .d .«me « in c given by the school. Several num I»- held st High Schiavi building »n Hie î« llh day of November 192« al . o I lm k In Ih e sflersooli for Iho purpose of discussing the hudm-t hereinafter tiers on I.»’ program will be furnls’i- set out with the levy board, and to vole on the proposition of levying » re c e n tly w a lke d off one of our boat, *, welfare work for the County. | he b,.gan , he work of a salesman recently w a lk « t it I ? * , s u n le y Gray special districi tax ........................... ..... .. . _, cd by out »Idv talent. I The total amount of money n c c ilis l bv I h - schiavi d ls lr b l during the fl»<"»l leaving behihd him . box containing ^ miIie8 ,lnan* ta! assist fanllly also Mr May from lasndax has returni-il from V 1.ar beginning »n J u ly I. 192« sn.l e n d in g June 30. 1917. 1« eMIJh«’* « In laturence luxvnl hurs^and^bw tles1 **1 ” F> ance are visited, plans made for lheir giM,n, Sunday at Frank Campbell’s . .. . ( - ' t h e following budget and Include« ihe amounts Io be r e n - ly n l fro m ih«* Corvallis where he entered 0 A .county schivivi fund, » isle arhool hind, elementary school fund special «1» ^-«P ‘ car» »ml when necessary. County re- Mrl Margaret Campbell went io He expects to return mid year ' tril l lux. and a ll o lire i m oneys o f Hie d is t r ic t: • “One morning a toother left h e r ; tin gj¥t.n Many tim es relatives and Pearhnrn Monday where she expects ll l ’DGET fci’ vu. ——-— — baby on the boat, discovering the toss friends frj>mtU \.an ‘ persuaded to he In ’ to s,„y with Dr. and Mrs. Roller Work on th - Rdditiou to the gy»f-- Estimated Expenditure« can be persuaded to heln . 0 ( {a y with Pr. and Mrs Rulter Ba lary |v-r after the ferry had departed for its them, jobs can he found, and so no Anda Calvert from W- ndltng spe.Tl 1 slum Is well under way and It is I’ERBGNAL BFRVli'E: 1 • .1 y»*»r return trip across the bay. Baby, in financial relief Is needed—Just under Saturday night at Ray Baugh ». hoped it win be completed wllhin $2400 00 $ 2400 00 Superintendent. I care of a stewardess, made the round standing advice and personal help Ifl........ 1N00 00 Harvey and Cora Calvert vtslle.l the next two weeks. Principals. I 1 :if.o 00 13&0 - North Dakota 1» visiting his al»trr 300.90 noo 00 Clerk. I JOJ 50 the boats are lost by women, the bulk I lies that can give them good homes. Mrs Zieglier (Miler service« of them during the morning rush Mr Zieelier who works at Wendl- A potalo peeler saves both tliu- $ 35.«KM 50 hours. Almost all lost articles, with Total ing spent the week-end with his fam and material In paring carrotv an-l MATERIAL AND S I’PPLIES the exception of two or three hundred POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW $ 450 no here. pursnlps us well a- potatoes. F u r n itu re u le sks. stoves, c u rta in s , e tc I GAIN OF 7.5 PER CENT lly Mrs 75 ’’0 odd gloves a month, eventually are Charlie Hastings and son S u p p lie s (c h a lk , erasers, etc t 50 «0 Springfield’s postal receipts, bar. - James went on the excursion t i returned safely o the owners." l.lb r a r v hooks Btale cake makes an e x c e lle n t d- «• 230 no meter of business conditions, showed Klamath Falls Sunday. Man Training I «5 no sert when steamed and served w llhj T ele p h o n e s 7.5 per cent gain in October over The Thurston Bible school has sauce. 336 0‘> Clover Fined Janitors Supplies the receipts of a corresponding per- joined In the contest. "Hold I’h- 701 2$ I’m 1 Llne’’ put on by the Ixvokout. It sturt 300 no Fred Clover, arrested Saturday iod of 1925 A 'pumpkin makes a nice fruit or l.lglvl 340 00 Bight for drunkeness. was fined $10 Postmaster Hamlin expressed confi- ed last Sunday with 54 present. ____ flower basket for fa ll ta b le decors W a te r 300 00 bv Justice of the Peace R W. Smith dence that the receipts for the year J o- Singer and Charlie Zlegll-r tlcn Postage und stationery «o no llom estlc S cien ce when he appeared in court Monday. *1» ’ «><»w one of the best gsdna In motored to Portland last Tuesday re­ ---- "■ the history of the postofflee. The last turning Thursday $ 2.9«« 3ft .C lothes left on the line until the T(jU, — quarter of the year, is always the dew fall» are much nicer to Iron than MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS $ 1145 «1 largest because of the holiday mail­ Building and ground« DANCE Steven» Hall Every Satur­ when dampened by hand. ing. got off with a fly in g start with day Night. Garrett's Orecbestra. if. « 1146 41 Total the good October figures, and a high Rubbing the hot cake griddle with indebtedness record is predicted. s 1900 os Watch repairing done correctly. Bonds snd Interest tbereivn freshly cut potato eliminate« the 4800 00 Warrants and Intere»! therw u We will make your Suit or Work in today—Out tomorrow. Hovt necessity for greasing the pnn HELP W ANTED 331 .Main sL tf. Dress, will alter or remodel I 9700 00 Total 4Ï0 0« $ your old one, will Clean and Wanted—The Durable Hosiery Corp­ . When preparing pumpkin pies, the i n BCKANCR: 300 00 oration desire a premanent Direct- $ Press or Dye them. NOTICE OE ROAD DISTRICT flavor Is Improved by adding »pice» MISCEI.I»ANBOVS: 690 fit) $ to-CuBtomer Representative in the w c . . . ' ,F'KT '’S‘G and nugar to the pumpkin toward« EMERGENCY: 240 Main Street To Whom It May Concern: Springfield territory. Good com­ $49.900 1« Notice Is hereby given that a m -et.jlb e end of the cooking process missions. High quality merchan­ THE Ing of the legal voters being resident. ■■ - ESTIMATED RECEIPTS dise Give age. exp., etc In first taxpayers and owners of rial prop-| jn making a jelly-roll, cracking 1» 7327 10 From county schnol fund during the coming school year 117« 4$ letter. District Manager. P. O. N Box (1 c X t y . " c X ^ w l n he.d'n.,''atn h*: P ™ "«•'- by ,h - From slate schisvl fund during the coming school year 4901 30 From elementary school fund during ihe coming schisvl year 3«7 Klamath Palls, Oregon. _ . hour of 2 P M on the 20th day vf off ° f the «lodF») before rolling Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current 6912 5« November. A. D . 1926. at the Mi - year > Kenxie Bridge Schoolhouse In «aid Soaking game in In »alt water over 19,117 44 whether $ I j Road District, to determine wh-ther .„v,— ,..u .h , u r n n i n iv i.r Total estimated rn elp t». not Including proposed tax said road district shall levy a «peclal1nl«h• ,h’‘ ,,' ronK n,,vor RECAPITULATION: tax of $5596 36 upon all the ta xa b le " $ 49 900 IS Total estimated expenses for the year property In «aid district for the pur-' A dish of cold watpr work» w ill ii $ 19.117 44 Total estimated receipts not Including proposed tax pose of providing fund« for 3 Mills to „,^ ¡„,5 the oven off when It Is to v widen O’Larry grade on Eoley Spring 9 30.7K2 72 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax Road, one half mill on King road, one n • Da'ed this 29th day of October. 1926. — 1 one half mills on Belknap road Attest It W SMITH. District Clerk P. BARNARD. County Judge. A good way to elim inate starch F E LOCK. Board of Directors C L IN T O N IIV R D . W G HUGHES. making is to serve boiled rlie on « County Commissioner Saturday anil use the water In which HOY W C A R L T O N O. E CROWE. Citizen Assistants J ( ’ M c M C R R A Y . -, It was cooked - n Monday for starch­ Countv Commissioner G EO II D IT T O . N4 11 ing. Rice water reully work« bell -r N 4 11-1S C A SWAIITS than starch. N OTRE OE ROAD DISTRICT MEETING Guest towel« are often made from To Whom It May Concern: N iitle e 1« hereby riven that a meet- old linen dresses. 1 ing of the legal voters being resident --------- taxpayer« and owner: of real prop- ,r ar„ satisfactory ertv In Road District No. 19. in Lane Countv. Oregon, will be held at the