T o d a y M a rk » E ig h t Y e a r a o f P eace. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS. S P R IN G F IE L D . L A N E C O U N T Y , O R EG O N , T W K N T Y - T lllU n Y E A H OIS IBICI HAS «39 G rid Team R eady For Lebanon Tilt T H U R S D A Y N O V E M B E R 11, 1926 Th« A P e o p le I P a p e r*- LIVC NEWSPAPER _ L iv e TOWN N U M B E R 44 A rm istice Day Is Observed Q uietly AT WESTFIR MILL Game Start» This Afternoon At 1 Presentation of Colors Only W IL L A M E T T E R E U N IO N 3 P. M. Visitors Reported Ceremony; Stores and Mill A T T E N D E D BY M AN Y Census is Completed and Re- Heavy O utfit Close; Meeting at 2:15 ported to Board by Clerk Hprliixfield's flxhttiiK ( imj II ih II team, Fortner Willamette students living The anniversary of the silencing of G ir l* Outnum ber i aided and abetted by »cor«« of bowl- In Springfield were away over the Smith guns on the Western Front Is being Vacation Date» are I lug fan», today will defend Ita umnar- week ' lid attending the annual home Boy»: observed . In Hprlngfleld today as coming of the Salem Methodist Insti­ Arranged at Meeting. , red victory record again»! the on- W. C. Woodard Replaces Col« onel George Kelly, founder of Large Operation, and W ill be President and General Man« ager; Other Changes Made. quietly as It was noisily celebrated on that memorable ifny In 1918. School »«•' children In the Spring Reorganization o f the W ester* Stores, banks, mill and schools ar t Lumber company, which operates one on «l«v«n In the toughest gridiron field dtalrlc-t number »39. « eubetan- of the largest sawmills in Western j closed. Many Springfield people will tlul Kntn thh* tifii** last year. liMltle to he waged on Itrattaln Held Gregoo at Westfir, has been complet­ , attend the patriotic ceremonies in till« year. The Armistice Day crowd hi »< rclliia to the uiiiiiim I school c««n ed with the retirement from the man­ Eugene, which include a parade lu will »line»» I be opening kickoff ut hum com ph* t < <1 by <’l«»k It W H in llh agement of Colonel George Kelly, ! which the it 0 . T. C. cf the Uolveru* formerly of Springfield, as general unri reported to the uchool hoard to 3 o'clock | ity of Oregon and the Eugene Amerl- manager and principal stockholder. c u fi « ir i/tr t i a /i 11 n u r t l f i r m t o While Ilia superior weight and the BcMHloti Tuesday night. can ( ^ Legion will participate W, C. Woodard, an experienced The census allows that there are pfkvlng tactics of the Lebanon team The only observance ot a ceremoni­ lumberman ot Silverton, is the new Indldktfe that Hprlngfleld must play 387 boy* and 4f»2 girl* o ver (o u r y e ars ous nature In Springfield will be the i psy»Went and general k *• of Ug< anil iim b r 20 A complete can a deft naive game totluy. there la no League G ives F la y presentation of the colors at the op ej ■Sanager. tlntf r t'oath Walter 1,Vnwl,k'* Fenwick'» va « of the district was conducted by doubt ,loub' "'*r "“ h Wa,t,‘r The Girls League of the Spring- i ¡Off of the football game between ' Changes In the administrative forces Sim ili, will, the assistance of Mr-. "»<1. feau d gridlrm, exp-rts will do a i of the big mill has also taken place Held High school on Friday afternoon ; Springfield and Lebunun at Brattaia little offensive work on their own Jim« Crussn. John Ketela, Mr» W H. at 3: IS o'clock will present a one-act | held tills afternoon. The Sprlngflepj with the new manager In charge, (•aula tiixl h. K rh»»uipN«»n Konu'ia part. The Springfield players during play, "Mrs. Willis' Will " Hugo Ilallin.superintendent, is also J P«»t of tile American Legion has the Wreck have been put through con- of lb«« cenailt have been forward«««! A slight admission will be eharg d . charge of these exercise», which will leaving the mill it is reported. Io lb«« County H« bool Super!nb orient- alderabic drill work In ofSenatve and the public are urged to attend. I probably take place at 3 o'clock The Western Lumber mill wag plays, although Coach Fen UIrk ha» Vacation rial««* w ire «•( by the The play receipts will lie used for a ; Veterans of all wars will assemble built two years ago under the direct­ kept his men more Intensively ». hourri at Tu«**«lay nicht ‘a aetalon. Christmas box to be sent by th “ at the Woodmen of the World Hall at ion of Colonel Kelly, who built the Thu Springfield school will not work of defending against attack League to the childrens farm home 2:16 o'clock th is afternoon. From Springfield mill of the Booth-Kelly A week-end s reat has given the open on the FVlriay after TbankN(f‘v» ut Corvallis. ; there they will march to the Brattal.i 1 company when he was one of Its log November 2«. and Turkey |». v Hprlngfleld team an opportunity to ■ owners. The new mill at the mouth ------------------------ grounds to attend the football game. Itaelf will I.« u holiday Bprlngflel-l «' I Iqlo flrst cla»» condition, and all Ladies of 0 . A. R. Meet The game of which high school --------------------, « of the North Fork Is regarded as lo- High School'» football leant will pl«v flrst string nun will " be In uniform Above, G o v A i Smith, four times rated at a gtretegic point to saw the Ladles of the G. A. ft. will meet 1 students gave the city a vigorous governor of New York and again ,, _ . . . . ’ ('ullage Grove there on Thunkaglvlng when the whistle blows this after­ Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock nt announcement with a down-town rally heading Htand of tlmber 00 the heading to to a a convention convention battle battle for for noon. The starting line up probably day. U illamette is under the Woodman of the World Hall. Mrs. last night, promises to be the best the Democratic Presidential nomi- i . Cutting -------- - — — —• con- - Christmas vacation will start on will run about like thia: Pollard nation, held the eyes of the nation tract w ith the Cascade National For­ Lucy I'K henor. department Inspector, I attended of the season here, December 24. the day preceding center; Squires, right guuril; Morse, tiu in his race for fo r reelection rééle ctio n pvf — O the .X. . this s week week in his race e s t thil the tlmhiie timber kniesew being placed _ on will be present Mrs C. F Kgglmann. , Many Springfield people are out of Christinaa day. Schoo) will atari left guard; Hardesty, right tackle; to the governorship. Below, Smith's ,narket with the 8tart, f Republican neoonent, Ogden L. _ s Thompson, left tackle; Gregg, right head of the local circle, has urged the city, a large number attending again «n January 3, KjJjZ" • the Natron cutoff. that all members be present. the football game in Portland be These dates are effective In all the end; Palmer. left end; Cox, quarter­ Colonel Kelly retired from the tween O. A. C. and U. 9. C. Others back;’ Squires, right half; Cowart, potille schools of the city A u x ilia r y P lan s B en efit Booth-Kelly company before the war are on holiday trip« elsewhere. The hc>ar Srf.in_fi(.1(1 - , v manaer mander of the Springfield post of th« th« witnessed In action today so far has finances, the Dixie Jublle-» Quartet, nouncKt SC H O O L PR O G RA M N E T S Want Happened to ,o n e ’ -' • HP- »olidated Creamery, and purchase ,f Amerlcan Le»st Week's gone undefeated, drawing everything composed o f four negro m eslclans of $ 6 1 FOR PLAYSHED ownershi by Mr k r m eelln« A full roster of candidate» from the winning pack from one-point unusual ability, will give a program roaring comedy starring Reginald ,_____ _ ngnn . by “ ' Cyr' for for Legion offices w as nam ed a and nd «wnersn.p at the high school on the evening of Denny, will be presented on the J Legion ___ offices waa named, wins to large-score vlctorlee. Today'» The sum of »8 ISO was netted In screen a . the feature of the enter- h * ™ 6 kDOWn tOday' , _____________________ _ November 17. The program starts j further nominations will be called the "Merry Go-Round'* entertainment gayne against Lebanon a team which at 8 o'clock. There will be no re­ talnment. In addition .there will be The change actually took effect on f° r at tlje two nxet meetings, after presented by children of the Itrattaln whipped Albany before the Hub City served seats. five acts of vaudeville with local tai- October 1. It was announced. Mr. which election will be conducted, School yesterday, It was announced boys walloped Eugene, will try the ent performing. has — not shaped are: Ven» I | Moshier ---- w yet completly »uai^u v Others i u m named namea for ior offices omces are: Vem by Mrs Gra Head llemenway. princi­ mettle of Coach Fenwick's protege« Ihe matinee will start at 3:30 definite plans for the future, and Woolley, flrst vice commander Win- as never before. S ocial P lan ned pal of the school. The fund« will ne x 'k k ,or f o r ich r - s s— Fenwick hold scriiiimnge this Week in order to better handle the meat ness nmeHnJ * h“*** H IG H SC H O O L PLAY T O , packing end of the business. 1 “ ‘••'«” 8. »taught» of ih« heavy, crafty l-eban- tution. ’ Among those who went down were Hr. and Mrs. W II. Pollard. Ml»» Frances Hodge. Mr and Mrs V. D. Hulu, Ml»s Pauline Miller and Ml»» ' Fav Spalding Accompanying Miss Spalding home Ml«s May Spalding, her sister. ■ ■ e . — .8 _ t Ib u who visited for a « few days n at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. $1,250,000,000 for Good Roads in 1927 BE G IV E N D EC EM B ER 3 H A N N A H S H ID L E R G E TS Postponement of the Springfield The Springfield and Lane County j Creamery manufactures Rosebud and T H R E E ARE V IC T IM S Jersey butter . OF A C C ID E N T S H E R E H IG H E S T G RADE H O N O R S High school p|Hy, “ Elisa Comes To in .,, . , , Slay." from November II. to H e.... ‘ her 3 whs annoiincHl Imlay. The play h , ‘ Pr*"g,lel'1 H'*1' I........ mg prepare, by the Drama,lc X S W°" M'"" H“"n,lh («j„b , lihllor. announcement of the honor CHS. for ,1,e comedy fo„ow s: 1 M iss' Shl'd."^’' h'K'! ,nd‘C*‘,’< Hon. Handy Vcrrall “ b ' r r,'c''lv"«1 ‘h™ ’ fflWl'i" .. , «hove 1», and one above »r. per ecu' A - x S loop ............. M<‘"— ........... Herbert Lady Elizabeth , ................... .......... .. M-Vey ' w Freeman Squires, ((f #0 T m l X " ¿ .r o w r * ” l' P ** her ' C' mm v S s : ■ s ,,,h *............ *...................... HIM., n in I ’ M“y,,r’ ' Mar»‘"-et Mortensen Hilda Ditto K„thpr Mclfip rson, Nadine M< Mur " ray. H O R A CE G. PE EL D IE S Myrtle Manning, Margaret Oder- A T R E S ID E N C E H E R E klrk, Dora Psderson, William Pollard. Lucille Richmond, Lawrence Roof. Fnneml services were conduct-'d Nellie Hankey, Hannah Shidler, Tuesday afternoon at the Walker Audrey Shults. Maxine Snodgrass. (Impel for llnroce G. Peel, who died Wlnnlfred Tyson, Hilda Wagner, at his West Springfield residence Evelyn Walker ami Laudelle Will­ Hundny ut the Ago of «8 yours. iams. Born In Wisconsin, Mr. Peel at the age of 21 moved to North Dakota, Neighbors Elect ■where he married Mary B. Markham Officers were elected by the Neigh­ In 1900. In 1921 ho camo to Oregon. bors of Woodcraft lust night. Mrs. Ho had poor health for many years. Ida Adams was named guardian Hurvlvlng him are his wife, one neighbor; Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. ad.; brother. Robert Peel of Big Sandy, Nina McPherson, clerk; Ada McPher- Mont., and a sister, Mary Loomis of son. hanker; Lillie Kizer, mag.; Roda Coe,a Mora. Calif. Rev. Gabriel Lloyd, (a p t. Guard; Kate Williams, Sykes of the Methodist church con- I S.; Dollle Hunter, O, 8.; Mamie riKted the services. Mr. Peel was a Richmond, flagbearer; Flora Huntly, mrmber of the Methodist church for correspondent; Mnry Magill, Mabie many years. Mortensen, Minnie tlirar-« m-nagers. V. ra I awrence Mr»“ E ll/a Miss Mary B. Ellison, of Fifth street, sustained a broken arm and FO O T B A L L B A T T L E S minor injuries when the automobile in which she was riding overturned The opening of the Oregon Aggie after a collision at Seventh and O Trojan football game at Portland's streets Sunday morning Multnomah stadium today will see Miss Ellison was rushed to a Eu­ many Springfield residents in the gene hospital and given care by j stands to witness one of the ou t-! local physicians. ( standing gridiron clashes of the coast Milo Dee. of Springfield, sustained conference season. a painful wound to his hand when d Among those who will be p resen t' l