T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS TH U R SD A Y NO VK M U K It I, 192« PAGE SEVEN o'clock In he afternoon of »aid day, »«|| lh>- following d«-»crlhed re a ll THEN HUBBY FAINTED , a t the Southw est front door of th e ,perty, to-wlt i F riend W ile ha»i Just been pr«»ent- C o u n ty C o u rt b o u s e . in E u g e n e . l . a n i ill th a t p art nt the N ortheast |fclj Wltm a new < h n k book a few day* County. Oregon, offer for sal« and »ell ■ rth of Un S o rt least q u a rte r ami ()<.fore A, i,r^a kfaat »he told John for cash. at public auction subject to Lots num bered One. Two anil redem ption a» provided by law. all nt ■I hr .-»• of Hectlon Firt. « n. In Town / h a t «he wanted a >.:w book a» »he the right, title aud Interest of »aid » Il S eventeen South. Range T hree had lout the first one but for him not defendant N. H. Fair, and all per/ona W est of the W illam ette Meridian, In | O worry an »he ..ad signed 5* ¡claim ing by. through or under him in vhlch Ilea check and they w ouldn't be of any sc and to »aid prem ises. bane County. Oregon, W ist of the Ueadmond Slough and In­ FRANK E TAYLOR, S heri«, cluding all of the Headmond Island to the one who found It. bane County, Oregon and extending to the c en te r of »aid O 1421-2»; N 4-11 Headmond Slough; Alao the feriy , » T H E ««.’. « Ä HE T H E I boat and cable used as access tb rreto 8U M M O N S and all ap purtenances belongli.g to STATE O F OREGON, IN AND FOR IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT O F T »aid prem ises and said ferry boat. LANE COUNTY. LOST- S aturday afternoon on Second LOST Sunday, two live dollar bill», STA TE OF OREGON FOR LA AUCTION SAblS New th erefo re Io the BitSI" of th- Ira b-.k« . a.id Eflle U. Daker. Ilus- COUNTY. utreet K< v rim* anil i-hxl’t rs le .a b !; I»« t w< n Flattery's lirua d o r o and F lla v ln r decided to go hack east I will : S tate of Oregon, In com pliance w lth | hand aud Wife, Plaintiffs, vs.. I s a a c /NinP W alls, Plaintiff Vs., Jam« only Io ow ner. R eturn to New» Of- I I said execution anil order of sale and » i Mm 11, »i -n Mt » • « im« • n 4. offer all my personal property ut S. Davis. or bis unknow n heirs nt W alls D efendant flee. Reward. N 4 law, it he is d e c e a s'd . also all o th er I’l llb ic AUCTION hi order to satisfy said Judgm ent, In- To Jam es L. Walls, D fffech \Y IN TU Ii l.ady w bea houtiowork persons <>r parties unknown claim ­ IN T H E NAME OF T H E ! vTE by h< or or day. by hour prefer« d. at tny place located ut the c a st city ' TO LEAKE For hunting season i f te re st, a tto rn ey s fees, costa of suit re- ing any right, title, estate. In'.erest F OREGON: You are her« , , and accruing costs. I will on S aturday limita o Spring Held, O re . on the i duel»» and ge- \r inrft.'M IIIOII GRADE Uluini m a r Springfield 1 J ’ racy heifer 2 yr« old, due. to in the Springft« ld News a weekly entitled suit, w ithin six w eeks from N ewspaper, published at Springfield. of ban e Cbunty, Oregon will I»- »old Io reliable parly at f>l< , ' r,'*ben Nov. 25th IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E th e 28th day of O ctober. 1926 the Lane County, Oregon, by order of O 7-14-21 28: N 4 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE] •a v ita , f io m onthly will handle. Ai> Black Jeraey heifer, due to freah n d ate of the first publication of th is the Hon G F. Skipw orth, Judge of Summons, to-wlt: COUNTY. Fri- *ald ' ,,urt " !ade O ctober 2* 192<’ real buy. Writ«’ at mice fur partiell . Nov 2htti day" fbe""lOtb day o On / ^ c or e i before i ^ r " ’1 £>« lay an(1 fir(Jt pabll«hP4 October 2g. lars Tallm an Plano Stora, Salem These are good cows and should be M“ 7 .« Kr“,n<* " • and Th,‘ ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS „ . rne 10m nay . or December, 1926. and if you so fall to answ er, for w ant O regon O 2128 N 4 »•. n to be appre, luted Si °f Or” “ ' wr»aun n «1 •» . h I ............. ‘ and Mary F rances Ixing ns cxecut- _ _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t thereof, plaintiffs will take Judgment 1926. W HITTEN SW AFFORD. A ttorney 80 t'H It'K K N S. Iniludlng R I. Red« <>rs 0 the Iaist Will and T estam ent thd undersigned has been appointed and decree ag ain st you as prayed for for Plaintiff R esidence and Postolfice hens. Burred R < > < k«. Black Minor­ of Georg»- Sanderson. Deceased., I executor of the esta te of C harles 1 , * n th eir com plaint, to-wlt: Don't Nsglcct Ths Salt - A ddress Eugene. Oregon. Plaintiff» v». Thom as K Burton Gorrle, deceased, by the County Court T hat their title to the E ast 60 acres ca» and W hite M-ghorns. O 28: N 4-11-18-25: D 2 9 und buele Burton, bis w ife; Joh.i I of Ijin e County. Oregon. All persons the S outhw est q u a rte r of Section Dairy cattle should have at lea «t 1 »pan mules. 6 yrs. old. well broke M B arton; Betty Ja n e W isem an 1 la v in g claim s ag ain st said estate a re Eleven, Tow nship N ineteen South, „ „ „ ,,,,0 . nne ounce of nail per day and Rood workers and J W W iseman, h er h u sb a n d ; required to present them with the R ange Four W est of the W illam ette NOTICE OF SALE ON Iw PR JvE- S urah F M artin and F rank M a rtin .1 proper vouchers to the undersigned Meridian. In Lane County, Oregon, be MENT LIEN FORBCXXySURE 1 Hid H ickory Iron wheel wagon h er hUNhand; Josephine M clnls; at the law office of P o tter A King, hy the C ourt forever established and NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN T hat 1 Nash 2-ton truck In rood running •UMMONB Jam es W Barton and Alice B arton. »«1 W illam ette S treet, In Eugene. Ore- quieted as a g a in st all the d e fe n d a n ts,1 p u rsu an t to a resolution of the Town IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE eondlllon his Wife; R obert C. Ilarto n anil gon. w ithin six m onths from th e d ate w hether nam ed o r described; th a t Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 1 N ash sport model touring rar. 1922 Nellie O B arton, his w ife; Anna M of this notice. , you be forever barred and estopped ed August 20 h. 1926, and a »warrant COUNTY OF LANE model. ko » h I snap»-. R ourke; Nannie K B arto n ; Ross DATED a t Eugene. Oregon, th is from having or claim ing any right, issued by the town R ecorder there- G ladys Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Jack I W B arton; Agne« B arto n ; Mar 14th day of O ctober. 1926 title. In terest or esta te in or to said under directing me to advertise and O ther Ullsi-ellaneous artlrle« M ille r, D e fe n d a n t garef B arton; The unknow n heirs THOMAS C. GORRIE. E xecutor of lands or any p art thereof, ad v erse ;o seR. )n the m anner provided by law, TO JACK I MILLER D efendant TERMS Hn slims over *20. 3 to 6 of Benjam in R B arton and R ebecca the E state of C harles 1. Gorrle, de- Plaintiff's title, and for such' o th er tb e follow ing described- property above named IN T H E NAME OF I mouth» tim e with approved secu r­ J _Burton. deceased ; anil all o th er ceased. “ nd fu rth e r relief as shall be by the Lots 19 end 20. Bl»>ck 88 Wash- T H E STATE OF OREGON: You are | unY noan parties who have or claim ity at 8 per ren t. Nov. 11 C ourt deemed Just and equitable In burn's Subdivision of Springfield In- hereby notified and re»|ulred to ap|>eari some title, »-state. Ben o r In terest the prem ises. v estm en t and Pow er Com pany's Ad- J W NOONCHEHTER. Owner and uii-w er the com plaint tiled ag ain st I In the p :o p erty described In the SUMMON8 .. ' sum m ons is served by J publica- dition to Springfield, Lane County. HANK OF COMMERCE. Clerk. t)on thHreof once h f y»«u In the above entitled suit within j com pliant herein . Def« ndants. six w icks friai) the dale of the first 1 S T i T ^ O ^ O R r o o N 0 ^ A n S FOR J " the SpriDKfi'‘I,i d e l i n q u e n t town im provem ent Hen. J K GilKKIt, A uctioneer. 8 V M M IJ N S publication of th is summon», and if, AND FOit News, publised in Springfield. Springfield. Oregon. Nov. 4 TO Thom as K. B arton und Lucie Oregon, assessed by O rdinance - No. — 283 - — 290. you fall to so app«'ar In the above en- ] B a rto n , Ills wife; John M. B arton; LANE COUNTY. by order of Hon. O. F Skipw orth, passed and approved N ovember titled e n tise -within the said period of Marius P eterson and Marie P eter Judge of said Court entered on the Betty June W iseman and J W Wise- - ------- ---------- — — 1911 and N ovem ber 8th. 1911, • lx Weeks from the dat<< of the first Have H a llo w e ’en Dinner ••nan, her h u sh u m l; S arah F. M artin ’ nn- H usband and Wife, I laintiffs. vs. 25th day of O ctober. 1926, and the 25th, w ill on th e 12th th a t I publication of thl» summon«, the plain ___ . .................................................... ....... Oeorg. A. Stevens, D orothea Sharks, first publication thereof was m edt Frank Martin, her hu sb an d; Jo« N ovem ber 1 9 2,6 a t 0,1 day o f tiff will apply to tlie Court for th e re­ A <1* II k I i V u I liullow c'en d inner was and ephlne M clnls- Jam es W Burton and 'da R aines. Eil Raines, her husband, the 2Rt. dev of October, 1926. the hott” of 1:30 o'clock P. M. lief prayed for In the com plaint h e re ­ • nJoyed «t th e R. W (’olllhH renldenrc Alb- Bart«.n his wife; R Rob.-rf ' " n? Oet-W- I.’.f E L E R . Attorn«- A ttorn obert C Bar ; Ann» ” ‘ n " r 7 .y D'‘COL . h*r A E K «'H W H E EELER. for „7<. c , a of to r i o n H all in. Io w it: for a decree of the above Bunday noon ton ami Nellie G. B arton, his w ife; hand; Lila \ H em lerson. W. Il Len- Plaintiffs, residing in and whose post »_ 'a ^ in g fle ld Lane County. Oregtm, entitled Court dissolving ami for«v«ir Anna M R ourke; Nannie K B a r to n '1 - r s o n . her husband; S ylvester Arm!- office address is Eugene. Oregon ‘"11 th e b r i b e d p ^ p e r ty to settin g aside the bond« of m atrim ony. Those present were Mr and Mrs R o s s W I t a r f - n ; Agn.w B arto n . M a r J « ^ . A r m lU ^ . h l . ^ l f e ^ e l l . . . . J 2»: N 4-11-18-25: D 2-> 0 ^ ^ existing betw een plaintiff ano defejid 1 W alter Griffin, of Mora, W ashington; t i n t B arton, the unknown h eirs of . 1 ___, , ______ x n T irP ? n r s iir n ip p - « ! «¡»« c th e assessm ent, costs, in te r e s ta n d ac- ant lo r. In. und gran tin g to th e plain , Mr |)(, Mri( K E | ^ rrlMh ,,t N ol|; Benjam in R B arton a n d 'lte b e c c a I A rthur G etschell. Bonnie H aw lay., NOTICE O F S H E R W T ’g SA’ E B a rto n ile< a n d anil a ll nene<»a o t h e r 1111 A inert H Hawley, ner husband nusDano; Mere » e ra — r .«.«>«. t. SU a« 'R ■ Iff above nam ed a decree of a b so lu te L M . rs Clara _ Fnw ver. and , „ Mr. and , M , eam ” -d »rion and awlev her EXECUTION IN FURECL i E curing costs anti in te re st thereon, and Mrs Barton, ileceas»-»]; all o th e r un .1 . . . •■ aw tey , n e r n iu so a iiu , .» » ry divorce frotq the d efen d an t; and for F W Collins J n of Marshfield know n P p a » r « t i 1 e “« s *»>»> wh«» ’»»*’■ have ’ ' «Dm T h n m iw e n h his is N o tic e Is is herehv en ehnt «¡. tak at t. th an 15 _ known .-lalm '» ’»> Thnmo«on TR(?m ',* )n' - Thompson Notice hereby riv given th at Ev by vlr - - - e a Redem ption not Deed g reater a decree of said C ourt resto rin g to the t ollins JI\. or M arsnnem Jlen or lll(ereB, In wife; T haddeus Thom pson............ Hue of an execution and order of sale ‘ - some title, estate, lien or In terest In plaintiff her m aiden nam e, as prayed ----------------------------- lhp described In the com Thom pson, his w ife; E m ellne Linville. In foreclosure issued out of the Clr- ,n te re ft a t 6 p„r for In the com plaint In th is suit. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM EN T plaint herein D efendants " r her unknown heirs at law. tf de- cult Court of Lane County. Oregon. 191\ T H IS SUMMONS Is serv.««l upon IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE »eased; L._G Linville, h er husband or on the 19th «’av of O ctober. 1926. in ce“ 1 owner* T ’- — as and Sallle N otice Is hereby given th a t C arrie y».o by publication th ereo f In the Stevens, a su it w herein on the 14th day of OF OREGON: You a re hereby re- w idow er; Elisie Stevens. A ssessed to T hom as and gal- Springfield New» »mi-e each week for C W infrey. E xecutrix of th e E sta te Qulred to ap p ear and an sw er the com his w ife; P earl B arnes. E. A. B arnes. O ctober, 1926, In said court T ie Paci six successive weeks In conform ity I of W. E W infrey, deceased, has filed lie Sikes. above h er e r husband; h u sband; Rena Rena Stevens. Stevens, t-Tanit F rank nc fic havings Savings & A Loan Loan A Association. i,. plaint riled aaln st you In th e above h ssociation, a Li h with the order of the Hon O. F Skip I her final account ns such. nn»l the S en titled Court und range, w ithin six Stevens. Austin Stevens. O l l i e W ashington oorporation, plaintiff, re- T erm s ____ cash Oregon. O ctober 14. 1926. .worth. Judge of Ike above en titled I Court ha« »et Monday. N ovember y w e k s from thi »late of th e first pub- S tevens, ^William Stevens. Josephine covered Judgm ent ag ain st Emm a C »Pr l"8,d,2di I 1926 a t 10:00 A. M at th e C ounty . o Opie and and H H arry arry J. J Opie, Opie, defendants defendants - , JE h b SMITSON. Town Ma” hal Uowrt Ilcatlon of thl» tills s ............ u m m o n s and a n d If if you vou Stevens, the widow widow of of W W illiam illiam H. H. Opic ss flr»t of ¡C ourt Ito,on in In in.1 the » Court Ilon».» ni at Hcalion summon», Stevens r h .. tln te o of f th«* tiTMt puhll.-atlon nubllcAlIon or o u n noun«« ............. of The date th< * m Mummonw It Sct»tctnh.»r 30 Kug. np. Lane ('ounty. Oregon, as the fall to no ap p ear and answ er, for Stevens, deceased u whose present for the sum of *3800 00. to g eth er wife, ot ,h e tbls . da” of th e 1.M publication o f tim e and ,«.„«-e to h ear objections to want th ere,,! th e plain,Iff will apply n a n j r » u n k n o w n - A v,n in Stevens. May Interest thereon at the ra te of 10 per I 4 - .1 - 8 in 4-tt Th . sum m ons Is N ovember 11 1926 th - sam e, and for the final settlem en t »• he < <>nrt f»y the rell.-f prayed for M ,alters John W alters. her hu«band: cen t per annum from May 6, 1S2' thia summ» . In th e com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree th e unknown widower and heirs at until paid, and for the [urthgr .-nm o. m c t ic - e OF SALE ON IMPROVE- IMPROX of said E state. E. O IMMEL, \!VN T LIEN FORECLOSCRE CARRIE C W INFREY. E xecutrix th a t you ami each of you have no law c f L i n k Vaughn, deceased: the 38 75 tog, th c r with in te re st thereon A ttorney for Ifialntlff. R esidence right, title. Interest c r e s ta te w»>■ > »- unknow n widow an»', heirs at la v of „t the rate of 10 f £r cent per annum -.r.« . m u r n p a r f i r v F N Tl W ELLS « W ELLS, A ttorneys. a rd po«t 'ffiee ad d ress; Eugene, Orc- .v.-c In or to the following d e sc rib e d , C harles S t. v. ns. d .c e a se d : all other from August 14. ’.926 until pa'd. and N O T R E 1» H M a a i u t v a « O 7 14 21 28: N 4 14 2128 N 4 11 S 30: O real p ro p erty : lielrs at law ».f H lxey V. Steven-', de- f - r th e fu rth er *um of $11.S4 to g e th -r p ursuant to a reso lu tl « t The E ast half of the I I . m i n R ceased, and all o th er persons or w ith In terest thereon at the rate of Council of P arto n and R- b,..--> J. B nrton Dona- p arties unknow n claim ing any right, io per cent p er annum from \u e u : p<’ Augus’ el n. l . - n ,-,‘o re . H on L en d C la im No 4? N oC fi, >tlon title, estaje. lien or in te r.'st in the 13. 192« until paid, and for the fu rth e r Issued by Die .town. « • .'. . N,- 719! In Sv.-! . n s 4 e n d 5 Town- real esta te described in the cnmnla«nt .u m of 8350.00 a tto rn ey s fees, aud th - under d irecting to e i »is co sts and disb u rsem en ts herein In th sell, in th? monne« .ro 'i< d / / -aw. s h in 17. S o u th R a n g e 1 W c o f th e h*reln. and others. D efendants. To George A. Srevens. D orothea sllnl of *nt.»0. which Judgm ent w is the following d e s c - e . prr n j W illam ette Meridian, .-x ..4 ting the Lot Ele'-.t <9i Bloc’.; T» « <31 H unt's ;,'d Sparks. Ida R a'tii’s Ed Raines. Anna enrolled and docketPd in the C lerk’s ell on the South side of »> Springfi ’d. the Town <1 Addition »laini and R in g >'■ t of th e MeVe kin Dece*. H enry Decor. Ella V. H ender- nip«..« of seid court 'n said Conuty ___ s n. W. IL H enderson S ylvester Arml- the 1 ‘ h day of C ctober. 192«. a r I sa j O regon « . n> «ti 1 ■’!«• C o u n ty . O re g o n li ?n. , and that C o title of th e plaintiff In ta g e .......... A rtnltage, his wiC : Z 'lla execution to m e d irect“.! com m anding f r di'i.ru-.u-nt ! " ■ d Your Home When In ■ " ............................... the nan., ......................... o t • - - ■ ...... ......... r, - S U M B e « hy C rd .n a m e No. 243. p.» id Riut’h L. D. Sm ith. X rh u r GetchelL said pr«'p«-«v Is good and vali 1911, 15th, Ju n e f you he forever Bonnie H awley. Alh.-rl Plawlev. Mere- ¡jnn. in order to satisfy said Judgm ent, and approved th a t you and each Spring!'®!«! w ill on th e -2th barred and enjoined from assertin g d I th Thom pson. Thom pson, his "«rif in terest, a ttrrn e v s fees, costs of s u i t t h a t I N ovem ber 19 2.6 t o f any » lalm w hatsoever in ami to - “I .T haddeus Thompson Thom* «on his and «»»-ruing costs to sell the follow- »lay the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. V- p re'i'isi's -Iilvi•!• 1 to th e plaintiffs, w ife; E m ellne Linville, or her un inc described deal property, to-wit: R> siitene. • 125 C St Main St Lot five 15» in Block one t l ) . in of said day. in fron» of th* Town H'»1l and that the d-.-d m u le by U bei.-a known heirs at law. If deceased: L. G. G eneral lJ»w Practica «2 M 62 J .1 Burton anil h er husband B .n ju m -, T.lnyllle. her husband or wiiow r. Chula V ista P ark, in Lane County, in Snringfi id. . an County, Or gon. Rell the above described property to R. Barton, pr grantors, to W illiam I* E llie Stevens, S tevens, his w l f \ Oregon. I M. PETERSON Full Auto E quipm ent therefore, in the nam e of the th e bidder for cash who o ers to' Couey. as grant--. . on th e inth flay of r>Pnrt B arnes. E A. B arnes. R -na f r>earl B arnes. F ............ Now. A ttorney-at Law Lady A ssistant .o iv ' a n n d . Jillv iso;,, vhi h Is : e c r d e d In B ok S te v e n s . F ............................. r a n k S ie y . „■«. A u stB , ?*ev- o ^ tn te of Oregon, in com o m pliance p lta u c e with .v o n the. assessm ent costs E on P a g e 788 th ereo f of th e D e e d . n s. OTIle p S te v n s . W illiam Stevens sn!l! e x .c itio n and order of sale and curing coats and in e r - s t thereon, ana Coanmerelal S tate Bank llldg.. oril,,r tn satisfy saitljudgm .nt. in- take a R edem ption Deed a t the 1» »■ - t Records of Lane County, Oregon, .losephln ■ St. Venae Mvin Stevens. Springfield. Ore. Iters. be reform ed so as to properly des- May V a lte r s J r h n W alters, th e un- te re st. atto rn ey s fees, costs of suit ¡ra te of in terest, net £ rpp er lav p er cent. le P rincipal *67.69. in te re st at 6 ! ‘V GEO,. N. M cL E A N afternoon cen t from Ju n e 16th, 1920. fro n t P resen t ow ner Maggie J. F rance. Automobile, F ire and L ife Call in A ssessed to Maggie J. F rance. IN S U R A N C E __ ___ ___ ____ offer T erm s cash Surety B°nde,. Phooe «17 SUTTON TRANSFER > '» * '» • « I. ' i i 3 S * L S 5 “ i a l : ,7 i ? i U 5 r ’«»rt‘SSk « " P "” " ' " " * My buelnesa te to protect F *u r buelneee ” '"am »>tte M eridian in L ane Cr-un . e rts tp ,n , hp com plaint tlon. subject to redem ption as provided of th e Town of SDrincfieW> Oregon. Phono 57 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene ^ re g o n ,< Oregon haveln. nnd others. D efendants. hv law. nil the right, title and in te re s t o 14-21-28 N 4 11 ----------------------------------------- ---------- , T n!,h1S n n? h e ? e ^ rf7r s T T o n s " ™ T H E NAME OF T H E STATE OF of Bal(i d e fe n d a n ti. C. Opie an 1; ---------------------------- - ■ . i . . . u . s . . i . i x- \v O H C G O N You ill.- h e r e b y r e u u lr e d to H n T ry , (1ptp aII pprson? «-„tlve w eeks in the R rrln g fle h lN 'w s . ^ c o m p U l n , filed V r o u g h o r u n d e ? .h e m or a ^ i NOTICE OF SALE ON IM PROVE * „,n,u m P,n ’î 7 l « n e 'c ô m R v o Æ tn thp nbovt " T '” " ’ T i" o" e R h î? of then. In an,? to sa"d ! MENT L IEN E RECLOSURE VASBY BROS. DR. N. W. EMERY published in » w ithin sf* w eeks from th e d ate of the nrpniiM Pf, NOTTPF RN Thai NOTICE I» 19 HRRRRV HEREBY fitV GIVEN T hat Ä R y w f t h th e ^ e r ^ t b e WUL ^ S t ^ ^ m ^ P- ' ^ ANK K. TAY l o R. Sheriff. PaiuLbig & Decoratine D E N T IS T pursuant to a resolution of the Town a ra b le G. F Skip-worth, Judge of th e (hp S p rBigfield News, and If yon fall of Lane County. Oregon. Council of Springfield. Oregon adept- ln all 1L» branches •u tto n Bldg. Phon« 20-J above entitled Court, m ade anil en- to answ er, for want thereof, plaln- O 21-28; N 4-11-18 ed August 30 h, 1926. and a «warrant Reaideooa Phon« 1M M t.-reil on the TTth, «lay of O ctober. ; tiff« will tak e Judgm ent and decree ■ • « > »t. k ’ i A’T'Tf'v n s ’ qij v n ik ’ ip q q m l»' * Issued by thp town Ftt'corfb’r th^rt** 312 Main Street 19211 D ate of Tlrst publication thoTP- against you ns prayed for in h eir O F S H E R IF F under directin g me to advertise and of la the 2Sth dav of O ctober 1926 «-„mplalnt to-wlt: ,Tha ‘ ,,k «’' r 1 ‘d ’ ™ £ PP£ . , ha? hv vir **»• in ">e m anner provided hy law, Springfield, Oregon L. L. RAY. A ttorney tor Plaintiffs. , hP fo llo w in g Jeac rR n 'd land In Lane tueNno‘*‘a*n , the-follow ing «.escribe! p r o p e r ty fled Ac OR SELLING I 8 U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y¡ T h e Loop VV. F. Walker Funeral Director S. RALPH D/PPEL D E N T IS T D. W. Roof jew eler Repnirliig u Specialty Springfield. Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock nnd rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HEN R Y W. CHASE. Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO RNEY AT LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC Springfield ■trtten Oregon. ■ «Id lin g Phone 43 F irst N at'l Bank Bldg., Springfield WM. G. HUGHES on th e 12th 9 p lim ,e r. 1 ..« . a ■ u bp forPver barred nnd annum and the fu rth e r sum of *11.50 t h a t N ovem ber 1 9 2.6 at Unstick, plaintiff reco y ertd Juilgment p s to p _ Pd from having o r claim ing anv costs, which judgm ent was enrolled day of 1 gainst th«« d efen d an ts C. R. Loomis . title esta te or Interest therein and docketed tn the C lerk's office of the hour of 1:30 , o'clock ~ P „ M. ,, nml I.enn F Loomis, his wife fer the , ’ th eir title nnd for such spid Court in said countv on the 13th of said day, in front of the Town H a l sum of 84000.00. logetheff with int i'- ' . fu rti,Pr relief as shall be bv t| uy of Avril. 1926 and said execution Io Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, F IR S T NATIONAL BANK e««t thereon nt th e rate of 8 per re n t p nl«rt «leemeil Just nnd eqnitnble to me directed com m anding .me In the sell the above described property n Oregon Springfield. per annum from the 1st day of Rept- In the prem ises. nam e of the S tate of orpgon. In order the bidder for cash who offers to pay jcinber, 1926 or a total of *4024.89. ’¡7 alalons |n BPrved upon you to satisfy said judgm ent. Interest, th e assessm ent cysts, int»«r st ¡in«! ac- which Judgment shall draw In trest a t , bv publication th ereo f once each ween costs of suit nnd accruing costs curing costs an» m -eres ,lT®°. ; j'" ' FDR S A L E —C arbon paper ln lar» the rat«' of eight tier rs n t per annum for «|x successive w eeks |n the Spring sell th»' following described real pro- ,Bke RJ \e d pm I>tion D i e d j u j . .J » ^ st ra te of intere«!, not g re a te r than 15 sheet«, 26x39 Inches, s,litanie foi ì , the fu rth er sum of *400.00 at flpb, News, printed and published in perty, to-wlt: m aking tracings Th«' News Office torney fee, nnd 'h e costs and <>•«-1 Springfield. Oregon, hy order of the I^ots 1 and 2 In Block Two Van per c e n t in te re s t at 6 ner ____________________ h ursem ents herein, which Ju.lgmnet , , o n . g . F. Skipw orth. Judge of s n ld jm y n s A ddition to Coburg, in Lane I’r l n c ^ »1 »9,«,6 36 at l*“r ________________ » » X Î T W ^ M .e h e n was enrolled ant. docketed In the Court, m ade and en tered on the 21st co u n ty . Oregon As- Now. therefore, in the name of the FOR SALE— Payroll aheeta, p rin t» ] c le r k ’s offire of said C ourt In said day of Septem ber. 1926. nnd the first W. Machen. and In atock a t th e N ew « office 1 county on th»' 28th day of Septm ber. nuhllcatlon thereof Is made on the « sta te of Oregon, in com pliance with sessed to J ¡said execution and o rd er of sale anil T erm s 14 »«rt« Form suitable fo r road, construction’ 1926. and said execution to m e direct- 23rd dav of Septem ber. 1926. A E. W H EELER. A ttorney f o r (tn order to satisfy said Ju d sm en t' ‘n : M arshal’ w ork. saw m ills, etc., w ith tab le t»9 ed com m anding me In th e nam e of P laintiffs R esiding In Eugene. Ore- teresL cost« of suit and accruing | JE S £ SMITSON. Town Mar. hal compute w orkm an a oom peneatloel the S tate of Oregon. In o rd er to satls- costs. I will on S aturday the 13th day of the Town of BprlngfleMi O regoa. sad deductions. N o em ployer shotfAfl <7 Judgm ent, In terest, atto rn ey s gon. ot N ovember, 1926, a t the hour of o n e , O 14-21-28: N 4-11 (8 23-30. O 7-14-21 28: N 4) » 0 7 fees, coats of su it and a«ccrulng costs FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at ba witbont