7 PAOB P IV I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4. 1920 Hr P. A Loar* claim« to bo the Mother tucked her little daughter couldn’t I exchange my angel fur th« champion ^teer hunter of Htlverton, Into lied and after kissing her was hot water bottle ph-ase." now having the scalps of three to hie ihout to leave the room. Service Is N ation-W ide au d it within th e past month Dr. Lear Le ave s For California— Mr. and "It’s awfully cold In here mummy." Hiarcily <ar®ntly has shot all three of the animals a few "Yea dear hut Just coddle down 4lra. C. E. Sims, for many years resi­ no i"ff»cl on Intsraxt In water r«acua. miles front Silverton Two other bears dents of Springfield, left Monday for an angel will keep you warm.'' Arl«mu. |»i|iiilurly aaaoolalsd w ith have been reported killed In the Sil­ A fter rnot.ii-r had re tu rn e d to living ( altfornla Mr and Mrs. Sims expect whl» il«n»rt atrip«*»i»,<1 pile Red Cross I.ife-Saving OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST PEOPLE ARE QUEER Fresh Meats and Quick Service KETEL’S DRUG STORE INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. \ V USED CARS a/LLYDEPsWi "'with an ~0K tJuit counts Gannett Motor Co. Don’t Put Off Buying that Heater Until Vou Piave to Take What is Left Every Little Girl in Springfield is Welcome to Enter Her Doll in the Big McMorran and Washburne An Air Tight Heater Doll Show 12 Special Prizes For The Best Dressed Dolls High Grade Heaters d e r a rm s Iasi w eek lit f io rd tim e as winner or not. All dolls must lie in by Saturday evening November tith, Doll show will be held tin* week of Nov. 8th- Dross your doll in her best and bring her to the basement store, where all the dolls are getting ready for the big show. Remember all entries to the Doll Show must be made be­ fore 8:30 P. M. Saturday evening November 6th. 9n®9tt«mtn«-5^f4Ai season half over the La bisli Meadows Celery union of Brooks has just shipped 200 cars of celery and Is actively engaged in getting an adtli- Itonal 200 tars ready for market. The tailin g season will end about Decem­ ber 15. B efore severe frosts Yiave in­ ju re d I lie crop, some of it will he placed in cold storage for the holiday trade. R eception Held Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chine, whose wedding tdoa place at the Baptist church last Friday, a re­ ception » a s held al 111« J. W. Cha -e t'ome at Chase Gardens Tuesday even­ ing Many attractive gifts were present- <1 th e bride «lid «room Following a social evt ning. dnlightful refresh­ ments were served. Mrs . Chase »¡is Misa Maude Wal­ lace of Jasper. Food Sale The Parent-Teacher# Association will conduct a food aak Saturday for the benefit of the Braltain playshed The sale will hi conducted at the Long and Croas shop. attributes to these highly nickeled wood oval heaters. Double draft, sectional lining, sliding top equipped with lid and foot rest, guaranteed air tight. Four joints of pipe, elbow and dam per at these prices. Three sizes to choose from. Number 18, Number 20. Number 22, PHce $19.50 P r ic e $21.00 Price $24.25 Oil Heaters $5.65 Sm okeless and odorless these “Nesco" heaters \ com fortable room in m id-winter at a cost of less than t xo- thirds cents an hour. Substantially constructed of heavy m aterial brass fount, and will last for years. (Hardware Dept.)