PAGE THREE TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS The Farmers Exchange ----------- --------------------- ---------- Store of Springfield Announces a November PRE-CHRISTMAS OFFERING Something To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving. tire Stock at Substantial Reductions. Our En­ A Real O pportunity for the Early Christmas Shopper as W ell as the Every Day Buyer. We have a store crammed full of Quality Merchandise, new smart styles in every line, fresh goods from the nation’s leading manufacturers, bought at a price that we are ab e to make this attractive and seasonal offering to you. There is nothing like these goods and prices being offered in this community. Let the prices below tell you the story of real opportunity. Ladies W inter Coats A rare selling of Ladies High Grade Coats. It is seldom that we can offer at so low pr.ces » ,lar8’ co,?#c*'on. ®f Coats which meet to the last detail to the high standards of Style, Quality and Workmanship. LADIES’ TAILORED BLANKETS VELVET HATS We carry the best Standard make of Nashua blanket only. Prices for November only $3.95, $4.95 Unusually Chic and Smart for Miss and Graceful, Dignify­ ing lor Matrons. These Hats should more than please you. Smartly Tailored in becoming bright and black colors. All shapes embody­ ing the style and feeling of the Better Hat. Advertising alone cannot tell the story of these values, you must see ?he Coats. Fabric. Quality. Correct Style. Good Tailoring, Silk Lining at such a low price. $16.85 to $24.85 SHOES Girls* Coats $6.95 to $12.95 We always had the reputation, that we sell the high grado latest style shoes at the lowest price in Lane County. We are very keen on this reputation; and we are more than anxious to prove it to you this time. pure virgin wool Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men in Latest Single or Double Breasted Styles. Men’s High Grade Dress Shoes Men's High Grade Work Shoes Men s High Grade High Tops 12 - .............. Underpriced for November. Ladies High Tops 14 inches $16.85 to $29.85 Boys' Heavy School or Dress Shoes Boys' Best High Tops inches $ 4 .9 5 $3.45» $ 5 .4 5 $2.75» $3.75 $4.45» $5.9 5 $9.85 t0 $19.85 ASes 8 t0 20 ys' Knicker Suits $4.95» $9.95 m is Pure Virgin Wool Trousers $4.95» $5.95 Every pair of our shoes is guaranteed to satisfy or we replace them. ,ung Men's Virgin Wool Baloon Trousers in Latest Novelty Light Shades and Stripes $4.95» $5.95 U N D ERW EA R $195» $3.45 iys’ Longies, Sizes 4 - 1 6 Men’s Heavy Bib Overalls Men’s Heavy Work Shirt Men’s Corduroy Pants Boys’ and Men’s Sweater, Blazer Men's Dress Broadcloth Shirts Men’s Wool and Wool Mixed Shirts „ J $1.29 .............. 85c $2.95 $1.95» $5 95 $1.95 $1.95» $2.95 for vour selves Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits Fall Weight Boy's Heavy Cotton Union Suits Fall Weight Men’s Wool Mixed Union Suits H«avY Wool Mixed Full Size Double Blanket These prices are so ridiculously low for these high grade blankets that we are compelled to restrict the sale to 2 of one kind to a customer. — Be sure to get yours. Best Percale .......................................... ......— * - Jape Crepe ............... ............. ......... ...................... Ladies' and Girls' Raincoats Latest Styles .... .............~~....-.............. $3.45» $4.95 Hope Muslin ........................ ..... ............ ------------------- 17c Holeproof Pure Silk Hose In All Shades ----------- $1.00 _ $ 9 .9 5 .................... Ladies Dress Shoes in Latest Styles ys Junior High — Pure Virgin Wool also in Single or uble Breasted, long Pants $3.50» $5.50 $2.75» $4.50 $5.95» Full Size Heavy Double Nashua Wool Nap $195 $3.45 - $4.95 9-4 Pequot Sheeting ......... - ..................... ............ For Men. Ladies, Boys, Girls, and Children in all styles light and heavy, low and high tops. MEN’S SUITS AND OVERCOATS 100 64 x 76 Double Sheet Blanket----- ------------ $ 1 .4 5 95C _ ......................................... $1.95» $x.*<5 Men’s Pure Wool Union Suits .......... $3.95» $4.95 Ladies Heavy Cotton Union ............... 95C» $ 1 -2 5 Ladies Silk and Wool Union $1.95» $2.95 O ur Guarantee IS YOUR PROTECTION. TH IS BARGAIN SHEET IS OUR PLEDGE OF TR U TH — EVERY IT E M IS HONESTLY DESCRIBED A N D PRICED SO LOW THAT IF YOU COULD COM­ PARE THE MERCHANDISE WE OFFER. YOU COULD NOT BUY WITH GREATER ASSUR­ ANCE OF VALUE. EVERY ITEM IS GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST QUALITY AND ABSOLUTELY PER­ FECT. IF W ITH ANY ARTICLE PURCHASED FORM US YOU ARE NOT FULLY SATISFIED, YOU MAY RETURN IT TO US, AND WE WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY WILLINGLY AND IN THE TRUE SPIRIT OF A REAL FRIEND. J. FULOP, Prop. You’ll be convinced that you should not neglect and put off until out of season S F S sj i = x - - ”“ d s ~ d ** - THE FARMERS EXCHANGE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD I