Th* K lam ath Falla Excuraion ¡»Sunday THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■ l'j ' 1'■ 'L . ; ' » u i m e i h i -Ü - L - ..¿ . g l S fU '1...CTB >lk m a .1 1 .. .i. 1 »■ * 11 ■ ■ *' 11 . A P«opi«a Papa«- L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N - NU M B ER 43 SPRINGFIELD, |J\N K COUNTY. OREGON,THURSDAY NOVEMBER I, 1926 TWENTY-T1 Itili) YEA'l 1116 W orJa per M inute j 18 EXGEED 6% W PETERSON. HUGHES ININ IN ELECTION HOW SPRINGFIELD VOTED AT ELECTION ■ ' - • City Attorney Polls Good Ma­ jority over R. W. Smith in race for Recordership; In­ cumbent gets Tresaurer Job; Tyson, Stewart Councilman Here I. |lie way the four Hprlngleld precinct» voted on Initiative and referendum meuHure.: Klamath County Bonding: Ye«, 144; No, 242 Hix Per Cent Limitation: Ye», 340; No, 278. Repeal of Negro Section of C on.tllullon: Ye. 276; No, 165. Prohibition In'berllanee and Income Tax: Ye», 148; No. 346 Se«»lde Normal School: Yea, 96; No, 266. Kuat Oregon Normal School; Ye», 317; No, 168. Itei all Amendment: Ye», 246; No, 218. Curry (Xrunty Bonding: Ye», 134; No. 214. (election to Fill Office Vacancies: Ye«. 231; No. 136. Klumath-Cluckama* Bonding: Ye», 116; No. 226. Kauter" Oregon Tubercnoala Hospital: Ye*. 354; No. 130. Cigarette und Tobacco Tax BUI; Yea. 166; No, 360. Motor llu« and Truck Bill: Yea, 288; No. 192. Yea, 95 Appropriation of 10 Per Cent Suatululn« Board Receipts: No, 270. Income Tax BUI with Property Tax Offset: Yea. 153; No. 297. llu* and Truck Operating License Bill: Ye», 230; Mo, 232. Fish W ill* el. Seine Bill: Ye», 195; No, 241. Incom** Tax BIB: Ye*. 207; No. 265. Water Power Meauure: Yea, 266; No, 442. Budget Drnfted for 1927 Call» t o r $49,900 Expenditures: Will Attempt to Lower W ar­ rant by $3000; Meeting Call­ ed November 26. For the purpose of approving or rejecting » budget calling tor un In- ereaaa of over u per cent over lad X«er'« Beearlat achedule. taxpayer» >f the Springfield »«bool district will tm *i on November 28 «1 the lllgli fAy.ó'*»v»a.1 School. Th«* bihlgrt board a* 11» hwv U mk The w orld’* am ateur ty p is t con­ tent wa» held li..-t week io New I».l,nt«>a a » (llfilllle (»11111« tor »49 York, und contestant* fro m all over »on 1«. While l»»i year'« budget total the United Stale* und Canada ed »47.266 50 'I hl« provide» an in competed M i * Stella W illiam » crease greater than 8 per cent, and won the championship w ith un av­ erage speed or 11« w o rd , per m in ­ In atteh (•»»•' »( liool law* demand that that (he la» payer« approve the ac­ ute, (alm ost 2 word» per second) Springfield Vote By Precincts tion The meeting late thia monMi 1» Precinct» 1 failed for that purpose. C ity Recorder Warrant ladebledneaa of the «3 69 Peterson ---- Springfield school dlalrlcl will be 36 62 S ml Hi «reeaed by »3000 during Ihe coming City Tre«»urer y»ar the bud« t committee decided. 94 60 llughe» ................... - ........ 'Flu appropriation will be «pent on 61 33 K e»*ey wurrant obligation» rattier than bond-1 Councilman ed luilebtedneaa becauae 8 por cent Q uartat At Lebanon 123 72 Stewart ............... —........ Intereat 1» being paid on warrant« a». The Murphy Movlder quartet sang 133 78 Tyson ........... ................— again*! 5 per cent on the bond», it at morning and evening service» at wn- decided laiat year »1000 wa* the First Chrlallan church of Leban U. 8 Senator 6 3 W. P. Adam» _________ paid out of lb - .Inking fund for In on Sunday. The aervlce. «lo.e.1 47 34 Bert Haney ................... d eb ted n e... evangell.t campaign* conducted by 18 28 Robert Stan Held Estimated receipt« from aource. Mr and Mra. Olenn Hutton, who are 66 36 Stelwer ._--- ---------- -------- nth. r than dlatrlct taxation for the known to Springfield realil.nta They Representative In Congress new budget are »19.117 44, while »30. were accompanied by Mr«. H T. 49 31 Borden ................... .......... 782 73 mint be raised from lax If Ihe MIK'hell. 94 64 Hawley ..... ....... ........ — Other* who made the trip were Mr budget la approved. Au Itlmlxod account of Ihe pro­ and Mr». Ernest Anderson. Mr. and i Governor 97 48 Mr*. I. K. Murphy, Ml»aea Dorothy Patterson ........... poned financial »(«»edule follow»: 47 38 and I’nuline Knepp. Member» of the Pierce personal »ervlce. »36,888 60. 8 9 quartet are Mr and Mr». Dullaa Mur-1 Stallurd Material» and supplies. »2866 25. - - - - - - Maintenance and repair». »1145 4! phy and Mr and Mr». — Roland Mushier. Justice Supreme Court 68 104 Ilia n Indcbtedne»* |M700. • 101 62 Brown ........... Innuranre. »420 Needlecraft Meet« 48 96 McBride ............... Mlace-llaneoua. »300 The Need tec m il rluh 1» holding a Supt. Public Inatructlon Rmergency, »680. luncheon today al ihe Eugene hotel. 61 8» Howard .......... ..... Ia i» l year personal »ervlce Item* joint hoatense* are Mr» Walter Go» 28 64 Turner ....................- totaled »37.145; material and suppll«» »lev »ml Mr». Floyd Flunery. Commissioner Labor »3253; maintenance. »400; Indebted-: 87 59 Gram Plan Bazaar ne»*. »587 50; ln»uraiice. »420. and 38 11 Von Hchlrlltx ........ Th«1 Catholic Ladle» will conduct a I »50. Tbl» make» a " ^ » ^ » » o T b u l ^ ; ' ^ » « » ' » * ^ h a ^ r . R d . 7 Saturday. Nov .3 The; Public S e rv ie . Commlaa.oner .Society] L. E. Bean actually was «pent. place will he announced later. Spooner ........... Adtnlnlntrntlon will coal »1500 lea» State Senator. 3rd District Scouts E ntertain Hit« year than la«l. according to Girl» Scouts, entertained Monday | Magladry ............................. Principal V. D Ilaln. Bailey ... ............................... __________________ _ ¡night at a delightful H allow een party State Senator, 4th District EXCURSION COES TO for the Scout» Ilf Eugene Elaborate Bell ........................... FALLS N EXT SUNDAY Hallowe’en decoration» added to III- Representative 3rd District _. __ Kplrlt of the occaelon. Howard ....................- ...... Many Hprlngllelil residents are ex- More than 100 girl» were here front) McCready ............... — pected to Join the excursion party Eugene. Th< nffulr was held In Ihe , Potter ______ ____..___ w4U<> will travel on n special train Chamber of Commerce rooms County Judge over Ihe Southern Paclflc’a new Nat-, Barnard .... ...............— run Cut off line neat Sunday. The C. E. To Have Party King ................................. train will pa*» through here at 7:15 The Chrlallan Endeavor of the I o'clock In Ihe morning, relum ing the 1 Christian church will conduct an wn' 1 ° ° “"!* 'oppei name ilay. I lerlalnm enl at the Church tomorrow ppi Humorous] * r" * ’’ More than 100 nre planning Io make evening at 7:30 o'clock. 'C ounty T reasurer tin trip from Cottage Grove and 50 and »acred reading* and a »kit. The | Hchiska ........... ...... from Junction City. The Southern Flivver.” are to be features of the pro- Constable, Springfield Pactflc 1» extending ununually low gram. L. E Thompson rale» to »(-quaint people of thin aec-] A reward will he offered for Ihe Hon with ihe »rente benuly of the host name given the entertainment at newly-completed line. the done of Ihe program. The exclirnlon f«rc from here will ------ — YESTERDAY AND be »5 for the round trip. Klamath Junior« To Have Party Juniors of tin- Springfield High Falla and return, while Ihe usual o n e-, Junior» the I school will have a party al Ihe gym- way fare In »9 j nasliim tomorrow night. The last week end wns featured with aocUi OFFICIALS V IS IT PLANT OF POWER COMPANY Th« "f _______ man I'laasea, who The local paint of the Mountain j'’"r,"'R ' h" held Hallowe'en I *rh00' States Power company was inspected ( Saturday by T. tl Bradley, »uperin- COX RESIGNS POSITION bndcnt of power houses, mid W II AT BOOTH-KELLY CO. Brenneman, muster niechiililc, of Ihe Oregon California Power Company. II. J. Cox of Springfield, president The ohjeet of the vl»it was to of the newly organised Lorane Lum­ gather Information regarding settle- ber Company, on November 1 resigned m i nt for »ervlce the Oregon Callfor-'as c'hlef accountant of the Springfield nta company received from this plnnt plant of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Com- during Ihe low wnter period of t h e 1 pany. The resignation Is to take ef- past summer The visiting official« feet ns soon as possible, Cox said, w ire In conference with Superintend-) As soon ns his duties at the Lum­ ber company office are completed, enl W. C. MeLagun. Cox will devote his entire time to the business of the Lorane concern, which A R M ISTIC E DAY PLANS TO BE SHAPED AT M EET 'M operate a mill in I the Lorane district In n short time. Plan» for the observance of Artnls j On Monday Cox announced the sale tier nay, November 11, will he shaped "f •«’« property at Fifth and C stroets at a meeting of the American Legion Io his brother In law, W. W. Clover. and the American Li-glon Auxiliary to Clover In turn bused the place to Dr. he conducted tomorrow evening. Paul I’lielteplaee. who recently came I lends of both organizations have to Springfield from Marshfield. Cox has moved Into the Thomas Urged a large attendance at the Fri­ Yost properly al tine end o f Fifth day night session, He expeels fo continue to Th«- nature of the observance has street. not yet been derided. A night. In the reside In Springfield. rest area in France was reproduced Repair Building—The roof of the for the Leglonalres us a «pedal fea- turi of the ohservnnee here last year. Commercial Stale hank building was repaired this week In preparation f ir To Vlalt From Portland — Miss ihe winter rains. Maude Gorrle. of Portland, Is expect­ Merchant Here — Vance Seavey, ed here to spend the week-end at the homo of hor mother, Mrs. C. I. Gorrie merchant of Mohawk, was »business visitor In Springfield Tuesday. Sr. 3 4 124 67 112 47 114 70 92 68 146 169 121 131 6 66 47 7» 52 29 66 64 126 40 105 112 71 12 90 66 12 124 138 120 112 114 110 126 45 97 60 123 56 94 37 4 62 29 92 11 123 42 103 37 42 45 64 85 81 105 58 86 64 106 146 108 70 64 30 104 104 115 138 131 151 107 105 114 33 39 94 63 116 74 93 62« . 24 63 29 96 36 115 32 93 . 76 120 163 121 79 138 147 132 TODAY Incumbent» won and lost in the race for city office« a» decided by Springfield voter» Tuesday. City At- torney Ira M. Peterson won hl» race against R. W. Smith, who sought r > 'election as recorder, but W. O. ¡Hughes, incumbent, was successful in ¡his fight for the treaaurerahip against , t Searles l-ake, Calif., is a plant Dwight Keesey. that produces 20% of this country’s The result» of the voting from the potash needs. Agriculture which is four Springfield procincta, complete; so dependent upon potash an a fer­ For Recorder: Peterson, 388; Smith tilizer can thank Dr. John E. Tee- pie for his development of the in­ 212. dustry. The American Chemical For Treasurer: Hugfies, 360; Kes- Society awarded the Perkins Medal sey, 232. for 1927 to Dr. Teeple for his chera- , George Stewart and Percy Tyson, Total i;al achievement». unopposed candidates for councllmen, ran up heavy vote«. Tyson, in the 348 four precincts, received 501 votes and 212 LEBANON TO PLAY HERE Stewart's vote totaled 462. L. E. IN A R M ISTIC E DAY GAME Thompson received 496 votes for con- 360 232, Lehanoa'a stalwart football eleven. i stable. The new city officials will take the 'flushed with a win over the Albany oath of 0(gce at the first meeting of 601 High team, will come to Springfield the city council in January. next Thursday, Arml»tlce Day, Intent Ira M Peterson, the recorder-elect, 18 on breaking the all-vlctory record of c .m e to Springfield Moro. Oregon, and established a law 189 Coach Fenwick'» Springfield I practice here. He was soon elected 122 School footballers. city attorney by the council- succeed- 246 The game 1» expected to be the ing E. O. Potter, and announced bi* 174 stlffest faced by the Springfield ! candidacy early in the fall for the r®- 378 eleven, which added another scalp to cordership. jits belt last Friday by walloping The successful candidate for treaa- 347 Shedd in a second game. 36 to 0. After urer, W. Q. Hughes, has held that 212 Lebanon whipped Albany, the hub position with the city for several 41 city boys tackled the reputedly strong terms. The councilmanic candidate«, Eugene High aggregation and beat George Stewart and W P Tyson, w i.l 398 the footballers of the county seat, succeed M. J. McKlin and R. E. Moeh- 415 Dope, therefore, has It that if Spring- ier to the city board. 374 field beats Lebanon on Armestlce ' -- ------- Day, Coach Fenwick has a better HIGH SCHOOL BASKET 373 team than that of which c-ugene High BALL SCHEDULE OUT 177 boasts j ______ in the Shedd game. Squires and Practice already has been started 363 Bates were outstanding ground-gala- among Division B high school leagug 152 er». Springfield scored five touch- members of Lane county in prepara­ downs against Shedd, these being tion for what promises to be one of 370 carried over by Gregg. Cox. Bates, the busiest basketball seasons for tha 111 McPherson and Palmer. Springfield country schools. * converted four times, and a safety Principals of the schools have met 245 added the other two points. and completed a schedule for the ca- 320, Those who saw Friday's game say ,tre season, which follows. ¡that Springfield displayed the best November 26: Creswell at Walker; « < football seen here this year Coach Mohawk at Coburg; Elmira at Blach- 1 Fenwick has been bolstering his line ,y- December 3: Mohawk at Thurston; with som e new material, of which »1 Pleasant outstanding men. 336 228 Two Pay Fine» I Hill. Ì December 10: T1 Elmira at Lorane; Vida at Mohawk. at Walker: at Blachly; I A fine of »10 was paid Monday by at Pleasant Blachly a t 120 Joseph E. Gates of Motor Route B, Hill; 3->6 who was found guilty in Justice j Coburg; Vida at Thurston. Smith's court of speeding within the December 22: Elmira at Ci at 480 city limits. J. W. Peek paid a fine • December 23: Pleasant of $2 assessed or parking too near Creswell; Lorane at Walker. 496 the Springfield fire hall. December 31: Walker at Creswell; Coburg at Vida. January 7: Thurston at Pleasant Hill; Lorane at Crow; Mohawk at By A. B. CHAPIN Vida; Elmira at Creswell. January 14: Pleasant Hill at Walk­ er; Thurston at Mohawk; Crow a t Elmira; Blachly at Lorane; Vida it Coburg. January 21: Walker at Lorane; Creswell at Vida; Lorane at Elmira; Coburg at Blachly; Mohawk at Pleas­ ant Hill. January 28: Walker at Thurston; Blachly at Crow. February 4: Coburg at Mohawk; Crow at Thurston; Blachly at Elmira; Vida at Pleasant Hill. February 11: Pleasant Hill at Thurston; Lorane at Blachly; Vida at Creswell. February 18: Creswell at Elmira. S T R E E T LIG H TS IN MAIN S T R E E T ABLAZE Springfield's Main street assumed a metropolitan appearance this week with the completion of an attractive system of ornamental street lighting. Finishing touches are being put on the new lights by employes of the Mountain States Power Company, which holds the contract awarded by the city council. The lights are the same type as those which have been Installed throughout St. Louis, Mo. The next move In Improving Main srteet's appearance will . be the re­ moval of telephone and electric light poles to the alleys. This work will be started immediately. Sell« Tract Mrs. Emma Wallace has sold 30 acres of timber land to Ralph and Walter Hunter of Eugene, through the Walker-Calkins realty firm.