T IH 'ItS D A Y OCTOBER 2H. 192« T H E S PIU XG EIKI.H NEWS F A C E EIG H T F IF T Y -F IR S T W EDDING ANNIVERSARY IS H ELD Hero At the place » h e re th.’ » e re w a r Tied j l year* ago, and »here they have r idcd during «7 e th eir year* P> istilla Club Me«t* of wedd«*d life. Mr and Mrs Jam** The I h ’ e lite club n e i » u h Mr (A dvert cel .•»rated th eir wedding an- W illiam t 'u r tis s lis i E riday oitcrno. Bivt sary at th eir farm near Junction A si «ing and sui sin « c o u t-s t »• s City last Sunday. AH of th ir children »■ re p resen t conduce-d. Mrs. Im rim er wnm ng l ’ ­ ir. a;t Mrs T o r s e l l i thè co n so li- and - v cn g~..:id child rt u It has b conn an ar»'na| ap’a r (■>. the family tl.'n aw ard in ihe p i t t i t i c o m e s i M ' to sat <“r at home to celebrate this Er riam i m a a flower e, m esi wlllt M rs Ja< k 1.arsoti "ild •v e n t. Th ■ fa r y no»- : ■ bers 5!. Guest of if the club « i re Mrs K A tn clu d teg four great-granil-cbildren. R.-ttki t. Eugi Engi I ne, and Mr- Th - 1 M r. atid s aiv. .t » e re m arried A. B arber S ir in tf l.l Menile s OB C \! 1’ T 24. 187.» <'a: .if til.- hun.l- presen t wore Mr*. 1 tit Swart . nad g. . tt> tie wc«ld M- Je>- Tom seth, Mrs I yl»*| < V th e re a-, only sever, '.'. liv in g » Mis. 1 Larim . r, Mrs. I a 1: Lars "i, Uvi in Lauc county Mr C alvert has been active .n L’c in s u r a n t business Mrs. L. H enderson. J its. William S team ier. Mrs. Howai I Freeland. In later year*, and his son is m anag Mrs. 1 E Ik .-'o rd Mrs I.-land Ew- Ing the (arm batik and Mrs. tv I! am Curtiss. Those present «-etv Ada C alvert, of T he tt \t m ee tin g will be i n ine! I W endUnr. and children. Alice. Roy a t th i home of Mrs E w hanks N ovem ­ -o s i ll . ; H arvey. Ella, and Cora: Mr and Mrs. ber S. Bud M cPherson and dauhter. E sther, Needlec.-aft Meet* and son. Lavern. of Springfield; Mr George Ashford, numbed with T hree new m em bers w ere initialed and Mrs. Glen Riddle of Springfield; cold was hanging from a rope Mr. and Mrs. John Edniiston and sou. into tile Needle.-rat club at its m eet­ ladder beneath soaring plane. See­ ing his d an g er L ester Kirk (photo Jam es of T h u rsto n : Mi. and Mrs. ing last Thursday evening at the home above) took off in another machine R ay Baugh and son. H arry, an of Mrs. tl W Hobson. They were —Jockeyed underneath and grab­ daughter. Ella, of T hurston: Mr and Mrs. Carl H i t t! ; i , u i . Mrs. Howard bed Aahfortl. -w hile guiding with Mrs M arrin Jackson. daughter. C cttoa and Mis II. L. W riaht. but on« bait' This heron: rescue H allowe’en del-oral lolls added much Lucille and sons, Lawrence and By- happened at Evansville, tod. ron. of Eugene; Mr and Mrs. John to the sp irit of the occasion. It was C alvert of L iberty; Mr and Mrs. Jim decided th at the next m eeting will be cake made ot candy? » sig h ted e tg .it M axvrH W hite of Cortland. Mr and Mrs I'd Cole, mid nieiiibei'a of Hie family to re iHtiiuhl I l o n i n h ilfitt iiuim I i ' only i s n a s r » i w a s t t x S w » « Ixrmber ______ _ Labor. Man and Team. 12 month« » rushed Rock Cem ent Alley Crossings 2" ........................... ......... — ---------- ---- Cutting Weeds ......... ..... Surveying S treets ____ 2 ” ......... •'leaning S treets ...,__ _ „ ...................................~ Equipm ent and Supplies _ ................................. ........ ........... “ Sewer Pipes ........ , , ............................... ........ ...............- 50.00 500.00 400 00 50 00 200 00 100 0« 250 00 100 00 75 00 1 Town M arshal at »«2 50 p er mo. 12 mos. t “ 15 00 P*» m o . 12 mos .„ 1 b ig h t W atchm an. 100.00 p er mo.. 12 mos Supplies ........ ............... ... i I h y k o v ih Andrew Qibaen W inner Andrew tubami. 12 year old Spring III III youth, »on a ».'■ p rlte al tin Mi Friday and Saturday Special Bargain Basement Unfinished Breakfast C H A IR S tier»* In a dandy HtH > llm u k iu b t t'h a lr, J uki lit«* I'lelit six«» fu r th«> Im -akfnsi nnuk nr In UBt* 111 III«' k ll- t'ltt'li Hum uf hiirilvvuutl througho ut, w ith bow Inn k and (Untight ■plittllt'H Tlu< C hair I h unfininhcd. hut I h Well Handed H(> t 'lt ll lit* t'ftRl- Iv nnlnted o r «*iiuiut*led to -*• A . si v V- s t ill. Hegular |1.65 FISH NOW $1.19 CANNING TIME IS HERE Fresh C anning Salm on now a rriving. 15c per pound by the whole fish. Place Orders Now Sanitary Meat Market 505 Main Street \ ’ulut(iu«lIti« ^ -7 y Estimated Budget For the Town of Springfield for 1927 till* u t t«k lu h hoto Gtbwoti WH « th ................. . Eire Engine G eneral Obligation Bonds. »7000 00 B-md Sinking Fund .......... E m ergency Fund .................................. ................. G ross E stim ated Bgpefldltsres A nticipated Revenues: Licenses. Bool and Billiard H alls. 12 months Fines. 12 m onths .................................. .. . Road Funds, 12 m onths ........................ ................ Total A nticipated Revenues 10 00 125.09 2100.00 1 2100.00 The Constitution would protect these Tax-Spenders 3000 00 ' 24 "0.00 ' 54 00 ' 420.00 7000.00 »17.124 00 Î 700.00 »29.729.00 I 80 00 1500.00 2000 00 3580.00 T otal Net E stim ated E xpenditures 20140 00 Th- Budget C om m ittee of the Town of Springfield will meet on Mondnv. N ovem ber 22. 1920. at tho Town Hall In Sorlngfi-lil at the hour of 7:30 I’ M w hen- and when any and all tax p ay ers of the Town of Springfield shall he heard In favor of o r ag ain st such tax levy or anv port th- reof. G. G. BUSHMAN, Chairm an, R E. MOSIER W C M-LAGAN, W. P. TYSON, L. L. MAY. C E. WHEATON. GEO. W. PERKINS, M J. McKLIN, H. J. COX. I M PETERSON, Motion made and carried that budget be acc- pted. Motion m ade and carried to adjourn. I. M. PETERSON, S ecretary. O 28: N 4. But what about the Tax-Payers? Your only protection is to I VOTE 337 X NO! in November Paid Adv. by the Oregon Public U tility Committee—Opposed to Ihe Housewives’ Council “Water and Power" Bonding Amend- ment—424 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon.