k PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IU ’RSKAY OCTOBER 28, 192« — Thurston Man in— Chari»» Gront of NOTICE __ I'hurston »pent a part of Mond I’m jerty owner* are hereby notified 9prtngH*-ld. 1 that all parking1* mont be cleaned ap , DANCE Steven« Hall Every Satur­ o u «m and rubbish witniu the itea: day Night. (Jarrett’» Orecbestra. U. . f-w days GKOHOB VALUER. Street Com- CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery uiiMMloner. on price» on pla'e and other work, tf SUMMONS IS’ THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE M M O N S clSSlfl UYlNG OR SELLING’ L.i_.__ o'clock In he afternoon of »aid day, at the Southwest front door of the County Court house. In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for «ale and «»11 for cash, at public auction, subject to redemption a» provided by law. all nf the right, title and Interest cf said defendant N. H. Fair, and all per on» claiming by, through or under him in nd to «aid premises. PRANK E TAYLOR, tfberiff. Lane County, Oregon O 1421 28: N 4 11 8 U « O N 8 IB IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WANTED Lady wishes housework T< »H SALE Sweet Cider. Nathan TO T R A D E -Ix ils 2 and 3. Block 2. K. SI A Ih OP OREGON FOR .> K K> pii.-r addition to Springfield by hour or day, by tour prefemd. .Tick Pitone fiFII Bugen«. Oct 28 COUNTY. Nine Walls, Plaintiff Vs., J a - L. to trade for Portland property. I |da Raines, Ed Raines, her husband; Address Box 171» t prliigfii Id tf. T il LEASE Por hunting season* i f S. Davis, or bis unknown heir» at Walls. Defendant Lou ll. nd r, 1500 Villard Ave. Port- , Anna Decor, Henry Decor, her hus- law, if he Is deceased, also all other j ducks and geese the hunting right To James L. Walls, Def* dant: land. Oregon O 28: N 4 11 «'*» \ Henderson. W H. Hea- W ANTED WORK C om petent woman persons or parties unknown claim­ on the land known as the J M IN THE NAME OF THE i TATS . iderxoii, her hunband; Ryiv»*fit«*r Arml ing any right, title, estate, Interest OF OREGON: ‘w-wnls work wilt go out of town You are h e., uy re­ „ ' ta<*. Armitage, hl« wife; Zella I’btlpott Place. Jennie L. Phllpott. or lien In or upon the deal estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS I Smith. I.. D Smith, her husband; Address, X News Office. (I 21 28 quired to appear and answer ihe com­ <» 22 28: N 4 11 In the complaint described, Defend­ plaint filed against you In t e above NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthur Oetschell. Ronnie Hawley. ants. IIIUII GRADE Plano near Springfield KOOP REPAIR)NO—Old roofs mud the undersigned has been appointed ‘J,,b,’- ‘ Hawley, her husband; Mere entitled suit on or before s x week» To Isaac 8. Davis or his unknown from date of first publication of this will lit- sold to reliable party at big dllh Thompson. Thompson, hl» heirs at law. If he is deceased, also summons, or for want thereof tae to lust by a paving process will executor of the estate of Charles I Ife; Thaddeus ■avlug. $10 monthly will bundle A I ets Ife; Thaddeus Thompson, Thompson „ otbPr p«.rHOng or parties unknown save von money and eri. I plaintiff will take Judgment against real buy write at once for partlcu estate, in­ you and will apply to the court for g d fixed right for winter rains. ‘ having claims against said estate are or her unknown heirs at law. If de­ terest or Hen In or upon the real lari* Tallman Piano Store, Salem, the relief prayed for in tae compiaint Guaranteed satisfaction. Perman­ required to present them with the ceased; L. 0. Linville, her husband or estate In the complaint described. De- and for a decree of absolute divorce Stevens, Oregon. (I 21-28; N 4 proper voucher« to the mid- rs.gt.e1 w l.lew r; Ellz - S teven s ently located. Phone Eugene 2326J. . hl» wife; Pearl llarnes, E A. Barnes, fendants. at the law office of Potter A King, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE from You and «n»“l‘mon« ° l t- e mar I. T. I.oomls. Eugene. tf. 901 W illamette Street, In Eugene. Ore­ her husband; R.-na Stevens Prank OF OREGON, You are hereby requir-, riage contract, NOTICE Austin Stevens. O llie This summons is published once NOTICE OP PINA;, SETTLEMENT gon. within six months fr.mi Ihe date Stev'tis. Wtevens, William Stevens. Josephine ed to appear and answer the com­ each week for «ix consecutive weeks Taken up September 21». Jersey row, notice. plaint filed against you in the above Notice Is hereby given that Carrie of D this the widow of William H. in the Springfield News a weekly A T E D a t E n g in e . O regon, th is S te v en s old, with halter and »'Imiti attached. (’. Winfrey, Executrix of the Estate decease«!, whose present entitled »uit, within six weeks from Newwpaper. publi-hrd at Springfield, 14tlt '•rilt'iMAS »lay of O G cto GOI1RÌE b er. 1920 K x .riito r of Rt'-vens n a m e is unknow n; Alvin Stevens. May ^® p 2*’k th‘!.a>flr'^ October, 1928 the Lane County. Oregon, by order of W 1. McFarland. Motor mute 11. II».x of W E Winfrey, d»-< -used has file I publication of Ibis her final account as such, ami Ihe i: Pboat i i n • the Estui of Charles 1. Gorrle. dr Walters. John Walters, her husband Summons, to-wit: On or before Fri- the Hon. G F. Skipworth. Judge of I Court ha» get Monday. November 8. the unknown widower and heirs at . „ . . . . . , said court, made October 26 1924. law of Llsxle Vaughn deceased; the day 1Wb ° f M e m b e r 1926. Dated and first published October 28, 1928 at 10 00 A. M. at the County ceased. unknown widow and heir» at law of “ J5?.* * “ ’ w* r’ .f°,r WaDt Court Room In It).' Court House nt NOTICE FO|t PCIILICAT4t»N unKtiown widow ano neim a i ia»w oi . - . , , ; decre."agi7nst y«,u“ st»-r. »26 In said 1 ,,ur " ‘ y i ^ r. '„ e n r j Decor. Ella V Header- “» »««'“»t "»c d^ n d a n ta . pu‘r9i ant [o a "»„WHon of the Town OREOON LAND COMPANY, bv R A r» cover*« I J 1 w H. Henderson. Sylvester Arml- whether named or described; that Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- liooth »gent, Eugene, Oregon, flled : l . k l l . 1. 1 OREGON FOR IHI Ilostlck. against the defendant« ( H ’/ » » ' ■ , a Thaddeus Thompson. Thompson his P>*nJlf f" title and for such other following described property East; Ixit 3 of Sectlon 7; Ixit 2 ah ve named THE STATE OF OREGON You ar,. ember. 1926 or a total of 840.4 S9. p ^ e iin e LlnviRe. or her un- “nd further relief as shall be by the , 9 and 20, Block 88. Wash- o< Sectlon 17; I-ot 1 of ffisetlon Sa, hereby notified and required to appear „ h u h Judgment »ball draw Inlrest at known heirs at law. If deceased; L O. ,?xlrt deemed Just and equitable in burng Subdivision of Springfield In- Tp 20 s . n 2 Buffi; N it of Bno 29. nml answer the oomplnlnt filed a g a in st; tbe rate ’“<’0» Is served by publica- dition , o Springfield, Lane County, 8B U N W I4, Sec 22: E 4 , K ^R W t, -lx weeks ........................................ „ ,„ „ E from the dale of *•-' the ----- first torney fee, and -he coels and dis- uis- p„orl pearj n Barnes. E. A. Barnes. oarnes, Rena e r u , tf°n ----- thereof -------- - once each week for ,v, six Oregon S lx»t u 4 u of u Sec u B U ,, N , W is U . . « act u u 31. » Tp 22 p >i Hl I <« 11 - n of this summons, and If bur»ements herein, which Judgmnet, gteVPna Frank Stevens. Austin 9tev .s u c c e s s iv e weeks In the Springfield j fOT delinquent town improvement lien. s 7:oEI* P " " fal1 ,o ■l’P' “r *" ‘h*1 ab,’v,• en was enrolled am. docketed In the „„„ o ,„ p steven s. William Stevens News, publised In Springfield. O regon.; ged b Ordinance No. 283 - 290. 17i . h « .‘ “ tied cause within the said period of c l,,r k s Of »aid Court In »«Id j ()R,.ph|n<, Stevens. Alvin Stevens. bF order ° ( Hon. G. F. Skipworth. " ged and approved November EA ® W ^ ' l* ,.r r ‘ ; »lx weeks from the date of the first , 1)lintv on , he 28th day of Septmber. May Walters John Walters, the un i “d gej of s“ld Court entered on the Ip 19U and November 8th, 191t, NB<4. Sec 31; N H N E ti. Sec 35; Tp publication of this summons, the plain 19, d and #ald e s e cutloa to roe direct- |,n(, wn widower and heirs at law of - ’ th day of October. 1926, and th e |" . ' ( w on t t h 12th w iH ill on h e e 13 8.. It J East: Lot 5 of Sec 11; tiff will apply to the Court for the rc (d ¿omn)andlnK me in the name o f l j j Mte Vaughn, deceased; the un first publication thereof was made oni . N ovem ber 19 2.6 at o f RKt»NK*4. 8W H 8B '4. Sec 25; Tp 24 Ref prayed for In the complaint bere- ‘ lhp Hutp Qf Oregon, In order to sa tis-! known widow and heirs at law of the 28th day of October. 1926. | , me ' — — of 1:30 o'clock P. hour 8 . R 3 Bast: N K 'i. See. 35. Tp 23 S . In. to wit: for a decree of the above .uUgment. Interest, attorneys . p barieg steven s. deceased; all ether A. E WHEELER. Attorney f for c - 1 , of said day. in front of the Town Hall R 4 East 8 H 8 W U . & lad 4 of Sec entitled Court dissolving and forever „ „ j .^rrnine co a ts: heir» at law of H ixev V Stevens, de- Plaintiffs, residing in and whose po pORt in Snringfield. Lane County, Oregon, ,X m c d " ta r l£ ^ ^ P ™ s or office address Eugene. Oregon 15. Tp 24 S . R 4 E ast; NHSBM . Sec „-tt.ng aside the bond, of rn.Ur.mony sell the above described property to 85. Tp 24S. Il 5 East: All of Section exl»U— between plaintiff and defend parties unknown claiming and right. _____ j' 28: N 4-ll l8-25; D 2-» the bidder for cash who offers to pay and «11 of Section 11. Tp 24 S . ant he and granting to the p la n ­ Northeast e sta t^ llen^ Interest^Jl^tJ^ . All that part of the N ortheast, i title, estate lien or iniereer ... .u - NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S c «•% VLE ON the assessm ent, costs, Interest and ac- Rang-- 5(4 East. W M . within the ned a decree of absolute quarter and real estate described In the compla.n IN gl F3RECLC costs and in-ercst thereon, and SURE -Id*Cotrt’ n X ’r i n and i t o the OF EXECUTION b*™by v in ^ tb « “b y ^ ir curing iake"n Redemption Deed at the lowest faacad e National Forest. for the l ‘d' the defendant; for t h ^ ’ b o ti M rnbere^ One?" Two and herein and ot timber on Ihe 8E (4. B’wtlon 23; -Id Court restoring to the Three of Sectl-n Fifteen, in Town- maid n nim e a" prayed IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF tw> Qf an execut)on and ordpr ra.„ , f lnterfeg. not greater than 15 NE'». Section 2«. Township 20 8 . F. omDla’nt ta i l s suit ship Seventeen South. Range T h ree, OREOON You are hereby required to _n forec!o(,ure tsgupd QUt of (hp c , r. per cent. Range East. W. M. «t. yoi i u K r o n t b e Z i In the I-an. C ou n tr Oregon which lie . 7 ^ « ^ • S itJ ’ of « 2 o» da>' of Uc'.vber l926. f cent from November 96th. i , U . purpnee of this notice Is to al­ T risect owr.tr». Thomas and Sallie Hurt ..eld New» once "arb week for West of Ihe Deadmon.l Slough and In- within six week» rro t |n a suit wherein on the 14th day of low all persons claiming the lands six .ueceswlve w eek. In conformity eluding all of the Deadmond Island first'P«b» < £ ° ” ° f 'ftnd „ vou faU; October 1926 in said court The Paci- Sikes Assessed to Thomas and Sal- eeleoletl, or having bona tlfle obje? wilh Ihe order of the Hon O F. Skip- and extending to the center of tald , thw Sprtagfleld^N p,aln -l“« Savings & Loan Association. lie Sikes. tlomi to such appllratlon. an opportu so to «rill answer nfr« tnke mr ludcment ftnd ',o,'r£ii Washington corporation, plaintiff, re Terms cash. nlty to file their protests with the Aorth, J q <1 k «* of the above entitled Ik»adnmnd Slouch; A I ho tiffs will take J g covered Judgment against E.xma C Court. boat and cable used as access th -reto, tiffs will «*** J » « " » ? ' "najn their C. Springfield^ Oregon,_ R egister of the United States I .and JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal The . . . . ___ «lute ____ of Ihe _____ first , __________________ pnbllcatlon of and .... all appurtenance, .. helongli.g to aK“ ni't|„» . wit i i » P That Thai their the title to ° P |e and Harry J. Ople, defendants Office at Roseburg. Oregon. of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. thia summons It September 30. 1926 , u ld premise» and said ferry b™ »< ! i h ? P f d o t ln r described land In L ane. for tb< * "»m of 23800 00. together wltn Any such protest» or objection must O 14-2128: N 4-11 Now. therefore. In the name of the the ... I interest thereon at the rate of 10 for be filed In this office within thirty The date of the last publication of sta te of Oregon. In compliance with County. Oregon t Southw„ , com er cent per annum from May 6, 1925 i -- ---------------- - day» from the date of the first publica­ th is sun,snons Is November 11. 1926 E O IMMEL, |,a ld execution and order of sale and! Beg Inn g a.even s and wife D o-',lntll Paid, and for the further turn Of | _ _ _ C, T p IMPROVE- tion of this notice, which first publcca- Attorney for Malntlff. nealdtnc* ' OTd,.r to satiety said Judgment. In- Litton ^ U d Claim T o ’ S ^ N o tf“ No. »8 75 together w ith interest thereon j NOTICE tlon 1» Rrptnnber 30, 1926 ln Township 17 Sou»h Ranee 3 »1 the r sle of « per cent per annum , HEREBY GIVEN That HAMILL A CANADAY. Reglsterer and postofflee .ddre«»:_ Eugene. O ta J „ .re„ . attorneys fees. __cost»_ < f 9 30 O 7-14-21 28 N 4-11 ; and accruing costa. I will on Saturday 8 3» O 7-14-21-28 •------------------------- - ■ I M. 2. A j The ■ b u s in e s s I ) I R “T h e Loop” Your Home When In Springlield General Law Practice 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at Law E C T O R Y > j M auction, subject to redemption a» pro-! f„rpypr „tn h llsh ed and quieted sunt of J16.50. which Judgment was the following o e s-r ,. vld«l by law. all Of the right, tttl-1 “ d he forever barred and enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s • -----------office of said court in said County cn Addition to tae ivw u ui tend Interest of »al l defendants C RJ estoppel from having or claiming ar.v > > _ a » _ r.s t ....•»- ;. b»;.. Iff.» • • _ »_»_ W. F. Walker 1 Funeral Director 228 Main 81, 62 J Residence 125 C St 62M 1 or under them or any or either them in and to »aid prrnnises FANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of Lam County. Oregon O 7-14 21 28: N 4 Full Alito Equipment Lady Assistant other and further relief as .«hall he the Court deemed Just and equitable ' in the prem ises I Thl« «ummens Is served noon you hv ouhlicatlcn thereof once each week SUMMONS TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E ; H o ^ Commercial State Bank Bldg.. Sprlngfinld, Ore. G ^ f ' gon. In order to satisfy said Judgment interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs' to sell the follow- ing described deal Droperty. to-wit: ^ , Hunt’s Id, v 15th. 1911. June approved and w ill on th e '2th I th a t N ovem ber 1 9 5.6 t at day o f o'clock P. M- the hour of - 1:30 -- . . 2 M W ' S S V t^ o r lh .'J u d ’” o f enM ‘ N ow therefore, in the nam e of the »he bidder * h®t’ ^ atnr'e ,i^ tO V N T Y „ * « i 8Hon t h c ^ f la ««»«• »«> » « « * y MtidJudgment. in tak e a R edem ption D e n t i l . a n , U Jviyfe Reeves, lla in tlff. vs ^"rd dav of September. 1926. I terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit rate of interest, not greater than 15 S. Reeves. Defendant. \ F WHEELER. Attorney for and accruing costs. I will on Saturday per cent. „t a To Geot ge 'S- Reevea, Defendant: R esiding In Eugene. Ore- the 20th day of November. 1926 at t h e , Principal ' ««’ ________ _____________ $67 «» 69 interest at 5 per GCO,. N. McLEAN IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Plaintiffs, hour of one o'clock In the afternoon cent front June 16th. l r,-0. Automobile, Fire and Life ■ i OF OREGON. You are hereby re- ] gon. of said day. at the Southwest front Present owner Maggie J. ri ance, Call (S 23 30 O 7-14 21-28: N 4) , IN S U R A N C E 1 qnired to appear and answer the com- door of the County Court house, tn Assessed to Maggie J. France. plaint flled against you ln the above j ---------- • Surety Bund«,. Phone 617 Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer Terms cash. SUTTON TRANSFER entitled suit on or before six weeks | REFEREE’S SALE My buslneaa Is to protect for sale and sell for cash, at public aus- SpriJ ^ ‘g T o w n Marshal' ' from date of first puhllmtlon of th is; THE CTRCUIT COURT OP THE business summons, or for want thereof the ST ATE <1F « 'REGON. IN AND FOR tion. suhject to redemption as provid' d f ¿ p Town* of Springfield. Oregon Phone 57 860 Wlllaneettr 8t. Eugene^Oregor^, Judgment against COUNTY OF LANE SUIT NO. bylaw , all the right title ar.d lntere’t O 14-2128: N 4 11 16260. of said defendants. Emma C. Opie and | the relief prayed for ln the i5ntnplntnt Margaret M. Wnggener, Oscar P. J. Ople. and all persons claim-1 and for a decree of absolute divorce Waggoner. Mary J. Wo.dc,tek as the Harry “, h” ln‘; h " ,“ dp7 tb^ o'r“’a nv ' NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- 'VASBY BROS. from you and fhe custody o f the Administratrix the Estate of Nor' Nor or either of them in and to said; ....................... ... of ,hp MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE DR. N. W. EMERY minor ihtld of fhe marriage' now In rls Etlllon Woodcock. deceased; premises. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Painting Decorating her car*. OBNTieT Merle Woodcock. Lynn Woodcock, FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. I pursuant to a resolution of the Town This summons is published once Guv Woodcock! Inex Woodcock. Mary of Lane County, Oregon. In ail Itu hranchea Button Bldfl. Phone 20-J Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt­ each week for sbt consecutive week», J. W oodcock. Vernon M. Woodcock, O 21-28; N 4-11-18 ed August 3<>:h, 1926. and a .warrant in the Springfield N ews, a weekly W inifr.d Residence Phone 143 M Woodcock. llom ber B. 312 Main Street newspa-per published at Springfield. Woodcock, an.l Lester E Riant NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SALE ON issued by the town Recorder there­ under directing me to advertise and . - . Lune County. Or»gon, by order of Plaintiffs, versus Fred C. W alters and Springfield, Oregon EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ' Notice Is hereby given that by vir- sell. In the manner provided by law. S a d ie D W allers Defendants. Notice is hereby given Riat 1. Frank tue of an execution and order of »ale the following described property. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL L published September 30. 1926 E. Tavlor. the undersigned, by virtue in foreclosure issued out of the Cir- Beginning at the Northwest com er' WITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney of a decree of court entered In the cult Court of Lane County. Oregon. Iof Block 67 of Washburn's Subdtvl DENTIST Plaintiff. Residence nnd post of­ above entitled snlt was appointed re- on the 9th day of October. 1926. In a j "Km of Springfield Investment and fice address. Ettgene. Oregon. feree and directed to sell all of the suit wherein on the 13th day of A pril.' Bower Company's Addition to tha JEWELER Phone 43 8 30: O 7-14-21«: N 4-11 Interest ot' the parties to this suit in 1926. in said court Irvin R. Fox. plain (Town of Springfield, Oregon; running Repairing a Specialty First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield j an.l to the following described real tiff recovered Judgment against the thence south 119 feet; thence East Springfield, Oregon estate, to-wit:-—Beginning at a point defendant N. H. Fair, for the sum o f 1 100 feet; thence North 119 feet; IN THE COUNTY COURT OF where the east boundry of the county $225.00. with interest there on at the i thence West 100 feet to the place of .........."■ "" THE STATE OF OREOON FOR roa.l Intersects the north line of Dona- rate of 7 per cent per annum from beginning, tlon Land Claim No. 41 In township , the 20th day of June. 1924. and the for delinquent town improvement lien, LANE COUNTY In the matter nf the estate of Dora 14 south ln range 6 west of the Wil- further sum of 214.50 with interest a-sseased by Ordinance No. 378-379, WM. G. HUGHES lnmette Meredlan ln Benton County, from July 15, 1925. at 6 per cent per passed and approved January 24. 1914. C. Grav. deceased FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE til on th e 12th I NOTICE Is hereby given that fhe Oregon; thence run east 6 0) chains; . annum an.l the further sum of $11.50 t h a t NOTARY PUBLIC All kind« of gravel for con­ N ovem ber 1 9 2,6 at o f undersigned Executor has flled his thence run south 3 00 chains; thence j costs, which Judgment was enrolled day final account In the above estate; run .west 6.70 chains to Ihe east line .and docketed In the Clerk's office of the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M. crete or road work. We Office at that Saturday the 30th day of Oct­ of the said County Road; thence run ■ »aid Court in said county on the 13th of said day, in front of the Town Hall make a specialty of crushed FIRST NATIONAL BANK execution j In Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, ober. 1926. at the hour of 10 o'clock northerly along the east line of th e ! day of April, 1926. and said rock and rock sand. Bunk- , J Springfield. Oregon | A. M at the County Court Room in said county road 3.83 chnlns to the I to me directed commanding me in the I sell the above described property to ers nt foot of Main on Mill 1 Ihe Court House, in Eugene. I^tne place of beginning situated in town- name of the State of Oregon, In order. the bidder for cash who offers to pay Interest, 1 the assessm ent, costs, interest and ac- County, Oregon has been fixed by ship 14 south in range 6 west of the to satisfy said Judgment. street Meredlan In Benton costs of suit and accruing costs to j curing costs and Interest thereon, and FOR 8ALB—Carbon paper In largsj order of the Court as the time nnd Willnmette HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. 1.905 sell the following described real pro-. take a Redemption Deed at the lr west I sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable tot plnce for hearing any objections that County, Oregon, containing rate of intereeat, not greater than 15 I perty, to-wtt may he filed to said final account nnd acres of land. I making tracings The n ew s Office for final settlem ent of said estate. Therefore, pursuant to said decree | Lots 1 and 2 in Block Two Van per cent. Principal $926.36. Interest at 6 per All persons having objections to I will sell to the highest bidder fo rjn u y n ’s Addition to Coburg, in Lane * * FRANK A. DE PUE cent from- May 14th, 1920 said final account of any item thereof cash all the above described real es County. Oregon. FOR 8 A LB— Payroll sheets, prtatoi, Now. therefore. In the name of the Present owner, J. W. Machen. As­ are notified to (He the same with the fate at the southwest door of the ATTORNBY AT LAW Mid In stock at the Newe office County Clerk on or before the time Court House tn Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon. In compliance with sessed to J. W. Machen. Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock In said execution and order of sale and Term« cash Form suitable for road. eonstracUoe for final hearing thereon. NOTARY PUBLIC the afternoon on Saturday. October In order to satisfy said Judgment, In-, Springfield. Oregon. October 14. 1926. R. CLAUDE GRAY, Executor work, saw m ills, etc., with table te Button Springfield te r e st costs of suit and accruing | JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal Bean & Brooke, attorney» for 30, 1926 compute workman's oompensetloa FRANK E. TAYLOR. Referee. costs, I will on Saturday the 13th d a y 'o f the Town of Springfield, Oregon, Buldllng Oregon. Estate. and deduction«. No employer shewU S 30: O 7-14 21-28 of November, 1926, at the hour of one J O 14-21-28: N 4-11 S 30 : 0 7-14 21-28 be without these f rms when they y«Ur A D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. P