TIH HSDAY OCTOBER 3«. 192« lliK Sl'UiNGKlELD NEWS Baby B e n —A baby girl was horn Bushman B rin y * Birds ' - Ml " '- 1 Ml A R eturning Monday from a trip to i K lam ath ►'alls. Mayor tl li Itushm :,’, l'Io ugh. of Rainbow a a a a • brought with him a giaise and d u e tt pres« nted to Ihe city , hlcf b> 1 *’ Oaupbtsr Born— Mr and Mrs Her- 1 Kteky hunter. Jam,-* Kt, w art, at man Murr f Springfield a ie Ih i K lam ath Fall- fo, imrl) of Spriicttl« I b-ippy par, ni l of u Uuuittitrr born Two bird-, also were sent St, wari « ihttiUa* morning ut th- Pa, III, C hris Von were denied know ledge of leg!» A I th taxpayers of our 18 grant brother. Harry, of the S tew art t u I tian lt< s pliai realize the great relief latlon proposed by S r in ter StanHeld. Unti count Il U I how larm* Is tlx. sum coming to because the M orning O regonian *> ••• Cotupany l ‘ in through the < tu u ttm n t of the O and will continue to sacrlfle. your ,<• C. Bill, th ey »re phtnnlng new best Interest* la order to reek Its school building», »ml an increase and vengeance on anyone daring to oppose Its own aggrandlsetneut. The people b etterm en t In the leaching staff i n c u r MILLIONS cf dollar* turned of Oregon are a free |to p ic , owing W« Will Welcome You A* A Shareholder loose In O regon th is (all Is alm ost utt their all,'glance to th Ir God. their htllevable. but th is Is a fact, th anks lOuntrv and th.'tr.selve". an.I they will to the effort» of Robert X Stanfield not submit to tv order«-1 an.; dictate«! s. no m e tie r how In addition to this Im m ediate cash to I-, selfish inter j'svii ent. th ere is a tax reduction for - ,w eiful that Inter, t or di,Ute may all time of 25 f e r cent. One has only be. \V ■ who have b,---n m aking horns» to »sit any school dlr* etc r of these REUNION . , cot*nlles to re n llie to the full the In i r-s u # establishing Industries and I w as in th e midst of packing w hen Ellie cam e in and to >. wonil,,r („i relief from h erd . n»«,m«> payrolls, or w orking for wages, know * t how hard the struggle bus been lo look a t my overflow ing baggage which occupied cv n g p k u o u s ,axt.? th e enactm ent has perm itted T his tax relief make ends meet. T here Is „nty one bill p laces on ch airs am i tables. was only possible by th«- bolding of hope for us. and th a t Is relief front Ihe Robert C hairm anship of the Public lattnls excesalvc burden of taxation ••Well.” she drawled, “looks like moving day around these the hv S enator Stanfield The fu rth er re­ X Stanfield. Ihe pres, nt It,-publican diggings. W hither away. Sally-Alley and w hat's the idea of lief to la- had through the F orest Re Senator, whose advice and counsel Is this m ysterious disappearance act. a la Houndini Ellie prided serve latnds can only la- obtained by sought and respected by S enators and President Coolidge alike, has been the herselt on never being surprised at any unexpected occurence re-electing R obert X. Stanfield a s re o re .e n ta tiv e O tegon ever had and. true to type, she seated herselt nonchalantly on the edge of 8 « proposes to apply » h o has been able to actually reduce the bed and. calmly smoking a cigarette, looked amusedly In my prln,.tp1(, w the n » rest Reserve», taxes. He 1» the only man who can er *“ In continue to do ao. as he alone van re- direction. which will give every • tax p “ ay ““* __ reduction of tain for Oregon the pow erful Choir- . . . . » • • « — 4 Or*«on an additional T in going home on the five o clock train, 1 answered. frolll 35^ to 40%. Or In o th er words „i an ship of l*ubllc laintl* _ — — 'll isA I I'm ’ »VX guy o n n V * ” I I caught _1,1 W.» r « « t e * u t ™ o n A ^ n ^ m O i l P N a s V ^ U t f i v ^ v U v n w r w a i ' f u I I»«ru struggling for composure, "and. oh. la Ellie. so h happy!” w W __1 'o r S «»»•• n X W- aa of K J m X & d of reduction glimpse of my face in the m irror ot the dressing table and I. of from u t i s to ionit, wuh ind brlnK lh„ developmeat of Ore* a ■ ‘ ’ ..................................... .......... ......... ....... ........................................................ ret, ucUon ln our tax .» , -on to pass w ithin your life tim e you « a is s flushed with excitement and pleasure at the thought of re- >»»r'Y ' . ^„ded Indebted neaa. we may must forget party or personal like« turning to Curtiss. Ellie s saucy expression changed instantly Public utility propertied »re built to endure. - “ nu w im edlr.te coming o f,a n d w h to i and retain rh-nator Stan 1 dreaded her questions. to one of surprise and disappointment. ........................ and population, and | field They rentier indispensable services, the demand E astern capital which 1 knew were bound to follow. Oregon can suffer no g reater dis­ an Increaee In the value of o u r own a s te r than th e loss of the C hairm an ! fix which increases steadily properly “So, at last, you've heard from C urtiss?” T his additional revenue could event »hip of the Ihibllc l-amls Commute«- An investment in the Preferred Shares o f this It was a great tem ptation to answ er her indirectly and leave u a l i v ¿ r m l t th e rep eal of all auto-1, Paid Adv. by R C. T aylor. P ortland., the impression that 1 had been in direct comm unication with C ur­ mobile, road and gasoline lax________ , O r e g o n i _ company is a permanent investment, safeguarded M ore School Buildings Proposed Bond Reduction Possible -v 'b e û ta ttw C o n fessio n s o f a n e w w ife |Qa«trai«d b« Kutl lUbiBMB Regular Income From a Permanent Investment tiss but this I could not do with her gaze fixed unwaveringly upon ------,------------ • me. After all what did it m atter? As Mrs. Wright had said the and „ to me th a t peace and whole thing was a personal question which required my own happiness for me would alw ays mean decision without the interference of others. living In a place sm all enough to used in hla tendereat m om ents l a t e r he m ight auk m e many question» dur)n< by substantial property values, grow ing business and sound management. You can obnun a regular income from an in­ Interim since I had left him and It dally con tact with friends and neigh- vestment in this Company — dividends ate paid "X o I replied quickly, "but 1 have thought of what m ight have happen«*,) would I»- em b arrassin g to explain h eard from a m utual friend of ours on account of E llie s unkind and fal- bors. 1 pleased m e to thin k th at Mrs. about Barry but. for the present. ( regularly by check, every three mondts. W right would be sending over tray s there was no cloud to m ar the u tte r , th a t he still cares for me and th a t he laclous story. th at we A serious expression had c h a n g 'd of my fav o rite dain ties and You can start investing today on the con­ h a s been sulking in silence because I st-eds a n t perfection of th at rap tu ro u s reunion h er e n tire ap pearance and th ere wes would discuss n astu rtiu m venient monthly investment plan w ith as small le ft against his wishes. Also—listen hour. to this Ellie! He h asn 't had a single som ething so path etic about h e r ro se b u sh e s over the back fence when a sum as $). , apology th at I lost all sense of having I started my garden. I realized t o * d ate w ith L etitia E v a n s !' (S allle takes up her old life in the been angry and going over to h er I 1 had m issed th at wwrtnth of intim ate S he moved uneasily, th- n walked nest installm ent but things continue contact w i t h hum an peraonaU ll-s You S houtdK now the Facta A btntt Investment over to the window where she stood pattesl h e r shoulder. to happen to this modern young "N ever mind. Ellie, we ve been too th at Is Im possible In a city o f gigantic- for a long while as if she w re obli­ In O u t Preferred Shares couple. Follow th e ir tempestuous close for me not to forgive you. be- dim ensions. vious of my presence. married life In the New s.l I reached the little house on the The Preferred Share» of "L isten Sallle. it was pretty d a n side», a lls well th a t ends well' and ro tte n of m e to tell you th c -e things I'm thankful all this came out befo’e hill about noon tim e The »In,io» OLD TIME DANCE ¡•bout C ur' :s» and right now 1 want to l had done an y th in g im petuous and boxes which I had k -p t »-.Hi ro»"- At \V (). \V. Hall. Eugene, , w ry were devoid of all say th a t I'm so rry as the dickens. sllly." I breathed a sigh of relief and colored petunias tf. T uesday night. life and color, and. with its closely Been sorry ever since 1 saw how once again I was rad ian tly happy. "I shut windows, the house p resented an re re trying to forget him don’t believe I ever would have tra v e ly you CALL AXD REE Dr. X W E m e y but I kept kidding myself th at it was m arried B arry, really, but I never ap pearance of neglect and unlived in May Be Purchased From would have accepted his atten tio n desolation. Even the bird bath under On prices on plate and o th er work, t fo r your own good and th a t’s why I M O U N T A IN S T A T E S P O W E R S E C U R IT IE S C O M P A N Y and led him on like I did except 1 th e pine saplings was dry and uninvit- fram ed up th e whole business." DANCE S tevens Hall Every S atu r­ My thoughts flew back to the day was so hu rt with w hat you told m e log. The terrace needed the atten tio n day Xlght. G a rre tt's O rechestra if about C urtiss.'." We both rem ained an d 1 noticed th at crab-grass was n th a t Ellie had turned me against Cur­ with the Bermuda. I was seized with tiss and I rem em bered th at even then silent for a while then I moved over rem o rse a t th e fact which was it bad seem ed queer to me th at soe to the desk and signed a note which brought home to me th at C urtiss had I had Just w ritten. I read it over. had refrained from telling me from "D ear, d ear B arry." It began. "I am needed me to keep house for him and whom she had gathered h er distu rb ­ * retu rn in g this afternoon to C urtiss. 1 to do those hundred little things ing inforation. which only a woman's hands And to “O b," with clenched teeth I flung am doing th e right thing, 1 believe. do to m ake a hom e hospitable and for your happiness as well as my own th e word a t her, “you hadn't even HEARD those things von told me for I think too much of our friendship cozy. N ever mind. I w hispered to about him w anting tc m arry L etitia to come to you when my h eart is In myself. 1 would m ake up for every- would be so happy! 1 E vans You m ean you Just slmpiy som eone else's keeping. I deeply ap- thing and we with my key which I LIED about It! Why. Ellie, how p re d a te th e boDor you bestowed up- let myself In on me in asking me to be your w lfj, ’•till kept In a sm all pocket Inside riy could you be so u ttrly cruel?" "P lease don't rub It in. for the love and I »hall never forget It, but never Uan'1 ba<- an d - a fter looking cares- of Mike. I feel terribly enough about think °f again except as your sin- B|ngly a t each room In the house. 1 it already. I only thought 1 was doing eere friend—Sallle " began unpacking I put my things In the thing that eventually would m a k e ' So th at was that. I handed th e ‘h eir p la c e -th r e w open the windows you happy I realize now th at I know letter in Its little lavender envelope io to let ln the c001- fr’‘sh “ lr of “ d da az’ a b -o lu t.lv nothing about the kind of EII|e "W ill you please give tnig to which—though It was alm ost ml'l- w inter— w as sw eet with sunshine and love you have for Curtiss. All I can B arry ?” carried the hint of an early Spring. She gave me h er prom ise do is to ask you tc try and forgive I I left New York with the reeling which the South-wind told me would me. I— “But, Ellie." I Interrupted, "don't th a t all was well with those friends not be long in coming. The house was spotlessly clean and you see th at you alm ost drove m« in­ with whom 1 had been closely a s­ I knew Mrs W right's maid had I»-, n sociated during my separation from to the arm s of B arry? T hat you w -e responsible for me perm itting him to C urtiss. Like ail people who have not over th a t m orning. She had told me m ake love to me and even considering forever lived in a big city I had be­ to ta ll on h er for any service that I m arty in g him and divorcing C urtiss?" come satiated with th e noise and in­ warned so I ran to the house next T here was te rro r in my h eart a t th - cessan t racket of th e busy m etropolis door and engaged h er to come In and prepare dinner. I found some chr- s- antbem um s in th eir late Autumnal glory and tilh d huge vases with tl- in. (| In o th ers I placed golden-rods and some b rilliant, sparkling leaves of maples. I glanced a t my watch, i t , The S ta te Highway Comintiwion has Agreed to pay half the cost (A building a new $150,- was tim e I was dressing. A fter a warm tub followed by a r e f re -h ln g i’ 000 modern Steel bridge. cold show er which sen t my blood I tingling. I se lect,d th e fro, k in whith The County Will get a new $150.000 Bridge for $75.000 If bonds are voted and retired I should g reet C urtiss. I chose a new $15.000 a year for five years orwt of black chiffon velvet, with flat- trln g lace Jabots of a soft, cream y ' The Springfield-Eugene bridge is the most used bridge in Ixtne county. Hundreds of color. He had told me once that he | autom obiles and m otor trucks pass over II daily. loved me ln black velvet. It was I alm ost tim e he was coming! 1 ran to | The old bridge was built 30 years ago before m otor transportation, for horse Drawn the window and looked out at In ter-1 Vehicles It Is the longest single span bridge west of the Mississippi river. It la vals of every few m inutes. Th«-n 1 now overloaded and Is positively dangerous to travel. put a m atch to th e huge logs which j • began to crackle and take the late-1 T h e new bridge will make a direct entrance to the McKenzie slate highway from the afternoon chill out of th e living room ! “ I would rather read a m an's bank book than his cre­ Paclflcj highway cutting down the distance one-half mile and elim inating a bad which I had flooded with fresh a ir and dentials. He can fake his credentials, but he can ’t fake sunshine on my arriv al. The logs stretch of road. his bank account.”—Sir H arry Lauder. sent out a woodsy odor of pine and l The new bridge will elim inate a very dangerous railroad crossing on the new Natron balsam The “Canny Scot" knows a think or two about busi­ W hen I saw him coming up the cutoff line. ness. w inding path of flag sto n es near the en trance. I was consious of a Joyous- The City of Springfield will furnish piers and right-of-w ay for the new bridge, cu t­ No M atter w hether you’re going into business or Just ness th a t suffered my en tire being. 1 ting down the cost to the county taxpayer. looking for a job, your best recom mendation is a good re­ stood m otionless ln the middle of th e | room unable to go forward. I heard cord for thrift. him open th e door and then before I knew it, I heard his clear voice; Your bank account Is the most valuable asset you "Sallle, d a rlin g !” he cried, and then have. And an account a t the P’irst National adds additional I was In his arm s. All doubt, suspi­ prestige. cion. fear and u n certan ty were sw ept aw ay and, as be held me close I felt th a t I was tastin g the sw eets of Heaven. He kissed me alm ost fierce­ ly again and again as if all the yearn­ ing o t our long separation was em ­ OF SPRINGFIELD bodied In hla kisses, then he gently Paid advw liw m ant by SprinffiBld Ch*mb«r Com m rcB, H. J. Cox, P r - id e n t stroked my h air and called ms aU th e little affectionate aasces th at he Mountain States Power Conuwny Vote 500 X Yes FOR A NEW BRIDGE AT SPRINGFIELD ACROSS THE WILLAMETTE RIVER Let’s not let the old and dangerous bridge stand until it falls into the river causing loss of life REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR THE NEW BRIDGE NOW VOTE 500 X YES FOR T H E SPRINGFIELD BRIDGE BONDS First National Bank In the Lower Right Hand Corner of Your Ballot