The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 28, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    P o tter Here — E. E. P o tter i f
W ultet vllle wii -> a SprliiKfb Id visitor
hoiliiiM la III nt li r y tn lrd u ).
1« III -A lim
R|»rIiiK Mi*l<I lio lu r .
Mrs. McKinnon B etter— Mm. I» W.
Mathew* In—A II Mnlll*'Wn, of McKinnon U recovering from I k t re­
Timrntiin aiih n vlwitnr In r« y*»*trr- cent rerloiiH Him MN, und In now u h l,
to be ntx»u(.
W a t t e r v ll le M e n H e r e — < ’liurb-a J*
Hou r G t h P .i ln t — J o h n lx • to ln II«».
jllMt (
’ !«•(• «1 H l l llt l n n I I I * H<«('<>H*I eti of W altervllle spent a i>urt of
Wviln* ml ay In Sprltigheld.
nln «’( | . «tili'iK «»
In From Creek—C harlee Hayden of
From P ortlnnd— Mr« It v Whit»» <»f
( ’am p (’reek wan a vlnltor here yenter-
I’orthm ' vlHiti il ut th W A hum
. day
I h " t I kiii I i « th h wr» K
Stafford Here on Business— Prank
New Roof Oo \ IK w roof IlMM Ih .1
Stafford of Ikiiyia traim acted bnalne >
ph.« • i| on t ii* John W lnxonrrld r»wb
I in Sprlngtlfld yesterday.
it< n< «* ut Set olid and II
Cords O ut—Report carda were <114
In From T hurston-— Mi utid Mr* -I Itrlbuted to S prlngtlild High Behind
A Howl« w«»r« In (won Tui'iolny font»
Intudentn yesterday. O rade puplln re­
ceived th eir card s Monday.
H«r« from Coquille— Mr». Miv honor roll for the Aral nix weeks of
W micxoih r and non, K«-nn**tli, Ape nt nchnol will l><* annotinced noon
th« week «*nd her« vleltlnic with her
Visit Dr. P hetteplace— Mr and Mm.
m other. Mm Adu M<-I'hernon.
' E K. fxiney and Mr. and Mrs Henry
S tu art Is III—J K S tuart 1» con Leaf of Marnhlleld were week end
flm»<l to bin home RUfl'-rlnK with In ' visitors at the» raalreniw of Hr and
They att»*n I-
fe< (ion of the face The Infection *i Mm Paul Ph«’ttep lace
the r« null of uniiuonln hurnlnic, a« - '•*d tli« S tanford Oregon football game
In Eugene Saturday
cording to Ktuart'it phyiU Inn.
Every Forward Looking Citizen Should
Fight for Oregon and Its Development
By B ill C K DENNIS.
Author of lh< Deiinl, It* olu’lon
W ln 'ii Un* people of Oregon »•»!;• • »< (1 ti state Income
t u x lit 1923 they did so b'cause t h e y b e lie v e d It w a i
JtiHt und rig h t,
They believed It would reduce taxes.
\t (hut li m e they had plenty o f
theory und fe« fnett to guide them.
T hey repealed the law In 192-1 be-
uttiHe It was u proved hard »line*
breech'r. Il coal t,n ‘ people o f Oregon
the Htuggerlng to ta l of * |B,<)(HI.«tlfl to
learn I b ill economic condition» abso­
lutely beyond th e ir c ontrol tire such
in Oregon th iit a stale Income lax
drives out Industrie)«, keeps others
from com ing tn, reduce» payrolls,
makes It harder to obtain farm loan»,
and »trike» at every home in country,
village, tow n and city.
lin t ottr »late 1» again in tu rm o il because a determ ­
ined effort 1» being made to force p ra c tb a lly th is same
law upon the »late this year. O ttr people are being
asked io Ignore plain fundainentul economic facts.
They are being naked to enact a law on a "gues»" th a t
it w ill bring good tim es now, when painstaking, honest
Investigation proved that the fo rm e r tax did drive out
Induatriea, capital*. Jobs, and m illions o f taxable wealth
fro m Oregon, and a new slate Income la x w ill do it
Oregon is fu ll o f m eritorious projects that should he
developed Illg public Im provem ents are necessary to
open up o u r state, to bring the farm s closer to th e ir
m arkets ami cities closer to th e ir bases o supplies.
W ealth untold lies Idle In n a tu ra l resources a w a iting
th«- magic touch o f development capital to bring it to
the tax rolls, to create new payrolls, new a ctivities and
better livelihood fo r our people.
Since the last Income tax law was repealed m illions
o f dollars have been loaned In Oregon by outside llnan-
clttl concerns, at low rates, on long tim e, and w ith re­
payment privileges never know n to Oregon before. If
a new income tux law is enacted, and this d iscrim in a ­
tio n aimed d ire c tly nt th« se investors, rates w ill go up.
much o f the unloaned funds w ill be w ithdraw n, and
our people w ill again face the Inescapable fa c t Oregon
needs capital, but capital «Iocs not need Oregon.
T his Is no tim e fo r prattle. It is high tim e fo r plain
speaking, stra ig h t th in k in g and recognition o f the
hard economic fact that Oregon's farm s, her in d u s­
tries, and her citizens d«*sperately need capital, and
that the only place we can get it is from outside the
We can drive cftpltal out, hul we cannot force it to
come in unless we make it advantageous fo r it to do
so. Oregon, ninth slate in area, is re la tiv e ly in s ig n ifi­
cant econom ically. 119.000,000 o f Am erica's 120,000.-
000 |M'ople reside outside of Oregon. Let us rem em ber
the in d u stria l c ity of D etroit has over 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 more
people than the state o f Oregon, w ith its 90,000 square
miles, l / ' t us rem einfter that 782,250 people here didn't
m ake enought to file income tax returns, and that only
311 people in the entire state had earnings In excess
o f $10,000; that of Oregon's 5000 corporations only
1073 mad«* enough profit Io file taxable reports, that
478 made less than $5.000 and only 183 over $20,000.
Including all public u tllltle a . lum ber m ills, flo u r m ills.
factories, railroads, and o ther industries.
We have 55,157 Janus, one to every 15 persons
2500 industries, one to earth 330 persons. What would
one Industrial center like D etroit mean to our farm s,
our home owners, our w orkers, o u r state? Oregon
w ants them , Oregon w ants capital ami w ants to go
ahead Oregon w ants to avert economic disaster, and
Instead w ants to offer capital, new people, new Indus­
try . o p p o rtu n ity to help us grow. ,
, ,
That I h what the Dennis Resolution is for. It g u a r­
antees th a t no state income tax can he enacted to dis-
c rim in a te against development and progress before
1940. It guarnntees to every Oregon fa m ily flin t the
state w ill not la x its accuinulnlons when the bread
w inner «lies. As a prosperity m aking measure Is de­
serves the support o f every forw ard looking citizen.
Vote 306 X* YES— Dennis Resolution.
Vote 329 X NO —-Offset Income Tax B ill
Vote 335 X NO — Grange Income Tax B ill
Paid Ailvertlaenient
G reater Oregon A khu .
M f
H. Rurgnrri W S Ilnbaon
) O regon Bldg., Portland,
Th« «»»«asment roll for Union
entity this year i.i 218,859,410, an In-
•r ,«•• of 2494,440 m e r 1925. All live.
IP k, with the exception of a h .",'.
thov/M a decre«»e. The acreage of
llltil.!' Ian.I 1» more thia year and
In,her land < orreapondlngly less.
Brief Resume of Happenings of A truck load limit of 16.500 pounds
tn le rta tn M il" lo u n ty highway» h a
the Week Collected for
e en »"t, according to orders received
Our Readers.
'roio the stain highway commlMton,
rite order nppllea to th e McKenzie
A cam paign f° r •«•curing » county ili'hway, the W illam ette valley-Fl<r-
agent for Yamhill county Imw been •in" highway, and the W illauo tie
The public service comml»»lon ha»
Douglas county lion 10.7to voter«, a
check <>f th e reg istratio n book» for »rdi red an Inventlgallon of the rules,
th e N ovember election h as revealed. •at»-». charges and practice« of the
Frank K ernan of R eedsport was West Coast Pow er company, which
stabbed twice, at ilosvburg. In ulter- ’urnlahea electrical energy to resi-
catlou with O. 11. Spencer, a hotel ienta of R eedsport, Cascade Lock»,
’’lutakanie, Burna, Toledo, Newport,
iardlner and a num ber of other
A. L . H arrlaon of K lam ath Falla,
arising early. * » • astounded to m eet
Im mediate organization of th e prune ;
a black hear In a resldenlial tllatrict
{rowers of Oregon and W ashington. I
of the city
o the end that th eir product may ne
be |
Mildred Smith. 16. of Franklin. e I
narki ted through co o p erativ e meth-
county, wav killed when an aulomo- , ><l«, will be undertaken by a repre»en-
title In which »he w as riding collided atlve of the bureau of cooperative
wllh a wugon.
nark*'tlng. federal departm ent of com- J
Throughout Clackamgg county the nerce, who 1« to m ake hi» beadquar- |
walnut and filbert crop la the largeat era in Salem.
In the hlalory ut the county, accord­
Following the filing of a «uit in the 1
ing to th e grower».
federal court In Portland to foreclose (
At a »ix'clal m eeting of St John« i mortgage on the Mickle mill» In
und T rin ity L utheran ch u rd iea at Sil­ North Portland. L ester W. Oavid of i
verton recom m endation« for union ■leattle, pr«-»ldent of the Forest In-
were read and accepted.
reatm ent company, plaintiff« in the
C rab r lake I» now free of »now. ictlon, »a» appointed receiver for the
the luat full of 22 inch*'» having m elt­ ompany in an order aigued by Fed-
ed away, according lo a report from >ral Judge Bean.
th e C rater laae national park head­
Fourteen persons were killed and I
quarter» office.
146 persona were Injured in a total '
The Mount Hood L«w>p highway haa it 2828 traffic accidents in the sta te '
been re-opened to traffic. Crew» are >f Oregon during the month of Sep-
«till at work, m aking m ore perm anent ember, according to a report prepar­
repair« to the W hite River bridge, 'd by T. A. Halfety, chief Inspector I
for the »tale m otor vehicle depart-
dutnug<'d by flood water».
Jack »ulition have been caught In uent. R eckless driving was blamed :
Gal"» creek, near F o rest Grove, by for 1375 of the accident» reported.
The certificate of nom ination of
local angler». Th«' presence of th e
young salm on thia far from the ocean lohn Bi ll of Eugene for the office of '
1» very unusual, according to fisher­ «tale senator for Linn and Lane coun­
ties, to succeed Louis E. Bean, who
A co-operative well drilling venture .«tired from the ballot recently to
that la expected to place 400 acre» of lceept the nom ination of the repuhll- |
h ith erto dry orchard land under Irri­ an state central com m ittee for public
gation 1» being organized by T h e • rvire com m issioner, was tiled in the
Dalle» W asco county cham ber of com­ Iflres of the secretary of slate ut
The Jackson county court has is­
A rock weighing several Iona on
the Oregon hunk of the Columbia river sued a statem ent signed by the en tire I
»«» moved lo the Comm unity park court, rescinding letters previously is­
east of the school house at Boardman. sued to the 18 counties coming under
Thl» rock is covered with Indian h ier­ ,he Oregon and C alifornia tax refund.
The letters recom m ended that 1 per
te n t of the am ounts received be paid ,
A detachm ent of «1 m arines, la
xo W. H Gore. Medford banker, for f
charge of non commlaaloned officers.
als services in lobbying for the pas- !
Is reported aa en route from the m a­
«age of the bill.
rine corha base at San Diego to P ort­
Last week showed an increase of
land In establish a ixiatal guard in and
nearly 1,000,000 feet of lum ber pro­
out of (hat city.
Claims of eight Oregon counties for duced by 108 mills of the W est Coast
uniberm en's association, coninareo |
tax es am ounting to n early 23.000.000
iih the record for the previous week, I
against the Oregon A- California land
g ran t will be handled by n special unit according to the weekly report of the
of the general land office, according association. Production last week t o i
to ta l 114.162,131 ie<n. new orders j
to word received.
hooked totaled 110,786,078 feet, and
The fine a rts building now under
shipments totaled 94,009,607 feet.
«sinsideratlon nt th e U niversity of
The work of m ailing approxim ately
Oregon will cost 2450.000, according
to plans. Of th e 2160,000 required to .125.000 pam phlets containing
build th«* first unit. 200.000 1» now on
hand In the form of gift» ami pledges. dependent candidates for office at the
November election, has been com plet­
Baker «county’s potato acreage this
ed under th e direction of Sam A. Ko-
year was larger th an a y ear ago. but
zer, secretary of state. These pam ­
th e yield per acre was lees, due In
phlets w ere sent to every registered ,
part to froat dam age, according to
voter in the state. The cost of m ail­
Fred K nterm ille. a prom inent grower.
ing th e pam phlets was 1 cent each.
Frost dam age will run from 10 to 40
The public service comm ission has
per cent.
»sued an order suspending the pro- i
The walnut crop, th e hnrvest of
posed Increase in freight rates on ,
which Is being conipleti'd at Silverton,
livestock on the lines of the Southern
la said to he much heavier than that i actfie company, P ortland & S eattle I
of last season. N uts «ire also said to
Hallway company, Oregon E lertric
be a g reat deal m ore free from blight and Oregon-W ashington R ailroad &
and of a b etter g rad e th an for some
Navigation company, pending an in­
seasons past.
vestigation. The new rates were to
T he assessm en t roll« of Coos coun­ have become effective November 1.
ty. a fte r arran g em en t by the board of
E ngineers nt the s ta te highway
equalization, show a to tal valuation
■otnmission are looking over an en-
of 222.097.690. of which 212.546,510 lirely new route (or the W illam ette
a re assessed ag ain st lands. It was \ alley Florence highway, over th e I
stated th ere ary 660.3S7.055 acres of
mountain from th e Siuslaw to th e
land In th e county.
North Fork. The new route leaves j
H. Leighton Kelly of Honolulu, ex­ the Siuslaw riv er two m iles below j
ecutive officer of the H aw aiian fish Rainrock. w here the highw ay would j
and gam e comm ission, who Is visiting ■ross th e Coos bay branch of th e '
Ills m other, Mrs H. L. Kelly at O re­ Southern Pacific by an overhead cross- !
gon City. Is arran g in g for shipping log. and extends over th e divide in a '
salmon and trout spaw n and game northw esterly direction.
birds lo the Islands.
A brief open season in 1929 on bull ;
The body of L. A. Winkle, employe ;lk In u section of the Blue moun- ;
of th e llooth-Kelly L um ber company uins, the first open season on elk In '
at cam p 34. n ear W endllng. was found Ircgon In many years will be recom- .
lying fne«' downward In five Inches of aendetl to the sta te gam e commission !
w ater in th e putnp house n ear the oy E. F. Averill, state game warden, i
camp. He had apparen tly been »trick The game w arden estim ates that th ere |
en wllh an epileptic fit.
re from 1000 to 1500 elk in this Blue 1
The state suprem e court Increased nountain district, em bracing contlgu- ■
from 2S2S.37 to 221,718.52 the juilg ,us corners of Um atilla, Union. Ba
menl allowed in the low er court in the ;er and G rant counties, at the head
suit brought by the North Pacific Con vaters of the Grande Ronde river.
struetion company lo recover money
Oregon m onthly pensions have been
from W allowa county under two con­
ranted as follows: Maude S. Vance,
tra c ts for road construction.
.10; Sven E. Rehnstrom , 2'>0: Lena
Proeident Coolidge lias approved
I. Kirk. 230: Juntos Fitzgerald, 240; ,
construction of the Vale reclam ation
.Vllliam G. King. $20; George C. Van- I
project, the second great Oregon Ir
lenburg, 225; Bessie M. H arrell, 230; ,
rlgatlnn developm ent to receive Hit
.Inleolni A. E rnest. 225; G ertrude E.
official approval within ten days. Th,
ilkisen, 230. all of P ortlnnd; Sabin
estim ated cost or constructing the
Itxander, Ln Grande, $30; Dee Bow- 1
Villi' project 1» 2.7.590,000, making 221.
inn. T alent, 230; George H. Wilcox, 1
305,000 with the Owyhee project
itourell Fall», 210; Henry F. Wiiiion,
which will lie Invesffit In Or on l ie
. »hum, 225; llenry T. Eoff, Imle-
ho leelam ntlon w ithin the next tel.
ecndence, 220.
. . I
. ' fc" *
« v. ». «**' »’
.k .
.¿ M il f'Wt
T H U R SD A Y O C T O B E R 28. 1020
Friend o f Fore«t
Six Hprtngfleld Parent-T eachers As-
i »«»elation w orkers left at 6 o'clock
this m orning for Salem, where th y
.w ill »pend th e day attending th e
State-w ide P. T. A invention now
under way at the capital The group
will re tu rn this evening A report of
the convention will be made at th e
■ next m eeting of the local unit,
j The
m ade th e trip In the automohi! of
■Mrs. Paul B ratlain. Oth« rs who " .'n t
are Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway Mrs.
I». O. Fisher. Mrs. W. E. Putnam . Mrs.
Bernice Van Valzah. and Mrs W alker.
A. W . Laird of Potlatch, Idaho,
1» president of W eeU rn F o re ^ ry
Conservation Assn., and bead of
committee that called on President
Coolidge to discuss the problem of
savtag our great national wooded
lands— that are faeiag deeUwetloa.
In the Intrest of the Springf.eid
bridge bond Issue, the m- mbers e f
the W omen’s Civic chib will c a n r u l
the city Saturday and Monday urging
citizens to visit the polls on Tuesday,
» lection day.
Mrs. W. J Scott, president of th e
d u b . «aid today th at tht worn.«» will
attem p t to cover the entire city, each
visiting residents in her d istrict.
Sample ballots will be l>«8 by ’he
canvassing team s.
I knew a w riter who can 't do justice to a subject unless he’s pot
red pencil and brow nish paper to w rite on! T h ere’s another I heard
of who can't think well unless his paper it ruled. A nother who can't
summon ideas unless he's cot an onion sandw ich to nibble on! Now
all th is sounds odd probably but did YOU ever notice how much
BETTER you wrote and THOUGHT if the pen you used FIT you and
the paper you wrote on PLEASED you? Mebbe th ere’s som ething to
this After all! It's pretty hard for a person to w rite a poor le tter on
an excellent piece of stationery, so as we carry some of the most
beautiful w riting paper in the world, mebbe th e re ’s a moral some place
In among these thoughts!
Right w riting is a rite when the w riting is rightly w ritten.
Mannish S tu ff!
It'! the stiff, crinkly BIG
sc ’ t th at looks Im portr"* and
m assive
Has a v civ .fy t'nlsh
and tuff edg«-» n o r a id then.
And the envelopoa tra tc h . Gosh,
but I d he im pressed to get a
le t f .r v ,..tto n c= Liu2f like this.
Comes in its own p riv a 'e box.
Ask for C rane's Linen.
’ Member the OLD Style
Fountain Pens?
The kind th at required an
dr"pper. a i.nlle and fork,
c -rp le of plum bers and a
n¿ j in order to fill 'em! Then
wh- n filled, they’d break cut in
zy and npill ink all over
ju t 'em In
your pocket.
Our pens are NOT this kind!
A nother “ H E " Special!
Eevry so often we do som ething th a t LOCKS foolish? This week
it's our Special clear H avana Cigar which costs us 8c and which we
are dumb enuf to let go of a t 3 for 25c. If th a t's unfair, explain why
to us personally.
r / î x a/LLY DHW RTM fW f r o t â
V a *
)U .
»"‘»s ‘
Piles And Piles O f Soft, F luffy Coverings Enter T his g
Special Selling . Luxuriously W arm , So Pretty And C o 'I xm '-
C onveniently Displayed In New And Enlarged De­
partm ent On Second Floor.
— The enorm ous response to o u r sale of Blankets every
year proves what a value event th is is. We know many
persons are w a itin g to hear th a t there is to be another.
There is, and of as m udh im portance as ever, offering
strong, soft, flu ffy blankets, the kind everyone loves.
— Stocks
to secure
who w ill
are e xtra o rd in a ry in th e ir variety and quality. By
and purchasing m onths in advance we were able
the best at lowest quotations. Be the wise person
stow away blankets when they can he most ad-
vantageously purelMMd.
Replenish youi* supply now for
the cold w in te r nights w hich are alm ost upon us.
Saturday f/arks The Termi­
nation of Harvest Sale