T l II ' H SI > A Y OCTOBER '-‘H. t '1- ' 1,. TOWN AND VICINITY Houk Hers—»' K lb'Uk »»« « visit- or in SpriiiKti' hl Friday. Neat In Town—i ' t'ri- k Was it visitor Baturilay. Ni-ol In of Full In Ftom Jsspsr—-F Mil' « of Jaappr |m il Hi>rliiKlli-l'l a hnslueaa »1*11 Bat- unlay. Wearln, Ream In— Amona out T I an visitor« horn Monday were M J W a rm and Mia. E. F Ream. Hero From Grove— Mr« Glonn .!••»»• From Grove I'ottsK'' Grovt here M’ n-luy. Ed Howe Here— Ed Howe, operai Creswell Man Here— Rollle Moon of of the power plant at Waltervllle. Creswell wa« a business visitor hire Visitor on Monday—-Vl*ll Ink lo ie wa« a visitor here Saturday night Monday. b Monday Were Mr and Mr«. Il M u t - llowe saw the Oregon-Stanford foot- Visit» Prase Residence— Mr. Sam hull game, und Inter met hl» »later utua <>f Route I. in Eugene. She Is teaching achool Montgomery was a vlaltor Sunday at the home of lo r sister. Mr». Fred Here From Wendllng— Mr«. M'l'X In S 'alili Fri-ae of Springfield. Greer of Wendllng was u visitor In Here After Long Trip— Arthur Vin­ H|ii liiKffleld Sunday. Paul Scott Here— Mr and Mr». cent und hl« m ollo r. Mr« 8. R Vin­ Back From Trip — Mr». W II. cent. of Tigard, were visitor» al lb«' Paul Scott, of Spokane, fornv-r Adrian relumed to Hpi Inglh ld hut’ir- W II Pollarli! residence early this Springfield resident» and alumni of day after a three week's trip to Los week. Tin- Vimi ni« are hack In Ore­ the Cnlveralty of Oregon, were brie Angeles. Mrs Adrian motored "aouth gon after a <000 m il- automobile trip for hoini-iumlng and visitor at the with tor father mid mother, Mr a n l through the Middle Weal. South an-l home of relatives here. Mr» Scott Mrs St ott of Salt III lln a tlv ea wen Southwest Mr». Vincent I» Hr Pol­ was France« Bartlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bartlett of this cltv. vlalted In tlu- southern elty. lard's half »biter. They Look To You Wo will make your Suit or Dress, will alter or remodel your old otto, will Clean and Press or Dye them . 240 .Main Street THE Model Cleaners T h e tuberculosis patient» who cannot pay for private care ami cannot get state fan*, look to you to vote for the E a ste rn , Oregon Tuberculosis Hospital. Vote“320 X Yes” I Paid Advertisement by Oregon Tuberculosis Association 319 Fit»- Patrick B ldg, Portland, Ore. of Cnllaao Grove »»» a vl«llo- loro Saturday k uh A perfect baker Undergo«« Operation— Mr» Jullua Pea n on of J a « p r underwent an ngs- Keaervolr and Cott In s ta llatio n s W id e V a rie ty of Design Montag rangra may lie equipped I where desired with either reservoir | or eials for hot »rater supply. There is such a variety of style and price in the Montag line that every taste and pocketbook can be equally well gratified. The Montag Ranges illustrated only suggest this variety. COLONIAL Ranges B e a u tifu lly enam eled All enameling is done in the Montag plant, and for smoothness, richness of color and durability is the equal of any American or foreign work. It is done on specially tested iron which, because at its purity, (uses perfectly 1 with the enamel so that iron and enamel are practically one piece. Montag porcelain enamels may be had in pure white, a handsome gray, or the new Santone—a light creamy buff color originated by Montag. W IVES B I G G E S T BUYER OF MUSICAL IN STR U M EN TS Elkhart. Ind. Oct. — Sixty per c< nt of mimical Instruments sold to women are purchased by housewives. It Is revealed In a survey made hv the Conn Music Center here. The survey was made through m usic In­ strument dealers In twenty ellle«. and covered 320 actual transactlona. One out of every Ion Instrument» sold were purchased by women, and their preference for Instruments were very much along the lines favored by the men. according to the survey. Of the total number of transactions. 52 per cent Involved the purchase of a saxophone, IB per cent of a trumpet, and 9 percent that of a tromhnne. That youth will ho served, especial­ ly In music, wa» w ell Illustrated In the age of the purchaser». Fully 34 percent of those purchasing Instru­ ments were under 21 years of age. while 19 percent were between the ages of 21 and 25, and 21 percent be­ tween the ages of 26 and 30. and only 2B percent of all transactions Invol­ ved persons of 30 years and over. YOUNGEST STU D EN T IS F IFTE E N YEARS OLD UNIVERSITY OF ORBOON, Eu­ gene, Ore., Oct. 28 — (Special)—The youngest freshman in the University Is Jennings Mathers, of Vancouver. B. who Is 16 years, eight months and seven days old, according to an an­ nouncement today of Carlton K. Spen- ■sfibrai* Buffet Colon 1st J r- Kan«» w ith else- tr»c p la t* a tta c h m r n t. w h it*. < r*y or S a n in a * *n a m * l t r i m ; Buff*« fihvlf o r .Im p door w arm e r ; 16-lncn or IB-inch o»*a X Colonial R a ng«; fo il enamel in w h it*, gray or San to nr . drop door buffet shelf w a n n e r . lS-inch or They’re Here! "“ A n d they are handsomer than any Range line yoa have ever seen. You can now see the representative showing of M ontag Ranges -in styles and at prices designed to meet your requirements. Go in and see them. The M ontag line combines the knowl­ edge of w hat W estern cooks w ant. a « . Oofcmlal J » . ------- ---------* trim . OoO door or - — — l«-hmb or is-lach a gained through over 40 years of Western manufacture. —z" You can rely on M ontag Colonial Ranges to give you entire satisfaction. M O NTAG STO V E W ORKS Portland, Oregon Sold by err, registrar. Mather, -who Is majoring In pre- nedlcs. attributed the fact that he finished public school In »lx years and high school In three to the great­ er amount of studying demanded of students In Canadian schools. The United BUtea, Mather believes, bait the beat universities however, which 1» the r«Mon ba came to Earn os. Electric or gas plate attach m en ts Practically every Montag range may be equipped with either gas or electrie plate attachment, thus giv­ ing Montag owners the benefit oi combination cooking facilities in con­ venient and economical form. The Montag electrie plate attachment has two 9-mch 1000 watt elements, with 3-heat reversible switches Wright & S onhs,