Tl 11' RSI »AY (M 'TUBER 'legislation that has brought $40,000,000 to Ore­ gon and has a program that is designed to bring as much more to this state. The Oregon-Califor ma latnd tax refund appropriation for IS counties of this state brought nearly , 1 • eight s , million . ,, , dollars, ... ' over one million to I I m I iic i o t .l i >. n a,. ads returned seven mill ou highway and forest ro mt ten m Ilion dollars b_ at tht >af 4g g|#teg A ns|on ov,.r nomination of Vare b, ylvallta aIul Sm ith |n ,s 19*6 H arry M, D augherty am i T h o m as W. Miller m ay consider them selves lucky th at the* ju ro rs didn't com prehend all tin* lam llb'iiibm s of tin» law. rile story un overtnl in the trial was d bdre' «• lug The evidence for th e m ost part was deadly, un contradicted IHsirlet U torney Ho. k m i pi •* ented los case w ith dam ning facts. However, th e d efen d an ts escaped a verdict ol guilty chiefly th rought th e fa n ihay they ««mid not he li •.•«! directly for bribery hut hud to be tried und t a conspiracy sta tu e which raises m ilch g re a te r dif­ san „ ,f w,„ ,,V(.r 8(.a „ .(, „ ficulties. Technically. Daugherty ami Miller are not fund w hich Stanfield m ade jmsslble. th e United S tated S en ate, ahould they he elected. guilty. Hm they stand «i>nvlele«l hefore the bar — As we see it th e people of O regon will he un- If It ever to m es to a vote In th e S enate, most of public opinion, no m utter what a few Jurymen WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN First “ Hold Faithfulness and Sincerity As 'our- Principles: Have No Friends Not Equal to Your seif.* — Confucius. g rate ful if they turn out the man wlm has done most for Oregon as United States Senator. Such a precedent would not pm duce congress- men who would work for Oregon in future year-», K ather it would be condoning the “do nothing ' practices some of our present delegation lias been noted for to our deterim ent. Senators will remember what happened to those Senators who voted to seat Newberry. Nor should the corruption coming front (lies states iniluenee the average decent v o ters attl- tude toward the primary system G«nw| citizens, who vote without charge, now dom inate politics, Some may claim th at the prim aries have not ell initiated boodle. Perhaps not. hut the primaries certainly have made It harder io buy the'm ajority (>f (han |o b||y (me crooke<1 ..,,O88 - The prim aries liave crippled the arrogant bos. who used to dom inate conventions, whip office h«»l«lers i n t o ...................... line, and Judge governm ental affairs to his own s satisfaction. That. too. is worth-whll may have de« hied. Nor will the public ever for­ get this humiliating chapter In the hlstorv of Federal adm inistration, nor should It lose any time in demanding a new and decisive trial • • • T he f u r r y co u n ty bonding ami lax levying am endm ent found on th e ballot deserves support f u r r y county with less th an 3ouii people has g o t­ ten badly Into debt th ro u g h m isu n d erstan d in g in issuing w a rra n ts for th e Roosevelt highw ay, f u r r y county has no railroads nor po rts ami few roads II was in Irving to help herself ami tin« sla te th at she has been p la c 'd In a position w lu re county w a rra n ts arc discounted 20 p er «■«•nt. I In« amendment e(T«'cts none hut f u r r y county and GUILTY IN T H E PU B L IC S MINI» m erely provides a way for th e < o u n ty to laaue Wbv j„ rv Daugherty-Miller «n»e dls- bonds i<> refund her w arrnnt Indebtedness p ro « vld«*d h er p«'ople v««te for a bond Issue. Everyone agreed may never he revealed to the piihlt But the public will never lie satisfied with th would vote 31 l yes If they iiinlerslt»«»«l th e real purpose of lids am endm ent. outcome. THE MAN OR TH E PARTY W hether they more Senator Stanfield is a republican who is num- field, an able senator who has ac tompUshed m ow amul«l not ents. Th.-r.>f«»r.« on Ids record alone we « ndorw county egistered vote— democratic o r republican to the “ voiJ^ \i v \- ‘«nt % n i.’ tie '*•’ ln the,r minds the wrongdoing with the 1 the present senator, because we Iwlleve he enn registered and a can call in that , HTY 1 >OU V ter io r MAN OR r,,K Iruricaties of the Indictment.___________________ do most for Oregon._________________________ c audidate a n d id a te an a i the m e proper piuye« v choice—one m -w p p Aj^-py ticket or the other—according to the one having ' ’ • » . Co»» to Saa Francisco— lx-wl» Tul l ,»