VOTE “500 X YES” For The Springfield Bridge Bonds — In the Lower Right Hand Corner of the Election Ballot V o lt your own w ay ..- B U T V O TE TWENTY-TI UHI) THE SPRINGF1EL rfl’IUNI ¡FIELD, LANE COUNTY, OKKOON, yeah - ¥▼ v j L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 42 TIU UHOA Y OCTOBER 28, 1020 ■ School Budget to Be Made Friday CITÏ BUBGET FBIÌ « E ll !ESR $29,729... Estim ator Prepared by Coin* inittee Showing Expenditures for Yonr; Fire and Police Re­ quire Increased Amounts; Sinking Fund Raised $2009. T ha Feopia • Pap»''' o i Li. 14b iu ry Year's Cost of $48. j ’ j 2 Thought To Indicate 1926-27 Figures .1(1 4S Il cost the Hpr!i IliM.I« I hm ! • Hr. 352 to «»p’rttte It** ( h .f lo l u light Incri'UM« *>t* r I huf the old bridge across the W illamette river Relief Sewer: 300 feet of 38 inch Treasurer Wm. G. Hughes and Re­ half hut 31600 beiug alloled to Hit» November. will not h e longer than two years is indicated by-Bridge Engineer trunk sew.-r from the present outfall corder R. W. »mlth, are seeking re­ work nest yeur, Street cleaning and appointment. Opposing Hughes I • C 11 McCullough of the S late Highway Departm ent. In a re-, to north D and K elley streets; 300 fturhing cost» were Increased io ! port on the structure to the I^tne county etiurt he says the old feet of 30 inch trunk »ewer on D Dwight Kessey, while the recorder- 313x0 or 3300 more than last year. CITY DISPOSING OF LAND OWNED TO INDIVIDUALS bridge Is badly overstressed. ‘ in some m em bers alm ost to the street from Kelley to Water street, ship ig being sought by City Attorney Htr< e i Commissioner lleorge Valllcr and 338 feet of 18 Inch trunk line on I j. m . Peterson. W. P. Tyson and yielding point. w II receive 37r, more a month nut of D from Water to Mill. Cost 34.700. I George Stewart have no opposition in The sale of live acre» of river bot­ which he Is expected to hire hl» own Following is Engineer McCullough s report. For north part of city: 2600 feet of I their candidacy to succeed M. J. Mc- tom gravel land which the city owns help The city's bonded Indebtedness, the west of town for 3260 was authorised j 'Calculations made by this departm ent discloses the fact 23-inch sewer from D and Water Kiln and R. E. Moshler, councilmta U ni Issue of Which comes due In 1331. •« «be meeting o f the city council lh a t w jl |i e ,h e bridge Is not absolutely dangerous to traffic, it ¡8 j streets to K street in alley between whose terms expire. 1» shown hl be 336,000 In the first Munday night The mayor was given ,)n.„ y |)U(J|y ovefRt refised. If the present structure is to be, W ater and Mill streets; 2900 feet , f The polling places in the four Issue I.f general obligation bonds, authority to sell this land and also c a r r jP(J |n service for a period in excess of two years, it will b e , 21 inch sewer east on K street to Springfield precintcs follow: 336 000 In m e sim und Issue. 360.000 « hit In Riverside addition for e-J necessary to m ake another thorough Investigation at the end of Seventh street. Cost 319.000 Precinct No. 1—Emery residence in »ewer builds due In 1933. 336 000. The city has taken over many pieces , , la t t , m e a „ ,j ,t |g quite probable that considerable reinforce- While the council did not act Mon near Second and Main: Presinct No. ________________ _ At the present time some of t h e day on Klovdahl'» recommendations, 2— Hall; Precinct No. 3. Linicoln refunding bonds due 1932. sewer (•»* property lately and has several m ent will be found necessary. ml lira engine bonds p rosp ective buys for different lots. Joints and connections a re’ pretty badly overstressed in rivet the survey will be considered at an School; Precinct No 3— House on A bonds 3*oo The graveling of K street between _______ h ea rillK and ill shear and some Of the main diagonal m em . bers early meeting and a decision made, , Btreet between Eight and Ninth 37000 Th ese bonds total 3183.900 _______ . . . . . . . ** . . . . . . _ » a w a 11 itleont streets. Ulama Signs will direct voters to The budget n-inmlttes- called a Mill street und Kelly boulevard was are stressed nearly to the yielding point Of he m etal under Stand- It was said at the City Hall. the latter polling place. m u ling of the taxpayer» for Novem- ordered by the council on petition of a n , highway loading. Extensive repairs to the raodway and B oard s A nnounced I» i- 22 to approve or protest the the property holders This street has deckinK will also be necessary, if the structure is to be carried K I W A N I S AND ROTARY Announcement of „ election la graveled for any considerable e period. old span budget A c o m plete p le te detail d e ta il account accou nt of or been graded but never scaveu-u I()r u„y consiueram penou. A Altogether l t e g e m e r the cm - m u steel s ic c i o pau h n o a n s ( C P B l w r f lF I n R B in P E n v w u o boards uuo-u» — budget. A com the budget Is published In other col- Th« of police was authorised outlived Its usefulness alld should be rydaced by a m odem struc-i b t ' K i n t U f l L L U BK IU U C. Springfield prectn-ts was mad« I to employ a dog catcher paying a . t ure as soon as funds can be made available for the purpose. , ... today, as follows: uaiiis of this Issu». commission of 28 cents a head for C. B. McCULLOUOH. Bridge Engineer.” K . P»*«««»«« n °- •— board: Evefy» dog. caught without collars. Much J u , bridge and bond Issue was given this Em<.ry ch . lrm an;Elsie Stew art Johfl SHEDD. BEATEN ONCE. complaint about dogs running at large ' Front the above report there c a n b e no doubt but th a t the ¡week by both theNKiwanl. and Rotary n tlgerald ( Ctara Hlngon Mary B It would service clubs In Eugene These clubs MaIe C oM ttog to a r t: H M gw w , PLAYS LOCALS FRIDAY wllhout collar, h a v . bc.n received ¡«'d bridge is fast reaching the end Of Its usefulness. be *««»«••««>■- foolishness to th« - U o n s — and Chamber of : chairman- Bertha -- Fltxgerald O«?» lately, council say. <-w perm it It to stand until a person woald "take — — | - Joined -------- — ------------------------- — The council ordared the removal of! “ I" Uf® in h l" h a n d ” tO —Day board: A. i» fighting Hhedd High School grlddera i ,,ne g m n j stations. There are two was being built there wotild be a great hardshlpworked on this ! E ®- Morrison, chairman of the will face the undefeated Springfield! »uch approaches on Main street and com m unity and traffic between Springfield and Eugene and over Bridge committee of the Springfield PerkinB chalrm an. E P Chamber of Commerce, F B Hamlin Maude T Bryan, ’ Hattie E Mywra, eleven on the local field tomorrow ,,n application for the third Couq- the McKenzie highway. I It Is only using good common sense to vote for the $75,- ^ , 1 » dub^on^Monday. The Kiwaatg i?a T' Adan” Countlns boards, Job« •fternoon at 3 o’clock. jcllmen took the position that they Coach Walter h"W t Pr° r * Wer* lryln< to b’* u,lfy ,h* M,ln 000 bridge bonds now when the state stands ready to m atch the „ re tn« issu e unanimous approval K*teJs' S r ' chairman; l . k . Pag«, arc back In good shape after num .r , , treet with ornamental ligh t, and th a t, a in o u n t t o b u lld a m o d e r n steel bridge across the river at th e !« , am ount to build a modern steel bridge across the river at the on Tuesday Mr. Morrison, w w. n c . Mc- Mrs R' M°nt« ’n>’ ry. a . W. lasns» berry, Mary Roberts. u»» Illnesses, and expert to re p e a tin g wooden approaches were unslght- • foot of Main Street Lagan and H. E. Maxey appeared be­ the victory won over Mhedd, 12 to 0 ly. The street department also have Precinct No. 3—Day board: Hattie fore the Rotary club and were llke- last Friday. B. Drury, chairman; Ida M. Peery. E. complained about the landings clog­ Shaw, on W est Seventh street. Mrs. Dr. Rebhan Writes— Dr. W. C. Reh- wise received with enthusiasm. Is Friday s game. Springfield con­ ging the gutters ¡J. Perkins, J. B. Young. Pearl ClarIL Strens came to Springfield 13 months ban has written fo Dr. Paul Phetto- The bridge bond issue is sure to Conntlng bo Agneg w lleela(, commerce and service club in Lane and Bertba Rouge well THf& ROPE IT A HAVPV I’VE A LB.' v jp p R is e Blakely In Accident JWv tor m « — itn ou r 0« r>ror county. ____________________ A N N IE / — P A D OPP T H e J. M. Blakely, aged civil war vet-i AT LAST-AND I-M GOING - t o LAST O T H E M O RTGAGE'.' STAV CUT— NO MORE MILL iran of Marcnln. was badly shaken CHAMBER PLANS BRIDGE THOMAS OSBURN THOMAS VJE'VE G.OT OUR N O S F i OTT stones around up In an accident near W endllng, STH F G R IN D STONE AT LAST MY NEChr'— - ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN D,ES AFTER OPERATION Hnnilay. Blakely's car was struck py , NOVM VJH CAN D O S O M E NO ! annlhi-r machine, suffering consider-' SAYING Arrangements or an advertising “«« appendicitis operation, able damage. Accninpanylng the vet­ campaign In behalf of the Sp rin gfield :™ 0"” 9 ° 9bur" ThomaS' !ocal rW* eran nt Ihe time -were his wife and bridge bond issue were made at . h e i ,auran' Proprietor, died at the Pacific son. regular meeting of the Springfield j i hristian hospital Monday morning, aged 37 years. Chamber of Commerce last Friday Hayes Goes South A. Mr. Thomas was born in South evening. The plans was to run a Boh Hayes has traded his Tenth quarter page advertisement in all the ! Wales. H e moved to California '8 xlreet property here hir a service newspapers in Lane county before | years ago, and seven years ago cam« station and auto camp east of Grants to Springfield. On February 14, 1921. election time. Puss, Oregon, anil lias left for the h» was married to Alberta White, Discussion on ways of getting a southern city. More than an acre of who, with their two year old son, large vote out in Springfield led to • VUBLISHEBS • ground Is Included In Ihe Grants Pas» Thomas Allen Thomas, survtv“S. A vtocasteb service the Chamber of Commerce asking the 0(h er survlvorg ,nclude „ „ g#raa property, and Hayes plans to erect civic club to make a canvass of the Hagler, of Mantymoll. South Wales, REC. U.SLPAT. OFFICE more cabins for Ihe auto camp. city a day or two before election urg­ his mother, and two brothers and ing people to vote. Heretofore two sisters. Wins Cdntsst i Springfield hns only voted about 30 Funeral services were conducted Wlnlfrld Tyson, daughter of W. I’. per cent and It is desired to get as WO Yd DO \OU U Y E- yesterday at the W’alker chapel by Tyson, won the slogan contest can- I nearly a 100 per cent vote as possible. Rev. 8. E. Childers of the Christian ducted among employes of the Booth- MiY n e v i r o í ? C o a t ? The com m ittees of the Chamber church. The burial was In Launri Kelly Lumber Company and their — — — which visited Junction City and Cot­ Hill cemetery, with the Moose lodge fam ilies In Ihe Intrest of snfety first, tage Grove Chambers of Commerce in charge. ■-V ller »logon was "Safety First, Not and Eugene service clubs made a re­ Sorrow Afterwards." port that they had secured endorse­ ment of all these hollies and had en­ DILLARD NAMED HEAD Larson On Trip OF LOCAL 4L UNIT countered no opposition from any in­ Jack Larson made a special trip to dividual». Portland early this week In an effort E. N. Dillard was named head of the to obtain an early play dale on Mare local unit of the Loyal Legion of Log­ Pheasont Season Ends Norstrum, the photoplay from Ibanez' A short week of Pheasant hunting gers and Lumbermen at a meeting w i ll known story. Other big pictures ended Sunday for Springfield nimrods. Monday night. D. W. McKinnon was were arrangi-il for local showing on many of whom declared that the luck j selected as secretary, Edgar Kester the trip. daring the abbreviated season was un­ as treasurer, 8. H. Richmond as the Larson has arranged to give the usually had this year. This Is partly third man on the conference com­ Springfield High School football team due, -h-untrs believe, to the fact that mittee and M. A. N eet as third mem­ u free show ns a result of the victory the season came so late that the birds ber of the board of trustees. It was over Shedd, IS toO, last Friday. Lar­ have gone to the timber and are badly voted to cooperate with Wendling la son has agreed to give the team a fre , rearranging meeting dates. scattered by this time. show after every victory this seuson. 1 »hall there be Issued serial bond» of Lane County, Oregon, to the amount of 376,000. bearing Interest at not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and to be redeemed aerially a» follow»: 316 000 five year» from Ihe date of the Is- suanre thereof, and 316.000 annually there after until entirely redeemed, to provide fund» to he matched by an equal »um by the sta te Highway fonwnlsslon of Oregon, for the eon«tructlon of a bridge aero»» the W illamette River In lain. County, Ore­ gon connecting the Pacific Highway with the City of Sprlng- flrl,, Vote YES or NO. E ngineer S ays N e w Bridge Should be Built