» » t'T O H P P "I THE SPIU N G F” n P w w c PAGE EIGHT L. E. BEAN GETS PLACE 1 ON SERVICE COMMISSION U CAMPUS IS SUSY IN SEMI-CENTENNIAL WEEK k I.. K. Bean. Eugene attorney, has !t»en elected by the Republicnn Sta'e 'cut al Committee as Repuhll.-m ipmtnee (or public service commit- 1 n t r. succeeding Thomas K Camt 'ill, resigned. The «-tiange In elec- ion phase makes Is necessary for 'lean Io resign the nomination for ioint state senator from lain» and '.Jim counties. Due to the (act that official ballots already h iv e been printed, the state committee must furnish stickers io n s.rt llean s name on the ballot as a candidate (or the commlsalon against Clyde Spooner, democratic nominee. i It is likely that the Republican central comm ittees of lame and l-tnn , counties will meet soon to select a . initl.late to replace Bean's place on the hallo! in the »elate aenatotstiip race, John H. Bell, f ir m e r senator, is being mentioned. The new sen utorial candidate's name also must oe iuserted on a sticker. Bean's election to the commission , rshlp Is believed assured. The post - tion has an annual salary of 94000 The i>i*s«-nt »»'«‘It is » bua.v one on the University of Oregon g^gyius, an-l pro . ses to end ton uifrow ati.l Sat«" «lay in a burst oi OOlieif* spirit in. i dental to the home«. mi ng an.! an nual gridiron clash with Stanior! 1’niv.rsity on Hayward Field. Many Springfield resident» have a tt, nd«nl various events In connection with the semi-centennial anniversary and the inauguration of l*re»ident Hall Graduates of Hie U n iversity' living here are expe«-td to he present a t the homecoming ami the football (g iu o Saturday. impressive academic tended the Inaugural pcs a on natnral and and music have been ceremonies at­ Monday. S yn -j social sciences j conducted. HISTORICAL SOCIETY ♦ HOLDS ESSAY CONTEST SgringflHiU i>!i«'oli''^ tdreii have been' asked t.r pan I rVf.de In a prix.- essay contest on the .topic. “The Joint Occupation of the Oregon Country." The contest will be conducted by the Oregon Historical Society for the pur­ pose of awarding the C. C. Beekman 1927 historicay prises and medals. Four prises, the first 160. will be given to essay writers of under IS and over IS years of age. The 2000 word v,».-.* K taurs— r i and Sirs. Tie papers must be submitted to the gene Kester were surprised this morn- society by March 15. mg by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Savage of Honolulu. Mr Savage Is in the apple bustnesa there, and he j Mrs. Murphy Recovering— Mrs.Dal­ and his wife art on a vacation and las Murpcy is recovering from an States. Mr. and Mrs. Savage are old operation and is able to be ou tsid e friends of Mrs. Kester A ROYAL ENTERTAINER PERFORMS r —■ ' ■■■—».... BOND n'We use it when .a u k , ----- Freshman students of tit«* I nlver- sltv of Oregon an> busy In Kprlngfl.-ld I I,..lay, removing piles of old lumber 'and other rubbish to furnish fuel (o r ­ tho biasing "O" which 1» to •»’ » fen- tun. of homecoming al the Eugene In stitu tio n . Much of lit— mat-rial was obtained from the street wtu-ee old board sidewalks recently weie lorn oul to be replaced by more mod­ ern cement. Business of cleaning up the city has continued steadily, the lloolh Kelly (.timber company and I Io- rail road e « c b having removed old lorn her from their yards ha, k of Main street recently. d B udget PRINTING SPRINGFIELD RUBBISH TO HELP MAKE BONFIRE CLINIC IS CONDUCTED AT BRATTAIN SCHOOL Amir lim . s gen ulus East Indian conjurer, produces a Liberty Bell from a reporter's hat. He Is one of the a rtis ts In ihe India Building at Ihe Kee<|Ut- Centenulal In te rn a tio n a l E x p o s itio n , which opened In Philadelphia June 1 to December 1 io celebrate ihe one hundred and aftlsth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence ^ M M E R M / q '’ B oard M eats Recorder Falls. Is Hurt 11 . ***■« ' A iltui' IhUe.li .l» tie lU iP <«©l»dii' i ' ll at the tffi sei ascertntnlng the health of ehlldr»-n Of the local elementary schools The exam ination of Children will lw- eon -‘ eluded this morning Miss Beth Konkel. .s.unty le-eliti nurse. Is In charge of the clinic Drs Puut Phvlleplnce. Helh Karmn and Curl Robbins are conducting the ex ­ aminations. Assisting are Mrs Maude Bryan. Mrs Kroll, Mrs. Carl Olson and Mrs. Bernice Van Valsah Parenta of children In which de- feels are founu are notified and al­ ready mothers are calling at local physician s offices to learn Ihe beat method of treatment (or physical do- flclenrlea In their r W Id re n On a , whole. It was said. Mie health of the Sprlngtl.-ld children was fairly good Recorder It W Smith sustained The budget board of the City will meet Monday night to outline the painful although not serious Injuries yesterday when he stumbled on a de­ municipal flnanelal schedule for the fective board sidewalk on A street coming year The committee is rem The city official (ell Io the walk, bark- posed of meui. bers of the council and |tlg Hie hands and (ace. It Is not CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emery W. P. Tyson. W. U M< -Lagan. (' •"'thought (hat the wounds will make ¡on prices on piste and other work, tf • him much treuhle Wheaton. George Perkins. GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours New Bell Theater Springfield. Oregon The Pick of Pictures. Up to Date with Upholstered Spring Cushion Seats; Modern Heating and Ventilating (Air changed every five minutes); Ladies Rest Room. — A 50c Show — At Popular Prices 10c and 35c Bonds! Bonds! Bonds! Thurs. - Fri. - Sat., Oct. 21-22-23 LILLIAN GISH JOHN GILBERT Voters are urged to read Section 4 of the House­ wives’ Council Constitutional Amendment authorizing the State of Oregon to go into irrigation schemes and into the business of manufacturing and selling light and power: “ B onds of th e S ta te of O regon, not to exceed five per cen tu m of th e a s ­ sessed v alu atio n of th e sta te , m ay be issued and sold from tim e to tim e to ca rry o u t th e pu rp o se of th is Article and th e full faith and credit of th e S ta te of O regon Is hereby pledged fo r th e paym ent of th e principal of said bonds as th e sam e m atu re, add th e in terest accru in g th ereo n as th e sam e falls d u e.” » « I- KING VIDOR Every voter should know that the assessed valuation of Oregon is $1,058,880.736, and that the Housewives' Council "Water and Power" board could issue and sell bonds for $51 ■344.000. Your property would be a guarantee for the payment of this huge debt. Production with RENEE ADOREE ROY D ’ARCY GEORGE H "ELL EDWARD EVERETT HORTON java,- L i t X E u the wonder 1 1 motion picture of tcreen btUory.' Ten big Stan, directed by the men who made " T h e Big Pa tad«," in a film of ex- «■iaats k f i i r y t h a t . w in and roaches i of the Oregon’s total bonded debt, including that of all political subdivisions, is now more than $166,000.000. Its State bonded indebtedness alone per capita, $47.08, is the highest in the Union- As fast as this political board might retire bonds, it would have the power to is­ sue more; and as the assessed valuations increased the amount of bonds could also increase. North D akota Is Still P a y in g For H er Failure« SUNDAY — MONDAY — OCTOBER 24 — 25 VOTE 337 X NO! M ountain States Pow er Company TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — OCTOBER 26 — 27 “A HAROLD BELL W R IG H T’S SON OF’ H IS FA TH ER ’ »«••»•? Paid Adv. by tbs Oregon Public U tlUty Committee—Opposed to the Housewives’ Council “W ater sad Power” Boudin« meat— 424 Pacific Building, Portland. Oregon. X WU.