PAGE SEVEN T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS T H U R S D A Y OCTOBER 21, 1Ö20 Q assifi dAds get results ^ BUYING 03 SELLING America «p«nt in 111 ione (or »axo- 1 phon«-» last y«ar th ata a lot of money to blow In! .FOR SALB—Carbon paper In large •herta, 24x3« Inchea, aultable fui making tracing« The new« Office SUMMONS IN I DE t'lltC l IT CO! KT OE THE STATE O f OREGON, IN AND F o il LANE COUNTY. M arlim Peteraon and M a rie Peter- OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. C. L. Jamison of Kaker ha» been en ­ gaged a» orderly marketing director by the Oregon Cattle and Horae Rals- srs’ aaaociatlon. It was learned, fol­ lowing a meeting of Raker Union and Wallowa stockmen at La Grande Protection of fish In Oregon atr< «ms from power and irrigation water In­ takes la the reHponaihlllty of the par­ ties who put In the Intakes, In tha opinion of the fiah commiaaion of Ore­ gon, as stated by E. I. Ballagh, master flab warden. ne» o d Invitations for the hanging: James Will»»» and Ellsworth E etley.l which have been set for Nover. 5. will be limited to priuon otfici clergy, physicians and newt: ;>e men. according to Warden Lillie oil the state penitentiary. J. A. Yaden, 75, of Kelso. Wash., ; took a bouquet of fresh flowers to , j jn # cem | . , , ... ,, . ' at The Dalles, knelt In meditation for a a moment, and then nla,.o/t placed tha» the wnvvU muzzle The Willamette valley typographi­ »on. Husband and Wife. Plaintiff«, va. Full or pari WANTED l-ady w I h I ich hoUHework TO LEAKE Eor hunting »i'BMon t f G>-rg« A. Steven». Dorothea Snark«. cal conf, rence met In Eugene Sunday. i 130 Sonili by hour or (lay, by hour prefer« rl. duck» and g '»>■ the bunting right I 1' It:« ii"H. Ed Kain1', her huabae l, The Waahlngton County Chrlatian O 21 A ddress Ilog I 79. Springfield tf on the land known uh the J M Anna D‘ «-or, Henry Decor, her hus­ Jennie L. Pliilpott, band; Ella V Henderaon, W II. H«tl- Endeavor union held In* annual con­ I'bllpott Place ib r on, her huxband; Sylvester Arn.1 vention at Gaston. 1.' iST lattg« Him k Leweller Kulli r HOOF REPAIRING—Old naif» nindiy O 22 3«: N 4 11 •"*" Ärmling«, hi« wife; Z ella to laat by a paving proce»» will a — . lllnl mm I all' ll ('nalle Notify .1 Mr». Carrie McNutt, 73, wan killed i S'' 1th. I., I) Smith, her huaband »ave you money and grief Let» NOTICE W (la ir* . ( 0 14. Reward If Arthur Get«ehe|l, Bonnie Hawley, at The Dalle» when »truck by an au- K' l fixed right for winter rains tf«-r husband; Mere tomoblle driven by C. E E. Sllhaugh of T a k e n up S e p te m b e r 29, J< ra sy cow, Albert Hawley, tier Guaranteed autlHfurtinti I ’erm ati old, w ith h a lie r and c im iti uttuebed dlth Thompson............ Thompson his Kurni. WANTED WORK ('«impotent woman wife; Thaddeua Thompson................... ♦oily loented Phon«' Eugene 2325J want» work will go out of town L M< Pariutui, Motor rout« H II«.X Thompson hla wife; Emelins Linville The fall meeting m«etlng of the e oon.nern ooothern or m Addresa, X New« Office o 2I 2H 1. T. laaimla, Eugene. tf. Phone 13F15. if. or her unknown heir« at law. If de- Oregon prerbylery of the Presbyterian ,,„ ,,« I G t In v l lle h e r h n w h u r.i ,,r 1 J „ 1 • . t?n-l.. 1 lainviiH*. ner nunhand or r»»nm4i was h<*ld at .YlUliU Malin 1U in lAtau Klamath • i IIIO1I GRADE I 'I u iiii near SpiingOi-lil ...4,....... raa_____ wc ■ widower; E lid e ..a_____ Stevens, Steven», ''UUn II »¡lit U»*JU NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S will 1« aolil |u reliable parly at blit jhla wife; Pearl Barne». E A. Barnes.! county. Estate of Fnslerlck Wm, Saubi'rt, of a pistol in his mouth and pulled the savins. 110 monthly will hantti«* A Ib'ceaaed. Notice 1» hereby given that all per her huaband; Rena Stevens, Frank1 The anaegaed value of Yamhill trigger. He died before a physician Notice 1» hereby given that Geo II. »on» having claim» again»» the Estate Klev.-na, real buy, write at once for purlieu m m t,n a .8 tiV en i,i O V ? * county 1 b I20.0SS.640 for 1926 accord- could arrive. # lara. Tallman Piano Slur«. Salem, Sauhert, Administrator of tb« estate of Robert D. Evan», deceased, late of Steven», William Steven#. Joaephine ing to figures compiled by Martin of Frederick Wm Sauhert, deceased, fame County. Oregon, «hould present Steven», the widow of William H Three hundred thousand bushels of Oregon. (, 21 28; N 4 ha» Wed In Ihe County Court of the the same duly verified to the under- Stevens, deceased, whose present Miller, county assessor. wheat of the 1926 Umatilla wheat crop State of Oregon, In and for Lane signed at Ihe office of 8. D. Alien), name |» unknown; Alvin Steven». May A check among grower« of all part» has been sold within the last two C A I,I. ANU S E E Dr N W E in e - y County, bis final report aa such ad Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, Walters, John Walters, her husband; on price» on plate and other work, t* nilnlstralor; and that ten o'clock *n within »lx i i i i nth» from the date of the unknown widower and heirs at of the Hood River valley reveals 'bat weeks. It was estimated by Henry tb«' forenoon of Saturday, the 23rd duy tills notice. Dated September 23. 1924 law of Llxzle Vaughn, deceased; the the toll of the past week’» drop of Collins of Pemlleton. Approximately, of October, 1924, at the Court room EDITH II EVANS, Administratrix, unknown widow and heirs at law of apple» will reach 200,000 boxes, 60 per cent of this year's crop baaj N O T IC E FO R PU B LIC A TIO N thereof, have been, by said Court. S 2330: O 7-14-21 C harles Stevens, deceased; all other been sold, he said, at an average of: The entire townsite of Westlake, on fix«1«! and appointed a» the time and - heir« at law of Hlxey V. Stevens, de- FOREST EXCHANGE i place for hi'urlng objections to »aid NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON ceased, and all other persons or Slltcoo» lake in the western part of $120 a bushel. 8eptemh««r 15. 1924. I report ami for the final settlem ent of EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE parties unknown claiming any right, Lane county, will he »old November Governor Fierce Issued an order es­ estate of said deceased, Noll«.' 1» hereby given that by vlr- title. estate, lien or Interest in the 13 on account of delinquent taxes. tablishing a quarantine against tha DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER the GEO H. RÄUBERT, Administrator. tue of tin execution anil .«»«!• r of sale real estate described In the complaint toil, UNITED STATES LAND OF The Eugene school enrolment is shipment into Oregon of sheep from A K WHEELER. Attorney. In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- herein, and others, Defendants FICK. Roseburg. Oregon. (S: 23 3d O. 7-14-211 To George A. Steven». Dorothea growing every week and the total is Wyoming, Washington and California, cull Court of l-ane County. Oregon NOTICE Is hereby given that on Sep« . « iiu u n n * on th. 30tli day of September. 1924 Spark», Ida Raine». Ed Raines Anna now more than 3600, according to unless they are certified by inspectors ember 4. 1926. the CALIFORNIA .6 ' SUMMONS wherein on the 28th’ds’y of Decor. Henry Decor. Ella V Header- David John Jones, city superintendent. of the federal bureau of animal hus­ OREGON LAND COMPANY bv It A , LN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE in a suit W. H. Henderson, 8ylve»ter Armi- Booth. agent, Eugene. Oregon, filed STATE OF OREGON FOR THE September. 1926, In »aid court Heniy Armitage, hl» wife; Zella William Henry Gray hall, first unit bandry as originating in territory free application No 014619 under the A «t! COUNTY OF LANE . « - « ■ ■> b ” “ î ?:!> ■ " « a * «• » ,- — *">*« •• from sheep scab infection. Loomis Bonnie Hawley. Albert Hawley. Mere- of March 20. 1922 it : Slat 465« io Gladys Miller, Plnlntlff, v». Jack I ugainst the defendants ( fe for the dlth Thompson. Thompson, his wife; : AIb‘ “r' dedlc‘ ,ed before ‘ larg®' Thomas a . B , « Kay « , as state treasurer a .exchange the NW>i. Rer 1; N 4 S W '« , J Miller. Defendant. and Lena K Loomis. hl» rlth Inter- Thaddens Thompson, Thompson his audience of students, alumni and borrowed $1(0.00. to meet the de- RE54SW‘s . S«-c 23. Tp 80 8 . It II TO JACK I MILLER: Defendant sum of $4000 00. together e mands on the general fund of the IN THE NAME OF e .t thereon at the rale of 8 per cent w |fp. Emei|ne Linville, or her un- friends. E ast; I«ot 3 of Section 7; Ixit 2 ubove named THE STATE GF OREGON: You sr«- per annum from the 1st day of^S. pt- known hp)rg >t ,aw ,f derPllM<, . L. G v, . itpd the state which was exhausted early tn of Section 17; Lot I of Section 3u, hereby notltli'd and required lo appear ember. 19.6 or a total of $ (0 .( 89, t,er husband or widower. Seventy thousand peop e vislte t e the month. Mr Kay has estimated that T p 20 8 . R. 2 East; NH of Sec 29. and answer the complaint fil«««l against which Judgment »hull draw Intrest at Elzle Stevens. Stevens, his wif«. Cascade national forest during the T p. 20 S R 3 East; E%, KHKW',, you In the above entitled suit, within (he rate of eight per cent per annum i>Pari Barnes. E. A. Barnes. Rena past summer, according to an estimate an additional $300,000 will he required 8EUN W 14. Sec 23; EH. KHHWH. six week« from the date of Ihe first an(| the further sum of $(00 00 at Stevens. Frank Stevens. Austin Stev- made by Nelson F. Macduff, supervla- before the second half taxes are re­ REUNW H . * Ix«t ( of Sec 31. Tp 22 publicutlon of this summons, and If torney fee. and the coats and dis- ,.nH o ir p Stevens. William Stevens. ceived at his department in Novem­ 8 . R 3 East; 8H . HHN'H. Sec 7; 8 4 you fall IO so appear |n the above en |lurHementM herein. 'Which Judgninet. j (,«ephlne Stevens. Alvin Stevens, od of the forest. ber. N W 4 , N W '«SW ', Sc. 17 8 B 4 lined cause within Ihe «aid period of waa pnroi|ed a n<- docketed In the Mav Walters John Walters, the un- An unidentified man about (5 years N W 4 . Sec. 25 E 4 S W 4 , Bee 27; six weeks from th«- date of Ihe first c | prk's office of said Court In said known widower and heirs at law of Lane county's share of the Oregon old committed suicide by throwing N E 4 , Sec 31; N4NE<< Sec 35; Tp publication of this summons, the pluln ,.ounty on the 28th day of Beptmber. Lixtie Vaughn, deceased ; the un himself in front of the McMinnville and California railroad grant land 33 8 . It 3 East; lx«l 5 of Sec 11; IlfT will apply to the Court for the re j S2s and said execution lo roe direct-: known widow and heirs at law of R E 4 N K 4 , H W H SE'i Be« 25; Tp 24 lief praye-d for In the complaint her«--l p(j t.o mmandlng roe in the name of < Charles Stevens, deceased: all other stage, one mile west of Salem, on the taxes, soon to be received from the government, is $1,082.573.(3, according 8 . R 3 Eaat: N K 4. Sec 35. Tp 23 8., In. to wit: for a decree of *h«' above (h. Ha,(| judgment. Interest, a tto rn ey s; rc.ase«| and all other persons or to announcement by Ben F. Kenney, The construction of a new $306,000 15 Tp 2« 8.. R 4 E a s t N 4 K E 4 . 8e. Melting aside ihe bonds of matrimony assessor, who ha» had a man at work accruing cowts! parties unknown claiming and right hotel at Baker is definitely assured, ; 35. Tp 2(8 . It 5 East All of Section existing between plaintiff ano defend f »1» <’r rPaI-,t,|e. estate, lien or Interest In the since July figuring out the amounts 9 and all of Section II, Tp 2 ( 8 , ant . . « herein, h . - . i n and . „ . i irrnntinir h e plain n la ln I'» * •» rpaj PRfatp described In the complaint depending only upon the subscription grunting tn to t the due the county and each tax levying Range 5 4 East, W M . within the tiff above named a decree of absolute property, to-wit. of about $15.000 by Baker people for Northeast herein, and others. Defendant«. All (hat part of the Css« ade National Forest for the divorce from the defendant: and for district. fourth of the Northeast quarter and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF , he purchase of the site. Umber on Ihe 8 E 4 . Section 23; A a decree of said Court restoring to the State-wide effort to reduce the num­ ,h e L ot. numbered One Two and OREGON. Yon are ^ r e b y required to N E 4 . Section 26 Township 20 S , plaintiff her maiden name, as prayed T h re e o f SectK n Fifteen In T ow n a p p e a r anu » n e w er vue T h e 16th annual district Odd Fel- ber of diphtheria deaths has been Fifteen. In Town appear and answer the complaint, ...... men Rang«* j Bast. W M within the Cas­ for In th«- complaint In thl« still. •erred upon ship Seventeen South. Rang. Three against yon In the above entitled suit lows' convention was held in The launched by the state board of health. cade National F ’reat. THIS SUMMONS Is aerv up I W illamette M«rldlan. In ’»'I'hin six weeks from the date of the Danes witb (yo members of the order The purpose of Ihl» notice Is Io al­ you by publication thereof In the W«-»t which lies rtf»* publication News of this in { Wasco, Sherman, and Hood Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, secretary, and Summons if fa'l anil If von vrtll I3'l low all peraon* claiming (lie lands Springfield News on«-e . «ch w<•• -k for l-unr County, Oregon, which Ilea • • has announced. To cut down the num­ “” ',.1," «„ t¿ answer, for want thereof, plain­ River counties attending. »elected, or having bona fide objec­ • lx suc. esslve Weeks In conforiully West of the 1^ “dmo^d ber of deaths this year, all physicians »<> tions lo »uch application, an opportu­ rlth the order of the lion. G. F Skip- eluding all of the Deadmond Island "«’’ tiff« will take Judgment and decree Mrs. Johanna Packwood, 84, early have been called on by the board to irth. Judge of the abov.- entitled and extending to the center of d i nKa,nFt you „„ praved for in their nity to file their protest» with the resident of Oregon and widow of the use diphtheria anti-toxin and toxin- Ileadmond Slough; Also Ihe ferty; R egister of Ihe United States Land Court That their title to The «late of the first publication of boat ami cable used a» « c c esa jb *r*to J£™roHowlnK "described land In Lane late William H. Packwood of Baker, Office at Itoseburg. Oregon Any surh protests or objection must this summons It September 30. 1926 , and all appurtenances belonging to pin-n«","'nreinn to-wlt ' died in Salem at the home ol of her , S o u t h w e s t corner daughter. daughter, Mrs. Governor Pierce again aubmltted to he filed In this offlie within thirty The date of the last publication of said premises and »»Id Mrs. John John L. L. Rand. Rand. Now. therefore. In the name of the * Stevens and wife Do- the secretary of state revised salary days from the date of the first publica­ this summons Is Novemb«'r 11. 1926 E O IMMEL, State of Oregon. In compliance with « , „nd Claim No. 46. Notf No. »-•»" county republicans Increased ,.|aimg gt the Ore|f<)n g(at0 ^ „ ¡(g ,,. tion of this notice, which first publcca- Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence : said execution und order of sale an t J33| Jn Townghlt> 17 South Ranee 3 their percentage of the total registra- liarJ. aggregating $177( 60, drawn tlon 1» September 30. 1926. th „ n r i . nn r.« « u > tn . Th. HAMILL A CANADAY. Regtsterer and postoffice address; Eugene, Ore-« m order to satisfy said Judgment. In- w , of ,t,p W illamette Meridian and tlon from 59 9 per cent In 1924 to 63 7 H 30: O 7-14 21-28 N 4-11 8 30; O 7 14 21 28 terest. attorneys fees, costs of s u it, runn|n(t thence North 12' East on (n 1926. according to figures compiled I r tar o{ (at previously refused - and accruing costs. 1 will on Saturday Wpg, ,)nP of , a)d claim 32 56 chains. v „ ....... „ ____... .,__u I secretary ot state previously retus«-r u " ‘ - j to approve these claims on the ground Ihe 6th day of N ovem ber 1926. at the (t,ence 80.61 chains, ch hour of one o'clock In the afternoon «fc,un, J2' W est 32 56 chains and The public service commission has that they should have been drawn on I of said day, at the Southwest front ! ¡hpnre West 30 61 chains to the place approTe(j the application of the Cali- the salary fund. door of ihe County Court House. In of ^ „ „ m g . In I,*»"- County. Orgon forn|a ¿ Oregon Lumber companyfor Methodist churches in the confer­ Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, offer hp forever established and quieted for sale and sell for cash, at public and that vou he forever barred and permission to discontinue its electric ences of Oregon, Washington, Idaho auction, subject to redemption as pro ' estopped from having or claiming anv service at Brookings. Curry county, If and Montana have pledged financial jvlded by law. all of the right, t l t l - 1 rtgh t title, estate or Intereel_ w . B. Riley, well-known stockman support to Kimball College of Th««ol- and Interest of said defendants C. R. 1 adverse to their title and for such ogy at Salem, according to a report iLoomla ami Lena E. lx>orols. his wife. othpr an<, further relief as shall he hy of B.1 R. t . < K . 1 ? “ Your Homo When In and all persons claiming by. through I ( ^ court deemed Just and equitable purchased 80 head of the best pure- filed with the trustees of the institu- Springfield a n ,. ,,n itV in r n * i_ a n a la a a > ,n n X A n a n a n a t f l — h , in H i n t h n ,ln n T a l.n , , «an_a or under them or any or a either in the —a premises. bred Angus cattle he could V find in the tlon by Dr. John M. z Cause, new prest- Thls summons Is served open you gtate Thp wi„ bp ghipppd to Oregon dent, and Edward L Mills, president th«mi In and to said pr«*mlses mihllcalltin thereof once each weeK ■■ FANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff I ‘ for _* six . successive ■_____ m *V,n Gnnlna. Srhnnnlnr-h A Cn ,«f Portland of the hoard Of directors 228 Main 8t. Residence 125 C St weeks |n the Spring- Ralnh Ralph Schneeloch A Co. of Portland of Ix«ne County. Oregon General l ^ w Practice field News, printed and published in purchase«l world war veterans state 62 J 62 M A movement to popularize and per­ O 7-14-21 28: N 4 Springfield. Oregon, by order of the gjd bondg jn (be amount of $2,000.000. haps commercialize the lithia water I. M. PETERSON Hon 0 F SklPwor,, i J U^ ‘\ ; I ’»"¿t The bonds were sold on a basis of Full Auto Equipment of Ashland is being undertaken New Altorney-at I a iw SUMMONS Court, made and entered on the z is t Lady Assistant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE day of September. 1926. and the first 4.2784 per cent. There were 10 bid analyses of the water are to be p ro Com m ercial 8 ta te Bank Bldg.. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE publtcatlon thereof Is made on the ders. cured and an attempt will be made Springfield, Ore. COUNTY. 23rd day of September. 1926. A record was established for the to interest capital in the construction Joyce Reeves. Plaintiff, vs George A. E. WHEELER. Attorney for 8 Reeves. Defendant. Plaintiffs. Residing in Eugene, Ore- Crater national forest during the Bea­ of a health sanitarium near the city son past when 94,770 persons entered or the main lithia water springs, a Phone Re». 101-J Office 73-J To George 8 Reeves, Defendant: Kon (S 23-30. O 7-14-21-28: N 4) Its boundaries en route to various few miles south of Ashland. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE F. H. WALKER Onll OF OREGON. You are hereby re-j parts of the forest and Crater lake Four carloads of hops wer«> shipped Auto T ru ck T ra n s fe r qtiired to Hppear and answer the com -: REFEREE'S SALE national park. from Eugene by T. A. Livesly & Co., Hou»a Hold Good» Baggage, plaint filed against yon In the above S SUTTON TRANSFER Linn county's assessm ent roll for to Peoria. 111., where they will be used Merchandl«« Moving entitled suit on or before six weeks , N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE from date of first publication of this o p OREGON. IN AND FOR 1926. exclusive of public utilities, is In the manufacture ot malt syrup, Office at 312 Main St. Phono 57 summons, or for want thereof the THR COUNTY OF LANE SUIT NO. ,26.114.670, according lo figures made which has a large sale in the east and t plaintiff will take JudKin»'nt against i a m a . . »ex middle west, according to hop dealers. ^vou and will apply to the court for ^ M a r g a i^ M Waggener. Oscar P. P«»»“ Grant assessor, The 16th semi-annual 4-L district the relief prayed for In the complaint W||ggenprt Mary J- Woodcock as the This is a slight decrease from the GEO.- N, M cL E A N board meeting and convention for the and for a decree of absolute divorce ratrix of the Estate of Nor- 1925 assessment. DR. N. W. EMERY Automobile, F ire and Life from you and Ihe custody of the rjg pulton Woodcock. deceased: Sam A. Koxer. secretary of state, fir territory of Oregon was held in IN S U R A N C E minor child of the marriage now in MeriP Woodcock. Lynn Woodcock, DENTIST sent a wilt to the sheriff of Klamath Eugene. her care. o Uy woodcock, lnex Woodcock. Mary Surety Bond»,. Phone 617 Outstanding features of the annual Sutton Bldg. P.hone 20 -J county fixing November 2 as the date This summons Is publish«1 « ! once j Woodcock. Vernon M Woodcock, My business la to protect your each week for six consecutive weeks. 'w inlfV(,,i Woodcock. Hombor B. for holding the recall election involv­ Oregon Reclamation congress, which Realdenco Phon» 153 M b u iin e te ¡In lh«' S p r in g ll'ld News, n weekly w eeklv W o o d c c k , and Lester E. Riant ing A. L. Leavitt, circuit judge of the convened for a three-uay session at 863 W illa m e tte St. Eugene .Orcgory newspaper published nt Springfield. ,«iain((ffgi versus Fred C. Walters and Springfield, Oregon Hood River, were a proposal for a 13th judicial district. Lane County. Oregon, by order of Sa(,l«' D Walters Defendants, recodification of Oregon irrigation lion. O. F Sklpworth. Judge of said ' Not|CP ls hereby given that 1. Frank Mrs. Emma Cole, 70, of Jefferson, Court, made September 28. 1926 and R «pay |op, the undersigned, by virtue was killed when an automobile in laws, and the adoption of measures VASBY BROS. first published September 30. 1926. g ,|pcrep P( court entered In the that will enable settlers on the lands WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney gbovp pntillf(i sur was appointed re- nhich she was riding collided with a of projects that have passed through Painting & Decorating 'for l’lalntlff. Residence and post o f-j(pree gn(1 directed to sell all of the ear dniven by Mrs. G. W. Brown of periods of depression to refinancs JEWELER lice address, Eugene. Oregon ; Interest of the parties to this suit in Reodley, Cal., on the Pacific highway, In all its branches , themselves. Repairing a Specialty S 30: O 7-14-21-28: N 4-11 and to the following described real e|ght miles south of Salem. The dried prune crop of the Wil­ Springfield, Oregon ¡estate, to-wlt:— -Beginning at a P"''1’ Tbp walnut growers of Sheridan are 312 Main Street OF where the east boundry of the county R ro a d 'rt’t « . ^ th“e "io rth 'U n e "o f Dona- hoping for clear *«t«her T h e , have lamette valley, including ClHrke coun­ IN 7 t A T E C° 0 F T O R E G O N T T O ty, Washington, for the year 1926. ag­ 11 THE ANE COUNTY 'Hon I'and r la'm No. (1 in township now harvested about half of their I In the matter of the estate of Dora 14 south in range 6 w est of the Wil bumper crop, but if rainy weather gregated between 50,000,000 and 60,000- DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL lamette Mere.llnn in In Benton^ Ben‘°n v C5 ^ “n C. Orny. deceased lam ette MeredUn u n n’y.' ^ ,, c continues o n (jnupg they are afraid they will 000 pounds according to a survey com- Oregon1 thence run east 6.03 ch a in s,, I pleted recently by Robert Paulus, 8a- NOTICE Is hereby given that the DENTIST thence run south 3 00 chains ; thence j l°t»' the res. of their walnuts, All kinds of gravel for con­ j I leni prune dealer. It was said that undersigned Executor has filed his run west 6.70 chains to the east line Lena Maud Johnson, ll-year«oid 'final neeount In the above estate; crete or road work. We i when the present orders are filled Phone 43 of the said County Road; thence run scb(>oi g)r| of the Summerville dis- ¡that Saturday the 30th day of Oct­ make n specialty of crushed practically all of the 1926 crop will northerly along the < ‘ast '¡ne ¡b'' trlct of Union county, was so seriously F irs t N at'l Bank Bldg., Springfield ober, 1926, nt the hour of 10 o'clock rock and rock sand. Bunk­ county road 3.83 chains to the. . . . . . . .. bpn,„th fhp f pt have been sold. 1 A M at the County Court Room In said place of beginning situated in town-; Injured when sne fell heneatb the teet ers at foot of Main on Mill Fire losses in the state of Oregon i the Court House. In Eugene, I,ane J c p u n ty “ " 6 r e g o n has been fixed by ship 14 south la range 6 west of the of a galloping horse she was riding j exclusive of Portland, during the street. ^ o r d e r of the C ourt ns the tin:.- ami ' W illa m e tte M ere.lian in Benton , hat ghp died half an hour later. aggregated HENRV W. CHASE. Prop. ! place for hearing any objections th a t' County, Oregon, containing l.Ji).«; Tb# bu(;p Owyhee reclamation proj- 1 month of September, WM. G. HUGHES ! $804,527, according to a report pre- may be filed to said final neeount and i acres of land. . . .«.pree! e c t which will render productive 124,- F IR E ANO A U T O IN S U R A N C E f0,An""i?Bon'»mhSving’ aohJeotrens to I Wiirs.'n"'to’’ lhe 'highest bidder for[ 000 acres of arid land In Oregon and ! pared by the state fire marshal. N O T A R Y P U B L IC persons 'sa All d final neeount of any item th ereo f|,a sh all the above described real «’s i Idaho, became a reality with an- 1 There was a total of 80 fires reported. Office at FRANK A. DF PUE nal accoi With prices high. Vale clover, seed nr., nntiflpd to , are notified to file file tb«» the same same with the tate nt the southwest, door or tne nouncement from the White House ! growers are reaping not only a buinp- ATTORNEY AT LAW FIRST NATIONAL BANK Court House In Eugene, '■, tbat p reBident Coolidge had approved , Counfv Clerk on or before the time Springfield, Oregon Oregon, at the hour of one ocIoiK in • i er crop, but a pleasing harvest in 1 for final hearing thereon. NOTARY PUBLIC report from secretary Secretary of Interior the afternoon on Saturday. October a I R CLAUDE GRAY. Executor dollars and centa. EOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Work recommending Its construction. Sutton Springfield „ Benn & Brooke, attorneys for 30, 1926. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Referee. •beeta, 86x39 Inchea, aultable for Buldllng Oregon. I Estate. 8 30: O 7-14-21-28 B aking tradtngx. The New» Office. S 30: O 7-14-21 28 W ANTED Offici tlltii llirllia 7lh street work 1 ¡B U S IN E S S “The Loop D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director D . W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. TF