T n u itS U A Y OCTOBER 21. U g _ T H E S IM .N G K IK L D NEWS NOTICE OF SALK ON IMPROV» of .» L r~ L not •» pneumonia, the Illness heesm e OTT* K snyons on Visit— Mr ana » r e • bu| Mrs M, Klnnon la liellavsd iw & s ¡ a s ... o . Issued hy T e w J ,-£ h South Range 3 W est containing 3 Sí Removed — Mrs. Isabelle K. Kenyon were visitors at Browns­ T o n sils t b ? îï în n c r provided by law. Springfield. Oregon, S eptem ber M rd. acres, except. ¡O rr underw ent a tonsil operation on to b«* vonvalruvlnM now ville Sunday the fo llo -ln « d ascrlh M p ro p e rly , 1 9 2 « .^ ^ “ Y l h . ' ï W I’o w e r ./ » * ” ' ^ t J ä s ä ä t>ots 7 and 8. R h x k 8. Kelly s Ad d ii o n to the town of Sprlngffleld. of th e T own of Springfield. Oregon in Springfield. L ane t ounty. Oregi n. •e ll the above described P ^ '^ t o ’ cav t i e bidder for cash who offers P*. Land ¿ Claim Toara- Hgr, From Ngtron_ i i o . Smith of ’» «e’ S No. wes” 4». ' .Lom e Z S “ X et ^ V h “ lh 7 ------ .? e . lS i2 5 . fee. “ v ¿ " > . . ¿ . . . N a t r o n was a Springfield »..H er Sal NOTICE O F SALE ON IMPROVE- , " n‘o r l h ; ’ih e n ’-e 1Í2.28 urday MENT U K N F O R B C L q 8 l’RK__ ..„-opt. I From fisnta C lsrs—Hewey S anta Clara has rented Iho llorrow bouse on easl Main eu A i m « sem . •• so u th Range 3 » e s t: tnence )ggl|K, by thH town R ecorder there- P aR | ( W(,s, i i . ii t f uW day. in front of the Town 1 .11 rn : s Redem ption Deed at the low e-t Vt>s, m.,nt >nd ro w e r com pany’s Ad- l a k e ---- r a te of in te re « , not g re a te r S t t S S T S f t i S R t « S ~ per cent. , — “ r approy,.d Ju n e 1Mb. M I L ,’*** over “ ” ■•” • • • . .............. w eekend ■ » — M- " - EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. R. Robert». lTeuldenl A CRtfiloRue. telling »bo«t our p'f e.V io^uiy* uikln’HN, Ing und Stenographic Courue«, »»nt r upon peqneet. Monday In enrollment d»y. IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL »92 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon Principal 8823 93 in te re st at « ■ per 1st assessed by O rdinance No .419. passed I » - ^ « Jliv in front of the Town H ill ( line Miles of Marcola underw ent a cent from July 1«. 1918. N ovember — ’ and approve,! Seplem N ’r 131«. B i» . Springfield, l-ane County. O regon, m ajor operation at the Pacific Christ- s s Springfield. Oregon. S eptem ber JSr l. g?u M M , ■* s t s i s £ ;g tg g aml 7 B1(X-k 2. Sunnyside Ad , ion of Springfield Investm ent and tak e a R edem ption Deed a t the low est dmOB to Springfield. Oregon. Pow er Com pany’s Addition to the I r a te of in terest, not g reater th an la delinquent town im provem ent Hem Town — of — Springfield. running D r . R tb h a n ue,u* -- ____ _____ - ____- O regon; - — Dr W C Reb-1 No 298 and 299 t , hence h(>n(.H south gou, h 119 m feel; thence -------- a — p e r cent assessed by O rdinance No. E ast ban |eft on (.-yiday on | b(, flr »t leg of 13. 191- lpo feet; th thence P rincipal *1« S5. I " ^ [ e s t at « p er r passed e(, and approved Jau n a ry IX en ce ^ N’ort ° ir ,h t|i " ’ ,„.--*«1 nl" «’’'P ’•> Rochester. M inn, lo s tu d y , c en t from D ecember 31st. 1913 th at day of O ctober. thence (h Wegt joo fevt the place of a t | I w,u will on hour the 22nd ^ r e s e ™ ow ner. Jam es A. E raser ’ 1926. 0 o o ’clock ^ n n in W g . est 100 feet to , w“ h M*yo b rn ,h *,r ’ f“ n,,,u" «“ nm ons a t t‘be the hour o, of l;3 1:30 clo ek I L t M M ^ beginning. A ssessed to O M. Larson. , ald day, ,n front of the Town H all delinquent tow n Im provem ent lien Dr Rebhan went first lo .Seattle, leav T erm s cash , in Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by O rdinance No. 378-3,9. |n)f th ere Munday for the east. Springfield, Oregon. S eptem ber -3rd. geH tbe a bo ve described property io sed and approved Jan u ary 2t. 1911. 79S« . , the bidder for cash who offers to pay t b a t | w ill on th e 12th JE S S SMITSON. Town M arshal th e assessm ent, costs. In terest and ac- d o( . 1 - 9 2.6 - at H u n tly Go«« N o rth — M B Hunlly N o v e m - b e r of the Town of Springfield. O regon curin|? costs, an d in terest thereon, and (he hour of 1:30 o'clock P M motor**,! to A storia Tuesday, accom ------- „ take a R edem ption Deed a t th e low est of g#,d (,ay fro n , o, , he Town Hall b big m other In law M r». W .' NOTICE OF SALE ON ................. - .......... of bis ' per cent. , . well the above described p roperty to MENT LIEN FORECLOSCRE P terest v n T ir - g IQ HEREBY GIVEN T hat P rincipal rincipal 876 876 62, 62. In m te re st a a t , 6 „ per c - - {he th e bldder bidder for for cagh cash who who offers o n ers to io pay pay brother In-law M A. Pohl Mr. Pool — to a resolution of the Town cent from Jan u a ry 13 th. 19 1 - tb e aS8egsment. costs, in terest and ac- who Is employed by .... ......... .. .. the Mnunta-n f r u n c í" of Springfield Oregon adopt P resen t ° * “ *r _ ^ tfhriI‘*11‘’ t r ‘e‘‘’ «»ring costs and Intereet th ereon and g u tM pow er w |„ £ h , ^ S R^ r d #er” irh?rnet £ £ R a‘StrtCl" _ M — gfieid ........... ............. back „ ra te of interewt. not g reater day or tomorrow per cent. Principal 8926 36. In terest at 6 per — •ell. in the m an n er Provided by law. SMITSON Town M arshal Dorn May lt th . 1920 WL u ' 7 « d dr r B ^ k P 8 S u n n y s id e of th e ^ T o wm of Springfield. Oregon. cen P t resent ow ner, J. W Ma,-hen As- NOTICE OF FINAL SE TTLEM EN T, sessed to J, W Machen. A ddition to Springfield. Oregon , — Notice is hereby given that C a rrie 1 . ce OF SAGE u rs i.w r infrey. E x etu utrix trix or of lb.- the K E stale ■ „ oni sot NOTICE , • rtr-toher 14 1906 v C. - W « mrrey, r.x-i ---------------- I.n u a m n 19U MENT L IEN FO RECLO SCRE S pri? ’ fl" SMITSON Town M arsha. °f w W infrey, d e c a s .-d h a . fl.-l -passed and approved January • j j o t j c E 19 HEREBY GIVEN T hat JE ^ S - - • QreKon her final account as such, and the th a t I will on the 2- n<1.'la - . , k p M p u rsu an t to a resolution of the Town of th • Court has «et Monday, November 8. 1926 at the hour of 1:30 oclo ek L M g ouBct, of g pringfitld. O regon adopt- 0 14 ‘______ | 926 al 10 00 A M at the County cf said day. in fron> of th e 3 own tia i Au t 3O.h 1926, and a w arran t , u w m v r Court B'w,n' ln ,h< c ,,u rt H0"»’’ ’ in S prtnrffrtd. Lan*- ? to Issued bv the town R ecorder there.- NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE Kug,.n,, |V E- », Xf)V(llnber 25th )9)1 by O rdinance No. -L. t '^H F R P ^Y ^G T V 'F N T hat P r-sen t ow ners. Thom as and Sallle tue of an execution anti o rd er of sale and approved A ugust 31st. J ® 1-- NOTICE 19 HEREBY JIVE. . Assessed to Thom as and 9al- In foreclosure Issued out of the Cli- cult C ourt of Lane County. Oregon, th a t I will on the 22nd day of O ctober. p ur, uant to a resolution of th e Town s-s e s ass on the 9th day of O ctober. 1926. In a jn -tt a t ’he hour of 1:30 o’clock P- M. council of Springfield. O regon a d o p t . c f aald day. in fron of the Town H all ed A ugust » L m i and a wanm t T fi< ](] O r..gon O ctober I t 1926 suit w herein on the 13tb day of April. ■ - ........T 1926. In said court Irvin R Fox. plain ct • » »evsgv z Mar »X T *•* a .I in Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, ,gsued by th e tow n - •* vvs M «»11 »•-» nn/ipr 11 ra ilin g m** (>r»irnn H’covcrod Jud^m ^nt agalfiHt th** pell thp tbe above described prup^rt» property to under < directin me m to **«s»«3» ad v ertise and th e bidder for cash who offers to pay geIi, the m an n er provided by law ,,o f the rowni of Sp fi t defendant N. II Fair, for th - »'»" of th e assessm ent costs, in terest and ac- th „ following described property. O It -1 -8 ?■ _ | 225.00. with Interest th ere on a t the c ring costs and in terest thereon, and JjOt 10 Block 22. E xtended 9urvey, r a ,e ,,f 7 per cent per annum from ♦eke a R edem ption Deed a t the low est SprIngfield. Oregon, NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- the 20th day of June. 1924 and the r r t e of Interest, not g reater than 15 for delinquent town im provem n t Hen. MENT LIEN F O R E C W S I’RE fu rth e r sum of 214.50 with Interest p e rc e n t. . assessed rdinance N o . 4^5 MOTIf,, a n » --.—. b y i O _______ . . 2 w i T l i T IQ H FREBY GIVEN T hat from July 15, 1925, at 6 per cent per e ‘ P“r passed and approved May p u r s u ln t^ o a resolution of the Town annum and the fu rth e r sum of 81150 Principal 831.31. in terest a t £ that I will on the 22nd day of O ctober. P k r u ^ SprinKflp,d. Oregon adopt costs, which Judgm ent was enrolled c e n t from S eptem ber 5th. 1912. (XugUHt ;!Q.h. 192«. and a w arrant and docketed In the ( lerk s offlte of P re se n t owner, Claude Signor A v 192«. at th e hour of 1:30 oedock L M of said day. In front of the Town Hall I AUgmt Rp(.o rd ,.r th erp . ga,d C ourt In said county on the 13th sessed to Claude Signor Springfield, Izane County, O r**K° n ’ urKiPr d irectin g me to ad v ertise and day of April, 1>26. and «aid execution i ^ g f i e W . 'O regon. Septem ber 23rd, ^ „ ii “ t h ^ ’a ' w i /tewrribed described property P roperty to M tiB w provided law. t^ m» me directed directed com c o m m m anding a n d in g m e In the ....... ..... .,1,1*.,» by law j ii« , the bidder for cash who offers to pay f„ n „ w| n g describ ed property nam e of the S tate of Oregon, n order JE S S SMITSON. Town M arshal (bP assessm ent, costs. In terest and ac- " f ht , , B| o(.k Tw „ <2 > H unt’s to satisfy said Judgment. Interest. Cf the Town of Springfield. Oregon. ,.u r| n g costs and in te re st andt i Addition to the Town of Springfield, coat« of su it and ' ' ' „ . ' " ‘n ________________ _ tak e a Redem ption Deed a t the lo w est’ « 11 u , g(jlI (h(, ff)1)ow|ng described real pro- NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- ra te of Interest, not g reater than 15 fo ff>r r d ,, B p rlngft& « a dopt- ........... t„ » , h d f lark. tale of .Oregon. ----, l.jO regon - m th e Hour hour of 1:30 o'clock B. M S ,id cd August 30-h. 1926. and a ■warrant T(.rrng cash f ,,, , fro n , ,)f fh„ Tow „ Hall sa execution and o rd er of ale and issued bv tb e tow n th 2Ld Springfield. Oregon, S eptem ber 23r