TIHUtHDAY OCTOBER 21. 192« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOCFTO TOWN AND VICINITY ' —as Jaspsr Man In—J A olMun «f J»»’ p«r wit» « »b'ltur h« > ptnmiay. At Albany- Mr uml Mm. Ilarolil Wllilutni t,in nt ttuii'luy ut Alliuuy Pollai J ut Marcóla— lb W. II I'm Inni » in U friiiiiliiy viatici nl Mareóla W alkar ira— IHiU I’ i Spi liniffi b i r o f D««r- streets I to r M uli Goat South— l*i <1 Hill. brufli«r nf Jim till! l-rt Monday morning fur i ullfm itin. Drive to Hatehary—llwlglil K< tey Mini hl* niothar. Mm (> 1« K«»««v. drove in III« n«H I im I i bury on ih« Mr K«ml« Sunday. Football Man III—Kenneth Uitlger. fnnlbull pluynr uf Springfield llt«u school. bus li' «n under the doctor * ; car«- thia waah. Visiting Hara— Mr» H Hchlew« ef Mulino I* visiting fur a few day* Iri Springfield at th« residence of Mr« Fred Frese. In A c c id e n t— F «ne Visiting Biot* ,er — N i l « Paar, b r ib e r o f I,. h , I 'uye, iirrlv« y«»ii rila y fro m I 'u llfo r r ili for a y I w ith h is brother ben*. Mi. Pag» 1» h re tire d ra ilro a d m an, li ..vln g been n th e e m p lo y o f Hie H ou tb ern I'a i-lft. i-om puny fo r 42 yearn. About l/out* H ealth Things 7uu '*rv.Æild Know Mra. B c o li Improvaa—Charlo» Hr n il returned Munday from Portland. when- li« visited hl* toother who I* ill 11« reported that Mr» Seoll 1» luiprovi<• Mra. Jack Hare— Mr» Raymond K Jm k of Rout 2 w«« u vlallur b«r« Monday. Winner of the safety-first slogan i on- test »111 be announced soon by Safety Engineer Edgar Martin of the Booth- Kelly Lumber company. It was stated yesterday. Judges of the contest are e.x|!;r-ted to make a decision Immedi­ ately. The contest which was op< a io all employes of the company, of­ fered a prize of |10. According to Martin, the com t «•HI be coudtioUd dlffeiently r xt year. A prize of J10 will be g veo the winner and prizes of Si «U awarder those who name tl t -!•' gun from the Wendllng and 8pr ig - field plants. Additional copies of the Four-l» Lumber News will be received hero this week The News Is devoted to Safety-FIrat. and It Is the wish of the local unit to give It a distribution throughout the community. Secreatry D. W. McKinnon said In it will be a paper of safety-first by Mr. Martin. spent m illio n ? burnì*« 'In na mi in ih « W . '• W i t k i . an liiiiiulilb » »»«■■ Ui« ri »Ult i if un m • Idmil Pellai lioin mu day. A m e r ic a Haa Pneumonia—Kiley Harrisini ■' Mm ruin 1» confined ln hin lu d, th r e a t- mini *ttl> pneumonia. W A L K IN G . To walk in a dncle within a bed­ room la belter exerdae than sit­ ting In a rocker In the tame room; to walk, even In a similar d rd e outdoors, multiplies the benefits by several hundred. W alking on pave­ ments la advisable where one eon do no better; but, R 1» walking on tho ground, through tlm forest, over tho hills, down tho vale», In tho Jungles, on tho golf-course, along tho stream— in such places, there la no sort of exerdae it« equal. The hunter of wild game,— the fisherman, or other outdoor tour­ ist looking for highly-desirable trophlea, may return empty-hand­ ed, tired, worn, dlacouro-’ed; they ninv forget that the pi., ical test e il are worth many time» Eli than a full game-bag or creel. Nimbleness of foot may be ac­ quired, but not by repose in the arm» of the swivel-chair. An active, capable body 1» necessary to health and succe»»; don’t look for them from the window of a touring car along paved highway«. All the organa of the body were created for use-i-for »ervice: to dw arf their site and destroy their power by indolence or laziness, 1» a »in for which there 1» no forgive. ne»a— the penalty must be paid Moat if not all of our physical shortcoming» might disappear il we kept e-«h part of our anatom' up to the standard of full capabtli ty by well-directed exerel’ e— an- of all the exerdae», walking among the best. Interesting News For Friday and Saturday From The Big M. & W. Basement Store. DISH DRAINERS, 69c Regular $1.00 Androck dish drier of polished wire round style. Special holder in center for silverware. DRY HAND MOPS, $1.50 No wet hands, no stooping, no more bnckaches. A simple twist of the wrist and this mop wrings dry instantly. COCOA HEARTH BROOMS, 50c Pure fibre hearth brooms with stained bamboo handles. HAND DUSTERS, 69c A full fluffy golden colored duster with black varnished handle Handy for «lusting furniture, pianos, bric-a-brac. Execellent for the auto. CLOTHES DRIERS. $1.98 Can be folded into small space. Well seasoned wood. Very roomy- WOOD BASKETS, 98c Splint wood baskets substantially made In every way. When stained make excellent fireplace baskets. COCOA DOOR MATS, 98c A many weather necessity. Red brown tough fibre a strong braid binding large size ot $1.29. IRONING BOARDS, $1.98 Strong and securely braced boards. Large size al $2.38. WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS, 98c 6 DOZEN SPRING CLOTHES PINS, 49c Sbjjf DRIVING OUT LABOR. RUSSIA’S FRIENDSHIP. HUNTING THE FLEA. POUT, SNIFF, LOOK ALIVE. I W hen a man is lift by an auto and not killed the doctor» »ay merely that be 1» badly run-down. Mr. Groen, able, conaervativr and respected head of the American When a girl elope* from her bed­ Fuleratlon of laibor, waa Invited to room these days the old Man general- ■peak before the Young Men’s ; ly goes out and holds the ladder for Christian Associations in Detroit, her. then t Id that his speech could not be delivered in that Institution. Th« attention o f the Society for tit« Labor leaders were asked to .peak Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is from varioua Detroit pulpits, then called to the fact that a radio set has told the churches did not want been Installed in the Toronto Zoo for them. NO F O O L IN ' H E R New Maid:— "I found this purse upon your desk, sir." Junior:— "I must reward you fo r your honesty. 1 left It there purpose­ ly a s a test." New M a i d :— thought, sir." "That's what I i Gladys:— "I'm awfully sorry, but Papa says we must not see each other any more." Jack:— "Oh. that's all rlghb if he »an ts to cut down the light bills, I'm | willing to help. Darkness with you. 1 dearest, is good enough for me.” I f the Queen will take a sheet of paper as big as a playing card »he will be able to write on it all that the President will have to say, beyond politely answering direct questions. But when the Interview is over the President will know a good ileal about Rumania He believe« in listening, and thnt's one rea­ son why he is President. GOOD H E A R T E D "Johnny, who took the cookies from 1 the pantry?" "Mother. 1 gave them to a poor little boy who was hungry." "You have a heart of gold, dear, who was the little boy?" " I Mother.” Profe»»or Jerome Davis, cf Yale, reports an Interesting talk with Stalin, ibe real ruler in IUv.-ever, that’s another story, important point made by 1 uiliu i- that it might pay the L idled States to be friendly with Russia. Stalin said, "Russia now needs the United States. Poeaibly tlie day might come whan the United States might need Russia's f riendship.” * ■ The Pan-American health con­ ference declares w ar on the bubonic plague flea, from the Arctic to tha Antarctic. Thia mean* Wtlir rata, ground squirrel», flea bean ng creatures of all sort*. Samples of fleas cap- turod w ill be sent in for identi- fleation. Nothing permanent, however, will be done until man completes his conquest of the globe by re­ moving from it, mercifully, all animal life other than his own. The gaping crocodile from whose gums and tongue the tse­ tse fly extracts the germ» of sleep­ ing sickness, must go, also dear little pussy, that carries diptheria germs in its fur to the little g irl’s face. TOO BAD Your infernal loud speaker kept me awake 'till two o'clock last night." "That's too bad—if you had stayed with it Just a little while longer you'd have heard some sw ell stuff from I Paris.” COULDN’T STAND ONE "So you didn't take any vacation thi» year?" N'o. I thought 1 needed a rest!" They can improve the auto—paint It up to look nice—get more miles per gallon but they ca n t give It horse sense. HIS MASTER'S VOICE Sargeant:— "Button up your coat!" I Young married recruit:—"Yes, mv dear.” A little shine on daughter's none . noiva-days bothers her as much as i dust on the furniture bothered her mother. IS WOMEN WISER? For the last five o r ten years Fve noticed a very p ecu liar thing among men and women. .A woman of forty looks about 25 years of age. while a M AN of 40 LO O KS about 45! Men th a t is M O S T of them, seem to feel that tMey’ll get grinned a t if they fight age, while a w o­ man K N O W S she'll get grinned at if she D O E S N 'T fight age! Women have found cut th a t skin tonics, powder, rouge, shampoos, lipsticks and creams are lethal weapons to knock ole Pa T im e for a goal and she trips in this store of ours and makes us hump ourselves keeping an up-to-date stock of beautifiers. Men take a liv e r rem edy and w hether it performs or not call it a day and let it go a t that. A rt women wiser than men? V ra rç ( s x x ñ i, We've Found THIS Out About Face Powders! Painted Lips! The SAME powder is NOT good for EVER Yone! Tho clever woman experiments very, very carefully until she finds the EXACT sort, shade anil con­ sistency that BEST suits her. She then STICKS to it and it to HER for years! And as w p carry 25 different sorts, its rather certain we carrv YOUR kind! Not so MANY years ago were a sign of depravity but NOT today! Nussir! We Just re­ ceived a new brand, which when used, cannot be told from the REAL FLESH! It doesn't look like paint atall! This is going to be the real seller thi? winter you can bet on ¡hat. SPECIAL! Combs are "the thing' these days! We read about it in ona of the foreign style magazines last summer, so we at once combed the market for superior, different, spicy looking conceits in comb ! T h“y got is yesterday and are now on .sale at prices about 30 per cent lee-' than they SHOULD be! KETEL’S DRUG STORE Conveyor Breaks. Mill Down That advice is taken literally by inhabitants of tl - monkey cage. They do all that the beauty cult suggests. Our ancestors, ape­ like, did the - i- ’e until language was invented \s men became civilize«! thi -tl words instead ¿witching faces. A man sneering " '-11 uncovers his ranine tooth, r ng it ready to bite without c. ir his lip, as do the baboon and wolf. But the tc.lm face is the hi«.-or type. Corn- pure the Venus of Milo and step. Silver Removed— I’ave Worley call­ ed at a local physician’s office Monday to have a sliver removed from h i s < hand. Worley received the splinter' while working for the Cascade Lutn-| her Company. .'OR SALE—Cnrbon paper In largo sheets, 26x39 inches, suitable for making truatngs. The News Office. ' Last Thursday the Junior Wo­ men’s class of the Methodist chnrclk conducted a business meeting at th« church parlors. The chief concern of the class now is raising money f j f the remainder due on the b.ill-ti»i board. They decided each to earn $1 be­ tween then and October 22 when a soclail meeting will be held At that time they must tell how the money was earned. At Thursday’s m eeting Henry Foss and Lee Putnam surprised th e class by serving refreshments after the meeting The large conveyor at the Booth , Kelly Lumber Company's mill broke i down yesterday afternoon, and t h e ' mill was shut down for the remainder ' . of the day. A portion of the mill con -' ! tinued to operate. The latest beauty cult, must come here. I t says: “ W ork all the muscles of your face, keep young, retain your alert appearance. Pout your lips to make them handsome and full. Roll your eyes frequently and S N IF F . Sniff violently, form­ ing wrinkled ridges on the bridge of the nose. Move your eyebrows up and down. Only a dead face, with no muscular action in it, be­ comes an old face.” '* of gc -turcs a. A very distinctive black satin dress— long-sleeved — hign-collar-- ed and trimmed with cut steel “nail heads” on collar, cuffs, and belt. The skirt is scalloped in tiers with an intriguing bouquet of embroid­ ered wool flowers “tucked” in i t the belt. In a little while Queen Marie of Rumania, with her pietty daughter will be dining at the White House. The Queen will be able to tell her husband that she met one Amer­ ican that did not insist on talk­ ing about himself. H. G. Well» »ays that is our trouble, you know. ! m «» ís Stalin says Russia i* »¡Ding to pay the money that foolish American bankers ient •n Kerensky. Stalin really should do nothing of the kind. Those ciiltl- ish bankers grabbing at usurious interest rutes and dmcount», ought to digest that lesson. They are now lending billions of the* American people’s money to la iio u * roncero» in Europe. Many of those billions will never come back. Hold Business M eeting the entertainment of the occupants of the monkey cage. There may be good reason» for these sudden changes. But Christ, who drove the money changers from the TVrnple, might be sur­ prised to see Ids modern repre­ sentatives driving laboring men from »l.e pulpits. It looks, according to the u ion mi n, as 'hough money changers were "on top”' once more. SAFETY FIRST SLOGAN TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON BfLLY 'S IX B/LLY Friday and Saturday Special BARGAIN BASEMENT 24 PIECE CHINA BREAKFAST SET A breakfast Set that will help out the dish problem in many homes. A pleas­ ing pattern of bamboo in blue or plain white The set consists of 6 Plates 6 Cereal Bowls 6 Cups and Saucers All at a remarkable price of $3.45 “The Home of Good Furniture” WE THERBEE -POWERS H ARVEST SALE A Great Underselling Event Right At The Very Height Of The Autumn Season —An occasion that affords everyone a splendid opportunity of buying what is needed at the time when it is most wanted —and at pronounced savings! We believe that they will find in this sale what they v/ant. We know they will find it priced to make buying a real delight. —Merchandise that has entered this “Harvest Sale” has measured up to a triple standard required by this store. (1)—That is has passed the rigid inspection that controls the selection of J. C. Brill’s Stores merchandise: (2)-- That It is seasonable anti suitable for Autumn and Winter needs; (3)— That it is marked at the lowest possible price, quality considered.