FAQ» POOS THURSDAY OCTOIIER 21, 192« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE C O U N T Y U N IT (YO. ,4 FARMERS’ UNION HEARS CANDIDATES AND ISSUES • O F F IC E R S Community News By Special Correspondents • OF LA N E COUNTY FARMERS' UNION BEE MANAGEM ENT IS IM PO R TA N T SAY E X P E R T 3 • <’ W Allen. Tlda. President • W. I Seals, Eiigviio, V lo-P resl • dent. • It- (tv M Kapp.iuf. Cottage Grove • Secretary Treasurer tir - goti beea will sui - - » lully pass ilo- wlnier. « v » ilo- "vperinenl sta • • • • • • • i tiou live hpeelallnl >. IF III v b a v e TH U R STO N Election Issues cam* Io the from u n ER W ILLA M ETTE ampie slores. suffii leni proti eli«,n and HOME POINTERS • t the qunrterly meeting of the Lam u largì- fini i Fili« lotinds of I, ney County Farmers Vnlon eondu«*t*«f at a • a • • • • • • • • Mr. Moore from Marshfield spent The two n itnlm, gmtii • of the • W alter Morgan. Creswell, t ’ondue are noi lou min h (or Ihe nveruge hi» . Eup»n* Chamber of Commerce last (Home Economies IX>p't O. A. C.l Sunday night with his daughter. Mrs ntitkuriiie contest entertained the lo.i • for and 3 | mi mi» o( voung lue« aie nhoul Fridav Attractive lamp shades are made by Bert Weaver and attended hh Ing group at the Hitch school gvninaa- • II II Smith, Eugene, Doorkcep- I righi The lalter fai tur 1« very Im­ A committee reported its findings first covering Ihe Frame w ith a brothvr-lu law's funeral In Eugene. lum Friday October 15. The leaders • . r 1 on various issues, and they were figured matt rial and then stretching! Mrs. Jennie Edmlston from Eugene of the groups and the committees were • t) I. Clement, Wa lervllle, Chap- « portuni. Three politili* of liees are ahout 16. oou Induflduals Theso adopted without dissent by the union- over it georgette or chiffon of a plain spent several days last week with her all "dolled up" and u s the voting folks • lain 1 l nuntbers reter only io Ilo- jftoutig beea Jsts. color. Such shades are not difficult daughter. Mrs. John Price tam e in they were all tied up and not stille (he old lice* su o li die and It la In the report, the members were I to make aud are good now. Rev. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Rav allowed to enter the tun until they Ihe yoilllg liees alni Ihe qtlecii wllli il urged to distinguish between th e' — ■ Itaugh and Mrs. Rena Edmlston at- had extricated themselves. Games Winter moisture conservation is un live over untll sprlng To provili» Grange-Farmers Union income tax' _ _ tended the Bible School Conference at were played until refreshments <•( important In Oregon, reports the bill and the property offset bill, it be- b‘ lFdiuan sleevt is good this y .,,,,,, |a„, Sunday afternoon. good cats and cider were served thls force of young liees II Is ii-x-.-s- périment station Roots go to mois­ ing alleged the latter measure was fa" ■' l*ar't drees is brightt-m d up Thirty ladles of the neighborhood The auto shad at the I’nlon High sary lo bave Ihe rtilnny heuded by a ture more than moisture to roots, amt introduced to kill the former. The and ' hangcl by inserting this type Mrg Marj,>r(e Rennie a shower school hav. been completed and arc 11 , ehiiiee young queen. prefcrkbly ut a soil mulch Is of Iitti«- value for trap “Dennis resolution" was co n d em n 'd /’^ >n contrasting material. |4J1, Wednesday afternoon, lemonade use. the heating systm has been Ir I B a lla li stock plug showers recent Investigations as wholly vicious. A R. Shunrwny [ P*BUred raetal b5®c“g *’ ls e s Pet iallr and cake were served. stulled and the gymnasium and H ig h 1 show The rim- seed lied tends to run and Bert Haney for U. S. senate were attractive with ai or navy b u \jr and Mr». Melvin Turnbull and school building w en well lighted la.-t together, puddle, hake, and make a "Kill Ihe overwintering hessian fly Mrs. Taylor from Eugene were Friday for the party. endorsed but the latter not recom­ material. less Fuvorulile foothold for clover in Oregon by plowing under be in — — — * visiting friends In Thurston last Tues mended Bailey was approve«! fjr Mr and Mrs. John laiwson and sei led on winter grain next February, footed field." says the expertmri.t hildren have moved Io Enterprise. state senator. Sofa cushions for Ihe parlor, bed- lla-v consequently soil (or fall grain Is nut statimi , In Station circular 77 This Speakers at the meeting were J. M. voom. or sun parlor, quilted of tafetas Mr and Mrs. Felix Sparks from Me- .Mi. and Mr i K Hays who are werked (o a fineness equal to that of wheal posi causes heavy dam ato in Hutson, a representative of motor bu< or oj English prints are the latest Kenxie Bridge spent the w eekend teaching this year ut Gardiner were th* ideal ■ I lied la te fu ll ko w it m id Mprititf Mown w h e a t interests; Mrs. G B. Jones, state g(y|c. great variety of patterns and **Hh Mr. and Mrs Arch Sltough. al I . a.-.iut Hill Sunday visiting In the W llla tiie H e va lle y, w here !*»• Ed Baxter from Wendllng spent Friends, union secretary; State President Eg co|org Bre available in English prints » tubhle wum not de e ply b u rie d by fu ll i The young folks of the Christian • bert of The Dalles B. H. Brobham an(j they make up surprisingly at Sunday with his mother here. T IM E AND PLACE OF p lo w in g T he stu b b le ro tita in i* In <*»«♦ Several of the farmers of the neigh- Endeavor are planning a fcarty fur • and T. W. Carney were appointed to tractive LOCAL M EETING S . "flaxseeds** on the s tra w o r in ih e berhood ar«- digging their potatoes. Halloween Investigate proposed tuberculosis _____ • Canary First Wednesday. Third v o lu n te e r WllPrtl u ll the hevBlfttl flie s Harry Harbil from Coburg drove up Women Lost testing legislation • Saturday, Farmers I'nlon Hall (ha t w ill <1« liv e r a s p rin g a tta c k on Embroidered hats are still good Tuesday to to see his slater. Mrs. Un Saturday of last week two ladles • Clm enlal«*—Second and Fourth I la te fa ll sown and s p rin g sown w h e u FOR SALE— Payroll sheets. print» Bright colored designs and stitchings Frank Campbell who is ill of Eugene who had emue to Pleasant • Fridays ( loverdale School Hutum and In stock a t the New » office worked up on velvet or duvetyn hats Mr and Mrs George Willlan v isit-I Hill to pur ha - apple, ws re return- • Creswell- First and Third Tues- * , Form suitable for road, construction prove attractive and popular this fall Mr Wllliau's sister. Mrs Drury In Ing by th. PI-.« ..nt Hill Cr. swell road • days, Creswell M W of A Hall • lf Hel-I - I -I MTB ' " 7 ^ ^ ,. rom pensau“ B*>i v. well «. ntlluli-d pin.-■ and deductions. No em ployer ahmxU. bu! tbe sma11 styles are the most ning to move to Reedaport in the near Phelps ranch and wander In the • Thursday». Farm Union flail • ,n n,'n B*e«lng temperature II might b» without these f m u when they I P«pular. I future I woods. One of the ladles became F ir s t l u — d a y . I«.ii.- I... • 11 I"' k ' 1 »'>■ " A. W. Weaver. John Edmlston. tired and sat on a stump to rest white • School H ouiwi • men! station. It needs prote«fllon Charles Zieglter. and Frank Campbell the other went a little further Into Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues • »'-«"ler slid mice to insure good «on I spent the week end deer hunting at ihe timber. When she turned back loj • d a y s , la.rwi* Chur«*. . dltlon at seeding time. ‘ Gate Creek. They had no luck. Join her friend she took the wrong • lladleyvllle — First and Third • The Ladies Aid society will meet ,ra|l and after wandering for some I • Thursday«, Hadleyvllle School O L D T IM E DAN CE • ! with Mrs. Flora Price next Thursday Ume she realized she was lost. She ' • Heceta— First Sunday of each • At W 0. W Hall. Eugene, every .afternoon October 28. wandered until dark Tn the timber and i • month Heceta Si hool House tf. * Tuesday night Employees of the Eugene electric >hen seeing a dim light In the distance The new Springfield-Eugene inter-downstream will save approximately Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • City bridge is described as a link in a JLA cents on every vericle which Power Company have placed stakes “he turned her font steps toaardlt. • nesdays, W O. W. Hall. Jasper. • NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION great development program which Is crosses the river at this point where the elecric line is to be Install After ere sing fields and roads she • Loran«»— Second and Fourth • to provide the chief northwest feeder "In event of foreign war, or the ,<1 ,o furnish the electric lights for came to the place of Jack William-, • Wednesdays I. (). O. F H al! • Springfield. Oregon, October 18. IP24 to the Lincoln highway, the “Main blockade of the Columbia gorge by Thurston, everyone is very anxious Mr William Immediately came to her Notice Is hereby given, that Ihe • Mt Vernon— F irs t and T hird • Street of the nation." in a statement slides, as has occurred. enormous trsf- for the line to be completed. rescue and with bis help they located • Wednesday. Brasf.eld Store. • ¡City of Springfield, Oregon, will hold made this week by George Melvin lie ia likely to be thrown upon this i Harold Baughman from Eugene the sedan In which the ladles had • SHk Creek Meets First and Third • ¡Us Regular Election for the purpose Miller, realtor and good roads booster bridge on short notice, so it should Spent Friday night with Ixiren Edmla- heen riding but could not find the • Thursday at Cedar School House • o f e |e t ling two members of the City o f Engene. in support of the proposed be built wide and strong. The Me ton other lady Going to nnothi-r farm On« • Spencer C reek— T h ird Friday. • i Council to serve Four Years. t75.000 bonds on which Lane County Kenxie Highway ls rapidly becoming Taylor Needham has llnished house they got a lantern and started Recorder Io serve i'wo Years On» • fin e Orove School House. • will vote November 2. a scenic competitltor of the Columbia, (fathering his crop of walnuts. He had f°r *he woods on u hopeless hunt but • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • Treasurer Io serve Two Years Said The potential value of this enter- and also a relief to the latters con- over two tons after they were dried. wb“n they again came to Ibe car the ' eli-i lo n will held In the Severn I • nesdays Pleasant H ill High • prise, made possible through a $75.- gestion. Tourists who now drive up l,e sold them to the Eugene Fruit other lady was there waiting She • School Bldg • doling Precincts In the plates select- 000 appropriation by the State High- the Columbia and return by the same Growers Association the price arrang ,n turn had seen a light and gotten • Secretaries w ill please send In • by ,h " KI* ‘ G,,n l’ 1,art' a " f th‘' ¡>1“ - way Commission, is clearly drawn by route soon will be going south by the ,n*' from - 2 to 32 cents a pound. ,o the home of Mr. and Mrs. John On the second day of Nov- • time and pise» of meeting and • Mr Miller. He gays; ■ Dalles-California Highway to return to William Weeks moved his family (o ’ l-awson, so what might have been a • changes of date as they easy oc- • | ’,Ul,M'r - 1826. Polls open at night “The highway of which this bridge Western Oregon via the McKenzie Eugene last Sunday. Aery serious Incident turned Into a 'O'clock A M. and d o se at Eight cur. ls a link is no ordinary thoroughfare. Pass and the Paciflc Highway. *ra Bray. Earl Simin, Hubert and humorous one. o ’clock P. M.. It ia a transcontinental federal aid ! “When the Roosevelt Highway Is Fre<1 GraF drove to luindax Sunday ----------- —---------- R W SMITH. City Record >r highway so designated on all late o f-;completed from Florence. south, an<* succeed«! In killing two deer Baptist Church thousands of cars from Canada. Mont- Mr and Mrs. Belmont Russell from j Sunday- nljflt th# pastor will begin fleial maps by inslgna '‘US28*. With the bridge down stream In ana and the Dakotas will reach winter s B'rerton and Miss Maude Russell a serie« on the b«i>k at Revelation the direct line of traffic it will attract clim ate in California via the Yellow fron‘ Monmouth spent Sunday at Fre i The topic th e morning sermon more travel. __ ______ ____________ The McKenzie Pass -done _ park. Pocatello. Boise ____ and ____ the BiWsell s "God's Program • . . . . . . . ' - . _ eventually will be kept open for all Central Oregon highway over Me- Mrs. Frank Campbell who has been Bible srboffl, 10 A. M. ‘ winter traffic and the entire road Kenzle Pass to the coast. In fact, the •’’■rlously ill for the f ast few days. Is ' B Y. P. tf, 6;30 p jj widened to 80 or 120 feet. This pass McKenzie Pass is the logical gateway a*aln OI> H>* road to recovery. Midweek prayer service Thursday Lane Mrs AtDerta Alberta Mathews and daugh affords now the only direct milita-y to the great Inland Empire from t-ane a,r" ilaugli f i-t t 7:30 p. M opening across the state south of County and the latter should do every- t‘*ra- Edesse. and Eugene, from Lea Wednesday, the 27th will be church the Columbia gorge. thing In Its power to make It service- burK »Pent the w eeken d with her n'g-ht, to which all members and parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. M athews.1 friends of the church are Invited “Lane county should rejoice and able to the public. "Springfield should be deeply In-' Mr" Harvey Hadley from H ardley.' - _________ cheerfully cooperate In s u c h a terested because It is on the direct vi,le vlsBed her mother. Mrs. Taylor NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SAI F ON thoroughfare, and at once provide EXECI'TIUN IN FORECLOSURE* right-of-way of any width the U. 8. line of traffic between this Inland Em- -'•’eedliam last Monday. plre and deep water at Florence *'-'1 Baxter surprised his friends here ^«Hce is hereby given that by vir engineers require. is only from Monday, when he was married in Ku In^foreitos’u'r^Vs's’^ d " o q " ^ / M?1*' “The road which crosses this bridge Springfield __ ___________ , 498 miles _ _ ___ San _ ______ ______ i t the chief northwest feed to the L11- j Francisco by truck and water, which l-,'ne to Mrs. Stella O'Brian of Wemll cuit Court of laim- County. Oregon coin highway, the greatest highway, fact is likely to give the new bridge inK- J BaGce of the Peace H J. W e lls on the 19th dav of October. 1926 In officiating a suit a b e n ln on the 14th day’ of on the globe. Moving the bridge still more traffic." October. 192«. In said court The Pacl- io Loan Association, a Washington corporation, plaintiff, re­ GARDEN WAY covered Judgment against Emma C Ople and Harry J Opfe. defendants Miss Etnmajean Travis, who spent for the sum of $38«).00, together wltn the summer at Crater Lake has re­ interest thereon at the rate of m peri per annum from May 6 192a turned and Is attending the Eugene cent until paid, and for Ihe further sum of Business College. $8 75 together with Interest thereon Mrs. 8. A. Jones and grandson. at the rat«- of lo per rent tier annum Robert Ritter, of Portland, are visit­ from August 14. 192« until paid, and for the further sum of $11 84 logelher 7 wq - I pmnaait ing at the W. H. Anderson home. with Interest thereon at the rate of Mrs, Waldo Hurdle has been III at 10 per cent per annum from August 676 DEPARTMENT STORES 13. 1926 until paid and for the further her home li-re for the past week. 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. sum of $350.00 attorneys fees, and the Mr and Mrs. Ed Robertson moved to the Bouchard farm east of Spring- costs and disbursements herein In the sum of $16.50, wbich Judgment was field Wednesday. Visitors at the enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s Robertson home Sunday were Mr. and office of said court In said County on .Mrs. Chester Chase and small son. Mr. the 14th day of October, 1926, and sa’d execution to me directed commanding and Mrs. H. Neel and Mr. and Mrs. me In the name of the State of Ore­ M. Bouchard. gon, In order to satisfy said Judgment, Mr. A Vik is making some Improve­ Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs to sell the follow­ ments on his home. ing described deal property, to-wit: Friday, Anderson Bros, weighed up Lot five <5| in Block one (1). In 80.000 pounds of hops at Salem. Tile Chula Vista Park, in Lane County,] hops were sold to Woods, Handberr;-, Oregon, Now, therefore, In the name of the Rhodes and Woods, and will be ship­ State of Oregon. In compliance with ped to London. England. Fifty-five said execution and order of sale and acres were harvested and 175 pickers In order to satisfy saldjudgment, In­ were etnployi-d for thirteen days. terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit Weather conditions were unusually and accruing costs, I will on Saturday Ihe 20th day of November, 1926. nt the good this year and the crop was very hour of one o’clock In the afternoon satisfactory. of said day, at the Southwest front door of the County Court house, In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer NOTICE for sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ tion, subject to redemption as provided October 21, 192«. by law, all the right, title and Interest Notice Is hereby given, that School of said defendants, Emma C. Ople and District No. 19, of Lane County, On- Harry J. Ople. and all persons claim­ A T W A T E R -K E N T D E A L E R S gon, will pay at the office of the Clerk, ing by, through or under them or any City Hall, Springfield, Oregon, war­ or either of them In and to said premises. 414 Main Street Phone 11 rants up to and including No. 1224. FRANK E TAYLOR., Sheriff, Interest ceases after October 25, 1926 of Lane County, Oregon. O 21-28; N 4-11-18 R. W. SMITH, District Clerk George Melvin Miller Says New Bridge on National Road Oùîi- RADIO We Rent or Sell Radio Sets Complete A sk us about them W e «ell on the time payment plan. Let us install a Set on approval. Our prices range from $60.00 and up. See “Heinie” Springfield Garage .Hier© Are As They Should Be Buying for hundreds of stores* Selling for Cash--these are two of the many reasons why you will find satis­ fying values here.