P A fif T H R W THE BPRINfiFTCLD NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER'S!, 1»26 WILLAMETTE CLUB HAS CANDIDATES ANNOUNCED ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR COBURG OFFICES From Noti— Mra Earl Tripp of I Mra. Bo oso « III— Mrs. N Beeton Is waa a visitor here Saturday. I III at her Springfield residence. ^liat Price ßeauty.^ Competition In the race for riffle ie Dr. 1». A. Korbea of Cottage Grove of marehall and councilman will f«a- wan choaea preeldent of the Upper lure the November election In Co- Willamette valley Willamette Club, at burg ja meeting conducted laat Friday night *■...............—2 Clrgll Clover and Jeaa Walker are m the reeldence h e r e o f Dr. and Mra. Io vie for the voter» favor In lh»lr w. H. Pollard. Other olflccra choaen candidacy for city inarahal. Four ,.t the meeting were Ml»« Pauline W . now com . lo'lh« or »*• Plnk O , 't * candidate» are seeking the office of'M iller of Hprlngfleld, vice-president; „11 probl«m«—th« r . c ,— ...r .h.- fsvorll« councilman for two yeara, but there Mlaa Thelma Howe. Creswell, aetre- With 11.« g r« .l variety of fin« powder» rich ss d «J M J » ,(U„,„nr are only three vacancies. Those run-' u ry, and Mlaa Nina Boeaen, Eugene, n o . offered. «nil lb« gr««l v .r t.ly of Ihe rl.h *kl ,,« ,n e |. nlng are Fred Menenhnll, Robert treasurer. .had.,». Il l.r .lh -r dim. «ill Io find lb s girl The .■ImnMli.M « > After the business session the meet-] IhnlgHO. Frank Arnaplker and Van ...........................- ............ . ........ ; ; ln7 r r , : « « - ti Mncy. One of another quartet of Ing too on a social color, and was ended with the serving of refresh- , hrOtt«h II... c n tu r l.« «o.m .-ilr. I andldutes will l»e illaappoint.-d In the y ea r., menta In quality, powder I.»« r.a .h ed a life of the woman eh . lion of coundhnen for one - — I Those present were Dr. and Mia P. .U of e ie e lle n e . never before »V , M"» # The U.S. Government gets 6c every time you buy 20 cigarettes NOW the STATE WANTS to TAX you 2c to 3c MORE! In ” • . EIGHTEEN CENTS goes to the Federal Government for every pound of your tobacco. Now the State proposes to add about 9 cents EXTRA! ....... It means that you will have to pay from ten to fifteen per cent MORE FOR YOUR SMOKES! m ore Industrie». . , • Thai I» what th,' Dennis resolution is designed to IT MEANS THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY A SPECIAL TAX FOR TH E PRIVILEGE OF SMOKING. IT MEANS AN ADDITIONAL HORDE OF REVENUE COLLECTORS WHOSE SALARIES YOU MUST PAY State Income lax