» V O T E “500 X YES” For The Springfield Bridge Bonds — In the Lower Right Hand Corner of the Election Ballot NEW NUMBER Call Phone 5 IN CASE OF FIRE T1VB NTY-THIR» YKA’t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPKINOKIULD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY OCTOBER 21, 1926 Water Up; Hydro Plants Take Load Local Power Unit Finishes Busy P. T. A. WILL CONDUCT Season, To Generate For Mill COMMUNITY RECEPTION Only During Winter Months Expected to Reveal That Child­ ren in District Have Increased ('»niiiiunlty reception will be In-Id Afer one of the bnaleat summers In to Over 800; Budget Plans »1 the Utah Mchool October 27. for the hlatory of the plant, the Mountain to be Shaped by Boards whl<*b an Interesting progrsrn la be­ States Power company generating ing pr«*par«*d It la planned to bare unit« here laat Monday dropped down Soon. Byrd Touring U . S. in Polar Plane T h « P M fi« • Paper-* A LIVC NKWtPAPKR IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 41 NEW BRIDGE MOVE BOOSTEDJY CLUBS Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce and Eugene Liont Club Give $75,000 Bond Issue Approval; Springfield Com­ mittees Active. % a talk by an out-of-town «p»*sker (in to regular achedule, and will produce With the endorsement of the Cot­ h< lioul census to be iondu«t*d In Uu* tinportsoc«- of 1*. T. A. work It"- only enough power during the next I tage Grove Chamber of Commerce and tin Hprlngfleld District next week la frealnnenta will be served. few montha to furnish electricity to | Eugene Lions Clnb the Springfield • xp««t«*d In reveal that children o f, The aaaoclallon Htartrd the play- the Booth-Kelly Lumber mill. bridge campaign took on added mo­ atli-'ol aye here number over SOU. abed at the l l r u t l a l n achnol Octobor During the sunrtner. the local plant mentum this week. The bridge bond thus breaking all records for year» IS. generated »» much power xa p o ssib le' Issue of »75.090 for the construction from fuel available, producing on t.n i punt I at at year» census allowed a of a new structure across the riv e r B o a rd M a m b a r a G u e s ts average of 1.000.000 K W H.. and t total of well over 700, Increaaea Ut here in conjunction with the statu a< hool enrollment Indicate that th*> I Mr» Ida M I’eterron's domestic during one month generating 1.125.000 ■ a n y cities and states w ill have the opportunity to see Ute now has the endorsement of the felstery-m aking plane th a t Commander Byrd used to tty over the figure for 1926-27 will go well above science class of the Hprlngfleld High K W H. Seldom In the history of (Chambers of Commerce of Eugene, B e rth Pole. Ployd Bonnet will accompany Byrd oa the teip, that number. school gave a dinner last Friday , the plant has It venerated as much Cottage Grove, Junction City and Is backed by the Uuggenhetas A vtatleo Find. < > rk H is tb e n W Hmlth of Wi • e v e n in g honoring members of the poorer In a single month, according Springfield. Bpeingfleld District will conduct the school Inierd and their wives. Present lo Superintendent w C. Mcl-agsn. A committee from the local Cham­ ceftaon. couvasalng the entire cliy were Mr and Mrs Otto llurchum. H With fall rains and mountain snows W Z ’ll NEW JEWELRY STORE ber of Commerce met with the Cot­ Smith expects lo appoint one or two W ftwlth. Mr and Mrs. liny Cprlton. replentlsblng the supply of water, the r ^ r j c i o f f i r P W i l l OWNER BUYS HOUSE tage Grove Chamber Tuesday noon at assistants In order to rush the count Mr and Mrs. W. (1. Hughes. Mr. and hydro-electric plants are again acqulr- * M O L V U lIV eLe ▼ ’ a luncheon at the hotel Bartel. The Ing to completion by the end of next Mrs. Fred Louk. Mr and Mrs A J. Ing the load handled by the steam , Shortly after deciding definitely to committee was composed of E. E. week, (bus complying with the school Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bain, plants. So great Is the relief glv *n U ic a r v lW V U lU C e HUblishe a Jewelry and clothing store Morrison. H. J Cox, G. G. Bushman. , the units here, that the local plants laws. here, W T. Hoyt yesterday completed W. F Walker and H. E. Maxey. All ' Is expected to generate only 250,090 Hava Shower Nume» and ages of all children wKo Laws of average holding good, a deal for the purchase of the pro­ spoke on the importance of the pass­ K W. It. during the winter 1 J ill ten of the Neigh hors of Woof on October 26 are over four y««ar» of Springfield’s postal receipts will Jump perty on E street of Miss Maude age of the bridge bonds. On motion a se and under 20 will be obtained by craft yeslrday held a shower In honor Into a substantial gain with the end­ Grubb, and will move there soon from of Elbert Bede, editor of the Cottage the census-takers The results of the of, Mrs Harold McPtlRraon at the CHAMBER TO MEET ON ing of the final quarter of 1826, it is | portjand. Grove Sentinel, the Cottage Grove te-nwts will be kept on « |e at the home of her mother-in-law. Mrs. June TOMORROW EVENING Indicated In records in the office of; Hoyt and h)g gon L M. Hoyt, have Chamber passed a unanimous resolu­ clerk a oltlce, aud eleo will be aent to McPherson of Eugene Mnny useful Postmaster F. B. Hamlin. rented the Kepner building on Main tion endorsing the bridge proposal. Ihi County School Superlnltendenl. .articles were presented Mrs. MclTtec Bridge bond Issue will form the If the final quarter’s receipts equtl between Third and Fourth streets, The Springfield committee was well 'chief topic of discussion at a meeting those of last year, and Postm aster i formerly occupied by the Skaggs pleased with the hospitality shown It Budget To Be Planned of the Springfield t hamber of Com- Hafl||jn ('hrlstmas mail- store. They are preparing to com- by the Southern Lane city. The local board will us«* the figures i merce to be conducted at the Com Scouts To E n terta in In scheduling Its now* budget, and In Ing « ill »well them above the 1925 pletely stock the business. They are Wednesday noon a committee com­ , um pellin. attendance of children of The Girl Scouts srs entertaining the merclal Bank building headquarters y e -r .g aK re(fate experienced Jewelers. posed of John Ketels, Harry Stew a-t s c h o o l Sgc Smith urged today «lint ¡ « ‘rl S eo u l, of Eugene at a lla llo h e ’en , tomorrow evening at 7 3« o’clock. The th< nP(Khborhood of »8500 Never Walker and Calkins, local real and Fred W’alker appeared before the all parents o ch ild ™ be prepared to "*rt •< Springfield Chamber of committee which Is sponsoring the haa recelptg w estate firm, handled both deals. Eugene Lions Club and were givea Another Main street deal completed unanimous approval of the bridge give facts to the census takers, point­ (Vmmerce October 30 from 7 to 9 publicity program for the »76.000 far ahead at this tim e of year as at o'clock Ix-aders of the local troops bridge proposition will report on pro- this week was the purchase of the bonds. The Eugene Lions club a»* in out that the school law provides presen t that (allure lo do so Is a mlsdemean- have urged that all Girl Scouts he gress and the sentim ent of the county The absence of bank clearing and service station at Fifth street by E. pointed a committee to appear before concerning the proposal , . . . fine not more , Present. or punishable by ,, , „ t building permit figures makes postal E. Frederick of Eugene. The place the Klwanis and Rotary club next President It J. t ox w ill preside at practlcally lhe only b r o ­ was formerly owned by Richard Shar- w«*ek to do m issionary work for the than »100. Carnes Club Meets th s meeting. Several other matters #f buBlnegg bere man. A like canvas will be conducted,I bridge. A comm ittee from Springfield The Carnee club met Thursday ¡0 of Interest are likely to come up. In £ dBt, the 1>2i throughout the state next week, ac I club will accompany them. g lo U , , 5gg0 M and „ the fln i| PORCH COES AS CITY cording to provisions o fthe sch o o l; Eugene with Mrs. C. E. Fisher. New addition to the routine business, said fl I 8o fBr ln the campaign the local members Introduced were Mr*. Mr. Cox. law. quarter runs to »2600, even less thin ENFORCES SIGN RULE committee have encountered no op- Harold Wageoner. Mrs. Carl Phette- j - , ■ ■ — — that of last year, th» total will be _____ i position to th e bridge bonds E ugene place. Mrs. Ruth Kurgan. Mrs E lk i n s HUNTING LURES MANY SCOUTS SOON TO HAVE »8480.09. The porch on the front of the Spong is apparently as strong for the bridge _ Wright, Mrs. Ramy Ruth Mist* Lhtr TO WIDE OPEN SPACES A table of figure« back to 1818 hotel was removed this week ln com as Springfield, and the business m**a COURT OF HONOR HERE wn woo honors at cards. The next ~ I shows receipts In a steady gain up to pliance with the city o»re , han offset by this year, tlons from the new ornamental light- a real opportunity to get the state to three w eeks were shsp«*d at a m eet­ Celebrate Birthday ant rooster. Ing system . The porch will be entire- Bt*nd half the expense of the new ing of the Lions club troop Monday »5.288.29 In celebration of the birthday of Sunday, the opening day of the sea-i*®1^ " ly removed today. • j sturctnre. night, which was addressed by County 5.294. IS William Lightfoot, of Eugene, son, found few shotguns on walls of 1920 Mr» Chief Smltson said yesterday that! Bu„ t 30 yR merchants had shown a fine spirit o, brldp, )g th(? singl(> BpB„ qualifications are being given regular D r. and Mrs. N. W Emery. P. H. 6,365.14 -------- cooperation in moving their signs to of the M(8siaslpp( rtTer During the ly. and many Scouts are to he ready Emery and Mr. and Mrs. John Head- i-eporteg excellent luck, and game 6.954.50 erer visited the College Crest real j wag Wl|,j ^e especially plentiful I n i18'^ higher place« on the buildings. ITactl- or has gbown »igag for receiving higher ratings. 8.271.79 Refreshments , be Junction City district. One party cally all signs now* conform to the city weakening and highway engineers Several Hprlngfleld Scouts will a t­ dence last evening 8.121.04 were serve at the close of an enjoy- retun,ed from that section with 1926 - ......... , say tbBt tbe new br|dgp gbould he tend the Lane County Council'« 8,480.09 ruling, be asserted. 1928 (Est.) seven birds. winter camp this year. It was Indi­ able evening ¡ rushed before It is necessary to abon- Not all hunting was good, however. Petrified Wood Found don the old structure. The decking cated at the meeting McCloud's T h ree Are A rre tte d Many E n tertain ed A party of three which went out from camp near CruxeUe station, on the Further revelations of this district's will also have to be replaced if It IS More than 80 girls were entertained here for the entire day returned with n* w t’aacade line of the Southern Three University students. Kenton geological history were made this used longer than next season. Pacific. Is lo he used by the Scouts at a picnic dinner held at the hlgn only one bird. Case. M. L. Andereon and Fred Har­ week when E. Wimer, l o c o m o t i v e __ _________________ for winter camping thia year, and Is school yesterday afternoon by the rison. were arrested by TraAc OAc“*r engineer of the Southern Pacific com- PLAYSHED FOR SCHOOL he n*w Accident Reported considered by the council members ¡Girls League In honor of th«* — Currie Sunday and charge with speed­ lan y, found a piece of petrified wood deeply imbedded In the earth and GROUND IS ASSURED Bg Wt,B, « a w ' «Iris ° f ‘*>e school. The affair was J. T Myers reported to local author­ ing. Fines of »10 each were assessed rock a mile above Natron. The*sped-; „ . The toresl service has sanctioned s a n c u u n e u i ¡held at the gymnasium. ities Saturday that hta automobile by Justice Smith. Currie reported . Contracts for construction of a men was discovered when a fill was . . . .. _ . . the use of the catnp by the youths I that Sunday was one of the biggest figured In an accident a mile above v i . v Playshed on the Brattain school cut by the big steam shovel at work . v, It Is said to he In proximity to all TO SELL LOTS FOR ! Donna. Two cars collided, resulting IraAc days in Springfield since fall a ground were awarded George Perkins there w natural features which go to mal e I IMPROVEMENT LEIN I m wheel and fender damage, weather began. by the Parent-Teachers Association, up an Ideal place for winter camping. ‘ and work on the structure is to begin • 1 ' — ' |n what la said to be the first sale i immediately. Superintendent V. D. CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS property for Improvements Ileus Bain and Principal Ora Read Hemes* ON VISIT TO SPRINGFIELD, ev<>r conducted by the City of Spring I way are conferring with Perkins re­ v < field, parcels of property assessed to* lative to specifications fcr the shed, New ton W. Borden, democratic nearly a doxen persons and Involving | which will dbst approximately »500. i The P. T. A. Is sponsoring the con­ candidate for congrees. was a visitor more than »2000 In unpaid assess- struction. In Springfield this week, calling In the ments will be sold at public auction by City Marshall Jess Smltson to- To assist ln raising money for the Interests of his election. Borden Is opposing the roelectlon morrow, shed, the association will conduct a The sale will be started at 1:30 cooked food sale on Saturday. of «'ongressman Hawley. He asserts The assciatlon Is starting a mem­ that he has Investigated Hawley's re­ o'clock at the City Hall. The pro­ bership campaign, offering a prise t