THVlUiUAY Q(,TOBKH2j 2 j i2tu T l IK S H uNG FIKl-D NEWS PAGE RIGHT —— OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST " T - “ - "“ "W*“ ■“ “ """ W heat exported from the CoInmMa r l r r r dtolrlet during Septem ber reacfc ed a to tal of 7.021.658 buehela com ,wired with 2.152.1« buehela during the sam e month Ja»t year, according to tabulation* of the P ortland district Brief of Resume of Happenings «m « of f«”’*™' grain .«^rvi.ioo New Industry Is Established Here McKenxie Pickle and Cunning Company Operating in Temp­ orary Headquarters at Mill and Main Streets; Prosperous Future For Business Seen. as yei undeveloped by com peting con­ c e n t . The company la alao whipping directly south, sending pickles beyond Roseburg. T h ree hundred verities of products will be put up h ere for shipm ent to the m arkets T hese Include such by­ products as relish. The local plant will o p erate all tbe year around. I*iehles will lie put up in brine in fall for sw eetening and (sep aratio n for the w inter m arkets later on. Marrlag» Lloanaaa laauad ANNUAL HOMECOMING IS PLAN OF ODD FELLOWS During I he pa«t week m arrlaga llt-cuaea have been lauued by the The annual homecom ing of «prints , field halae. No 7«. I O t> F will be | .....inly clerk to ,»■’ -« « •-’ .„ .„ I „» Will»«»»«» Goddard mid Mmv M m u conducted at the hall on the night i f >f S |, . Kiull Henja O ctober 37 ‘ ,„1,, tlaalln g a and F rancis H enderson, . budget -, * of • 85.434.J63 £ t4 i A 4« lt faxr A fwr <1 oper This was announced following u tM,)b Eugene; Aden I rat er. Mu »ting expenses and salaries In P o rt m eeting of tbe lodge .»»I high., wlf-n hawk and L orraine IV. k « ^ .« « n e W ; land aehools during th e year 1927 was eom m* began planning for .he Roach M g en e. and S t . Fred decided upon at a special m .e tln g ol event Roll call of all mem ber» of the erlck*oa. S prlngrlild. th e school board. The budget was T he annual Marion county teac h ers- presented to the tax conservation bulge will b e a chief feature of the Coburg, and K athern Sharon. 1-..«.».-; S pringfield's Industrial develoftn nt homecom ing F u rth e r plan* for th» H arry I’el*. and Avis O uvl. both if in m itu te opened in Salem Monday com m ission Monday, and th at body advanced a pace th is week w ith th celebration will be announced n e x t P orllnn.l: and 1» Hwlglit Su Ion and continued until Tuesday night. will pass on it by IV cem bcr Id. estab lish m en t h ere of the McKeuxl. FUNERAL OF PIONEER k «an Itrooka. both of Independence. The grand lodge of Oregon. K nights CONDUCTED TOMORROW Septem ber was a good month in th , Ihckle a n ! C anning «’..titpatt, of Pythias, will hold it* 45th annual business of exterm inating predator} The c.w tpany has t,m p ..ra ry If ml convention in C orvallis O ctober 11 1 anim als in Oregon, it is indicated by l)Ua,-t,,15 in the form er Spen Cnn rat se rv ic i (or M rs E lla I’m U and 13. th e report of Stanley G Jew ett, preda gBrag< at Mill and M in -tr. t • ,u. .1 1 W .fc of C ram • M P u re . II of Jg h i .luoln A s e rla f - le r n ia n suf- tory anim al Inspector The score» already is curing and preparing M arcela. will be c o n d u c te d nt lie- farad burn to his face and hauds in made in the slaying of m a n s priu cl pickles for the m ark ets \V L. I\ W alk er c h a p e l at 2 o . !, . k l o r n >rrow • gasoline explosion ab, .»rd lus tto b pal anim al enem ies w ere t oyotes . h e r a n d li C H am m on of H u i. ie i w ith llov Isa a c In < ti.iru lnt< i i ■ it STS. bobcats 45. stock killing bears 5 arv ,,lt. proprietc-va of th concert-. * wm ¡,i j ,, p , , m t, i , lin t boat last week. which Is seeking a pertnnn« til location M a rc id a An entire business block In ChiV a to tal of 833. oquin was wiped out by fire that Polo pouiea and work horses nuiu on which to build th eir own plant, Mrs. P ure-Il w as a pione, r of Ih»* sta rte d in a popcorn stand, with an boring 70, Including "Proclam ation. Already a large q u an tity of cat» sc iilo a . «h e was boro iu P cin sy lv a estim ated loss of $60.000. purchased tor $11.000 from the W hit liag(, is p(ll.,( tn k ing lion- nta. S e p le m b e r 30. IM I « h e m oved . *.i . _ _k . ... a a vaxiarllngy , pm up as sau erk rau t T A shipm ent of cavalry and artillery ¿tables when yearling, met rt<, , |v (O h.' «s a ti r i lo W isco n sin . In te r ,-om lng horses, four cars from Baker and tw o ltea, h ju a pire which destroyed th , ^ , m p.u ly wlu put up 150 b a r re ls to Oregon and loeatlng al Kugenc. . _ w - . ... * .. . » I mam moth barn of . the . . • Edgewood » 1 . . M ..h a . . c a r s fro n t N o rth P ow der, w ent out Fri ranch »„m-rhi-aut inttm allately. p u r c h a s l n | ____ ¿¡..p ,(,«• fattili) m lo M arceli day to a w estern governm ent post. ------ n ear K lam ath ------- Falls. Insurance ol (bt,jr , products from farm ers of th 'w h e re they have since resided T hirteen cars of cattle left Baker $$0.004* was said to rep resen t less than J ls trle , Pickles a r e purchased fr, m S h e lea v es to mourn h e r pa s Sunday for the N orth P ortland mar- ' half the loss. 1------•— ranches a s far n o rth as Albany. th e h u sb a n d , tw o sons. Jo h n o f W em ll ket. Five originated in Baker county. During the last q u arter th e total ! ¡ng a n d » o b e r i pf M a r c ila ; four H as Open Field T he o th ers w-ere from G rant county. amount of titulier cut In the Cascade Th, uew S pringfl-ld in d u-iry. which d aughters Mrs Maggi* W atson ..f K. M Steele and Frank L, Phillips national forest was 7.306.505, accord b mOT1,(, h,.r Van (»rdett Mr« Agues l.nnc. Mrs « in te re sts assu ran ce th at construction sup,.rv isors in Eugene. This tim b e r ,kle d istrlb u liu g ptant E Boggs, ull of .Marcela; nine gram A. K. Hubert», ITe»l g p . „ ( S a tlle . an«l M A d a m , of Ju n c tio n ing and H eliographie four»»».’ »ent fr«« to «»>' ad,Ire«», Eip0 in wage* w a. f | ( ^ „ „p .-tctlv e agencies IVnncy of T om ahaw k. W laconsln. M on,lay I» enrollm ent day. according to p erso n , driv ing over ln 1M5 , o D i e 22 46S w o rk er. F r„ nl Sprln(tfl„w , ht. colnl>an)... p r, f e m Bend t s can Go»» ,..i engaged in 9 1 1 - o f P o i d u ru. c >,»•,» can be be shlppevl shipped d ire c t to ------ To Ho»pi«»l— Mr* C hari, 1« »nil »till tries, according Io to a prelim inary re- re KUn a(h One road construction camp 1» int. h an(, a n J I C o rn e liu s w, nt to the Pnclfl, C hrist Phone 66« »»2 W illamette Street Eugene. Oregon m aintained at th e W apinit.a cutoff, port of th e recent census of manutac- Marsh(, H(1' „„ lh>> lllh,.r Thtls,. a r,.(an hoapltal th l. m orning for an but probably will be closed in tw o or tu re . taken by the I n .te d J ’*»«” tW(> ()f tb„ , . a>linK C(,n . um ,n g d istrl. tsoperullon th ree weeks About five m iles of this bureau \a ! u e of products inanu read have been com pleted th is season, facturcd in the plant* listed wa* P ortland had 25 fatal autom obile placed at $1W.9S«.»5». accidents betw een Jan u ary 3 and Sep- P ortland wa» among tem ber 11. or an average of less than of th e nation which provided housing th ree for every four-week period in for 100 or more fam ilies to euch 10. th a t tim e th e departm ent of co m - 1 000 of population during the first six m erce announced. ' m onths of 1S2S. the bureau ol labor Oregon monthly pensions have b e e n ' and s tr .lis tic of th e dep artm en t ol granted as follows Amelia H ild em an .' labor has learned from a study of the ^ r t l ^ d $30; E b erh art A. Gundlach. building perm it* for 75 cities having the Week Collected for Our Readers. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing is allowed on the Brattain premises. a m Siernod P a u l B r a tta in EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL P ortlanu. $20: Edw ard Em m ett Kelly, p opulation, of 100.000 or more Mediord. $30; C harles L. N ew m an.; Official figures a* to the value ol Oregon City. $30. August s exports from the Oregon Abner Riddle S5-year-old pioneer of custom s district are ni.ik „ id " .S h . » . ’» Kiddle '.“ " r " “- 1 ” a fte r an .lines* of two m onths Mr to th at tim e $41.297^15. w hereas fo iUadle was born in Illinois in 1541 the sam e period in 19.5 ihe value ol w c a ie exDort* wa? SIS 133.270 and for the and crossed the plains with his par- . . r „gxowc rtf corresponding tim e in 19-4 was »3a. e n ts when 10 years of age. u# For of , h, vahw oI N ineteen autom obile* were destroy exports was $41.935.347. ed in a fire which burned a »torage garage at Second and Elrod ..r e s ts j W ith 123.W« voter* registered In in M arshfield The fire is beiieved M ultnom .h county for the * n e r . l t o have sta rte d from a short circuit •»•ction November 2. rep u b lican , lead in the wiring of one of the car». • ratio of approxim ately three . to one. according to figures of regis A m onum ent in memory of throe repub„ can r»gis, ra ,ion unable to endure the privations of the g# J9g of wh,ch num b .r 51.310 Old Oregon T rail and who | u 30 2Jg of total w was 30,23« of whlch which at Meacham recently. The monument 17,05$ are men and 12.178 women. was erected by the women of .Mea­ The public »ervlce com m ii.lon ha» cham. » u thorlied the county comml»»loner» A» a result of the shortage of mon­ of Multnomah county to co n .tru c t an ey in the general fund of the state. state croM |ng Caplt0, hlghw a, Thom as B Kay state treasu rer, was Qf Oregon n cauli­ a statem en t Issued by C. C. Ludwig, flower is of good quality and prices secretary of th e tax supervising and good. Ov‘t 300 carloads vvlli be ship­ conservation commission. ped this yegr ag ain st 6$ last year. The week ended O ctober 2 showed Tib e l y v cfop Is of the be-' quality a decrease of m ore than 5.000,000 feet - r ’raised ln T routdale and prices in the production of lum ber by 106 mills of Ihe W est Coast L um berm en’s * -re good. F arm ers of the Beaver creek dis­ aw oeiation. and a decrease of m ore trict began work Monday on a road lhan 6,000,000 feet in orders booked fr< in the Beaver creek county road for future delivery, aeeordlng lo the , | . Baker-Vnlty stale highw ay a weekly and com parative statem en t Is-• l t d by the association. Khipment f i m iles from the city. The new ow ever showed an increase of near-1 r ad will be about a mile long and ly S.OOo.OOO feet. Production totaled will »ave four m iles of trav el to the people of th at vicinity. It includes t i l , 855.$33 feet, com pared to 117,354,- a bridge across Pow der riv er The 502 feet for the week previous, and ............... work is all being donated but it wilt new orders booked totaled only 102,- be a county load and th coui y will «91.710 f,-et. com pared to 100,167,817 feet during the previous week. m aintain it. VOTE AGAINST HIGHER TAXES Oregon’s total bonded debt is already $166,000,000 Its per capita state debt is the highest in the Union The Housewives’ Council ‘‘Water and Power” Amendment would permit a new political board to issue $53,000,000 more bonds, or an increase of 32 per cent to start adventures in irriga­ tion and power. VOTE 337 X NO • AGAINST AN ISSUE OF $53,000,000 OF NEW BONDS AGAINST AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF NEW TAXES AGAINST CREATING A BOARD OF POLITICAL-DICTATORS AGAINST ENROLLING A NEW ARMY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS AGAINST PARALYZING INDUSTRY BY BUREAUCRATIC DESPOTISM AGAINST REVOLUTIONIZING OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT AGAINST A WILD JOY RIDE W ITHOUT BRAKES AT YOUR EXPENSE. In Self-defense Vote 337 X NO! in November < Mountain States Power Company Paid Adv by the Oregon Public Utility Com m lttee-O pposrd to the Hou.ewlvcs’ Council "W ater and Power" Bonding Amend­ ment—-424 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. ' X V ? .. t Ì •