\V I) NOTH’*? O F SALE ON IMPROVE MENT I.IHN FORECLOSURE N U K IS HEREBY GIVEN That pur «ant to a r so lu tio n of the Town C- .ir.cil of Spriagfield. O regon adept August JO'h. IS;«, and a w arrant tss : d by the town R ecorder there- Under directin g me to ad v ertise and sell, in th- m an n er provided by law. the follow ing described pro p erty Lots 7 and » Block ». Kelly s Ad dit n to ¡he town of Springffleld, Oregon In Springfield, I.ant - ib«d property to se ll the above ash who offers to pay th bidder for in te re st and ac- th « a - -n o n >r e re st thereon, and n IVt d a t th e low est take a It ra ti of latere* not g reater th an 15 p e r rem ntere u at « per Principal $5- cr fr o m J u ly 1«. 1915. Nov tuber 1st. Present ow ner. Arthur K irkland. As- •eased to Jur. a B -als and G race May T erm s cash Springfield, Oregon. S eptem ber 2 3 r.. If 36 of JE S S SMITSON. Tow:-. M arshal Town of Springfi.-'l.;, Oregon. ¡TICE OF SALE ON IMPROV:?- MEN'T LIEN FORBCLOSCRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T hat — * t ♦ to .» a X resolution cf fht» p __ u rsu an the Town Town Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt­ ed August 3fih. 192«. and a w arrant l«-n?d hv the town R ecorder there- under 3 rectin g me to adve- tlse and eel', in the m anner provided by law. th e folio w ine «’ scribe.-’ property 1,0 10. Bieck 22. E m erald H eights • .. - ’ •» t w ill on t W M il. li. ll St Springfield. Oregon, TOWN AND VICINITY Is nt hom e a fter a trip to lluntly to r delinquent town 'm prov.-m eat lien, W estfir spent Munday visiting rela is . -»ed b y O rdinance N o 45 J Astoria She w as a «-com pa n I «-«I h«>me In From D eatae—■ Ira Higgins nt lives here. pa- ed and approved May 9th, in ^ l by her m otli-i. Mrs William IV-hl th at 1 will on the 22ml ¡lav of Octnb. r. Dexter w as a vls|t«»r h ere Saturday Mrs McKinnon Improving— Mr» I . 1?26. a t th e hour of 1:30 o'clock P At M c- McMurphy H ere -— R o b e r t H ere From C reek—Roy Brew er of McKinnon Is reported to In- I wly of said day. in front of the Town Hall visitor over the w e e k in Springfield. I ane County. Oregon, Fall C reek was a Springfield visitor improv In« trom the llim s» which b- ( Murphy wu- sell the above dcscrlbi’d prop« rty to last S aturday. cam e so serious lust week th at II was enti at the rasidenc«- of Mr and Mr». the bidder for cash who offers to pay McMurphy was u neci-asary Io rem ove her fr»wil her M It lim iti) th e assessm ent, costs, in terest and ac- Here From W endling— Mrs Mary route to C alifornia home to a Eugene hospital * tir in g c o s ts and in erest thereon, and tak e a R edem ption Deed at the lowest G eer of W endling was a Sunday visu ra te of in terest, not g re a te r than IS or in Springfield. per cent. In F ro m W e n d lin g — Guv R e .ld tn g o ' P rincipal »«6.87. Inter«-»’ nt 6 per cent front N’o .--»•!»■ r 1st 1921 W endling was a Springfield visit -r A M onday P resen t ow ner. Eth«d Clark aessed to E thel Clark t J Tortus cash Confined W ith llln ete— lt«>ra. •«•1 under directin g m e to advert se and Springfield. ‘P reg cn . Sei-tew ber 23t K urkina i’f R o n i .! i »tillering from S(.|, ¡n t »„, m anner provided by law. 192« JF S S SM’VS X wm on attack of Influenta. , he , O|jrtwjn< ib ,-! property. Lot 7. Block 1. Extended S u rrey . cf the Tow i of Surin*»” M. O r <«' I - .-sissvsßte R 'P -'rted Im proving— Mr- J P Springfield, Oregon. I for delinquent tew n iniprovetnent lien, I 'w dcn »1 Sixth abd A s tr ets is re ­ assessed by O rdinance Nos. 379 and NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ ported to be im proving a fter llln.-»« MENT LIEN FORF«’L O S l'ltK 3S6. passed and apprved Jan u ary 34th, 1914, and F eb ru ary 21st. 1914 N O T IC E IE HEREBY GIVEN Th«> , In F ro m M a rc o la — J I I « ir«h"l th at I will on th e 22nd day of iOctober. p u rsu an t to a resolution of the T o w n ,,,, M arcela was a visitor h e r Satut 1938, a t th e hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M (Viincil .f ’.I O -n ad ep t • of said day. in fro n ’ of the Town Hall ed August Sikh. 192«. and a w arrant j fl,r »'e«H«’al treatm ent, in Springfield. L ane County. O regon, issued by the town R e o r d e r ther. sell th e above described pro p erty to un ior d ln-cttng me to w b . rtlae and V c H am m H t Her«— VU Hamn the bidder for cash who offers to pav sell. In the m anner provide-,! by law. «-f Marcola local visitor in th e assessm en t, costa, in terest and no- the following d escrib ed p roperty ; week. cu rin g costs and in te re st thereon, and Beginning a* th e N orthw est c o rn e r, tak e a Redem ption Deed at the low est of 5th street. H u n t's Addition S p rin g -■ Go To Albany— Mr and Mr». AVH- ra te of in terest, not g reater th an 15 field. O regon: th en ce north «23 5 fe e t!,, per cen '. to county road running east and w eal; j, ‘ m: Daw-son w ere visitors with re ­ P rin cip al Ì310 83. in terest at « per thence west along said county road n , --1 lives In Albany over Sunday. cent freni rv-eem ber 3 lst. 191S a n i d istan ce of 182-25 feet; th en ce south ’ v 14-h 1920 Has A ppendicitis— II AV H ansen .. .......... J. T nt» ,»» .. 1 parralle! w ith th e line first described I P resen » t owner. AV t».. Machen. «23.5 e f t : thence east 183.35 feet to „( the to tal laundry 1» t-onfilie.l (a aessed to J. AA". M achen. beginning in S -ctlon 2«, T ow nship 1. . .» bed with an atta c k of acute ap- ............ .. T erm s cash South Ran«-' 3 W est contain ing 3 32 T o niiik«- you i-x|i.-i I m o r ■ (h u ll you xvoul.l ndicltis. g p - ,ngflei,i Oregon. S eptem ber 33r-l. acres, except. | ‘ )? is o f lin y o lh .-r lii'- iilii! io n . ili.-ii giv.- you m- i,- Contm-’nclng 453 75 feet from the Resident In — J. ... JE S S SMITSON. Town M arshal n o rth w -st co rn er of (he E W P ow ers) W aiterville Ilia n you «-.xpi’i i, is ih e n in o f th«* Coinin« i ■ of th e T wn of Springfield. Or. «on. D onation Land Claim No. 49 Town «< i n« r «>' W iltei vllb ¡pent a pari cl v ia l Slat«- H ank. ship 17 South range 3 w e s:: tl.ence ilurdav trr.nsu« ting Springfield bn»l- x ^ V E 40 feet south: thence 162 25 f«-«t E ast: . n, t i ’ir lia tik , to .liiA . .’iijo y s a h | m - i i i«- th en ce 40 feet n o rth : thence 182.351 feet west to beginning, except. age unit it la pii-asiug to lltiil th a t m ost o f Tona-I» Removed— Mis» Edna Hm Beginning 313 75 feet from the pursuant to a r> -lut-.on of the Town o 'ir now businvss Is aocurtxl th ro u g h o ld y underw ent a tonsil operation nt n o rth w est co rn er of -aid E. W Pow ers O u n. I. p n s lfo rs ro o m m o n d iu g th o In s tltu tlo u to the M- rcy hospital in Eugene Mon- D onation Ia«nd Claim No. 49. Town . ,-d August SO h. 192«. and a w arrant ship 17 South. Range 3 w est: thence I (tay th. Ir Irlo m ls . AVo a p p re c ia te th is vo nlld.-n . - Issued by th e tow n R ecorder t - r under d irectin g n - to ad v ertise and east 162 25 feet to west side of Bth I am i do o u r host to bo w o rth y o f It. W 'r fo.-l V .a it In E u g e n e — Dr and Mrs. It I* sell, in the w an n er provided by la v. stre e t In H unt's Addition; thence c .-rtu ln th a t you, too, w ould .-njoy h a n k in g the following describe«! Prn P*f, 3_ Whence0 n o rth 40 f-’e t '« ’" w in n i n g Mortens, n w ere d in n er g u ests Sunday aa ith th ia In s titu tio n Lots 13 and 14. Block 10«c M a.-h for delinquent town Im provem ent lien at the Eugene horn.- of Mr. and Mrs burn s Subdivision of Springfield In 2 4 3. y u Beard, v estm en t and P o » p r compunv s Ad- assessed b y O rdinance N o passed and approved Ju n e 15th. 1911 dition to Springfield. Oregon for delinquent tow n im provem ent lien. th a t I . will ---- --------- x. ------- ------- on the 22nd day of O ctober. Here F r ----- om Santa Clara— -— Lloyd $1 00 Opens a Savings Account assessed by O rdinance No. 419_ passed 1926. a t th e hour of 1:30 ocl.vck E Mj Em ery prlm .lpa, of , hp jg«»!,« C lara at» o! InU reeL not g re a te r than 16 pvr cent. P rincipal »«20 .88. In terest at 6 per v. nt from F ebruary U th . 1914. P resen t owner, O ran- and Jessie W alker. A ssessed to Grace aud J»» sle W alker Term» cash Springfield. O rcgcn. Septem ber »3rd, 192« JE S S SMITSON Town M arshal of th e Town of Springfield. Oregon OUR DESIRE! and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank 1926. a t th e hour of 1:30 o clo ck P, M sell the above described property to his uncle. l)r N. AV Emery of Spring of said day. in front of th e Town Hall the bidder for cash who offers to pay in Springfield. L ane County. Oregon. th e assessm ent, costs. In terest and oc­ Tyaon Fam ily Recovering— Follow- sell the above described property Io cur ing costs and In terest thereon, an.l the bidder for cash who offers to pay r a t* ofRS ,m...? ’ g reater ihan 7 f. >“ « • “ •» « « * <* '»"«•«««• «". m bera of th e assessm en t, costs. In terest and ac- the Percy Tyson family are sw iftly w re-rtpir n r 9 A IF ON IMPROVE- curing costs and in 'e re s t thereon, and j^,. NOTir K 'T ° iFi r ‘NXrOREA’IX > srR E take a Redem ption Deed at the low est Principal »294 30. in te re st at 6 per recovering All were down hut Mr MENT LIEN F O R E A L O .IR E ,n terewt. not g reater th an 15 cen t from Ju n e 16th. 1912 Tyson. NOTICE IS HEREBA GIVEN T hat P resen t ow ner. Ixvulse M B ettle- pursuant to a resolution of the Tow" Principal »26 02. In’erest at 6 per hetm. A ssessed to Louise M. S ettle- Here On Business— Business was Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt. pent fprai O ctober 13tb 19ls helm. transacted In Springfield Saturday by ed August 30-h. 1926. and a -warrant ow ner H enry Phelan As- T erm s cash Issued by th e town R ecorder ‘“ore- gesied to H enry Phelan C ornelius o f Ik-admau'« Springfield. Oregon. S eptem ber -3rd. C harles under directin g me to T e rms ca»h Ferry. 1926 eell. in the m an n er provided by law. g p r,B^ , eW Oregon. S eptem ber 23rd. JE S S SMITSON. Town M arshal th e following described property 192fi cf the Town of Springfield. Oregon Mill W o r k e r H urt—Wllllnin Mount- L ots 9 and 10. Block S. Sunnyside JE S S SMITSON. Town M arshal ney. mill w orker of Dexter, wan a- Addition to Springfield O rep n rf Town of Springfield. Oregon, • NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE visitor here S aturday to ♦ 6 p< f: ¡elinqu*nt tow n imrrov* m n t Hen Power C om pany's Addition to the rlnelp .1 * * "0 W .i-bln' Town of Spring*! Id. O regon: runa.ng ’ Jam 191' •assessed by O rdinance No. 298 and 29c tbal! Rann* thence south 119 feet: thence East i In. As- _ Jan u a ry 13. 1912. and appro Pre?« 22nd day of October, 100 fe e t; th- uce N orth 119 feet; X. McC h at 1 w: H ere From Noti— Mr a hour of 1.30 o'clock P M. th e m e AVest 100 f—t to the place of 192F at T e rr ; Montgomery of Noil visit day. In fron. of th e Town Hall beginning. ?» r'nz* in SprlngiW ld. Lane County. Oregon, fcr delinquent tow n im provem nt lien Ute F r”d F rese resld« ne. 1926 sen the above d tre rib e d p roperty io assessed by O rdinance No. 375-279. gom ery and Mrs. E r e - JE S S S M IT S O '' Town Ma t» J» J r zon the bidder for cash who offer« to pay pas-o'd and approved Jan u ary 2!. 1914. of the Town of Springfield th a t I w ill on th e 12th -----------------------------th e a- (-» m en’, costs, in ter s t and ac- Go To Game—Dr and Mr» S Italpi N ovem ber 19 2.6 at NOTICE OF S ALE ON n ’ PR VE- cu rin g costs and I n te r-r t thereon, an I day o f MENT LIEN FORECLOSI’RE tak e a R edem ption D e e d a t the low est th»- hour of 1:30 o'clock P M Dtppel were am ong the many fro.n NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ra te of in terest, not g re a te r th an 15 of .«aid day. in front of th e Town Hall th is d istric t who attended the Oregon in s kringfL ld. Ixioe ( o u n tv " " K""- \Vushlngton game at Portland Satin- sell the above described property to £ u £ T ; t3h ? t o \ T R - r d ’ er’ X e 1 » U d r t A , the bidder for cash who offers to pay “ “ )*• the as-eaam . nt. c*sts. in ter st and ac-| curing <ane County. Oregon, v estm ent and Pow r Com pany's Ad- sell, in the m anner provided by law, 1926. ¡sell the above described property to dition to Springfield. I,ane County, > the following described property. JE SS SMITSON. Town M arshal the bidder for cash who offers to pay Oregon. ' I*nt Eight (H) Block Two <2> H unt's of the Town of Springfield. O reg o n .¡th e aB ressm ent, costs. In terest and ac- for delinquent town Im provem ent Hen, Addition to the Town of Springfield, ________________ _ cu rin g costs and In te re st thereon, and assessed by O rdinance No. 283 290. ' Oregon. NOTICE OF S ALE ON IM PRO VE-»take a R edem ption Deed a t the low est and approved N ovember for delinquent town Im provement lien. MENT LIEN FORECI«OSL'RE rate of lnterewt, not g reater th an 15 passed ¡25th. 1911 and November 8th. 1911.; assessed by O rdinance No. 243, passed p er cent. th a t I w ill on th e 12th and approved Ju n e 15th. 1911,1 V i.T IC F I«* H EREBY GIVEN T h at Principal »39 30, In te re st a t 6 per ! day of N ovem ber 19 2,6 a t; t h a t , I w ill on th e 12th i ,„ c - ,I n t to a resolution of th e Town ^ „ t from Ja n u a ry ISth, 1912 of N ovem ber 192.6 n t' C cunrt” oli S p rU fle ld . O regon adopt- P resen t ow ner, O W. D rlnkard. As- the hour of 1:30 o’clock I*. M. day of said day, in front of th e Town Hall the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M m ! August 3 lo w e s t1 curing costs and Interest thereon, and B m r-er of Springfield, Oregon. ’ ra te of Interest, not g re a te r than 15 tak e a Redem ption Deed at the lowest fCT'! « r/ h v DO rdlnance No’ s««, passed NOTICE OF SA LE ON IMPROVE- p er cent. rate of interesit, not g reater than 15 P rincipal »133 10, In terest at 6 per per cent. " ? * " J 7 , e d F eb raary 21st. 1914.1 MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE rS d ll on the 22nd d ly of O cto b er,! NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN T h at cent from N ovember 25th, 1911. Principal »67.69, In terest a t 6 per P resen t ow ners. T hom as and Sallle cen t from Ju n e 18th, 1920. v m » .« th e h o u r of 1:30 o'clock P M : p u rsu an t to a resolution of the Town P resen t ow ner Maggie J. France. dav in fro n t of th e Town H all ¡co u n cil of Springfield. Oregon a d o p t Sikes. A ssessed to T hom as and Bai­ A ssessed to Maggie J. France, M County. Oregon, ed A ugust 30th. 1928, and a w a rra n t lie Sikes. Terms cash_ Sin8 r t l above described pro p erty to!iggUed by th e tow n R e o r d e r there- T erm s cash. W M er for eash who offers to pay u n d er dire Ming me to wlverU se and Springfield, Oregon, O ctober 14, 1926. Sprlngfield. Oregon. O ctober 14. 1928 JE S S SMITSON, Town M arshal JE S S SMITSON, Town M arshal In terest and ac- «ell, in the m an n er provided by law, of th a Town of Springfield, Oregon of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. - IL L . In terest tfcereon, and the following d escrib ed property. O 14 21-28: N 4-11 O 14 21 28: N 4-11 S d S m p tto n Deed a t th e low est ( L ot 18. Block 22. Extended Survey. T erm s cash «Springfield. ’Oregon. S eptem ber 23rd. Fe»g JE SS SMITSON. Town M arshal of the Town of Springfield. Oregon, Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield. Oregon r I Vote the Republican Ticket P.irty Government Is Best "REDERICK STEIWER For U. S. SENATOR I. L. PATTERSON For GOVERNOR RE-ELECT W . C. Hawley, Congressman First District N. J. Sinnott, Congressman Second District M. E. Crumpacker, Congressman Third Oist JudgeT hom asA . McBride^ Justices of Judge Henry J. Bean the Supreme Judge Geo>ge M. Brown ' Court C. H. Gram, Labor Commissioner Thom as K. Campbell, ELECT Charles A . Howard, The above candidates were chosen Republican stand­ ard bearers in the May Primaries. Ours is a government of political parties. In Oregon the direct primary is e foundation stone of popular government. The Republi­ can party of Oregon is proud of the men on its state ticket. If you believe in good government; If you believe in the Direct Primary— VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET Election November 2 (Paid Adv»rtiMmant> Republican State Central Committee Phil Mttsehan, Chairman Floyd Cook, Seorotary K ?? I