M arcela Man Hare — A. L. B r in a of N O T IC I PAGI THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY (X’TOnWR 14, 192« transacted tioilnraa In T akrti tip Heplember 2», Jersey cow. Mareilla olii, wllb liu ltrr ami l'tialn attachcrf. Springfield yesterday. K araa H e re -J o h n K araa o í W « • day. FOR SA iX —rarrao aba Its. | and la stock nt the Naww Fora anttnhle tor road, saw m ill«. a te , w ith tabla to w orkm an a eompenanMoa and deductions. N o em ployer sh oal «1 ba w ithout these fr -m> when they U He PROVED We All Make Mistakes! FR ESH M EA TS J'l In PaeUanS— M r and M rs. C. B. Kenyon spent the week-end In P o rt­ land. He was the c h ip who 50 or 60 years ago made a fortune by Stic; log a smell bit of India Rubber on one end of a pencil! The popular- Ity of this p articu lar sort of pencil h a t lasted rig h t up to N O W ! A- it you’ll observe you'll notice that most pencil rubbers w ear ou; .._ FORE the lead end does! W hich A G A IN proves we ars all prone to error. A ll ot which may or may N O T have a T H IN G to do w ith t tact th a t we sure owe a heap of comforts and pleasures to good cil-.- R U B B E R . T h in k of the sling shots, sleeve holders, galluses. Congress shoes and garters of the days gone by and the w ater bottles, gloves, aprons, nipples, sponges and bathing caps of T O D A Y . .And th a t's not even M E N T IO N IN G Automobile T ires! Gosh! Yessir, Ruober got a very. modest start in life— stuck on the end of a pencil but there's no mistake about its importance T O D A Y — A ta ll! 3 li u rty «•¡iii’is Hud it it it get- km mint d tirlu g crlup fu ll day« (!lve (lieu i p len ty hi meat fresh, Juicy ami tender ami your meal problem» are more I tutu half solved. The choleeKt cuts o f meal are ulwayt* to be had at T h e In d e p e n d e n t M eat Co. Fourth and Main St». Phone 63 Tumakes, Cold Feet anti Divorces! Mr». H erbert Hoover, wife of the Secretary of Commerce In Coolidge's cabinet, la showa laying the cornerstone for the model home being e re c te d by B etter Homes in America ontanisatioD a t the SeaqulC entennial International Exposition, In Philadelphia. June 1 to December 1 to celebrate 150 years ot American Independence. Opposite Mrs. Hoover stands Mrs. Vance M iCortuick of H arrisburg. The Girl Scouts grouped around the women wllJ operate the house. Protect Yourself EVERY Way. in They a re all factors In the O ur Baby S ets consisting ">f life of our u p , oblate Hot W ater R ubber diaper, bib and sheeting B ottle such as we sell for *1.75. give you “com plete coverage’’ Cold Eeet to new or even oldish brides are very. VERY dlsallu- ag ain st A N Y thing t h e little sloning. whil>- T um akes are darling can think up! The set NEVER popular. Both can be costs 75c. Are w orth *1.000 a t bandied sw eetly and purely by tim es. a H. W. B ottle. SPECIAL In Rubber Gloves 75c W hen you see these p articu lar gloves, you'll understand why w call them “special" a t such a price! We were ab le to get a real price on th ese and w e're passing it on to you—a real bargain! KETEL’S DRUG STORE TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y Have Baby Boy— M r. ami M r- Foot— W. E. F ritz of W< st R lby W illiams of M arcola are the c u t his foot with an ax parents of a baby boy, born la t w h ile w o r k in g M o u d a y . Friday. Here From W altervitle—Mrs A K Jennlnv-. of W altervtlle paid Spring- * NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S Held a Rhopplng visit Tuesday. N't TH E IS HEREBY GIVEN' th a t Tonsils Removed— Mir • Grac* K el­ tin- ut-.d» rsigned has been appointed sey underw ent a tonsil o peration v« s- executor of the esta te of C harles I G . r r d e c e a s e d , by the County Court t > rday morning I of Lane County. Oregon. All persons aving claim s ag ain st said estate are Mrs. W a lk e r Here— Mrs. E arl Walk- required to present them with the I t r ot O akridge was a visitor w . l r proper vouchers to the u n d ersig n '-1 ., t the la»' office of ¡’o tte r ri King. Springfield friend» T u-sday. »61 W illam ette S treet, in Eugene. O re­ Blakely Here— T. B lakely of Wendt- gon. within six m onths from the ilate of th is notice. Ing was u business visito r here To - I- DATED nt Eugene. Oregon, this day. 14th day of O ctober. 1926. THOMAS C. GORR1E. E xecutor of From W endling — Mrs. Doss E. tb E state of C harles I. Gorrle. de­ Ik adm an of W endling was a vlsltc. ceased. here yestrday. Cuts S p rin g !!« Id CAILIFt.DWER I.E T T t T K KI’INACH CELERY PARS NT P8 Tl HNTI’S Ht TABAGAH KWEKT P tlT A T oE S ONToN’S CAKKOTM SQt \S II P I’MPKINH FIN'E ASHOHTMENT OE AI’I’LKS When we say «‘at plenty o f fresh vegetable» am i nature's choice fru its you m ay dub us a c ra n k : but we are only repeat­ ing what doctors and health a u th o ritie s say you should do. There are tim es when you can't get them but now you can! We have a large variety of choicest fru its , vegetables and gardi-n products ready to till your order. Lee Seavey H ere—Lee Seuvey Donna spent p a rt of yesterday town. EASH&CARRX Local Couple M arried— Mrs. Mary M Billings and W R. G oddard were m arried by Ju stice of the Peace Wt Ils ¡of Engi ne Monday. They have moved ¡to 251 F ifth street. Mr. Goddard Is i an empltive of the Booth-Kelly Lum- | her com pany. I Designer P atterns 5 6 Stores Ipswich U M IC O . SIR Hose 98c a pair. In The West E <£. W IL L A M E T T E ST. STORE NO.11 EUGENE. ORE NEW SILKS Crepe Backs, a yard $2.85 Crepe De Chine $1 98 to $3 25 Silk Creces $2.45 Spin Silks $1.35 Flannel Suitings cf >a Dr. Evans Here— Dr. Evans of Pott- land, form er Sprptgtleld physician, visited Ills old friends here th is we> I; Standard BOND Ç7 We u se it when PRINTING GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours $385 Vaines, a yard $3 . j Values, a yard 5 -4 5 Values, a yard $2.98 $2.45 $1.89 Cotten and Woo! Mixed Piaids at'd Stripes for a good school dress. 25c to 35c. Coats Below Todays Cost $13.50 to $39.50 It Always Pays to Buy at Breiers” Friday Specials from ‘Eugene’s Own Store” T h e G re a te s t o f All B anks YELLOW MIXING BOWLS 98c Set of 5 sizes I 1 j to 8 inch e x tra «lark yellow body w ith neat brown band trim m in g . H ig h ly glazed inside and out. F riday only 98c set. The Greatest of All Banks Is the 7 PC. WATER SETS $1.98 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Genuin« cur lliin blown extra clear and perfect glasswa pitcher w itli rose patterns. T w o q uart squat shat . goldets to m atcii tum blers to m utch. Jug w ith priced at $359. STEMWARE SPECIAL 35c ea. 10(10 brand new glasses In line q u a lity th in blown optic Hlyle sm ooth edges s tric tly first class, Goblets, sherbets, cocktails, wines and saucer champagnes. 3Ge each. BEATING BOWL ANO BEATER LIBBEY SAFEDGE TUMBLERS 30c 5c each PYREX PERCULATOR TOPS $1.75 GLASS SERVING TRAYS 10c $149 • " jb t.TY C T ..A L H T i E C u N tM Y - fHE FOOD VALUE OF PINEAPPLE S pineapple is being produced the largest percentage of this juicy in large quantities in the fruit is tl.e moisture. ’ 'xvniinn Islands and is ¡rain- Since the vitamin content of any inc imminent place on the food is regarded of great import­ At, ,n bill of fare, it is at­ ance in arriving at a judgment <>f tracting the attention of 'ood its dietary value, various experi­ specialists, scientists and doctors. ments on rats and guinea pigs In fact, it is grently to the credit are performed to determine this of our colleges and universities point. today that they maintain a de­ hese experiments have prow l partment where the food value nny product is tested, and whei 1 ' o«d question that the pincap cs an unusually high rank the most careful experiments oil around source of vita work is carried on with any food that the American people like to I nens,- ti'is applies to both the canned | ..apple and the fresh,— eat. Ruch experiments have been just after it has been picked at the performed on Hawaiian pineap­ right stage of ripeness. Thus the American housewife h ple, and the following interesting justified in her belief that raniod figures have resulted: w Moisture, sugars, protein, crude pineapple is an article