THVR8IUY (XTOnHH H J I I Ï I TUR 9PRINGFTKIJ1 NHW8 Lane County Farmers Union News .O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANE COUNTY U N IT n O . 14 CROWE FOR PAYING DEBTS NELSON’S LEGHORN HENS WITH O. ® C. LAND MONEY MAKE UNUSUAL RECORD I' County Commissioner Corrects FARMERS UNION WILL Stories Being Circulated by HOLD MEETING FRIDAY His Political Opponents: He " ' , .. ,, I Members > »f llv H m Countv Farm- Proposes to Do Substantially!(r< . p n wi„ W h a t Independent Candi- ¡',-m incrw In Fugcm Friday It was dates Declare They are F o r.’ u n ,,d y- t-i-i..' — ! ii • Xum fiw »« m atter» o f im portance to Big Annual Clean-Up LUMBER SALE At Our Springfield Mill Beginning Monday, Oct. 11 W e have on hand and will sell at very low prices, the follow in g stocks: 30,000 ft. 1x8 Shlplap $ 7.50 10,000, ft. 1x8 & 1x12 Cedar S-L 12.00 10,000 ft. 1x6 Cedar S-L 15.00 2 0 ,0 0 0 f t . 1x1 2 S - L , $10 00 to 12-00 " it. 1x10 8-L 12.00 i n ....... i t 1x8 S-L 9.00 10,000 u. 1x6 Flooring 12 00 16,000 I't 2x8 Shlplap 15 00 1' ,000 U. lx » Com. SIS 10.00 These are all real bargains and are only a part of what we want to move. We have many other items at reduced prices, m any of them much below cost, but we want to clean up as we need the room. It will pay you to anticipate your needs in lumber and stock up from this sale. We have a complete line of our standat I Old Growth Dongles Fir Lumber at bedrock Come and see what we have to offer. of the real bargains. You will have to come early to get your share We have had many inquiries as to whenthe sale would begin, wbi h proves that, our custom ers appreciate the bargains we offer. Prices Are for Cash at Our Springfield Mill. SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR TWO WEEKS The Booth-Kelly 1 • • OF LAN E FARMERS' COUNTY • U N IO N FARM REMINDERS • C W Allen Villa. P resident W I Heals, F ii .6 i i V i e ITSSl • • I l |s l it e p i m i ' id iiiiiiiv H regeii Id llv M Kupptiuf, C ollage (Jmve • io I n u r sp in ' mnehlni’iv - ai • r • I rondi iH-f.ue th e s l i m i n g setts* at W alter Me I U, I’l l -iwi’ll Cotlduc • stari», report t '• »xpcrlini ni station tor. * au th o rities H-\iii‘ *in find it II II S m ith , I 't lg e ll . H o o rl.e e p • I le i I . s a i I 111 u d ii In th e s p ra y o u tfit« • i r Community News prices. • • • • • T a t the county court expect» to arc expected to be con* ust $75.900 from the O. A V. l*n F .|<]cre,i. am ong them issues com inx.up g ran t refund money for the purvha- , ¡¡. approaching election, of the Springfield bridge bonds if th ese bonds a re voted is the sta te ­ lam ette highway "T here Is also about $140.000 which ment of O. E. Crowe, county com m issioner. who Is being opposed for will cam e due In 1927 for bonded Record lays are getting to be the .th e ir year, only 41 have laid l-’ss ............... reelection by W L. Coppernoll and ? . indebtedness and in terest and if th e than $00 eggs an exceptional record bonds of $75.000 for the Springfield uaual thing on the IL,b Nelson poultry B W olfard. Nelson now has about 1500 h> ns and bridge carry, we have all agreed ; ranch near Springfield Two h .n s ( Mr. C row e's statem en t cam e on his should be paid from th e refund. If have Just completed th eir laying year. WHS # flne,r |e#m wU stand on the O. A C. money a fter This to tals $471.500. leav- on, wtth 301 e w „ h e r credit and which ma le rem arkable records he was accused of being in favor of available one 301 Several more hav, at the International liv e sto c k Kxhl spending it instead o f retiring ing some $129.500 rem aining. “This rem ainder should be used for laid 290 eggs, and an o th er egg-g'i*. I lion at P ortland a year ago. Nelson county bonded indebtedness. He ai-o favors buying the W illam ette ra id fu rth er debt reduction, and I feel that ducer Is m aking prom ise of finishing will again com pete a t the livestock the present court will have no trouble h er v«mr by sm ashing the :ioo m a rs !i si- th l. year The exposition bonds provided they are issued but Out of 350 hens that have finished dates are Dv-cetnbs r »1 In 12. If not he favors investing th is money in agreeing on thia, “In this m eantim e. If the refund and also the balance from the au th o r­ comes before the above am ounts are ised projects in governm ent bon Is needed, it should be invested im m ed­ draw ing it and paying off bonds as j By Special they m ature. His plan is in co n trast iately in governm ent bonds. The sue gestion th at the in te re st be used for C o rre s p o n d e n ts with bis opponents who would call In tbs bonds 'im m ediately and would of m aintenance of roads Is en tirely course have to pay a prem ium in sound and 1 have no doubt will be during lh- S tate fair Bruce W heeler followed. , UPPER WILLAMETTE order to pay them off. ----------- purchased k num ber of tum bling “U nder the assum ption th a t the 0 ., Mr. Crowe's statem en t follows: Miss Gulllford teacher of the p.-l- pigeons wlijle at the fair and tried “T here is in circulation a wrong im and C. refund money will become pression ss to my views regarding the « T»Hable during the ensuing tern, and m ary grades at the Pleasant Hill pub lh- ni out (or Un- first lim e Sunday, lie school was able to teach a g n u the first tim e Sunday.* O. and C. refund In j u t i e o to th e thal * • « •!» •* * < ■ »»> h“ » •’hu> At a :ua - m eeting of the d l s i r I court and myself. I believe th e fol­ control of the present county court. Monday a fter several days Illness Iasi 1 have made the foregoing -tat» men! w e e k Miss Mary Harden substituted of Union High school No 1 H was low ing statem en t should be made. voted io puri base a ten foot strip of “To begin -with, we have not yet of my position and of the court os I in her place las! week Miss o l l a Munson who Is atten d k in d » " u th o f th e - i.-il grouud» r received the money and it is only a understand It. I tru st th a t the past lly pun Io. -ing this a music school in P ortland w .i- C. K Jordan guess a t best to say w h-n it will be and present economical handling f county funds by th e presen t eo u tt brought to h e r home at P leasant Hi I -inali strip of land It will be possibili available III with pt.m ialn - ,o I”11 tfl' n’ ‘" addition on lh« gym “If. and when th is comes, a c c o rl , may a gu aran tee to the ,a!n coat con and port tax, and m ust go d irectly t o , anT fnnds < hi<’b may come w ithin our Cooper a re living In Eugene tb< wkhrably Ml** Mildred Morning^.tar of Koto»*- w inter w here M argaret is atten d in g them . Some $000.000 is to come to the control." pri.s«» I m atten d in g N ormal »hi1* yi«ftr the U niversity of Oregon. county . However, th e atto rn ey gen­ Roy John of P ren t In atten d in g eral may m ake fu rth er segregations. The Yarborough ‘ fam ily th at has OLD TIME DANCE N orm al thS» w inter. Cora John la “The court long ago agreed th at it ry been living on the Dodge plare, tmv>- At W O. W H a ll E u g . n. teaching at th»’ Tr»*nt public m -I iim 1 would be to the best in terests of all, W ednesday night. If moved onto th e ranch form erly ow n.-l whl<-h op»n«4| last wreck. Mrn Snffa to use, if available, $256.',00 of th s __________________ by the Inm ans. berd 1» again principal. $600.000 in lieu of selling said amount CALL AND SE E Dr. N. W Em e-y Bruc* W '- . | - r and family have re i .Much in te re st was fnanifeHtaJ of bonds already voted for the W 1- on prices cn pi- (bar work. •' m w here they «-•■- am :i? th«» men of Plcawani llill over the I Wold S«»ri»“ and radioN of the d istric t were v« ry popular Th»» Frshm<*n of Union high .-chool hav»» lM‘»*n g0,000 it. 4x4 to 6x0.. 14.00 25,000 U 1 x 1 2 Ci,in. $10.00 to 15.00 >0,000 f t . Rustif 10.00 to 25 00 >0,000 ft. CeiUag 10.00 to 20.00 5. hi ,-, h . fi-iiiniz ghort.................. 15.00 5,000 ft. Flooring Short 1'j.OO 10,000 ft. 2x4 Com. Short 1000 20,000 ft. 2x4 Szd ..... 13-00 • O F F IC E R S * b, eau of Hie grow th 1.1 the o n h a r.l • I) I. C le m e n t. Wa lervllle, Chap • With ihe spray ap p aratu s In go-el • lain * winking 1 undldllliin. m ani dollars are saved Hie grow ers m inor operation In Springfield M "r dav MIsB M arjorie G rant and .Ml** Itud«» from Montnonuth *p« nt th«* week «»««I at Mr and Mr* Charle* Grant * MU* Monica Rulh who I* attending S« t’.«*ol at Mt Angel arrived to *p«*rd the week end at h er home here and I hh - uiu «- 111 with a *evera sore throat wHch n« « • ->*|tatcd her rem aining h«»me a e te ra l day*. « liarh * (iran t shipped some o f I i I n white leghorn pnlhd* to Ctishmau Tneadny. or« got» honey 1* regard»»«l a* a *ome. delti lo t i* ami nutrition* food. *a\* It, \ M« nil« n be«» »pedal i«t of the raperini«-nt »tatlon ‘t -h o u h l ««an«’ to !»«• regard««! a* a deM «a«-' ami h«-»«»me a *ta|d«» f«*'«l artici«« of «11« t It I» more readily a**imllat« «I than *ugar and I* *uh*lltuted for MUgar In ««»«»king ami table use At- tractiv e receipt* f«»r It* u»e may h«« obtained by w riting t«» the college» «derlcal exchange In C orvallis a hob The w«’ tern ra*|dK»rry ru t i* n«»t to I h - c«mfu*ed with th e orange ru»t. prevalent lu tin «a*t hut *«ld««m found in Or« gon. which renders th«« leaf with an orange powder This rust I* perennial in infect««! plan «. dorm ant in w inter and breaking -»at again In the ««fring*«» of tin* th» plant mi Inf« » ted hotlld I»« lea*ure of Ml** Oolda tnent i* not r«*« <>tu*u«*nil(»«l with the S t i r ami Mr* Georg«* H arrington, w estern rust. — , ------------------------------------------------ teacher* of *«diool l)l*trlct 160. Mi day ( ‘larem o ( 'ha*«* en tertain ed Friil’iv Th« fra im * f o r th» new play ««hed •«» a ft e r n <»n A few mom«*nt* *«»r« tak »u S« h«’««l (li*«trl« t !♦’>«» ba been erected. up wit! th e ill •,4'ii.b * Ion of *cho«d a f­ Mr and Mr J I Illg gin v I* it «ai «I fair* and the n att« r of organising • th«» M h iw i U luitiie Hundav They left P T A win« ’* will lw t|efiiii(< |\ «1» for Portland Tuesday wli »•• tin y will « l«l«-«l later. Th«’ rent of the afternoon reside. 4«? wa* apent «hatting ami getting a 4|iiainr«ai w fh th<- to w (• •.»« Io r* l> - liI meet ing to !»«• I»» id on Novemlwr 10 to vote u *perta) tax «d a • Th«»*«’ pre*»«*n t t<> e n jo y tl LOCAL MEETINGS George Harrlng* C anary F irst Wednesilnv Third ton. M ‘ * Gohla S tarr. Mr* II im-r tM turday. E a rn e rs Union Hall < hn •*. Mr* Marvin ( ‘ha**». Mr* J iv C lover l» h - H i-eond and F ourth Fed». Mr \\ J I*« tigm Mr Ev»’ Prlilay -i < lot i-rdult' School House. • d te t ’ lia * M r * W aldo H«r«lf«- M Creswell F irst and Third T ues­ W II And« rson. Mrs II F Wvll** days. Croswell, M W of A. Hall, Mr* H arry (’base. Mr* T J Maxwell. t'o aat Fork -Second and Fourth .Mr* I’ G M< Flhanv, Mrs. W ilbur T huradays Farm Union Hall t'ook. Mr* fhw««y Ray. Mr* All««’ D .in e b o F irst Tuesday, llunebo Pattinon Mr* ()w«n Thonia/», .Mi* School llo u s s j. Bruce Tt.oina Mr* Holton. Ml »a Doretia Second nnd F auth Turn- Maud«« Cha*« Mr*. <’«d« an<( Mi day Dorena Chumli !/• t» r Cyr. Ilatlli-yvllli- First nnd Third Mr* C arrie P arsh all visited with T huradays, lladlayvtll« School. «taught r Mr* 1 W F e n o v e r Hue H u -Ii F irst Sunday id each day. retu rn in g to lunetloti City M o ll month, H eeela School House day. Jasper- Second nnd Fourth Wr,l- ? Mr. and Mi R uber' llateheler an I THURSTON ii radays. W. O. W. Hall. Jasper. i hildri 11. spent u eoupb- of dava rt s Lorain Heeoml and Fourth Second Mr M.ior 1 Mur'-litli-l-l vlsjl.-il his 111- II K Cha ' h one. Ihe formerly W--Ini-» lay». I. O. O. F. Hull. rt -ii'ed at Corvallis m d w r»- on the!r 'iiu;:ht B>-rt W eaver lust T i l Ml Vernon F irst and Third way to Covina, California, w here they day. Wi-diiei-lay Hrasf.i-ld Store. Mrs R achel- id Ii. rt»-rt tira-, went -I w ill o o ik e C o d r horn* Silk Crei-k M eets F irst and Third • r is Mrs ( h a - i'» 1st -r I “ -’ex tt’l a O’ r h - in t I I h - v sir - T hursday at Cedar School House M r. an d M rs L o n Itn lin - a n d family In killing on- . S pencer C reek—T hird Friday, M nnd Mrs Willis Bertsi-h wiul-- h a v e m o v e d to la - b r ic k G a rd e n s T le -v Pine Grovo P.ehool House. a trip of several days to Hood River f o r m e r ly liv e d a t ( ’ b a s e G a r il'- ii Trent-—Serond ami F ourth Wed Leonard T. Maxwell altendi-d the T h e y tr.o ve d R ev Moore di«- .Mettuallst neadays Pleasant HUI Hlxh m in ister at Hpringfleld to his low Oregon W ashington game In Portland School Bldg last .Saturday. location. S ecretaries will please send In Ralph T aylor vlsit-d his b ro ile r The Hiinnis family plan on going to lim e and place of m eeting and The Hln ins am ity plan on going ,o Chari- - la-i T '"ir-iliiv They drove t > changes of date as they siny oc­ C alifornia in the n ear future Lohan-n to look at a ranch. cur. II K. C hase and Elm > C h a se m a d e 1 Rev. V ictor Morrl- who wa past- r of the chur-h here 16 years axo a business trip to P ortland Wetlo« preached last T hursday - v-nlng pre cisling rally day. Last Sunday wa - rally day (here were 70 present at Bible .School. Mr. and .Mrs. (loll from Portland visited Mr. amt Mrs. Ar< h Hhough the first of the week. Maude Russell who Is ntt-ndliiK ‘ /n x .-r/< jn K a r f Normal at Monmouth spent th-- in.,.k ' W • "*- 6 7 6 DEPARTM ENT STORES •end with her p aren ts, Mr. und Mrs | Fred Russell 042 Willamette Kt., Eugene, Oregon. Mrs. Il <>. llaiiKh received n tele- Kram several days ngb th at her brother Th-.toas Htanl.le had passed away. Mrs Joe Hart father, Mr. D aniels, who ma-l- his home with her passed aw ay last Friday. II • bail bean con­ fined to hi - In-1 for several months. You appreciate tli i you were to buy 4,224,(KO Tin rem ains were shipped to ( pair» ol stockings, you could do so at a fa r lo w e r prioe c ity for Internm ent, Mrs. H art ic pci p a ir than if you bought only a single pair or even a .eom pnnled them. thousand dozen pairs. Mr. and Mrs. H arry lla rh lt and son Something of the buying power of tlie nation-aride from Coburg visited relatives here Institution of which this Store is a part, may be Tuesday. gleaned from the following article which appeared in j Mrs. Fay McCoy from Eugene spent the Nciu York Times the other day; ¡T hursday night with Mrs. Inns "What is believed to be the largest single order ever 'Hhough. placed for women’s full-fashioned silk hosiery lias just Mrs. W illiam Retnle spent several been put through by the J. C. Penney Company. It days last week visiting relatives at calls for .352,000 doxen (4,224,000 pairs) of the good* Salem. for deliveries ranging through all of next year. The Arch Hhough spent several days company now operate« 745 department stores In various last week n ear Prineville hunting parts of the country. The order Is almost twice ** | d eer he reported no lin k. large as that placed by the company op tiaulat flMt* Miss Mildred Price taught a t Lea- chan disc about a year ago." a fte r n o o n w e re M r* 'J»B| --- Women Especially W ill Be interested InThis News