VOTE “500 X YES” For The Springfield Bridge Bondi -*• In the Lower Right Hand Corner o f the Election Ballot NEW NUMBER Call Phone 5 IN CASE OF FIRE THE SPRINGFIELD Nr ws TWENTY T IIIIII» YKA’ l H PItlN G H K IJ), LANE COUNTY, OREGON, BRIDGE BOND ISSUE ; Society^ nrnrnnup PllDDflCT ; I THURSDAY OCTOBER II. 1926 5MITSON UNEARTHS OLD ORDINANCE; MERCHANTS RAISING STREET SIGNS Lighting System Rushed The A Peoples Pep«»" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 40 CITY BUDGET BOARD MEETS OCTOBER 25 An unenforced ordinance of an cie n t' vintage tante into its own this wegfc when Police Chief Jess Sm ltson open­ SOCIAL CALENDAR FOR K \ t Hammer Pu On 16-Hour ed up a barrage of citation on 3.» Council Appoints Committee Shift With Permission of YEAR AT HIGH SCHOOL Springfield business men whose stre< I Junction City Chambor Gives Its Consisting of W. P. Tyson, Chief of City Police businc nnuslum. starting least 12 feet above the sidewalk, and »*-" a budget m e ting was called for day th at the Job will be complete,, tiun »n< g iv i o D 'Il * ib *h«n I l f 3 : tf> o'clock those which protrude more than It O ctober 25 and m em bers of the com* in little more than three w-ekx. ’lb « c s la u d 'r follow s: .Imi, ilmi c ity l 'bom ber i,f l'iuiiiio r n inches from the building to which they m ittee aptxiinted at Monday night 4 a mol I, m I An a ir com pressor ha been net up I adopted O ctober unanim ously a re appended m ust be lighted. In a.l- m eeting of the Springfield city conn- ....... I-mi. « milling Senior purty. 15th; Girls la-ugue ul Klflb unit Main sire« t T unnels lu llin g tts H* fn»l illlg Ho dltlon to these regulations, the Chief <’>- The com m ittee will consist nt v ,,i,e to th at of Springfield and E'l Reception fer new girls. 20th; tb'pho- f„r conduits which will ta r ry wires said, every person who erects a sign ’be m em bers of the council and the gen« Interest» who a n working Vigor n,,,r,. party. 29th; F reshm an party, ,« th e lights are nearly com plete, unit The fo r r ie r U. S. r ien P roperty m ust obtain a perm it from the city, following citixens: W. P. Tyson, W. ou»ly for ih« new span 30th. actual installation of the lighting Cu.'todian who is being trie d w ith Chief S m itson’s atten tio n was 0. Mr-Lagan, C. E. W heaton. George The rninpnlgti In the Interest of H f N ovem ber stan d ard s stain will be under way. H u rry 11 Daugl.e t y fo r alleged draw n to the signs as a result of the S tew art and George Perkins, f in ,1.1 fn coruactjop w ith til« A m iir- bridge Is progressing steadily with Ju n io r party. 6 th ; D ram atic Club Perm ission to operate the hum m er on The com m ittee will m eet and d raft Prieluct.- C , a $7,000,- installation of o rnam ental lights In Springfield and Eugene ,'h o ’u b er of pluy, IW h; Girts L eague leaa, 20th. u double shift was granted th is we -It th e business district. Many of the the budget which will be published OOd .•.'tK I ’otiiinerce com m it, es cooperating l'i D ecem ber I by Chief of Police Je ss Sm ltson a fte r lights, he said, were higher than the before the taxpayers m eeting is call- spoii urlng It. David I. G raham heads | o p e re tta . 17th. 'receiv in g application of the power gignii ed in N ovem ber to pass on the METHODISTS WELCOME the Eugene com m ittee which Is work Jau n ary iniiiputiy. . w orkmen , , im m ediately budget. Councilmen expect to keep r A crew of w ,■ (¡Iris le a g u e T w elfth Night, tiih o r 1 Izx atln ii of the street lights tug on the p u b lic ity d riv e A in. cling TEACHERS, MINISTER . began work , on .. the signs, ,__ „„j ,, the budget In about the sam e am ount and 9m tt- may la- held nt C ottage Grove at an s ,h ; basket ball. 7b. 14th, 21st. 2tith; the co rn er has been a subject of con 1 son expects th a t tnogt of them will as 'a st yPar early date at which tim e Springfield League play, 22. sldcrablo dtacusslon and is being eon Welcoming Rev. G abriel Sykes an d , At the Monday n ig h t m eeting th e aldered by the lighting com m ittee o f ' |h p new pubilc l(-hool teachers of the ,>ft “ P to specifications within a few men will present the bridge plan to February council instructed the city tre a su re r city, m em bers of the M ethodist Epis- d a ^8- C ottage Grove In terests and ask for Basket (mil. 4th, llth , 25th; Ju n io r the Council to pay 115.500 in general Improve­ support 1‘nrty. 6 th ; I-aughteresque. 18th ’ •h ' ■ " pah nopal , iiuri h met tor a r--. option in' m ent bonds com ing due and also call lu g a n d im provem ent of Main street, (b(. , |lur,-h |a*t night. Mrs. J. T. BRATTAIN PLAYHOUSE Reciprocation for the unqtiallfie I March in all city w arran t outstanding up to • uptHirt which Springfield gave to the Haskel ball. till, l l t h : Senior party with the n s u lt th at the su rface of Moor, waB t„ charge of the program TOPIC OF DISCUSSION October 1926. I lat i lehurg bridge plan two y ears ago 6th; D ram atics play. lh tb ; 2 .Merry the stre e t Is considered In e x c e lle n t’ An !l,|<, reBK of welcome was given! - ___ W hen these bonds a re paid th e re shape. The Booth Kelly Lum ber by V I). Bain. Talks followed by S. » n - Hie k e y in ' ,, o f th e , y p r e » » lo ii o f Maids march 25,b. M embers of the P arent-T eachers will be no m ore coming due until company Is assisting in th general y Bartholomew, Dr. ”W. H. Pollard, A ssociation, m eeting tom orrow a t the 1930. Aprii favor for th e local «pan given by ,h - S’ phomore l » t ly . 8th ; Freslimuh Jum , Ilion City Cham,a-r. The uniini B rattain school, will discuss w ays a n i Bids Opened on Bonds u t in - l>y i leaning up Its woodyar-la p ,h(rjt.t S uperintendent C haney of Eu tin n ì» VO,. Monday followed talks !•* party. 23ftav Progrum . 6th; ‘ Senior at the B rattain school. The Associa- F a lr com pany offering »101.28 fo r Ju n io r Senior banquet debris from Its yards accum ulated Music and refreshne Th' nm» Nel«on. ed ito r of Ih« Ju n c­ Play; 6th ; itlon has determ ined to erect the build each , 100 tbe Lum berm an's tr u s t tion CBv Time», put the motion fnvor 18,h; Senior < xunis. liuti alni 20th; during the recen t construction pro- lk t. evening's progrum. !ing a t.a n early date, com pany »100.76 for each »100. The Ing th« bridge, declaring th a, he was hai 1 ulatireute 22; exain».. 241 ti and T he m eeting will be held a t 3 twn(| g w ere K„i^ t o th e Pierce F a ir a u ie tn lw r of thi delegation which 25th; 27. last assem bly, commence- Thn forout ®f p HANEY TALKS TO LIONS o'clock. Officers of the Association company. Muin street som ewhat the appearunce visited Springfield during th e H arris- m eal. AT THURSDAY LUNCHEON have uregd that all m em bers be pres- Robert P trrie was aw arded the con* of power house yard are soon to be burg bridge cam paign and (hat he felt ............ en t to discuss im portant business tra c t for putting in concrete sidew alk moved to the alleys by the M ountain ' 50TH AN N IVER SAR Y OF Those who oppose the governm ent's m atters alley crossings a t th e ra te of »21.50 S tates Power company, and a notfi- ahould be glv n In appm latl.m ,d ' W EDDING C E LE B R A TE D operation of the shipping board on the a crossing. w orthy im provem ent in the appear- courtesy shown this city'» visitors at W oodcraft Meeting The council passed a resolution grounds it is Interfering w ith Ameri­ .. , j n _ . 'a u c e of the street is predicted. th at lim e und the unanim ous vote C elebrating th etr golden wedding K A M other Goose program was the accepting the work of Guy Pyle, con- can private shipping are wrong. B ert given by th e people when the Issue u n n lv eisary Mr and Mrs. J R. M«- E Haney, dem ocratic candidate for principal feature of the m eeting of the tractor, who rem oved the stre e t c a r Needlecraft M eeting went to ballot. Pherson. who live cast of the city, track s and repaired Main stre e t for T ie ho c of Mrs W H Pollan! I con6rcRS an<1 form er m em ber of the W omen of W oodcraft la st night, T heSprlnxtleld men who spoke were were honor guests at n large g a th e r-1 11 ' ' 1 b„ard. told the m em bers of the Spring- Mrs C F. Eggim ann took the p a rt th e S outhern Pacific company. H is , K Morrison, chairm an of the n .U(lwM frlpn(lM „ L “ “f ° J ..“ field Lions club at the m eeting last of M other Goose O thers on the p r o . con tra c t with the city for patching bridge com m ittee AI I erklns. Mayor W(>o<, nI((n W((r|(1 gun(, m a t in g of the N w dlM :raft club. th a t Ulere were Leota Rodenbaugh. Mrs the street was also discussed bat <; G. H an President Cox of the Th(i nn < f|prm ||(b ,o , (Luncheon was xerved by the h o a t ^ p £ Doane. Mrs. Nellie H iltlbrand, action deferred until a la te r m eeting. (» a m b e r of ( om m erce and H. K „urprlBP p . , , , wh„.h b > h e r '« » J a " ping. Foreign Interests own practl- ____ K ate W illiams, Mrs. Adams. County T akes P roperty curred at the M cPherson home last an<1 R uth' Mr* D W 1 Maxey. rally all the private shipping from and H asel B urnett. Mrs. Hanson. Mrs. Him The reco rd er was instructed to Friday night. O ctober 8. the flftle-h ' Tho"e "*"> M erdam es L. IB May B L W right. R.” l Drury. O i ,<> ,he V nlt*d stateB ' be “ ld H e lson. Mrs. G irard. Nina M cPherson. w rlte off the clty books , 537 ln as. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE IS W J Scott Carl Olson ( j , ' t>o*n,ed out ,h a t since the shipping Mrs. O. F. Kixer. Mrs. Petticord. ^I'l* | aesam ent liens on property in the city an n iv ersary of th eir wedding. H. Ja rre tt. 1 D W C rites R P Mor- board wa8 esablished ,h e U n ,te!,jton Doane, H arlen Duncan, Mrs. tha# had been u k e n over by tbe STARTED BY WOODMEN Among those p resen t were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Carl t'en sen ' w ' n " O ossler,'» R '*Dipple'”L. i S,H,e" ">erchant m arine had raised Eaton. Mrs. Audry M cPherson. M is ¡county for taxes. The council also Mrs agree(j to settle an old lien with M. W ith a goal of 100. the local lodye C arpenter, the tw o d aughters and j p K etels W N L ong, Per<* n ,a K‘‘ ot ablPPinB in Amerl Duncan, Mrs. R hoades Birch of the Woodmen World In law of s i . d I i ,, n w g „ (j Pollard p ^|Iard ( ¡ „ ...t, u „ ¡can bottom s from five to 47 per cent Lam bert, and O thers. ' j . McKlin for »42.26 which is the prin­ (Kslrnen of the w o rm this .n.a sons s o n s ,n .« w o, the .... couple, r e - ..... G uests were Mrs Kessey Mrs N W . Emery. E ciple w ith no Interest. Mr. McKlin we> k start ted a vigorous m em bership n ear Springfield; nine g ran d ch ild ren m Mrs. an McPherson, all of Springfield: vising. Most of them have learn* d the rudim ents of football thoroughly — — < 1 ^ Accused of unlaw fully changing Mr. and Mrs T. J. Sweeney and fam- during several y ears as ard en t grid autom obile license plates. E. D. Cook <>f C k .v erd .le; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde fans, and th e unheralded games a t of P ortland yesterday was found . M cPherson. Mr and Mrs. E v erett of Lincoln school a re not lacking in guilty by Ju stice of the Peace Smith 11 Coburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Sellers of Cloverdale, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C lear­ enthusiasm and spirit. and fined »25. Among the m ore notable Ju n io r Cook was arrested by Police Chief w ater. Mrs. O. A. G arvin. Paul Oar- High school players who give prom ise Sm ltson. Sm ltson declared th a t Cook boten, Melford Allen. Mr. and Mrs. of developing into first class football hunt changed a license p late from a Nelson of Eugene. 1-oyal II. Adklnson. men In an o th er y ear o r twd are John 1925 car to a 1926 car. He proved the E « - " * . Mr. and Mrs. W ayne Y arned Lynch, O ran Mulligan and Lloyd M at­ contention by s ta te license records. of Springfield. tison. Cook paid his fine yesterday. "T hese fellows a re born ath lete 1.'* Prlecilla Club Meets reclared Principal Burchum . “It is Budget Plans Shaped Members of the P rlscolla Club who surprising t o . w itness th e sp irit and m et last F r|day with Mrs. L. E Has- Budget plans were shaped hg m em ­ fight they put into th eir play. T h ere ford a re : Mrs. C. A. Sw nrts, Mrs. bers of the M ethodist Sun,lay school | Sn(MlgTalll,, M ra. John s „avey, is much of this m aterial in th e Ju n io r ,H>.rd which me, Monday night Rev. KnhRnk MrR Normnn High school ran k s which prom ises Gabriel Sykes 0 « ,lined plans for bud „ „ J(, hn Mr„. much for future high school team s. ting the church finance on a budge, , IlABll„ BnB Mr„ basis, and the plans will be carried Mrs. Seavey Elected mer, Mrs McKay. Mrs. H ow ard Ire ­ out. land. Mrs. Paul Jtasfo rd . Mrs. John Mrs. Jess Seavey w as named presi­ J P ark er, Mrs, W illiam Curtiss. G uests presen t were Mrs. Sidney W ard nn I K enneth G ossler, employe of the Mrs. W llllu tn Ward. Mountain S lates Power com pany su s­ Iuka C ircle To Meet tained Injuries anil bruises to his arm Iuka Circle. Ladies o th e G. A. It. and inarlculoiisly escaped o th er h in t when he fell from n line polo for a 'w i ll conduct Its next m eeting at tha iliotance of 20 fee, Monday. G ossler W. O. W. hall N ovem ber 12. Mrs. was rushed to a local physicians of ¡TIHIe Rodgerts, of Albany depart- liie for treatm en t, and expects to be , m ental president, and Mrs. Lucy Tlch- ; enor, of Portland. Inspector, will In wi 11 agliln soon. ; present. Falls From Pole S cout »Troop Grows T hree new recru its a re soeklug ad­ m ission to Ihe Lions club Scout troop. II was learned a t the troop m eeting Monday night. C raft talks and other educational work featured Ihe nice,- lug. To Have B a m r G irl Scouts lire planning n bazaar to bo Held O ctober 24. Girls will so licit for th e liawiar Im m ediately. The Scouts also arc planning for a ballow e'en party to lie conducted it th e Cham ber of Comm erce O ctober 30. den t of the C hrysanthem um club which m e, yesterday a t th home of Mrs. M. M. Peery, re tirin g president. The next m eeting will be conducted a t the home of Mrs. S. R. Dippel. Dr. Reban Leaving— Dr. W. C. Reb- han expects to leave F riday or S a tu r­ day for R ochester, M innesota, w here he will study under the fam ous M a/o brothers. Dr. Rebhan will be out ,-f town for ahout a month, during whicii time Dr. C. H. P hetteplace will care for his practice. Has O peration— Albert H arper, «on of A. E. H arper, underw ent an opera­ tion for appendicitis a t the Pacific C hrisian hospital Tuesday night.