T H X S P R IN G IH K Ln NBWR PAGR BIGHT OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The Pacific Cranberry Exchange C o operative of Astoria announced an openiug price of 110.60 a barrel f. o b. the marshes, on Oregon cranberries The exchange handles 9* per cent of »64 the Oregon crop, which thia y>ar la Brief of Resume of Happenings exceeding early seeso s estim ates Ninety head o f Holstein aud Cuero the Week Collected for see milk cows, recently purchased by Our Readers. A. B. Handort. vice-president of the Loa Angeles Creamery company, wera Coquille river fishermen and ean- shipped from Scappoose to Lon gerv operator» are locking for a heavy Angeles. The cows were valued at 616.000. and were sent by express si run of stlveralde salmon thia year. Mr» Mary Stein. «6. died at La a cost of >6067. The Pacific Power A Light com­ Brand«. Ike result of Injurleu suffered when gored by an angry bull two pany has purchased SO per cent of the stock of the Sherman Electric com Week» ago. Everett Roaencrana. 24, of Amboy, pany. an Independent organisation Wash., was killed inatantly at Hood serving the towns of Moro, Wasco snd River when he was »hot hy K. J. Grass Valley In Sherman county, nt a consideration of approximately |98.- Eluts. night policeman. A too of flour waa atolen from a 000. it Is announced. Receipts of the Oregon public tere­ warehouse in Redmond, when a burg­ lar, uflng a truck drove up bealde the te* commission during the year end­ Building broke down a door and load ing December 31. 1016. aggregated 86* 363 96. while the expenditures to­ •d his machine Annual convention of tha Depart- taled 896.136.61. according to the an­ Blent of Oregon Reserve Officers' as­ nual report of the commission The sociation of the United States will be report will be submitted to the tegla- held in Eugene Saturday and Sunday. lature at Its next sees Ion. Members of Ihe so-called ta t In­ November 30 and 11. The first tuns fish ever reported vestigation committee created at the caught in the Sluslaw river waa land-! last session of the legislature have an- ed in a net by James Frederickson nt nounced that a bill la being prepared Cashman The fish was 63 Inches looking to substantial increases In the ■ salaries of county assessors. The bill long snd weighed 36 pounds. A total of 6*6.1*«.**« feet of virgin probably will be Introduced at the next ptue. never before placed on the tax session of the legislature. rolls of Klamath county. Is the result Oregon monthly pensions have been of a cruise recently ordered by the granted as follows: Everstt B. Brown, county court, the first since 1311. Portland. 636; Edith Hall. Portland. For Ihe first three months of the 630. Joseph J. Woodall. Grants Pass. si year, wheat receipts at Port- ! 635; Lawrence K Evans. Portland. Mnd have been 1S.226.60* bushels as 630; George H. Dufur. North Port­ Compared with 7.076,30* bushels re­ land, 630; Ellen M. Vest. Wallowa. ceived in the same period last sea- |30; Ida M Hollars Medford. 630. Settlement of the court suit of M O. Al, attendance records In Ihe his­ Noose of Portland against Lane coun­ tory of the Oregon state fair at Salem ty, In which he sought judgment In were shattered Wednesday when 35,- the sum of 626.363.(1 for cruising 600 persons passed through the gales. about 100.000 acres of timber land Of this number 28.600 were paid ad­ In that county In 1926, was effected when tha county court made an order missions Although two new grade school to pay him 619.600 tor hla work. The firm of Von der Hellen A Pier- buildings were erected In E u s-ce this year, all buildings are now crowded sen of Medford has received a contract and it may be necessary to erect ad­ amounting to 835.620 for road work In ditions to some of them before the Crater Lake National park, it waa an­ nounced at tha department of Interior. school year la over. Contract for the construction of the Tha new road will be 1.3 miles long, Rock creek bridge spanning Link connecting the government camp with river at the outlet of upper Klamath the scenic drive around the rim of lake waa let by tha Klamath county Crater lake. court to Joe Rocco. Klamath Falla The state emergency board author­ contractor, for 639.97* 50. ised deficiency appropriations aggre­ Walter A. Holt. Clackamas county gating 6117.900. The largest of these agent, has been named at successor to appropriations was 885.000. which was Fred Bennlon. ex-county agent of Uma­ requested by the state treasurer for tilla county, who resigned late this summer to accept a position as state leader of county agents in Montana. Marking the first time In the his­ tory of Jackscn county that wild tur­ keys have been received for distribu­ tion. three crates containing 32 of the birds arrived in Medford by express from the state game farm near Eu- (en e. The public service commission dia missed an application of the shippers for a reduction in wheat rates on the lines of the Great Southern Railway company In Oregon. It was said that the railroad reduced its rates volun­ tarily. Two forest fires, which were burn­ ing in Jackson county last week are under control. Approximately 150 acres were burned over in heavy tim­ ber southwest of Siskiyou gap and a smaller area in the Wassom canyon district. The state treasurer sent to the fis­ cal agent of the state of Oregon in New York checks aggregating 81.651,- 03* 65. covering principal and Interest due on state highway bonds. The principal totalfd f i l l 000, while the Interest was 1860,038.65. P. H. D’Arty of Saiem was elected ' president of the Oregon State Agri­ cultural society, which was organised In ISSI. Mrs. B. T. Weatherred of Portland was elected vice-presioent; J. T. Hunt of Salem, secretary, and George C. Savage, treasurer. A new high mark in prosperity was attained by Klamath Falls during September, according to bank clear­ ings. which reached the unprecedent- i •d figure of 83.010.307.3«. This figure ; exceeds by more than 8500,000 the ! September, 1925, clearings. Provision is made In the last win * a testament of Dr. B. A. Owens , and Adair, ploaeer woman physician and eugenics enthusiast, who died at her farm home near Astoria recently, for thè” TòùnTTng* of an institute of eu­ genica to carry on her life work. Ruth Foster, 1«, of Portland; Lola Bailey. IS, of Grants P ast; Roy ■hrinea, 18, of Aurora, and Oscar m k asell. 17, of Hermiston, were pro- geunoed the outstanding entrants la Rta boys' end girls' olub work notivi- Ree at this year's Oregon state fair I Sane Tax Thinking an Oregon Need hla principal office In the city of Portland, according to the opinion. DANCE Steven« Ilall Every Satur­ day Night. Garrett a Orecheatra. U. Announce Their Big Annual Clean Lumber Sale At Their Springfield Mill Beginning Monday, Oct. 11, 1926 There will be a big assortment of Lumber suita­ ble for building and repairs at very low prices; many items below cost but we need the room for other stock, so we have made very attractive prices. It will pay you big to anticipate your needs and stock up from this sale. Come and see what we have to offer. The values will surprise you. R M tu o m a h county eom mlstlonera M d tha comían of tha «Ry ef Portland Rgve sot 66,1#«,1M.6* ns the amount «f taxes whleh *honld bs raised to com « M t tn* beeta««» of ths tvre fo r th« ■ear 1667. T he ooeniy budget totals s a ava *1141 and thn t e ( the «M/ H e , 182 Kinalngton Club Maat» **•” Mrr" payment o* interest on bonds issued BAPTISTS TO HOLD The Ural meeting of the season of| With Intention» of settling In iho by the various Irrigation districts. In­ BUSINESS M EETIN G members of lb* Kensington Club Hprlngfltld district. J W Noonchnstar terest on these bonds was guaranteed proved a dellgtilful affair, ll was la visiting h ere this week from hin by the stale securttlea cuiniulsains. * Reports to be submitted at the an­ held at the home of Mrs L K Haa­ home at Bend. Nooncheater has been All of the assets of the I .add Es­ nual business meeting of the Spring n ramifier of Wie Bend country for lii ahot» I ,owl la” •‘ Y l'tsx wl*h •W **“ present tate company and Ihe Oregon Iron A field Ilapttat church tonight hla Assisting C m > hoaleaa in servlug the years, 'but now gpnks (o move Steel com(«»ny. of Portland, amounting a healthy flnlnclal condition during . . . ». stack Into Hila district If he « an find to approximately 15,0«* **" or more, the past year. R. W. Carleton, clerk of « •*> refreshment« at Il»e close of «X« a suitable ranch Nooncheater »poka toeullng was Mrs. I.eland Kwbanks have been acquired by Frederick II. the church said today hlrhlv of the Springfield section aa a Strong and Paul C. Murphy The The meeting will he held at the Thane present were Mrw, 1. May. Mrs. ranching country. C. K ttwarls, Mrs. J T Moore, Mrs, transaction Is one of Ihe largest In church, at 7:30 o'clock Tlila I» the years and Involves holdings In Wash­ final business meeting of Ihe chur.-ll W. C. Rebhan. Mrs W C. Wrlgnt, Frase* Move—Mr and Mr« Fred ington and California as well at In year. Department beads and other« Mian Edits Swnrts. Mrs. C E Kenyon. Freee and family are moving thia Oregon. Interested In Ihe church activity will Mrs. Mnry Kesaey. Mrs. H. W Whit­ ney. Mrs. 8, L. Dlppel. Mr«. Igivl Neet. Week into Hie Bressler residence from There were six fatalities In Oregon attend. Mrw. Anna Knox and Mrs. J. C. Mc­ (heir old home at Sixth and H »Irasta, due to Industrial accidents during the They have purchased the Brassier Murray week eudlng September 30. according J U IC Y S T E A K IN F A S T place. Guests were Mr» J W Hobson. to a report prepared by members of T R IP O V E R N E W L IN E Mrs Ewbanks. Mrs Anna Keaaey uf Ihe slate Industrial accident commis­ Return From California Mr and A choice steak, which came Croat and Ml»a llasfuni of Eugene The sion. The victims were Carl l.lna. V alsets, George Colley. Barns; Jack Klamath Falla market to a Spring- next meeting will be held al the home Mrs. William Ixunberl and Mr and Mr». Clarenr* («eie relurned Monday Galloway. Rend; Frits Olson. Port­ held table In a single day stands as of Mrs. Dlppel evenlng ftou» Modeste. California, ■ — ..........- - land; John Godman. Bridal Vail, and further proof of the Increased von- ! where Ihey vlslled relative» für two W llla m e lle Club To Meet C. J. Potter. Portland. vaalenee assured residents of the two Kllsworoth Kelley and James Wllloe, cities by the recent railroad devalop- First fall meeting of Ihe W illamette week». d u b . composed of formrr students of eonvlcta. were reaentenced by Judge ment Hurry Stewart was the recipient of Willamette University, will be held Kelly of the Marlon county circuit CALL AND BEE Dr. N. W f t w ' l court at Salem, to be hanged In Ihe Ihe Juicy morsel, which was bandtd at the home of Dr and Mrs W H oa prie«« on plaie and other work, t* Oregon stale penitentiary Friday, to a conductor on the Southern Paci­ Bollard on Ihe evening of t 'ctober II November 6. They were convicted fic's Natron Cut-off train yesterdav of first degree murder In connection morning by Stewart's brother. James, with the slaying of Milton Holman ■who conduct* a market In tha South­ and John Sweeney, guards, during a ern Oregon city. In a few hours the ; break at the prison In August, 1935. steak waa In the Stewart dining room Hood River orchardltte are Jubilant here To reach a similar destination I over information received that the a month ago. the steak would have calyx and stem end wiping of apples, enX>yed a trip Into California and By BRUCE DENNIS except in cases where orchards were back again, and would have been well Author of the Dennis Resolution. sprayed unusually heavy, would not advanced Into the stages of old age; be required. Tbs use of email revolv­ and toughness by the time It reaeh"d ! Once believing, uh m any honeatly now believe, th n t ing brushee In cleaning residue from Springfield a few days later. a state Income tax was the «olutlon o f ta xa tio n prob­ the ends of the fruit slowed down lems», I favored it. When chairm an o f the Asaewm ent packing materially and added heavily L O C A L M A N IS S U E IN C uud T a xa tio n C om m ittee of 1823 Oregon Ixiglfilatlve to the cost of getting the apples luto H O S P IT A L F O R $16.000 Si'HHion 1 aahlHtcd in fra m in g and boxes. adopting a Mate Incom»« tux law. The Oregon Milk company, operat- The Eugene hospital Is made do­ It reached a few In d iv id u a l who ing a condensary at Scio and owning .fendant In a 81*.*** damage suit .were m aking goo»l Incomea and pay­ a branch plant at Amity, will move filed in circuit court by G W. Hawke, ing little , if any, p ro p e rty tax. b u t It Its machinery and equipment to Al- of Springfield, guardiau of Wayne drove fro m Oregon m illion» o f v»iry bany and consolidate them In a com­ Jlaw ke. 2* year old youUl whose leg- Vndly needed Inventing capital, an bined condensary. powdered milk plant was amputated two years ago follow- everyone known w ho han kept and creamery aa a result of ihe vlr- mg a motorcycle accident. potded on thin ntale'n affnirn. tual guaranty by Albany business In­ The plaintiff alleges that young i a a a terests to subscribe 86*.*** In bonds Hawke suffered injuries while a pall- i A direct can»« that /orce»l me to which the company will use In expand­ cut at the hospital due |o carelessness know .a state Income tnx at thin ,»er- ing Its business. on the part of physicians. lod of Oregon’« development 1» un­ Frank C. Bramwell, superintend­ wise. wan a m illio n d o lla r Investm ent w hich hud been ent of banka tor Oregon, must return Moves To Tillamook— Fred Rose- planned fo r the c ity In w hich I then lived. T h is Invest­ the main offices of tha banking de­ berry, former Springfield resident ment hesitated u n til the state Income la x law was re ­ partment from Portland to Salem. who has been working for the Mouut- pealed. Then It proceeded to locate w ith in that c ity ’s under an opinion rendered by Circuit 8UM e lompany Eugrn,. corporate lim its paying m unicipal, high school and F. Skip worth of Eugene. Judge O. F bos been moved to Tlllagnook. o th e r taxes w illin g ly . It also brought In a p a yro ll of The case was started by George Put­ at least $20,000 a m onth. nam. publisher of the Capital Journal • • • Pollard A t Mareóla -D r W. H. Pol- ot Salam. There la no la * In the was a business vlaltor at Mar- lard Thin Is but one Instance of a large num ber th ro u g h ­ stole of Oregon which authorlxea the o u t the mat»» w hich proves th a t no m a tte r how p re ity superintendent of banks to maintain cola yesterday. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ' T H V R 8D A Y OCTOBER Sale Will Continue Two Weeks Prices Are For Cash Only the theory o f state Income (ax m ay seem to be. dragon can ill a ffo rd to a«Iopt such a business policy when no o th e r w estern state has It, and our »lire need It to se­ cure more people w ith investing capital to develop In­ d u stry w ith in o u r borders. • • • Low ortng taxes w ill never be done hy an am bitious and progressive people, T h n t has been dem onstrated tim e and again when seem ingly w o rth y projecta o f econom y have failed o f popular sanction. The demand o f the public fo r Im provem ents Is so great that a dm in­ is tra tiv e econom y effects only sm all savings. a a a These facts being o f com m on knowledge and to a great extent, o f record, how are Oregon people to ob­ ta in any tax relief? Just one w ay; A ttra c t m ore people and m ore In­ vesting capital to share the public burden. • • • b No state secures new Industry and new Investing capital w ithout o ffering some Inducem ent. T hat Is w hy I introduced Senate Joint Resolution No. 6, com m only called the "D e n n is " resolution. In the 1825 le g is la tiv e Session. T h a t Is w hy It was passed hy the legislature and offered Io Oregon voters fo r (h e ir consideration at th is general election. It provide« th a t no Income tax and no Inheritance tax can be levied hy the State o f Oregon before 1940. • • • The Dennis R esolution Is sim ply a business pro|>osl- tlo n . It Is all nonsense fo r Oregon to adopt an Income tax law one year, repeal It the next and then adopt It again the fo llo w in g year. Hy such m ethods the state gives out-slders, and her own jieople, the Idea th a t we are a ll confused mid cannot th in k o u t fo r ourselves and adopt a fixed policy re la tin g to o u r financial affairs. It. leaves the com m onw ealth In an unsettled condition, and causes constant u n ce rta in ty, under w hleh busl- ness and In d u stry and th»« d nlly affairs o f the pcoplo cannot prosper. The Dennis Resolution guarantees to investing capital and to all business generally a sane and safe po licy u n til the year 1840 hy assuring th a t this com m onw ealth w ill levy no state Income o r In­ heritance taxes on her people u n til th a t year. • • • T a k in g off inheritance taxeH fo r that period Is also a d ire ct bid fo r investing capital. The state treasury. Instead o f losing any money by doing away w ith In­ heritance tax, w ill gain m any tim es such am onut by the Increased w ealth attracted to Oregon, w hich w ill pay Its re g u la r taxes. a a a C apital seeks the channels o f greatest aw ards and least hazards. W e have e ve ryth in g to attract. It In the w ay o f resources and clim ate. Now. let us a ll do some hard th in k in g , cense ca lling each other names fo r a tim e, and vote fo r Oregon’s ad­ vancem ent and prosperity. e a e Vote 306 X YES— Dennis Resolution. Vote 329 X NO — Offset Income Tax Bill Vote 335 X NO — Grange Income Tax B ill Paid Advertisement Greater Oregon Amin. J. O. Elrod, Chairman M 8. Hirsch H. J. Frank Ira F. Power» J. B Teon R. L. Macleay O. O. Guild J. H. Bargard W. B. Babson *16 OrecoB Bldg., Portland, Oregon.