THE KFULNGl* HELD NKWb THURSDAY (M'TOMMI 7, 1926 PAGE SEVEN ......... . j NOTICE TO CREDITORS I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE of beginning. M. „ . „ ON EXECUTION I Join« th« “Adam»" on the Eaat aona’ having . toims a /a to .t ?h**EataU N',llc * *• tbat b y r ‘r ““¿.In«* suSitodVsei hJ« T* 23 8 R. of Robert I). Evan,. dcce.Msd. toto of J ™ ° aB ««■*«* l to Bo“ m i. M to^g D^etrlct. to I J»«« County. Oregon. should present * Ireult < ourt of tBa »tate of Oregon . c,.P«nn the »am.- duly verllied to the under-1*“' «•«* County of Lana on the 8th signed at the ofllce of S. D Alb-m day of Augnet. 192«. upon a Judgment nf,,7a' „ f wh,“ b to VnL Hovey Building. Eugene, Oragon. rendered therein on the 4th day of »59 of Mining Claim« Lane within .lx m. ntha from tha data of May. 1923. In favor of W B Cooper ** Mining U alm a Lane till« notice. Dated Heptember 23, 1926 and agalnrt A. P. Churchill, for tha , T ' . f tntlnwa- EDITH B EVANS. Administratrix. sum of »3566 67 with Interest thereon n“scrlw n ■ » ou ow n . Beginning at this notice and riuo* at tha rate of 8 per cent par annum 8 23-30: O 7-14 21 nlnga Northerly 300 ft. to corner No. from tha 4th day of May. 1923. and for 1. thence 1500 ft. -easterly to corner NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON ¡h* fur**1" ’""n , of Attorney« ¿ 2 300 ft southerly to o e, aaa» EXECUTION dL’ì r ? ™ , ' ; ‘A - n t e r end stoke, thence 30« ft urn DANCE’ Steven« Hull Every Satur­ II1 »(IF RRPA1RINO—Old roof« made HE’LL DO SOltto Notice to hereby given that by a •’’ “J“ i 8*'1 . i u'1«/n,’r‘ f rly to corner No. 3. thence 1500 ft. to la«t by a paving procea« will Dr. Oeegood wua the in w pastor at day Night. Gnrralt i Oreoheafm. if. I,...«, ... an - - execution __________ Issued ____.. ..... After hi« third ¡ v*r,ue out ... of and docketed In the office of the clerk westerly to corner No. 4. thence SOS «ave you money and grief, Lato ¡Orandma’s church th- Circuit court of the State of Ore ?J. ',al!'1 co“ r’!_ln *“ *d coun,y on the ft. Northerly to thia notice and place set fixed right for winter rains, c# of U ||# on fitted ralna, i sermon »he hobbled forward to «hake . 5th day of May. 1923 and «aid eg- of i n n i n g . NOTICE’ OF KINA), 8BTTLKMKNT Gunraiitr»’d m U I m faction Herman- hl* hand. 13th day of September 1926, upon 8 ,ecutlon to m<- directed commanding join s the ’’Washington'' quart« Notice 1« hereby given that Carrie ent therein rendered w,. on the , n,‘- ln claim on ««.w the ~ we«t and the “Grant” — on •ntly local«]. Phono Eugene 2326J. I ”1 *urr am glad to have you an ruy '¡Judgm I---- --------------- - 4 ’he name . of . . the . f’,atH * . . >rl‘' « v.«.^ ~ ~ -----— c . Winfrey. Executrix Ilf the K-tat,- g ln favor o f i g"n "a ,*sfy «aid Judgment, ln t----- I. T. Looml« Eugene tf luuslur D octor” she beamed 16,h day of April, 192«, In ,.f Judgment. ,ny r*" • the Eaat. b»’ng altui-ted In Sec 215. T. of W E Winfrey, deceased lia« filed --------------- !___ K lf J . „ , „ renlled nr W»'lamette Collection t & Credit e r ^ « Credit S 8er-!co**a and disburaementa. „“ and 1 1 * 2i S. R I E in Bohemia Mining Din. her final account a* atich, jtnd the NOTICE OF F1NAI SETTI EVENT I I IIU IIK you, U IU U l l l , l i n ce' o aa t In.«* o and n -------- 'J . I ' ' p » ".7 e ' - ] I v y* a zv/M-rvzvW»» corporation, against Burt co"’a aBd expense« of and upon this trjcl rounty, Oregon Court ha« a. i Munday, November 8 Estate of I f t X l c k ^ « " u b e r t . *“ ? a‘P J L * " r,eyL The “Garfield” m.nlng claim loca- 192« at 10:00 A M at the County trouble su in g the place of my popular wife for the sum of »150 37. with tn‘ "8'dh^ .^ nnA a,,/ tl ”r 'f. *"»" no‘ 'c* f>t which Is recorded, In Court Itoom In the (’ourt House at l)«*c«*a*c 'ATJ’r )|p,,r92ann^ said I^ n e County. Oregon, and being i?d"scrlb2d*a?’fonowar'’’ ,D<1 time and place to hear objections lo R*ubert, Administrator of the »átate "T the sattio. and for the final aettlwment ?f ^ “bert. deceased. ba. filed h, the County Cairt oT th e ,M. , ' 4*, , ‘ l° t'°n,e a" / “ ’“L “ r‘y " ! I®f »’ ? «*»" a"4 «’"•bu-aementa. an d 1unable to And any personal property at ^1» notice the west i of said Estate CARRIE C WINFREY Executrix B,a,# (,f 0 0 WB 8nr “ a‘’“ t' N° W ' ' ‘ X “ labun ,e?W.nt’ °,f ' » hu »“ ¿ Iv e U v iiT ’J t , “ «Se M‘d <*n"‘r f,n'1 runB,nr ,he,,C* W* I.sru r. t, Executrix. I,... . . . . . bla Anal ------- . ad-J . ----------- tbla execution which said Judgment which to levy. I have levied upon the to rornPr No ! , C ounty, report - aa such late and still <1( 8„ ywher«. | w|,h .” WELLS « WELLS, Attorneys waa enrolled and docketed In the of- following described real property, in *2,^? ^?-i'Z’rlv To r corr»-r N o ^ S i mlnlatrator; anti that len o'clock in O 7 14 21 38 N 4 flee of the Clerk of said Court In said Lane County. Oregon 1500 p 300 ea “ - nrr^ Nn end ? ith e forenoon of Saturday, the 23rd day , , to-wtt: _ , , thenee feet erIy northerly to east LIFE’S MIRROR County on the 28th day of April 192«. , - ’ center, thence 300 feet Northerly to of October, 192«. at the Court room NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION th^-eol* have been, by said Court, .. . corner No. 2. thence 1500 feet wester- Reflections by Panne commanding me In the name of the Vol. 11 of Mining Claim a at page 2«5 ■ , „ „ i r No . rhenre 300 feet FOREST KXCHANOE fixed and appointed as the time and State of Oregon, to aatlafy aald Judg I-ane County. Oregon Records, and gO the s Place of a beginning place for hearing objection to said 11 have built my home menu interest, co»«« and disburse-'which .« described a . follows: ^ t ,lth»riv o cto^m corner No. 3, thence 1500 ft. K *„ s^ h-m la Mining District. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE And now 1 a,n M»* f«*r OHEXION LAND COMPANY. Iiy It A < ounty, Oregon, and being unable to easterly to corner No 4, thence 300 ft. rountv of Lane, S’ste nf Oregrm Booth, agen t Eugene, Oregon. < Sled STATE OF OREGON FOR THE l* » t I too »hall falL r ° d ^^yr J , í^,,s n^, PrOi*»I.7 be*°“»lDF northerly to this notice and place of The “Have«“ mining claim location application No 0l««l9, under the Act ; ’VNTY OF LANE XTn i h ’i h ’to “totv °r hiyheer|evfledh u ' i |b,* 1nn,nr ° f ’rf’,rh ’’ recorded tn Vol. 11 of March 20. 1922, 142 Slat 4«5i ini («lady» Miller. Plaintiff va. Jack I ! | T-LU NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN on toZhf^R«iln'» d'JcHhed rliT ’ nrn Joins the “Huskle” Quartz claim on 415. of Mining Hahn«. T>ne exchange the NW>4, Sec r N4H W », Miller, Defendant. ^ r ty TnfS c o u i ” Co X n t l ^ i ^ t WeBt ’ n<1 * * ° n tbe ^ ubf.’ Or ” B E k.8W ti. Sec 23. Tp 2o 8 . R l | TO JACK I. MILLER Defendant Farmer:— “Great gun« — you've 1 T k ... nirwir i r n . . 1 described as follows: Bast; tail 3 of Section 7; I sit J , ahov»_ named IN THE NAME OF killed on.- of my prlxe pigs How did q J " T ^ t lo n to Fugene l i n e L<*’at« ’ 00 tb' North «’d« Of Monte Commencing at tbe w esterly end - , ® " °" d to Euf*‘n*‘- Lane Rico Ridge near the top. center a point about 100 feet w esterly of Section 17; ls>t I of Mertlon 3,>. i ,b»„r„,'» m .h„ „r B«,n* ,n Section 2«. of T. 23 S. R. 1 from this notice running thence 300 S ,? ,e kf nreLon n c ^ n o l i X e E ’» Mining District, in feet North easterly to corner No 1, U 8 ln i Laid evcr-H tlnn an d In o r d e r In s a t l s f v I-4ine County. Oregon. thence 1500 feet southeasterly to cor- aald Judgment, Interest, costs aad flalm ; 2 T 7 ' ” 7 \ th” r disbursements, and the costs nnd ex 1}°? ”° “ ce of, ’ hlcb ¿s, r ?° 7 , . 7 ” ‘" « e f Z T , 27 p erse, of and upon this whit. I will ™ . U ,page Mining 0 . 1 « . thence 3W fe e t_ H » » w esterto to cor Classified Ads GET RESULTS) BUYING OS SELLINO ant herein, and granting to the pla'n- September. 192«. In said court T h e . right title and Interest of said de-, tiff above named a decree of absolute Pacific Savings A- I-oan Association divorce from (he defendant; and for a Washington Corporation, recovered a decree of said Court restoring to the Judgment against the defendants Mining plaintiff her maiden name, as prayed Kvrcher and Olga Kercher, bis w ife. _ ____ ____________ _____ District. In Lane County, Oregon. for In the complaint In this suit. for the sum of »1884 59. together wlto either of them In and to the above of Moote Rico Ridge near the top Being in Sec. 26 f T. 93 S R. 1 E The “Cleveland” mining clahn. loca- THIS SUMMONS Is served upon > Interest thereon nt the rate of 10 per deacrlbed property. FR6NK E TAYLOR Sheriff •» Boftemfa Mining District. In Lane H o b notice of which Is recorded In you by publication thereof In the cent per annum from September I. County, Oregon. Vol. 11 page 324, of Mining Claims. Springfield News once each week for 1925 until paid, and for the further of I-ane County. Oregon. six successive weeks In conformity sum of »7 25 which was advanced by 8: K-2S-S0: O. 7-14 The “Arthur” mining ‘Claim. Loca- -¡2®* ? OU,Bty , ®’T’!on , R<* ord" and Don eotlce of which is recorded in !w T lS _2s. _ * ’ Sr,bed. t “ foi.ow\ with tbe order of the Hon G. F Skip the plaintiff for searching records, to- Commencing at thia notice the east -worth. Judge of the above entitled gether with Interest thereon at the Vol. 11 page 322 of Mining Claims. . _______ from NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE _____ _ Oregon Records and . edd center on the ronth bank of St. Court rate of 10 per cent per annum Lane _______ County. The date of th* first publication of January 7. 192«. and the further sum) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that which Is deecrlbed as follows: Peters Creek, running thence 300 feet this summons It September 30, 1926 of »200.00 Attorney's fee and the coala by virtue of an execution and order Commencing at this notice the e a s t;’? “therly' , nc* 1 5 ? * weeterly. The date of the last publication of and disbursements herein. which ¡of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court end center which center is Identical itbene* """ .* northerly to the w est this summons Is November 11. 192« Judgment was enrolled and docketed of the 8tate of Oregon for I^ae;vvlrh tbe w est cud center of the T in- *"d f "Gar’ Attorney for Plaintiff. Realdenoe aald County on the 7th day of Sept 192« upon a Judgment rendered In northerly thence 1500 reet westerly. ctolm thence » 0 feet northerly, and poatofflee addreaa; Eugene. O»»y| ember. 192«. and said execution to me aald Court on the 7th day of Septem- thence 300 feet southerlv to the west th,Bce 1^,b feet easterly, thence M0 S 30 O 7-14 21-28 N 411 directed commanding me In the name ber, 192« la a ault wherein Olive end oenter. thence 300 fleet sou'berlv * 7 t "¡e , p’aS* 7 _ of the State Of Oregon. In order to Bowlee was plaiaUff aad Mrs Lvd4a thence 1500 feet easterlv thence 300 ninr h*1' * "’mated in the Bohemia aatlafy «aid Judgment. Intereat, at- Carlson and Charles J. Oarlaon her f « t northerlv to the place of begin Mining District In Lane County. Ore- torney'a fee, eoeto and accruing coats husband were defendants the plaintiff ning to eell the following described real recovered Jndgmeat against said de- ™ Tb* “Grant” mining claim Loca- property. to-wlt: ! fondant, Mrs. Lydia Carlson for the a , . . „ » ^ ’ « « 7 1 ^ 2 7 7 ^ ,io° n<'tic'‘ of ’r’” r’’ ^ " ’" L In Beginning at a point 4« feet Weat s u m of SIXTEEN HUNDRED . *’u- h " . and , , ° n j . Vn'- 11 rn<* 2K7- oi M’-Mv,« Claims, of a point 160 feet South of the North North- DOLLARS with Interest thereon at , " „ „ „- . an? . tame L"n* County. CcnntF Oregon Records and L a „ » » » „ » » ’" . » „7 at corner of lx>t One (1) In H u d -'»|jh t 'per cent per annum from" th** CM; " Y 2 7 L . wh-ch de-cHbed. follows •«ton's Addition to Eugene, Oregon 17,h daT of Decemher 1925 until paid . , ,, ? , J . Monn- Beginning at this not'c* and m a­ dleston nning thence w South or, t h e sum »250 attor- G ’“’ll. , lm . ■ , » __„ Bo“'711 a »’re- *cr *♦ ncrtherlv to ■ n-ntr No ~- 1. running „ „ . . 140 . . . feet, . . . . more — ,u m . o . f . ..„ v u 00 ,, » a s - mwr- —............ - - — leas, to the North line of Ninth Ave- . , . District In Lane County. Gre- thence 150« feet easterly to corn»r i* DR. J. M JONES : r w ” i i! S 3 iii™ .; ™ : L ‘S " - ................ .................. ... •• OPTOMETRIST The “Madison" mining claim Loea- East cent«r -nd •” ->■<■ 30« ft. Al ^lonf 7 7 r ,hJ i7 ”7 creed the foreclosure of a mortgage ’ North N 140 feet to a point 16o fee' ’ T L 'iTr,«V'Cr»’|,'n»7»»r’ldZLiK»d,t" id t,on np,,ce nf which i« record-«1 1r s-n th e rl-r »0 c^rn»r N o " 'b r n c e 1500 LARAWAY BLDG.. EUGENI South of , point 94 fee, Weat of -h" - " ? J ^ a?d? ^ L n7 ,; r 7 " T»’ ” - - 563 of M in in . Claim- ft , - • cc-n -r No. 4 th e n c e . . . . ____ . _____I « « » » « -a is i t zi » u u r n u ii iu r s n ir ui s a ia i« n u io rpn^tv. r»rrrr'Ts and "An * rt ' ,.b . ~ -'-♦ice and NortheaBt corn ,r "»tl fy «air several sums so adjudged, 228 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t thence East 48 eet o the p a .e ” of ’ IN O W , THEREFORE T H F R P P O B F n pursuant „ r « . . » n t » o « kald . » m ” Wch >' defcrilnd ns fo llo w s pbe* of h*g nnlng. «2 J «2 M beginning, all , ,p "fi™ P -rln n in « st »his notice nnd run .loin« the Jackson quarto claim on General la w Practice beginning, all In In L L a a n n e e Connty. lon n ty " „ „ S ^ t / l o .T n , a and order Q pu 7 of a sale Oregon . " rv I . th ? - ”bf' n o r tb -ly ‘o corner No 1 th* w - 1 Now. therefore. In the name of - thej»«>d^ B". Sa,uLday 0 ft.'esst-rb - L ' L r - V ' N . . ; . - n » d * r s le * « e d d w ill n n R . , « r d . . ° S ,ob7 ^ ' 1 3 0 ----------- p - r s . , „ ateP"°n »- I • 'C No. 66 In township S ^ r tb S T iT r o lto S S : i “ > *outh*aet corner stftkc No 5. through or under them or any or 17 south of Range 6 w w t W. M which is reRcrihed a. thence in a northwesterly direction GEO.. N, McLEAN either of them in and to said pre Thence south 12e- 30 west 316 chains Beginning at tbi« notice, running 1M)() fFe| fo southwest ccr’ -er Automobile, Fire and Life I mine« along the center of tbe road; thence TOO ft. Northerly to corner No. 1. s|akp n thence In i northerlr DR. N. W. EMERY IN S U R A N C E FRANK E. TAYLOR Sheriff. south 77*-30’ east, 3.61 chains, thenco thence 1500 ft W esterlv to corner No. ^irfrfion 300 feet to this notice or Lane County, Oregon north 12° 30’ east. 3 16 chains, thence 2. thence 300 ft southerly to west -j ,|jjg nof ,ce being at the 8urety Bonds,. Phone «17 OKNTItT 8: 16-23-30; O: 7 14 north 77* 30' west. 3.81 chains to the center end stoke, thence 300 ft south SHmmt; cf , h f CBlapoola Mts. Said My business Is to protect yo«r •utton Bldg. Phona 20 J — ----------------- — place of beglnnlntt containing 1.09 ex erlv to com er No 3. thence 1500 ft cln,w bound on the Smith and W est business Realdenco Phona 163 M SUMMtiNS elusive of th e ‘ road In lavne County, easterly to corner No. 4. thence 300 by Grfat Eastern Mini*«» Co. nnd ♦y Willamette St. Eutfene .firegor^J ___ ....m ./sw r n r n T cym Drexon. also f, v -rth erly to this notice and place • . „ ' h , h Henry Clay (troua Springfield, Oregon IN s.J v n t i- » r n v DISTRICT I ANU Beginning at a point 12.97 chains of beginning. Joins the “W ashington” I f ( and Is about 12 mile sou’ll <1 EUGENE J1 8Tlt- B D18TRH T. L A ™ aouth i 0- e8at, s .#1 chatng Routb on «be WPa, Bnd the Jefferson on the "L ™Twln Rock«“ and 3 mlbw south -COUNTY. OREGON. ______ 77’ 30' east from the south east cor- East, being situated In Sec. 26. T 23 n ^ e m to Mountains and cross»« VASBY BROS. L. M Travis. Inc., a corporaUoa. I of t ^ ’ w nilam “ ^ . Slm pa^.’ D?7.. | « " r . ' 1V ' t o ’^ h e m la W n h «" w »trlct, i JJ”,T o e in g * situated "in ' Ia 7 ‘"t , f f hto i°lfe n X n d a ’ato T N°. ™ Township 17 south of Range In Lane County. Oregon. thp Bohemta Mining District ln 1-aa* Painting & Decorating Adams, his wife, uetenaaata « west W. M. aald beginning point be The “W ashington " mining claim c<)„ntT Oregon JEWELER To Joha Adams and ........... ' Ing the northenat corner of a tract lo ca tio n notice of which Is recorded Now therefore. In th* ntvtne of the in all Its branches ,hla Aa- mitir QTATK torni*rly <,peded Tares« A. Foun- Vol. 11 page 251. of Mining C laim s.1 «,fatP of Oregon. In compliance with Repairing a Specialty STATE fR, and T T A A Fnunta,n Fn„nte| n her T.PnP County. Cmintv Oregon Oregon Records Rocorf a n d : sa!d PTPrution J IN ,N THE NAME OF THE e . r Ph , re ,a ’r' n and ber husband husband T,ane and In order to satisfy 312 Main Street Springfield, Oregon * OF ORBBON. you *r’ h *T*by /T 'tO Ell Jones and wife by deed record- whlch Is reserlbed ns follows: snld M ta ,h e fendnnt. A. P Churchill, or any per- street 1,20, 1924. and Its costs and disburse- south 77’-30' east from the south e a s t, Adams on the W est and the Jackson son or persons claiming hy, throngh WM. G. HUGHES u e n ts In this action; and that the J corner of the William O. Simpson D "n" ^'p Fagt' and la ln ,h P Rohemia or under them, or cither Of them In HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE money held under garnishment be L. C. No. 55 Township 17 south of M|ninft District. In Lane County, Ore-; and to said above described property, ordered paid Into court, or sufficient! range 6 we.,t W M. being the north-1 FRANK E. TAYT.OR Sheriff NOTARY PUBLIC thereof to pay said' Judgment, costs I east corner of a tract formerly deeded j * ' of T>ane Connty, Oregon. 77--------------- Office at and securing costs ¡to and now owned1 by Ell and Cecilia ,n . ____ (S 9-1 « 23 30: O 71 This summons, Is served upon you Jones run th em e south 77« 30' e a s t,! H"" notice of^w hlch ¿ s record^JJn FRANK A. DF PUE This summons is served upon you -ivncs run vhvhvt . « ..u u . M in in » C la im s FIRST NATIONAL BANK . .. .a P . a - I O A O A / . tbennn arvllIYl 11*- hv the publication thereof once each 12O8A4 feet; thence south 13 -3 F west. • Pminty Oregon Records and ATTORNEY AT LAW Springfield, Oregon I week for six successive weeks In the ¡20884 feet; thence north 77--30' wes . L « ^ H°!eibrlb?d as follows • MODERN DAY8 NOTARY PUBLIC For Rent—- “Bungalowette J u a t fflprlngfleldl News In accordance with ¡208% feet : Tlerlnntns at notice and Reglnnlng at this this notice and rnn- run nn order made and entered the 28 208% feet to the place of beginning garagette — kltchenette Button 300 ft. Northerly to corner No. 1, bulli — w lth Springfield j l( day of August, 1926. authorizing and containing one acre more or lese n nlng thence 1500 ft. Easterly to corner No. Buirfflng Oregon, j directing the service of summons by f-nne County, Oregon, to satisfy said 2, thence 300 ft. southerly to East —bathette— parlorette and porchette.» publication. Date of first publication Jiidgrtnent and costs accruelng upon center end stake, thence 300 ft. south I SpTifpini 1 ip i * 2 Inis cxpcution. No matter how much of a failure a Your Home When In FOB BALE—Carbon paper In large B.pteniber J. 192«. FRANK E. TAYLOR Sheriff erly to corner No. 3. thence 1600 ft. HAROLD J. WELLS, w esterly to com er No. 4. thence 300, woman makes of her marriage she «Moto. 28x39 taehea. sultobla for 8prlngfiald of T-ane County. Oregon. Justice of the Peace. ft. northerly to thia notice and place always wants her daughter to try It. ting tntolnga. Tha News Office. 1 L? -F..4C-M- G ’ - I S 2 9 16 23-30; O 7 Range 6H East. W M . within the Cascade National Forest, for the timber on the SE14. Section 23; A NE*». Section 28 Township 20 S., Range 3 East. W. M within the Cav- cade National Forest The purpose of this notice Is to al­ low all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objec­ tions to such application, an opportu­ nity to file Ihelr protests with the Register of the United States luinit Office at ltoaeburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objection must be filed In this office within thirty days from the date of the first publica­ tion of this notice, which first publcca- tlon la September »0. 1928. HAMILL A CANADAY. Reglaterer 8 30: O 714 21 28 «a ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker F u n e ra l D irector D. W . R oof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. The Loop” lnt