THURSDAY OCTOPFH 7. , f»?4t THK b l'K IN tU ¡K l.'i PAGE SEC CAN YOU BEAT IT Oltleer:— •'IMai sorry lady but you principal »6ift.S6, Interest a t 8 per Years ago when the big fort at Sill can I turn around in the middle of the cent front February 14th, 1914. livan'g Island. South Carolina, was be­ block." Present owner. Grace and Jessie "Well I'll try I think I can make Walker. Assessed to Grace and Jes­ ing built, the fore man of a gang of workmen told a Negro earpi-nter io It alright." sie Walker Terms r a n . get a plnr.k 10»» inehes by 16 feet. Springfield, ‘Oregon, September 23rd, Seeing tin' Negro Intently measur­ REFEREE'S SALK 1M8. ing with a rule he called loudly: The Utu of Coemetio» JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal IN THK CIRCUIT c o t II I' OF THE of the Town of Springfield. Oregon ■ Ht 7 Block 1. Extended Surrey, Self knowledge Is the root of all a s CALL AND SEE Dr. N, W. Emery Plaintiffs, versus Fred C Wallers and much more curing costs and Intereat thereon, and Springfield. Oregon, p lr .n l. to beauty Know your type use a good deal of rour Defendants on prices on piate and other work, if Sadie D. Walters take a Redemption Deed al the lamest for delinquent town Improvement H o n ._____ Notice Is hereby given that I Frank and makeup accordingly. While there, than the true blonde and she aboro. rate of iaterert. not greater than 15 by Ordinance Nos. 379 snd ^” r| n«fl.ld t»re«on K Taylor, the undersign«!, by virtue a little make up uae brunette powder. 1 his gives in r 9 " « ' - , , -t a v , , st .1 * ocr ,S6 t— ** ’ " I s,PPr” ‘,1v , J,an’i:74 of a decree of court entered In the are many who need Principal IK13.S3. interest at o per «mf, 1914. and February Hat, lt l4 Por delinquent town Improvement Ilea, above eutltled suit was appointed re­ and will not use It —there Is still a »km a creamy, .un biased app» aranc<. cent from July 13. 1913. November 1st. (hat , will on ,[,* j j nd day of October. assessed b y Ordinance N o. 4 S I feree and directed to sell all of Ihe greater proportion w ho do not need II and makes her eyes darker »till ( on­ passed and approved May 9th. 1911 192«. at the hoar of 1:30 o'clock P. M that 1 will on the 32nd day of October. Interest of the parties to this suit In to almost all other types of —and Insist upon using It. If you be­ trary Present owner. Arthur Kirkland As­ of said day. In front of the Town Hall and to the following described real hlondes. she ran use eye m akeup to neva» sessed to Junta Beals and Grace May in Springfield. 1-ane County. Oregon, L934. at the hour or 1:30 o'clock P. M estate. to -w lt:-B egin n in g at a point . long lo the class wfto should . , Terms cash sell the above described property to of sakt day. in front of the Town Hall where the east houndry of the county touch It either because you have »u( advantage The white brunette— -who has dark Springfield. Oregon. September JSr-1. road Intersects the north line of Dona fideut coloring of your own. or tic ‘ i the bidder for cash who offers to pay tlon Land Claim No 41 In township cau„rt nature didn't Intend you lo hair and a light skin must play up JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal curing costs and HHereat thereon, and 14 south to range 3 west of the Wll . . .................... . ,, h... ner skin above everything else. Il Is of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. take a Redemption Deed at the lowest the assessm ent, coats, tntereat and ac- lam elts Meredian to Beaton County.' , ' u"* “ ' . » ñ o . « e e a . e r t o ä a 15 CUrl«« »"<* »••*«*•« •»« the thing lhal distinguishes her ir o n rate of Interesa, not greater thaa 15 J Redemption Deed al the lowest Oregon, thence run east 8 0) chains; long to (lie cl»»- Hist obviously qo«» her brunetle staler She doesn't real- NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ ^ I ' p a , »310 «3, thence run south 100 chains; thence need It—use |l but be sure lhal you *>» « " • ' » ,h“ n l i of Intereat *• at * 3 — per ' rate of MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE run «rest < 70 chains to the east line a,.lw | lh„ pr„,M,r »hades and that you ly need rouge at all but If she uses It, cent. ...... cent from December SIM. 19IS sad per Principal S ! do .........ver......... When ............... In »he must use e le .r l < « ~ * * *«>« M i «7. Interest at 3 per NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That May i«rh northerly along the east line of the pursuant to a resolution of the Tnwn preaent owner. J W Machen A»- cent from November 1st. 1921 »aid county road 3 93 chain» to the moderation, the effect la theatrical I very good with scarlet lips, As Present owner Ethel Clark, type Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt , aa(ie<, , 0 j w Machen rather than beautifying. Experiment If you are an In between place of beginning situated in town- sessed io Ethel Clark. ed August Sftth. 1923. and a warrant T enns rasb »Lip 14 south In range 3 wwst of the until you know Just what added louch only by exp. tim m lln g can you dei lda Terms cash Issued by the towu Recorder there- 9 p .ingfleld. Oregon September S3rd. Meredian I o Benton you need, amt Why you need It Springfield. Oregon. September 23rd. W illamette your »hade Retneo her that your lip- under directing me to advertise and 192« [County. Oregon, contalnim 1905 1923. Aa to the »hade, almost all iP’o lla tlc k and rouge m u.l alway» m aid eel!. In the manner provided by law. JESS SMITSON Town Marshal at res of land JESS SMITSON Town Marshal the following described property of the Town of Springfield. Oregon of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. Therefore, pursuant to said decree Lot 1ft. Block 22 Emerald Heights I will »ell to the highest bolder for MODERN GIRL WISER OREGON MEETS HUSKIES Addition to Springfield. Oregon all the above described real es­ fW delinquent town improvement lien NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ ca»h AT PORTLAND SATURDAY tate at the southwest door of the MENT LIEN F AREi'LOSCRE SAYS PRESIDENT S WIFE by Ordinance No. 347. pa^a^4| MENT LIEN FORHOLOSCRK Court House In Eugene, laine County, NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That a:.d approved December 20. 1913. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN Thai Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock in t NIVEItSITY OF itRl-aioN. Eu CNIVBRBITY OF tlKKGON. Eu­ that T will on the » d d day o7 October, pursuant pursuant to to a resolution of the Town Oregon adopt pursuant to a rc.-oiutioii Of the Town the afternoon on Saturday. October gene, — (Spet-lnll — The girl of to­ gene. Oct 7 (Special! The critics at 1»}« at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M Counr:! of * Srringfi“ld. . 30. 1928 ift h. 192« and a warrant c nncil of Springfield. Oregon adopt of said dav. in fron’ of the Town Hall cd August day Is wiser than the "fiapper" of a the 1923 football season for the Uni­ S Î ’sprinefieb' Lane "county. Oregon. Is?.: -I »" the town Recorder then •'ll August 30th. 192«. and a warrant FRANK E TAYLOR Referee 9 30 O 7 14 21 29 advertise an,I generation ago. believe« Mrs Arnold versity of Oregon clutching »(off and issued bv the town Reeerder there sell tbe"'abo’ve ,’escribnd property to ui • - ! r e t in e roe to tt e bidder for ca«h who offers to pay sell, in the manner provided by law. under directing me to advertise and Bennett Hall, who is an admirer of football team will be over within a S è assessment rests interest and ac- t h f IV - ‘.nv desciibe ! prop r « sell. In the manner provided by law. SUMMONS the mudern girl, «crprding to h»*r week. The big game of Ihe year la Ì £ i r è ^ " ' " n d7n.ere,t thereon, and Lots 13 and 14 Block 103. Wash (he following describe! property schiilulnl next Saturday against tha IN THE CIRctTT COHRT OF THE flr"' •n ,er'r>' w with students today Beginning ai the Northwest corner take a Redemption Deed at the lowest burn s Subdivision , f Springfield In Mrs Hall likes Ihe franknesx add University of Washington in the new m te of interest, not greater than 15 vestment and (Somp“*,y A'! of 5th Street. Hunt's Addition Spring RT4TE 05' OREGON IN AND FOR , r.g re: ih .n . ■- rth '.715 feel LAMB C.H'NTY " d itlo n to Springfield. Oregon. wide range of general knowledge of (Portland Civic Stadium Marius Peterson and Marie Peter the modern girl as PY nciral 316 35. interest at 6 per for delinquent tewn Improvement Hero to countv roail running east and w e st; Tlie outcome of this claab will clear­ abe sees "no thence west along said county road a son. Husband and Wife. Plaintiffs, vs cent from December 31st. 1913. aasessed by Ordinance No ly dem oh-lrale Ihe degree of success virtue In Ignorance." Outspokenness GcorgeA Stevens, Ihirvdhea Sharks, Present owner James A. Fraser and approved September 13th. 1915. distance of 182 25 feet; thence south As*T.,eS to a M Larson. that I will on the 22nd day of October. parrallel with the line first described Ida Raines. Ed Raines, her husband. anil (he candid opinions of th g irl of Ì ih e fo rm e r A rm y m en h av e re g is te re d 1926. at the hour of 1:30 o clock P. M. 623 5 eet; thence east 182.25 feel to Anna Decor. Henry Decor, her hus- i.Mlay make up _______ holeaome attitude i |n the I'ai ilac coast conference If t)rt- S c i^ f le M D'Oregcn. September 23rd. ¿f'sald day, in front of the Town Hall g i n n i n g In Section 2«. Township 17 hand; Elin V. Henderson W. If Hen­ she believes. j gon wins or holds the 1925 champion« U sg S'" ‘ " in Springfield. Lane County, pregon. Sou,h. Range 3 Wert containing S 3 . derson. her husband; Sylvester Arml to a close score, the new system The college woman hus changed tag* „ Armltage. his wife; Ze||a JFSS SMITSON. Town Marshal eel! the above described property to a(.rP», except. Smith, L. D Smith her husband; very little alnre the last x<-neratlnn, brough by Captain John J McEwa-i, n t th e Town of Springfield. Oregon, the bidder for cash who offers to pay Commencing —........... . <* the P ____ the assessm ent, costs. Intereat and ac- northwest corner of the E. W Towers Arthur Oetscbell. Bonnie Hawley. according to Mrs. Ilall. who pointed ex-West Point coach and hl« adlaa, a ITS- n v IMPROVE- curing costs and interest thereon and i>-,nat ten lAnd Claim No 49. Town Albert Hawley, her hu-tband; Mere­ out (hai the days when »he attended Harry Klinger and Gene Vidal, will bj N n A X - r , 'V v U , n E C l J ^ R E ta k e a Redemption De«l at the Kswe.t , hip South r a n ge 3 west; thence dith Thompson, Thompson his Franklin College In Indiana the old« r j vindicated, and Oregon «rill bo bach MENT LIEN FORE - _ Tate mteree«. not greater than 15 4tf f. Pt »outh; thence 162 25 f e « Bast. wife; Thaddeus Thompson. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN Tha' thence 40 feet north; thence 16!..5 Thompson, his wife; Emetine Linville. generation erltlel i d youth Just ns It | m her old place In the sun where the pnr-uant to a resolution of the Town fs< 02. Interest at « P*‘r feet west to beginning, except. or her unknown heirs at law, |f <|e- does today. Speed, and Ils consequent great teams developed by Hugo Hot- Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt. pent frtm October n th 19ls Beginning 213 75 feet from the r,.a»,ai; j, c to b e r. ]aw L lsxle Vaughn deceased: the a 1 « O ft z 1 r v C -S i I- S B _» a » NOTICE 19 HEREBY « ’YEN That ho.K of L3o'o'clo. k P M unkuown widow ¿m l'h eirs i t la w 'o f Women today have the sam>- op to Impart h li own fighting ability to 1*2« at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P ->L of said dar. ” ' '-t* of the Town Hall pursuant ________ to_a resoluuon^of^ne ¡n front of tbe Town H all cba-1'- Steven- deceased, all other pertunlty aa the men In regard lo hl« protege». "Splk« ‘ l-miHe. 1925. tr Springfield. I-«ne County. Oregon, council of Springfield, Oregon adopt la Springfield. I-ane County. heirs at law of H lx-y V. Stevens, de-1leadership." Mrs Hall said "whereas! freshman coach, la helping Elllnger sell the above ’escribed property to , ,1 AUgUgt 3 0 h. 192«. and a warrant sell the above described property ceased, and all other p< rsons or ,._iv ..« ( with ihe line, «ml handling the third the b’dder for cash who offers to pay issued bv the town Recorder there- the bidder for cash who offers to pat parf|es unknown claiming anv righ t.1* eosts. interest and ac- un on prie« » ■ n plat«* und other work tf d t en to Springil- ld. Oregon. day Night. Garrett » (ir-rh *-tm H per rent. R oarks. Ida R a in e s Ed R ain es Anna per cent. . « » Pr'ncinal 349 70. Interest at « ner f -rlelinqm nt town Im tr'-v m nt lien. Princitm! 3294 30. interest at 6 per Derr.r. Hegry Decor. Ella V. Hemb-r- assessed by Ordinance No. 293 and 299 cent from June 16th 1912 c - f t from January 13th. 1912 sen W II. Henderson. Sylvester Arri- Present own*r. C N McClain. As­ pa-sed and approv- <1 Jaunary 13. 1912, Present t w ist . Ixtuise M Belt tage. Armltage, hl« w ife; Zella that 1 will on the 22nd day of October. sessed to C. N. McClain. helm. A sr **«»**! to Louise M Smith. L. D Smith. Ar'hur fk i< hell. ’ 92«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock 1' -M . Teem« cash Bonnie Hawley, Alb-rt Hawley. Mere­ helm. SacngfleM. Gr’ gcn. September 23rd. of said dav, in front of the Town Hall T«-rrr.« ca.^h Thninn-mro Ms wife; . . dith Thompson. in Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, RnHngfleld. Oregon. Reptember -3rd Thaddeus Thompson, Thomr-aon his I ’ 4’ .. V . sell the above described property to .’ E SS PM ’T ? "**. T ow n M a rsh a l wife; Emeiine Linville, or her un­ of tt" T«wn of Sorinefiel.l Oregon. the bidder for cash who offers to pay jvRR SMITSON Town Marshal known heirs at law. If deceased: L. O. the as-essm ent, costs interest and s e ­ ef the " Town Of Springfield Oregon Tzlnvtlle. her husband or widower. f* " „ i , s» «..SL« curing costs and interest thereon, ami NOTICE OF RALE ON IMPROVE­ f - ’¿2 a ; ’.¿'N *! Elsie Stevens, . Stevens his wife. take a Redemption Deed at th»- lowest MENT LIEN FORBCLOSI’RE Pearl Barnes. E A. Bnrne«. R'nn SUMMONS rat« of interest, not greater than 15 Stevens Frank Sievens. Austin Stev­ NT TICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That I . V ‘ * úJi4 ÄTAI 3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE pursuant to a resolution of the Town per cent A «4 - t Rt 6 per STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE en«. Ollie Steven«. William Stevens Oregon adopt Principal »76.62. Inter Josephine Stevens. Alvin Stevens. C nncil of S"rinrfir-ld and a warrant cent from January 13 'It 1912. COUNTY. May Walters. John Walters, the tin ed August 3- JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal di-.'sion r? Springfield Investm nf and of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. quired to appear and answer the com­ ceas'-d. and all other persons or plaint filed against you In the above pertlps unknown claiming and right, Power Compony'g Addition to Srrlng- --------------- entitled suit on eir before six wee-k« title, estate lien or Interest In (h- fhiM. ftor delieenent t'w n fTn*rovem f, »• F »kipworth. , 2 , " „» | County. Oregon tn-wlt: Principal »3131. Interest at 6 per assessed u , Ordinance ...... r ■»»■i-— ---■ - cent from September 5th. 1912 passed 13 1912, (,our, z,- ____ ,._J»ed and approved January 13, Courf madp made September 2 9 .1 ,1 9 » -« and ano R,,Klnn|nK at | h(, southw est corner indepedence. ' Present owner. ____ z-i— a ., a ie Signor. nor As- e 22nd y of of October, » „nkii«hetf Nf) •essed to ¡.h of said day, in front of the Town Hall for pja|nt|ff. Residence and post oi- , 22< (|) TownMh,p 17 s outh. Range 3 We want to help them save more and yet hnemgflild Oregon, September 23rd, ¡n Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, ’fice address. Eugene P r*’*?n W est of the W illamette Meridian, nnd live well and to enjoy the protection of » 4 O « O « * * i sell the above described property to g 30- 0 7-14-21-2«: N 4-11 running thence North 12' East on this strong established bank. Don't hesitate JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal the bidder for cash who offers to p a y . West line of snld clnlm 32.56 chains. the Town of Springfield, Oregon, the assessm ent. sts. interest and ac-j IN THE COUNTY COURT OF thence East 30 61 chains, thence to consult us any time we can be of service. ’ OREGON F O R fk.ulh 12' W est 32 56 chains and ______________ __ ’ curing costs and Interest tnereon, ano, ' IN ' o r, Redemption Deed at the lowest THE STATE OF Our advice and assistance Is always at your thence W est 3ft 61 chains to the place NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- take a rate of Interest, not greater than 16 ' ^InThe matter of the estate of Dora of beginning. In Lane County, Orgnn. disposal. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE be forever established and quieted per cent. Gray, deceased NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN That Principal »38.30, J * « * « “1 8 per C. NOTICE I s hereby given that the nnd Hint you he forever barred and pursuant to a resolution of the Town pent from January 13th, 1912 undersigned Executor has filed hl« estopped from having or claiming any] Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt- Present owner. £ Y ard final account In the above k«,a ,e ' right title, estate or Interest therein; $1.00 Opens a Savings Account ed August 3*kh. 1926. and a -warrant segued to O. W. Drinkard. Saturday the 30th day of Oct- adverse lo their title and for such 1 and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank Issued bv the town Recorder there Terms cash. , that . ia9(, at - the hour ot of lft 1ft o ernes clock other and further relief as shall he bv nnder directing me to advertise and Springfield, Oregon, September 23rd, o county Court Room In the Court deemed Just and equitable aell. In the manner provided by law i 1928- a « n ’« n N T ow n Marshal o u se. In Eugene, the Court H House, Eugene Lane In the premises. th« following described property. • JESS SMITSON, Town Marsnai This summons Is served upon yon County. Oregon has been fixed by IzOtg 7 and 8. Block 28, E xtended;of the Town of Springfield, Oregon order of the Court as the time nnd by publication thereof once each week of Sftrlngfleld, Oregon, place for hearing any objections that for six successive weeks |n the Spring- Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System „„.'dellnqnent town Improvement lien may be filed to said final account, nnd field News, printed and published In SALE ON IMPROVE- Springfield. Oregon, by order of the î?ssn«ie-7 bY Ordinance No. 386. Pa "*®A NOTICE OF _ ----- for final settlem ent of said estate. MENT LIEN FORBCIzOSURH nsaesse.- r„hni«rv 21st, 1914, A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N TR Y , * All persons having objections to Hon O F Sklpworth, Judge of said NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That said Court made and entered on the 21st final account of any Item thereof pursuant to a resolution ot the Town are notified to file the same with the day of September. 192«. and the flrst 2 ^ i d day in front of the Town Hall Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt County Clerk on or before the time publication thereof Is made on the S T i l t o S f t i i I*®* County, Oregon, ed August 30th, 192«, and a wnn-ant for final hearing thereon. 23rd day of September, 192«. A. E. WHEELER, Attorney for i n 8Vhe abovi described property to lesued by the town Recorder there­ Bprlagfleld, Oregon R. CLAUDE ORAY, Executor directing me to advertise and Bean & Brooke, attorneys for Plaintiffs. Residing In Eugene, Orft- !ka vAdffr for cash who orerw to p*v under sell. In the manner provided by law, Estate. B° n (B 29-38. 0 7-14-21-2»: N 4) following described property ZXtM eosta at“’ Interest thereon, and the Lot 8 30: O 7-14-21-28 1», Block t t Extended Survey, S u m p tio n Deed . t G - Vrwe.t N o m e , o r SALE ON IMPROVE MRNT MEN FORECLOSURE N »TICK IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai pursuant to a roaolutlon of the Town