The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 07, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    P A O K F in
Tane amtiMftEHBJ)
Tl I VnS DAY OCTOBKlt 7, 1926
At Donna— Dr Kester waa a visitor
Return. From Portlund— I >r W It
Pollard r«turnwl Turaday aft«-r a nt Donna Ttii'»dny night.
► bori lui-hi"»» trip to Portlund.
Jaoner Man H e ra — Jullit» Pearson
In F ro m W a lte r v llle — M r. and Mr». nt Jn»p«r wmn In town Hunduy
to w n
fro n t
Goes To Cateadla— G e o rg « -. Perk Ito
m o t o r 'll to I'a n ra d lu B unday, r d u : n
lute II “ ' »»»o' day.
Californian Here—John
Weed. California. wa» a
Bprlngtleld .Monday
Here From W alton — M r nnd Mr«.
F F M allitila w« re In town (rout Wal
ton Tu< »day.
N o ti R e»ldent Here— Mre. II. It
S m ith o f N o ll wn» In to w n on burn­
i t i Ur»» Tuesday.
Seavey In—lute Seavey of Donna
apen! part ot Tuesday transacting
Here From Jesper—Mr» J»»»l» busltina» bere.
Waltare of Jaapi-r wa* a visitor bore
Make» Portland T rip — Mre. Mary
Kl»»r went to Portland Tuesday after-
Purcell In Town— Robert Purcell of noon.
Marróla »#« a Bpringfleld visitor
Mre. Stoddard Here— Mra II. Stod­
Bu tula y .
dard was u via I tor here front Hen-1-
Down From W endllng—Mre. Mntv rlrka bridge Tuesday
Geer was down front W endllng for aj
abort time Sunday.
j Hera From Harrisburg— Mra Sara
, Fnwver of llurrluhurg visited rela-
Smith Sisk—Otto Smith of the Uvea here yesterday
Mountain State» Power company waa
H ere From Low ell— Jobu ('rail of
down with Ulne»» this week.
Ixiw>-ll waa a Springfield visitor yes­
Dexter Reeldent Vialta—Mr* J W terday.
Hutton of Dettar »pent a part of Sat­
Visit» Relative»—Mr» Bari Walker
urday in Springfield.
o f Oakridge 1» »pending a fe w day» It.
C reew ell— M r»
Springfield vlaltlng relatives.
W elti of Creswell wa» a Hprlngtl id
On Businas» Trip— Dale Flowers
visito r Halurday.
went to Portland on a business trip
Dale Lee Confined— Itale Lee was over the w eekend.
confined to hl» North Fifth »tr»---t
. .
_ V lslts Here—Mrs. Martie Rrown of
k. suffering from —
residence this
an attack o f pneumonia
Oregon ( ’tty
was a week-end
(AA o d j I H V.U. J
Mra. E d ith Mason C hristy o f
O berlin, Ohio, has hern elected
Nationul P resident of the Women’»
R elief Corp», at the G. A- R
m eetin g in Dea Moines,
By Arthur Brisbane
at the residence of Mr» M. J France.
Here From Grove— Mr». Tom God­
T ro tte r I» V is ito r— D. C. T ro tte r of
dard of Pottage (trove waa a visitor
I W a lte rv llle (mid Sprtngtleld a bua!-
here Sunday.
1 nea» visit Tuesday.
Callad To Mercóla— Dr. Eugene,
Kester was railed lo Marcóla Monday j Hero From Bend—William Horn of
to attend Mr» Frank Purcell, who, llend wa» here tht» week a« the guest
of F rank tu-nhart
was III.
Undergoes Operation— Mrs
Here From North— Edith Kelley of
Eatepp un.lew.-ot a major operation I Portland vl.lted In Springfield »m -
at the Mercy hospital In Eugene Moa- day.
Men becore accustomed to
everything, especially when it
happens at u distance in space and
time. We talk now calmly of
20,000,000 lives destroyed by the
great war, and that number is no
exaggeration. News of hundreds
killed in Florida moves us more
deeply than did news that tens of
thousands had b .m wiped out in
a single battle.
I Bushman In South—Arthur Bush
Instructor III — Mt»« Abbott. In d ia n went to Southern Oregon on a ,
atrurtor in the Springfield
U tah ' business trip for the Bpringfleld M II
school. was confined to her bed wl»U and Grain company thia week.
Illnesa tht» week.
j y ,,n
Peary Home—Mm Edease
Tyson Family III— Members of the | Cog and Mr» May Jones o f Portland
W. P Tyson family are suffering were week end visitors at the home
from an attack of la grippe Only M- of Mr and Mra M M Peery.
Ty»on was able to be out thl» week.
Peery On Trip— M M Peery weut
Returned To Hom«— Mrs. Davit to Marshfield Mondny accompanying
England and children have returned Paul Smith, who was a week-end I
to their home at W estlmber. after vlaltnr at the Peery residence.
vlaltlng here for several days.
Visit Stewart Residence— Mr and
Visit In Portland— Mr nnd Mra Mrs. H. M Stew art had a» their week- ,
Harry Burnette have returned from end guests Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Suusser i
Portland, where they visited her »on. of Portland.
John Walsh. Mr». Walsh, who has!
Going To Ball Game— Dr. 8. II
been In the hospital. 1» reported Ini
iDIppel expects to attend the Oregon
proving slowly.
, Washington football game In Port
B»ck Frlm Long Trip—Mr. and 'and Saturday.
Mrs Pratt Holv.-rson are back after j Pcrt|)|nd
Mjn H. r, —Dr. Oeral-1 !
a trip of . . ven mouths duration which Vun Vg)iah rpturnp)J to Portland .
took them through various part» o f , Mnn(1|iy nft<,r
a short tlm • i
th e East
T h - H olversons report a w)(h „ „ m o(her
m ost in te re s tin g Journey.
H ae
O peration—
p Ohl» to V is it— Mr nnd Mrs W.l
Charles Rulwater. manugi r of Pi un„, |»„hl of Astoria plan to come to -
Farmers Vnloti store In Canary and Springfield shortly for an , xtend I
well known In Springfield, on T ................ th e ir daughter M r» M II.
day underwent an appendicitis opera-j Huntly. Mrs. Huntly was In Astor'n
tlon at the Pacific Christian hospital. I early thl» week to meet them. S h e 1
He was accompanied to Sprtngtleld by J haa recently returned from a trip .o '
Mrs Sylvester.
British Columbia
will be
“L ittle Miss
M uffet D ay'
dreads especl:dly
stroke of nature's power, rea'iring
his helplessness before It. At any
moment our great sea coast cities
might be swept out of existence
by a tidal wave. And man can no
more prepare against it than the
ant can prepare his tiny city
against the gardener’s watering
Men have learned to take dis­
aster philosophically, and to find
relief In effort.
It was not so tn other days.
When “the great earthquake of
Lisbon" wiped out thousands of
lives and destroyed a city, many
lost their faith in God and In
Eternal Justice, as othera lost
their lives and property. ■»
The earthquake and dreadful
fire came an a holy day, when the
churches were packed with wor-
Roofs of churches and cathe­
drals fell in, crushing great ntw»-
every little girl in Springfield 1 r Invited to come
to our store Saturday and meet "Little Miss
Muffet” roni Fairyland, who will be here
in person.
Miss Muffet will have a pretty little souvenir for
every little girl under twelve years.
Miss Muffet. will be In our windows a t 12:30, 2:30,
4:30 p. m.—o ther times In the second floor nilli-
linery section.
Bunday will be rally day at the
Special music by the orchestra and
other features are planned. An ef­
fort Is being made to break an attend-
• ante record.
Miss the 2 fo r 1 N Y A L S A LE. T H U R S D A Y ,
S A T U R D A Y of T his W eek!
Jor E con om ical T ra n sp o rta tio n
Friday and
Cheese and
Crackers Set
“Eugene’s Own Store”
Public Auction
Win» Honor
Mover To Ku««ne Mr »nd Mr» I
Mr«. Wilson In— Mr». J. H. Wilson
Endicott tnovod to Eugen» thia w eek .'of Wendllng wa» In town yesterday.
F ra n k
w e n t In
W a lt ir v ilh i H aturday.
New M in is te r Here
A large congregation Bunday greet­
ed Rev. Gabriel Hykee when he preach­
I will sell at Public Auction October
ed for the first time at the Fir. t 8, at 1:30 P M at my residence on
Methodist «hureh store being a > Second and B. streets, Bpringfleld,
| pointed to the local pastorate. Rev. . Oregon, all of my household goods con­
! Hites and his -wife have moved ,o sisting of Living room. Dining room.
' Springfield from. Portland
Rev. and Bed room, and kitchen furniture, car-
Convinced that a vigorous county-
1 Mrs. F L. Moore have moved to Mr. ports etc.; The house will be open all
tde campaign niuit lx- waged in b>
I Moore's n< w charge at Hood River. day for Inspection of articles to b*
half of the Bpringfleld bridge bond
’ »old.
Issue proposition which will be n
Auctioneer J K. GREER.
Check Is Returned
the ballot at the November 2 elec­
tion. mem ber, of the bridge publicity
Fifteen dollars received by the City
committee of the Chamber of Com­ i for traffic offense went back to the
FOR BALE— Payroll sheets, prtoteB
merce and lions club last night de­ I bank this week »hen Recorder R W.
end In stock at the News eCttou.
cided to ask the similar committee c f i Smith wag notified that the check,
Fona suitable for road, construction
the Eugene Chamber to Join with ; given by C. M. Cloak on a McMinn-
work, sawmills, «te., with tabla ta
compute workmans com pea
them tn planning the publicity d r lv . , ville bank, was worthless because of
a id deductions. No employer
A Joint meeting of the two commit­ ! HiKiifficlent funds.
be without these t -ma whet
tees will be conducted at an early
date, at which time final arrange­
ment« for the campaign will he
shaped. Several suggestions as to
method« of giving the l»»ue favorable
publicity have t- ca submitted, and
8ome years ago one of the leading Typhiod Germs of this country
others will be asked of the Eugene
Invited me to attend the National Convention of Miscellaneous Germs!
The m eeting was held In Chicago “back of the yard" and a moat in ter­
esting gatherin It tru ly was!
As a favored visitor I was accorded
The Issue will be No. BOO on the
more than usual attention but when it w as brought to the notice of
Thl« number. It has been
the various delegates th a t I was a druggist the meeting was in an up-
pointed out, will lend Itself well to
A large, handsome, fu ll grown Cold Germ leaped to Ms feet
and demanded the floorl W hen he got It he shouted.
publicity placards, and It ha» been
W hy are we entertainin g this natural enemy of our»! By w hat
suggested that automobile owner»
rig ht of law or justice should we allow him to “ listen in” on our delib­
throughout the county be supplied
erations when he, in the d ally course of his work as a d ru g g is t is res­
with placards bearing the following:
ponsible fo r th« d«ath of m illions upon m illions of our loved and dear
Vote 500 X. or a similar Inscription
onesl I ask you M r. — — thia question! H O W M A N Y M E D IC IN E
H E S T S D ID Y O U S E L L L A S T Y E A R !
L O O K ! He bluehee!
As less than four weeks remain for
stam m ers)
the campaign, no tim e Is to be lost
Oerned if I wasn’t blushing, too! Seeing myself in a real dflema
by the committeemen In pushing the
I did the O N E T H IN G th a t allowed me to get out of th a t meeting
alive! Pulling my M edicine Chest out fro m under me, I dived In I t
drive In behalf of the bond Issue. It
brought out a germicide, used it freely and through a lane of scowling
was said at them eetlng The proposi­
feces beat It for the street and so on to home.
tion calls for »75,000 In bonds, to
A Medicine chest should be in E V E R Y home. T he Convention of
match a similar appropriation by the
Miscellaneous Germs la to be held H E R E in T H IS town. T H IS year!
state for building a »150.000 span
across the W illamette river here.
The large number of signers to the
petition placing the bridge Issue on
the ballot and the favor given it bv
the County Court are seen as Indica­
tions of its probable success In the
'election. In waging the campaign,
the comm ittee plans to put the matter
If T h a t Cold Germ Could
To Name Names
especially before persons living in
T H IS !
But when you dash in here
parts of the county which do not
Our Co!d R- niedy and Cough
make It necessary for them to cross
. ’vn n ’ to have less
TELL you the positive neces­
the antiquated structure which now
sym -athv <.r Colds and Cough
sity for a certain Liniment and
O.— -ns i' o arvtt-'ng v e know
trembels nervously under the Spring-
a certain Ointment which we
< ''
Frankie. F Ik". I believe
INSIST you place in the front
fii-ld-Engene traffic.
-n;:'. : lade the«« :n
row c-f your Medicine Chest. We
-t.- h- t. I really
believe this Is fair to all con­
believe this is best for you.
Rally Day Sunday
Now on Display
A handsom e etched lOVa
inch plate in nice assorted
colorings. A cheese com­
port rests in the center.
A v e r practical and novel
table set, suitable for an
oc fission.
A Fine
Value At
•‘The Home of Good
New Chevrolet Models
This is the first time in several months that we
have been able to show all models as we could not
get enough cars to supply our demand.
SIX CARLOADS Just arrived. Will be glad to
demonstrate at your convenience. You save money
by using our G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan.