4 new * P A U I rOUR THURSDAY QCTOBBR 7, 192« — Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L MARKET STRENGTHENED ON WHEAT AND POTATOES farm p o in t e r s I P U B L IC A T IO N LANE C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 14 \in»TÌea’$ Greatest Horse Show j * O F F IC E F R A « R M O E F R S L ' A U N N E IO C N O U N T Y MINNESOTA MAN WILL TALK ELECTION ISSUE ' i bulldluK. I» 111. larg, I of II« kind * C W Allen. Vida. President t»< «’o n g r i’RMtunw <»( Every opportunity for bee colonies 1 J, AiU in Seals, Eugen«, Vlce-Preal w. In (he world and (he ribbon» tied By O. R. Hy-dop. >" >«t ot Faro» Cm; a throw-, Ivt-« up und r in, -t | h Mk at th«« circuit Miniu'rtot*' wHl lbore are considered equal or superior dvnt. ° - *• C. favorable condition» Is given by sue- court room Iti K»ia*ua Tucailay oin«it* to honors achieved elsewhere. Hetty M Kappuuf. Cottage (Irovt ---------- * ecssfttl Oregon bee tueu report» the mg. October 12. mi «lection It Iluu.ouuot* in prise money 1» die Secretary Treasurer Pacific coast demand for wheat ’« state »college extension aarvtce Walter Morgan. Creswell. Condue • I *•»" ammutì, d y-sterda) lb do. a tributed during the Week, of which the acni-vhat restricted by higher ocean These bcc keeper» make It a point Io Horse Show alone offers $.12. *>60.00, republican, will discuss the campaign tor, the largest amount ever pine -d in any freight rates and shortage of shipping surv (hat every colony is headea Issues as they effect Ills p a rly . II« Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- H. II premium book The Olympic Hotel of •pace, the bureau of agricultural by a reasonably young queen from Is said to bo a strong speaker. er. Seattle $4,600 60 slake for five galled economics reports. Demand from stock and that It 1» supplied O L Clement, Wa torvin», Chnp horses also sela a new high murk for the orient and from England h ate wi.b enough brood-raising room Io 100 NEW BOOKS WILL lain. • distribution In a single class been fair. Liverpool prices strengthen W|<, care of Itself. Stimulating feed­ Nb such sK iregaiien of hunting and • • • • • • • • BE ADDED TO LIBRARY ing slightly. Prospects of a reduce« ,ng ¡n lb |g period Is successfully us-d lumping events has ever been aehedul _________ _____ Canadian estim ate and daman by some keepers. *’ * ■' 11,1 ........... »r” PREHISTORIC FOREST Selection of 106 new hooks 1« >»• unfavorable weather have strengthen- ----------------------------- better than at any previous llorse FIRES AND LIGHTNING put on the shelves of the B jirln gfield I Show. ed prices in the Cnited Statea Argon- fo r building up a good band of library thia fall was started Tuesday In all probahlllty there la no single tlntan acreage t< approximately the ewi,s retaining the owe Ismbs rath -e Institution that has been Instrumental Lightning, unaccompanied by rain night by the tlbrury hoard, which mat same as last year, so In general wheat (ban buying yearlings has many ad- In adding so inaterlally to the develop bux been the chief cause of the dlsast- w i t h l h e librarian. Mie» Mary appears In a rather strong position. vantages and is recommended by the J mem of the Northwest as the Pacifie reus forest fires In the far Weal this Huberts. A majority of th» new book» The feed grains have showed little college experiment station, especially International l,lv« stock Exposition summer, according to the Forest Her-, wilt be of the best fiction, change, much depending upon the out- fOr farm flocka. On the range this Many millions of dollars In value have Mi«« Clementine Lewis and The board also subscribed for three come of the corn crop which la late p|an |a nO(, always practical Opera- been adued to the livestock Industry vice. United States Department of “ Highland Lassie” and has been threatened by frost tors who have range for only a band by Its organised effort to Improve Agriculture As a result many people new tuagadnes for Ihe year, and rw The Horse Show program« of the br.„ an<1 breeding method« The have asked why Ihe forests were not Hewed aulmevrlptlona for those which Potatoes bring $1.66 to $1 65 for of ewes may lind a small band of two prehlslor.c *>•»«■ born coming regularly to lb« combinations in Yakima w i t h OT three hundred yearlings a nula- Pacific International Livestock Kaposi exposition« b-,Id In Portland present entirely destroyed In reading table. Stronger market for V. S. No. l's. The ance. in this case raising of the year- lion at Portland. Oregon, will begin1 an unparalleled opportunity for Judg- , ttwM| DEPOT IMPROVEMENT week probably by reduced estim ates can make up a stronger yearling of the following week «turtinx Mon- AU raUlroAdii aro mukinjs * round , . _ for Colorado. Frost ended the grow hand. day. with nm(Ine«s Thursday. Friday trip rate of a fair und onethlrd for .larly in the West, where It .«arts from W O R K B E IN G P U S H E D tog season in most all sections ex- ----------------------------- and Saturday. ; the Exposition. Visitors should not “ Quarter to it half of the tires For , eept western Oregon. Speculators In in building up a dairy trade on the The Exposition, housed In Its ten- fall Io ask local agents rcr particulars «be country as a Whole, however. Is Rala(n- , he Southern Parlrte causes ouly about 16 per cent of the potatoes may be a little more con- high quality dairy products it is al- . depot fourteen Inch»* to a level with fires Civilised man ba« Introduced * , .. . . . u . servative than they were last year way« to be kept in mind that a con- the new platform la being pushed to two additional factor« that have en- Clover seed continues In a strong stand? available supply must b e 1 By boscial completion thia week by a crew of onnoualy Increased Ihe destruction position with prices to growers for maintained the experiment station de- railroad workmen Correspond--ta caused by forest fire»—car olessness red clover running 28 and SS cents a pertinent points out. This la because I The job baa Included the construc­ pound in the northwest. Alslke satisfied customers mean continued and foreet denudation Lumbering tion of a new foundation for Ihe old has denuded large areas and left th« Clover Is also high but is not so demand and equally that dissatisfied •trurtur«» H<«h’ Riporta were In U»wn California arrived for an extended ground covered with rejected parts of Strong as red clover Central Oregon customers are quite certain to turn to UPPER _ WILLAMETTE _____ visit with relative» here. Mrs. Wright trees. With the admission of sun Monday to have char*«* of the mad* w ill probably export some red clover other sources of supply. This import- Donald and Gerald Kahler have th., was formerly Beulah Mathews, daugh- light. these cut-over areas grow up Juntin «’nt of th»» avalea In th«* «*ipr«»xa this year, there being about 306 acres ant fact Is to be made the principle room n«’<••«»»Hat<»r (as, Sunday 'Gethsemane " Hi» Rev .V ictor Morris who was pastor ,|iany , htn< tr,,P|l 111 prra.it Whl,n b(.,,,,r hunilllng of forests tie-1 P"al Tui day nlgbt subject for next Sunday wltl to- The hero »everal year« ago here Sunday. Congratulations on his election to Witness '' Thursday evening com« x ronuuon prnctl«-«» they will he -- the presidency of the Eugene Cham­ !« •« Sunday wltl be rally day at only partly op«-n up to nun and wind Th«‘ board f director» of the Pleas- ber of Commerce today eere sent ant Hill public school met with the ihe Hlble School. It 1» hoped Io h ate Tb))l w,,| pr„|,ab| y m,.«B either r* TIME AND PLACE OF Marion Veau-h by President H. J. Cox present. in-'vlnc only (he (urger Ireos, h-avlug « teachers, Mrs. Clark and Miss Gulil G ains H igh P ost LOCAL MEETINGS T h e lia d le s Aid m et w ith Mrs It vv thè r- l or where cl.-nr cutting Is • of the Sprinfield Chamber. ford and decided upon several lm ('aliar) First Wednesday. Third President >Cox drew attention to the provemenfs Flower boxes for the Haugh Tbure-lay aft. rn.mn after a v , . |. urins »mali arca* wlth In- • Saturday, Farmers Union Hall many things which the two organiza­ windows are to be made by the boys. <«1»«» of several weeks, fervili i.g stretches of green forest. • Cloverdale—Heeond and Fourth tions have in common, and assured shrub» are to be planted on elth -r «X u lah H arbtt la v lsitV .g her The virgin forests l„ tor,- the white • Fri,|apn, Cloverdale School House. • the new president of the Eugen“ side of the steps, wooden rings and 80,1 nlck a,“, f“n,l>y In Cottage Grove „inn rum« were mostly dense, d»rk. • Creswell—First and Third Tues • Chamber cooperation whenever pos­ George Hart has purchased a new damp, and cool In dry seasons light. • day», Creswell, M W. of A Hall. * chains are to be purchased to take the sible. nlug (and perhaps In aome cases la • (toast Fork— Second and F o u r'll • place of the heavy Iron ones and new Ford (ruck. The sewing club gave a shower dtans) set fir« to these «treats, and • Thursday«. Farm Union Hall. shaib-s to be purchaaed for the win­ * Marriage Licenses for Week Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Jam--« there are evidences of extensive pr»« dows. Dam-bo—First Tuesday, Danebe * historic burns In some parts of the • School H o u m . A wedding of much Interest to the Hill's in honor of Mrs. Ray Herat«. * The county clerk Issued marriage Neverth, less, as a who.« residents of the Upper W lllamett“ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh motored to country. Dnrena- Second and Ftinlh Tues • licenses during the past week to tbe valley was that of Miss Mildred Junction City Friday vl*lt»d relatlv-•*’ tho»e dark, humid forests were mu, n • day», Dore«« Chartdl. • following: Frank Miller and Grace less Inflammable than the modern de­ • Hadleyvllle — First and Third • Arnold to Fred L. Smith, which took there. Meet, both of Eugene; John Kalzrr place at the First Christian church Maude Edmlston w)O I a l t , -nillug nuded or thlnned-out forests. The • Thursdays, Hadlcyvtlle School • and Valerie Young, both of Eugen--, In Eugene. September 2S. Ml.i.v U. of O. Is confined In the Intlrtuery fai't that Ihe primeval forests persist- • Heceta— First Sunday of each • John W. Brigg and Lena Gertrude Arnold is the daughter of Mr. and there with a severe cold. ed for so many ages and were so »<- • month, Heceta JW-hool House. • Maj. Gen. Chas. P. SummeralL Vaughn, both o Eugene; Charles J. i tensive and almost upbroken prov, s Mrs. W. L. Arnold of Trent and wou-1 -------- — -------- has been elected Chief of Staff of Jasper—Second and Fourth Wod- • Meier and Ruby Crabtree, both of • thul lis t e n in g tires, numerous »s • nesdays, W O. W. Hall, Jasper. • the U. S. Army to succeed M ai. have graduated from the Pleasant GARDEN WAY Springfield. Gen. John I_ Hines. ¡they must have been, probable burned Hill high school this year hud not • txirane—Second and Fourth • Norm in over only an Insignificant part of the ’ • WednetJaya. I. t). O. F. Hall. U' H Anderson a n d cupld stepped In. Tbe young folk« • total forest area K»ji - of which Miss Arnold »as a vc:v AnAcr»' “ ! ft Friday for Prlnevltle on • Mt Vernon First and T^lrd • n I -mt nr trlr. They returned M< n- fsipular member -met at the home • Wednesday. Brusf.eld Hlore. • Mr. and Mrs Arnold and after tnakii-g du.. and report having seen fawn a n i CARD OF T H A N K 8 • Silk Creek Meets First and Third • r inslderahle noise in an effort to give toc» hut no bucks, which was v»-v • Thursday at Cedar School House • We wish to i xpri'Hs our apprecia­ t!w» young couple n charivari learn I dhappointlng it» (his was W H • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • tion for the help and sympathy ex­ that the bride ami groom hail gone. Ami, c a n first unsuccessful hunting • Pine Grove School House. • tended lo us during the death of out Mr. Johnson of the Inwmsl White . trip. • Trent—Berond and Fourth Wed- • Dr. and Mr.- Pollard and family ‘I husband and' father. Al.io • nesdnys. Leghorn poultry farm near Corrallis Pleasant HUI High • was at Pleasant Hill Inst vv, ek an 1 w ere d in n e r g u e s t s a f Mr and M rs. r"r t*” ' h etiu flfu l flo w ers. • School Bldg. • I •' I- Gorrle Hr. and fntnilr • Secretaries will please send In * lias asked Mr. Tinker to carry on h‘ > U O. Mc ilhanv W-dm sditv Mr, E!< hh r r who -- nil (he «qn-- . work in thia district. An effort Is ho­ • time and place of meeting and • ling made to place as muny chicks as mer nt the McFlhany Itome Is now FOG SALK—Carbon paper In larg. • changes of date as they may oc- • possible of the Inwood Karn, strain *l*IHnF at h - o f her grn:t,l- «h ets, 26x39 loche«, suttsnle fot • cur. • at Pleasant Hill for the purpose of laughter. Mrs. Jackson, of Under making tracings The news Office procuring hatching egg» In the spring wo<,