I THURSDAY OCTOBER 7. 1926 THE SRRINUJCIKIJJ aiRJYtf PAGE T y O LOOK IN THE LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER NEW BILL INTERFERENCE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The Springfield bridge bond measure will be in IN INDUSTRY OF OREGON Pabllahad BT«rr Thursday at the’lower right hand corner of the large general Sprlngftald. Lane County. Orecou. by election ballot this year. It is necessary to read It l i not illffii-ull o ' visu allie the ef through 10 other stale measures to get to It (he feet on the lum ber Im lustry In O re m n T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS last measure on the ballot. Voters should be ac- It tl shall be iteviiti-it I'jr th" v iter» H . E. M A X E Y . Editor o f th ia »tnti' t in t hy tru «'lertrlc -j—, quainted with this fact and tell others. energy »hull tie supplied by »tain- as second class matter. February I t . IMS at It is our candid opinion that Lane county anil o w n ut »i’il ops iai< il «ntarnrim . poetefftce. SrrtngfleW. Oregon the state of Oregou would be better off If all the lni»Kln>‘. for example, the state of M AIL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I voters voted 1!* “Noes” on the state measures W ashington n otifying any of it« bi« One T ear In Advance___ | l .T t Three Months ----- ..TSc and one “Yes” on the county bridge measure. lum ber otKiisanle» that h ereafter all • t x M o n t h s ------------------------ 11.0« Single Copy -------- . «e I stream s would be subject to th« whim Vote ”500 Yes" and then fold your ballot. • • • and dictation of a houaewlves’ council T H U R S D A Y O C T O B E R T. 192« board. nauied in a rn n atliutloiin l Let’s hear no more about federal extravagance. niendm ent! WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN Oregon faces that The army announces it has saved $10,000 by Iden tical aituallon (Rant sawmill« •"All Might Be Free if They Valued Freedom chopping off the tails of «,000 white butcher's bum along the Columbia river, on and Defended It.”—Samuel Adams. coats left over from the war to make Jackets for Coes Ray. aloha tin Dearbnti's. and army cooks and bakers. Even the emputated throughout Oregon*» great »land of tails’ were used to make patch pockets on the l|n)b>,r Many of these m ill« MORE ABOUT THE O. & C. MONEY jackets or turned into chefs caps. have ,ht.lr own rqttlpmrW rho,„ Of all the suggestion put forth as to what to do . . n ear central energy use« power for with Oregon and California Land grant refund Smoky atmosphere due to forest fires Is c r e d i t - m achinery. light and other m ill pur- front the federal government we »re inclined to favor the only one that is practical and intelligent ed with having helped this year’s apple crop in poaea. Such a m ill could not gener- enought to be called a plan—the Eugene Morning British Columbia, as it prevented the direct rays a ta its own e lectricity, could not d a n of the sun from drying the soil when there was a • stream for logging purposes and Register’s investment plan. scarcity of rain. m u lti In no m anner uae the stream« e e e of Oregon, w ithout the conient of a What the Morning Register says is instead of polltlcallv aiRiointeil and polltlcallv spending the county’s share of the million dollar France is considering the payment of a dowry m inded board of managers, supreme refund or attempting to pay off our bonds not due in some unexplainable way. Lane county to marriageable girls at the age of twenty-one to ,n ,twHf ani) responsible to no other should invest the money In approved securities induce them to stay in th e country. The Influx „ a te official body or executive, ,t b„ »UI,po»i-d that mvem and use the interest therfrom for the mainten­ to the towns has assumed serious proportions. • • • m ents of capital w ill continue in Ore- ance of roads. In that way we will have the money when the bonds come due to retire each The e British n ritm il government g m r n n u u is . considering n furnish- «'>" hv |o raw r issue and we will also have the interest for a ntr i n everv man. woman and child wltn a gas masu good many years at work protecting our invest­ in th e next w ar In this c o u n try we should have »"<’ n-an ufa.tu rm t fo rm * H em ic m e next w ar in uun u »m y crane« fac ilita te lum ber shipm ent; ment in roads. All without additional taxation. in new one issued to us before often politicfti c ftiii a H l » u n i- le o u c » iw r electric truck» operate in the yards; » e e electric m otor* drive the eawa. We came to this county about the time the P a ig u . first roads were built under the $2,000,000 bond­ shaper» and planers. E le c tric ity ing scheme. It is fresh in our miud where most What backward people. In Korea women are throughout the m ills reduce« th« of the roads were built and how much they cost. taught that the greatest feminine virtues are danger of hre and is elem ental if With few exceptions the county got value recei­ silence, humility and timidity. the executive rig h t to dictate how ved for its money in the way of roads. In other • • • thl» electrical energy shall be sup­ words they were built according to the best plied. and to tax a ll property for th “ known road practices and were good roads when One American Boy in everg ten between the deficits of operation, were vested In turned over by the contractors. But, they are ages of 12 aud 18 is listed as a boy scout. th l* political board. lum ber Induatrl«« not being wisely maintained. One does not have would certainly hesitate before malt- to motor very far around the county to find many Silk hats are now being , . __t . il l b w o .u l milk Ing wtctl. fu rth e r Investments. These m ill« made of these high priced roads run down like back- ( , ,r u n < h < „tlln<, wood’s farms. Many of them are full of ruts and Now for something to make silk sox out of- the top surface is all in the ditch. ’ T he proposal of the housewives’ AS THE BALLOTS FALL council makes the taxpaying proper- The reason for this is not inefficient road offi­ - , - xi i . , „ tie» o f Oregon d irectly responsible cials but insufficient money to maintain the Lenroot, of Wisconsin. led the fight on. Jn Novem ber the constitutional hundreds of miles of macadam roads we have the Senator floor of Senate to get this nation into the .inien(lm,.nt wl„ b„ preaented for built. Mounting school and general county ex­ World Court. the He has been defeated for re-elect-, (<> ()0<.tit(. Men wh<) harp penses cuts down the tax money available for ion by the voters of his own party. made a close study o f the »ub je-t road maintenance. Senator McKinley, of Illinois, voted for t h e answ er the question w ith a flat nega- The Register’s plan to invest the O. & C. money court. He has been defeated. Senator Pepper, I tlve. Voter« nhnuld be prepared to in approved securities and use the interest for of Pennsylvania, voted for the court. He has I» « 11 Intelligently. The measure should road maintenance has merit. It’s the wisest and defeated . Senator Stanfield, of Oregon vote-t defeated for the court. He has been defeated. Senator ___________ best throughout suggestion so far. Means, of Colorado, voted for the court. He has NOT,CE O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E O N been defeated. The late Senator Cummins, ot execution in FORECLOSURE DEMOCRATIC FOOUSHNESS Iowa voted for the court. • He wan defeated, i Notice I» hereby given that by vlr- 1 a h o l v o o t t e r d o for of an execution and of sale In the current voters phamplet we find a meas­ Senator Gooding, n of t Id Idaho, w m the c o u r t , tue |# forwlo(iur<> |(tau- lur board opposing the voting of the amendment re­ ity nr w' ' u‘u me fur the ferred to the people by the legislature. In other Moreover he states his intention or introoni uik » RUm Of $400000. together with in t*r- thereon at t b * rate of n per cent words if the mesure were voted the school board resolution when Congress reconvenes, to rescind per annum from the 1st day of Sept- would not take advantage of It. the Senate’s action. ber. 192« or a total of «4024.NV, Here is another instance of some one trying to While European politicians are debating em which Jinlgm .nl shall tlruw Intrest at make a fool of the voter. Must we be submitted whether to accept the Senat per a o n t im e n t s ,n ra ru te " ' of eight I” ' r cent per annum to all this in the name of democracy. eriran Citizens are registering their senti and th(. f „ r t h.-r «uni ot lion 1.00 at- and dla- Perhaps as its proponents insist, the World < ouri ll)rn,.y fw., and .h« coat* at hZsTot been an Issue in this campaign. Perhaps Money will do most anything but we never fh“ X ' c are »„a-hc.h a, the pr.epe-l- <•( be have heard of it changing a man’s nationality. A coming emltodled in the quarrels oi ‘^ e Old Madrid newspaper has offered $7,600 to any per­ World Perhaps the ampzing regularity with son who will write an article convincing an In­ which the pro-court Senators have been defeated ternational court of arbitration that Columbus is a mere coincidence. But if it is only a cointj- W ’ will make your Suit or Was a Spaniard. dence then it is the most astounding manifesta­ Dress, will alter or remodel tion of political concurrence in the history of the your old one, will Clean and . . q * t I» ¡e «» coin<’idpnc<5 that should Wyoming people claim to have found skeletons United State*. rnin„ tn aii future Senators, Press or Dye them. 240 Main Street of eels recently from 60 to 75 feet long. What serve as a grave wanting to all futun do they make nioonsliin»’ out o f in th at s ta te D e a rb o rn I"d<’i>»‘n< 1 1 THE v/uAT w * h '/A l C n o i «= - i f ö ’l AÌ ' j ' l ;IÌ JI - V O said Judgment, interest, attorneys Symbol Rubber Gloves 75c i Your hands will stay white and unwrlnkled if you wear Symbol Rubber Cloves w h e n doing your housework. Flanery’s Drug Store XU PRINTING Of course good printing 1 b osscnttal—so Is modern printing. Good printing means doing the work well—paper, a r­ rangement and treatment the very beBt, hut good printing must embody one other essential quality—lt muBt be modern. It must be modern In all physical appearance, so lt will (1 do business and Hell goods aud cope with all modern condl- 1 tions to which good printing Is subjected. The Willamette Press SPRINGFIELD, OREGON