VOTE “500 X YES” For The Springfield Bridge Bond« — In the Lower Right Hand Corner of the Election Ballot NEW NUMBER Call Phone 5 IN CASE OF FIRE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW E N TY -TH IR D YEAR T h« P eop les ►'»«•-'• A L IV I NEW SPAPKR IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 40 »FIIIN O P1K I-I,. laANE COUNTY. OREGON. TH U R SD A Y OCTOBER 7. 1826 New York and St. Louis Battle in World~Series Classic 1 IS BEGUN W SCOÖIS GIRLS SIGN FOR WORK IN HIGH SCHOOL CLUB Merit Bkdgot To Be Sought By Fir.t Cl».e; Examining Board, otr)i at the No Controversy A« Education B o a r d Adopt« Resolution Providing For Scriptural Pre­ sentation« But Restricting Doctrinal Influence. la Named By C o m m i a a l o n e r , |1«n<»d: Tiding" for the reading of the Bible lg *od»y by County Boy grout Ex May D ,y cgmgitttoo: Christy the Springfield Public Schools Ex- pre.« restrictions against comment or •»e C H Clark The work upon ( Xndaraon o rayc» Morse, Jesela Man­ “doctrinal Intent" by the teacher arc it the Scout« are entering ie the n|ng Audrry «hull«. Kulti Bettis, j provided In resolution, which wag »need in Seoul «ctlvltlea. and Ila Ht.baul« I Bora Wagner. Kata mtplUhment will give the youth» orl|M, No|a|1 | j , rttla Paddock. Okria i submitted by R W. Carleton. .din« aa Star, Life or Eagle lo o n e y . Mary Lee. Elaine Areham- Reading from scriptures In th e .Is, according to the number o f ; violet Crouch, Wilma Hack, schools will begin immediately. The It badge» won. Dora Pedersen. Eether McPheraon adopted resolution follows: .h ere are now four A ret rla»« a|1(I MaU(1„ HratLa|n Resolved That we the Board of out» In the l.lon club troop, and Bu«la<-»»: Josephine Hucklna. Luc-: Education of School District No. lg .nla number will be Increased at the ] Springfield, Oregon, being In regular Hie lo tterf. Ix>na Frliell, Marjorie next court of honor. The quartet meeting assembled this 5th day of Dyer. Dortha Halley, Vcrnlce Hawse, which will »tart work for the merit October, 1928, w ishing to obtain for Jule Pollard, and Vl*>lerg Mu»toe. badge» are Ralph and Evan Hugh««.. the community and blessings attend­ Dramatics Joaal« Manning. Christy Tbayer McMurray und E u g e n e ant upon the regular and reverential Anderson, Audrey Bbultt. ituth Bet­ Walker reading of the holy scriptures, do ti». Mlva Pore«. Eileen Schantol, An examining hoard which will In- Hereby order teachers of this district .Mildred Kllmepoltor, Hlld W agior, xeetlgnte the accomplishments of the to arrange exercises of each class or • ftrnuta In »arlotl» craft» I» being at»- Entehr .McPheraon. Ib-rtha I'addock. assembly room at the beginning of Okrla Mooney, Mary l» e . Wlllltj \ pointed by Beaut Commissioner A. 2 .' each school day. We also order that Morgan, »a»t»trd by J. F. Ketel». Moyer*. Elaine Archsmbt-au, Again« j the same shall be done without com­ Ihala, Katherine Nolen. Grayne »xam lner» following: ilremanehlp. ment or any doctrinal Intent and that Chief Je»« Rmttson; electricity. Johti Norge. Violet Crouch, Nadine Mc­ the offering of prayer in connection Murray. Wilma Hark. Dora Pedersen, lb-nderer; carpentry. A. J M o tg a u ; with the same shall be optional with Vernlce Hawse, Jule Pollard. Maude first aid W C Itebhan; public health. the teacher and we recommend that Brattain. W II Pollard; palhtlndlng Je»e Bmtt- the selection« shall be made from the Hannah Bhldler. Arrllla »on Activities In which examiner« j Art: ' course in use by other schools in thia art io be named are civic«, cam ping., Thompson, Margaret Swarts. vicinity. music, bugling and bird study. | le a g u e -work will be turned over to The board's action on scriptural A library of books and pamphlet* various member» o the committee» as reading came In the midst oi a busy to he »Hulled for the varlntia badges it come» up Numerous nativities! m p P F M q O N T O C |T V meeting. Numerous purchases of new Is to be ln»t*lled at Ketel« «tor», were planned by the girls at ■ meet-1 equipment and material were author­ BY ACCIDENT: BUYS After the Scout hea studied the pam- Ing Tuesday nigh t ised. TO BUILD 2 HOMES phlet. he goea before the examiner. If Urayoe Morae |s th« new »octal pro- < j It was decided to purchase 175 feet he 1» recotnmened. award» will be ,n(>tar o, y,,. | - Further proof of Springfield's at­ Dwight Keaaey Seek« Office Of of hose t0 «* added to flre Detection made In a public honor court. There ______ J u m p of 7.7 P«r Cent Noted T.. _ . _ . . equipment at the High, Lincoln and tractiveness to home»eeker« wa« »een C ity Treasurer Against „ ____ are 70 actlvitte. m which m et t UNIFORMS PLANNED BY Over Figure« of 1925 For ' • Brattain schools. Three new type­ badge* are awarded. in the purchase this week of the Prld- W. 0 . Hughea w riters will be purchased for the high WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Same Period Five badge» are necessary for a more property on M>y and F. streets school commercial department, and «rout to become a star grout, 10 for Added interest was Injected Into the Final arrangements for new uni-1 Prosperity proof la Keen In the by ------- - D. B. ■ Saltsman of Michigan who ... three old ones now in use will be coming election with the announce- tor life scouts and II for eagle scout». form» for the drill team of the neigh quarterly postal race pt r< por , be day he purchased the pro- turned In. Twenty-four lockers were ment early this week of the candidacy bor. of Woodcraft were made when F B H ,m l "' ’ 1‘C. - ' - - — — peri *ad never beard of Springfield. of Dwight Kesaey for city treasurer. ordered or the high »ch^ol. as well SCHOOL ENROLLMENT IS com m ittee» met T uesday afternoon 8h<,w* a 7 7 per cent gain n race pt» ... .. __. . «« IS recitation chairs. Thirty » » > Oregon opposing W. O. Hughes, Incumbent , j. . , ~ RECORD, FIGURES SHOW The uniform. will be of cresm e .erg.«. “ ’r ,h e ypar ,<> d8le ‘•°rrMP°“ d- u * ___ . . . . _ ___ ____ plementary readers for elem entary Driving out of Eugene on a p ie « « - . K ee~T s dec s on to run assure com- anfhori)!ed. Ing period of 1925. Conalatent In- .. . .«.- trimmed in red, with red lined cape* N(np hJe made up by Mrs. |" ‘ WUi appearance of Springfield and the « e J» now assistant cashier of the " ’ ’"¿I PUb” * Postal Receipts Clim bing Steadily Reelect ion o f Two O fficials Opposed lb ' enrollment of the three divisions hH" William« Member, of the com „ „ „ no lr,4B0 5 i Thia hospitality of Its residents, determln b“n* It was decided to put rravel In thg mlltera are Neighbors Nellie Hilde- For the ed to buy here. The result was the <* »*0 First National bank, has served totaled 681. shows a gain of *419 53. g o — several «vAsaw-w Wo z city v ltw ♦ treasurer, rn o a itr o r years as back schoolyard at the BrattalU for The registration on October 2 of •’r,,n,l H“ “ ‘l Bwnetto. Hansen. R. P. ending September 30. last. Immediate sale of the property of also ha»' long been a regldent of 8chool, between the »choo» and the 1925 was but 657. but w a. said to be a Mortensen. Nina McPherson. Bert 1 Ella Pridraore through the receipts aggri galeed *1948.68. a gain site of the proposed play shed whiok and Calking real e.ta te flrw' i ^ ’ othtr office for which opplsltlon '* to bul,t by thp P»rent-Teacher8 r.cord in that «late In but one dlvtx IH‘, n ” c F Eggtmann. Carl Girard over the »1912 91 marked up last year | Walker al ton. that of Junior High School. Is a “nd William Hoden bough. Saltsman will improve the propertv The final quarter of 1925 showed promises to add interest to the elec­ Association. Elimination of mud in d< create shown this year, there being with two new houses, and Ehls fall postal receipts of 12660 48. a record to tion Is that of city recorder. R w the schoolyard h> the purpose. five less registered ao far. A caiupaia- DRAMATIC CLUB IS plans to plant berries and make other 1 Smith, incumbent. Is to be opposed In The bcard »“thorlsed Superintend- i . i . i .. r,.iinw»- i that date. Prospects are for a heavy live table follow s. PLANNING ACTIVITIES ma,„ng during December of this year.! taprovem enta. his candidacy for reelection by Ira en‘ Baln to chanK f 8,1 “»‘“Ptobile, Jimmie Bainbridge, Clarks plan a trip to Los Angeles. the voting on the »75.000 proposed tj,e association Include Blachly, El- was completed today, and follows. _____ 9 year old Springfield hoy, was struck ■ ■ ■ --■ ■ 'bonds for erection of a highway mjra Lorane, Mohawk. Pleasant Hill, October 8, Alumni. The In d ies Aid of the Methodist ,lown by a car driven by Miss Lucille PLANS SHAPING FOR bridge across the W illamette river Thurston and Walker high schools. F. October 16. Urnwnsvllle, there. I F r i n w r n N V F N T i n N h<“rP K voted by the col,nty' the F. Cooper, principal of the Mohawg church held a business meeting and | Carroll of 136 Mill street, Eugen««, Ocobar 22. Bbedd. there. The accident waa one of ______ bonds w ill be used in matching ap- high school has been elected se4F lea yesterday afternoon. Officers tor | October 29. Hhed- Thanksgiving game, Cottage Grove, Mrs. L. May. vice-president; Mia. ' served In regard to the eligibility of Fred Ixiuk, secretary; and Mrs. Mary , b,‘re absolved Miss Carroll from and Lumbermen, to be conducted' i n - there. blame when It was shown that she Eugene October 14, It was declared SCOUT MASTERS WILL players. It will also arrange a sehe- The seastm gs>t under way last Keasey. treasurer. ATTEND EUGENE M E E T ^ ” t»"»1’ tllat a11 KhMl» The Ladles Aid will give a tecep- was driving at a moderate rate jf today by Secretary' D. W McKinnon. -week, -when Springfield eleven took :» 8’M ”’d ¡of the local 4L unit. D. W. Crites will --------- have 8 chance to play. tlon In honor of the new pastor next hot game from Junction City by the Serious damage to the L. C. Martin 1 represent Springfield, and the Booth- Boy Scout leaders of Springfield In former years nihny of the smaller margin of a single touchdown, Tho ! Wednesday at 7:80 o'clock. Church act os will attend a m eeting of Lane county schools could not find opponent« to score was 6 to 0. Line-up: 1 members and friends are invited to car occurred when It was. struck by ¡Kelly Lumber company will a heavy coupe driven by Dr. E. J. host to the delegates. Many matters 8 c o « | Master» In Eugene tomorrow make a full season schedule. Springfield Junction C lty |8“ ,,n<1 Bridgewater of Albany at Fifth and of interest to Springfield lumber i night, at which It is expected many Palmer ...... ........ L. E. .............. Young Mayor 1« Cited Main street. The impact sent the workers will be discussed. i ma“ *TS of "npoctance to local scout j Geiger............ L. T. ..... I-nnrencen Parties Planned That the law excepts no one w i« Martin car onto the sidewalk in front! - ■ ______ -«!act,y,ty wiu be considered. Cooley ........ . L. G................. Nelson Seniors of Springfield high school , „ „ ,« » j , It 18 expected that officials of both ngaln proved Monday n iih t when »h* Pollard ............... o ............... Wutproua will conduct their first fall party Oct­ of the First National bank. distributed this w . m am ng • local troopg wlll respond to the invlta- automoblle of Mayor G. O. Buohmaa Morse ...... ........ R. 0 .............. .. Sogaanl ober 15 nt the gymnasium, it waa an­ When driving out from the curb, ¡members who are participating In d I------------ „u . k . tion of County Executive Clark. Those ,^ ag tareed by p oi|ce Chief Smltson Thompson .... .. R. E. ........... Nelson nounced this week. Elaborate plans w .r ard Lansbury was hit by another Kroup Insurance. The 4L Lumber from here ftre w p Tya<)n and * COX ...... ............ QR __ ......... . Evaus for a Jolly affair are being shnped by car between Fourth and Fifth on News was also distrlhuted this week. c 8 pRrbiT of t and Walter for be,n« I* rk “ 1 hall. The mayor w m attending • Cowart L. HB. ... O. Blackwell comm ittees In charge. Main street Damages were not «er- Gossler and Oraon Vaughn of Troop 1. m eeting In the city hall at the time. I»-Wl, ...... ......R. RJ) . tous. ......... Beckem The sophomore class will hold a Plan Reception For Minister W. Evans was arrested Sunday for McPherson __FH............ W. Black w ill party October 29, Cars driven by J. R. Brewer of Attends V«t« Dinner asserted speeding. Reception for Rev. Gabriel Sykes, Wendling and Mrs. B. J. Fulton of Maat In lu gan a Mr. end Mrs. 9am Richmond and Band crashed in front of th« Thurston newly appointed m inutar of tho Cleats To Meet Club Te M»e* •tora. Methodist Episcopal churcih bore, will two daughters. Helene and Lucille, Headquarter» Company, local unit Iuka Circle, I-adles of the O. A. R. The Progressive 21 Club will be conducted at the ohuroh next W ei- Mrs. C. F. Egglmann, Mr. and Mr». of tho National ttuArd, Tuesday night will conduct a meeting at Egglmann Friday night at the Odd Fellow« hall Ike Larimer and daughter, Irlene, at­ nesday evening, It wo« annoanoed to- Inventory Tofcan n e t In Eugene with Company C of the h01I tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 tended ! the Spanish War Veterans to plan farther activities. The olahv d a r , »■ • > K ind Infantry, com pany M. of tho O’clock. It Was announced today. inventory was taken at the Booth- Now teacher« of the 8prtn«fi«ld dinner held Monday evening a t the compoeod of the degree staS a< «hu l»«th, and a medical attachm ent.! Regular business of the circle will Kelly milt Sunday, with those la armory, Bngene. Fifty piatee were ¡Rebekah». w «l enjoy Drills were followed hy'lunC h aaá bs considered, ft wa« «tated by tho cithrirn of v a rio a a departmoata' of th« acboola gl«o will ha honor gue«to at ■and entertafament. thl« occasion on hand. -talks by officers. ' Ytrclo head, Mrs C. F. Bgglmana I