J W S« R IN C FIELD COUPLE WED AT U M ITILLA T he many Springfield frlt'nds THURSDAY ftRPTEMOFR 30. 102« THE SPKtXOrUB.»* N» W3 Southern Pacific's Railroad Construction Plans Will Provide New Direct Transcontinental Line To East of I Maude K Sm ith and Loyal Scott ' were surprised to learn this w eek uf I th e ir m arring» Septem ber 16 at t 'm t - ! tllla . T he couple kept th e ir m arriage ■ secret u ntil news of It leaked out j w h ile they were on th e ir weding trip through W ashington. They went a t fa r north as Vancouver B C. before com ing to «nuke th e ir home in Spring geld M r. Scott is druggist at the Ketels drug store and his wife was employed In the office of Dr. Irv in Fox of Eu­ gene where she «rill continue to work. tria l here last wt».k, Ihe Jury dis­ llv e Ht l ’amp Creek and w lll make agreed. M r. Goodman wits In hare h oir h»me Hier« upou ih e lr relurn. The cerwMtony wus wllnessed liy a bvou tried again Monday. few relative», Mrn. A, C. P elllco n l, sleler of Ibe groom and Ml«« France« Camp Creak Couple M arried Ysslse- ilio w a . a uni of lhe bride helng wilnsH- day of lit« marrlHg»' ’’ I Ml«« Kuby Crabtree snd C J M eier w ere m arried yesterday afternoon at «DM H A l .» C a r bon papar Ui larga sheets. M i n »orbes, suitable tar a atniple hut pretty wedding at the making traMngs The News ufflcw. Baptist parsonage In Eprlngfleld The Hevereud lUoin performed the cere­ mony a fte r which the young couple C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W Bm ety -went for a «residing trip to the slate on prices on plate snd other work, tf fa ir at Salem and to Portland Noth FOR TENDER ROASTS T U N IN G FIRE W H IS TLE CAUSES DISTURBANCE W here there Is smoke there Is Are ’ ■sight be changed to read. "W hen the firs w histle blears there Is a Are" If one Judged by the actions of Spring- field people Monday afternoon when they heard the Are siren blowing at the M ountain States Rxwer p la n t M any people were alarm ed at the aotse although no ward signal was blown and thought that the absence o f a ward signal only meant fire. • » « .r A ll th e ir w orry was in ra in , for there was no Are. T he men in charge of the SpringAeld alarm system at the power plant were only adjusting th e w histle as they were not satisfied w ith the quality o f sound em itted by i We carry only the highest Erode of frenh nieai.it. mid »11 order» are Ailed with accurocy and couhlderotlon that wlll be Appreciated by our cu»toniera. Choice cut« of meat— tender, freah. a 11 it appetizing — A t reaeonuble price». All kept fresh In our big refrigerator. T m DEWEY'S “OLYMPIA” AT THE SESQGI L -• . " Á at SOT th eir | • Í-A» : « Ï Doctors Invited To Euqene— Spring- field doctors have been invited to a t­ tend a luncheon at the Eugene hos­ pital this noon. They are to have a general discussion o f state accident policies and related matters. Fred W itts k e r D ie t In Portlsnd W ord wus received last Tuesday of the death of Fred W itta k e r at the Veterans hospital in Portland Mon­ day. Mr. W itta k e r was a teacher in the schools here last year and had to leave in the middle o f the year on account of his health. H e died of consumption contracted while In ser­ vice in France. ^Practical S&irurnoin. in "HOME S E V W G n AyJ&dft Wyeth Speafr^ a i •< the Oregon »re eorporaUoo fiar A ll hatching sags, baby chioka, growing and breeding stock. tra n s p o rt I'd or otherw ise moved into the stats of Oregon a fte r August 1. 1*27. must be accompanied by an official health certificate showing that they cams from parent stock which was found to be free of barstOary white d ia r­ rhoea by the application of the agglu­ tination test w ithin IS months Imtww ¿lately prior to the tim e <«? their trans­ portation. according to the terms of a proclam ation Issued by Governor Pierce. >.1 Baby Boy Born— A baby boy was born to M r. and Mrs. L afe Chetwood j m orning s < hl billon lawa. MU» thna agpiylag dlrastlg 1» Orwgoo. was wade in Balewi whsa a proposed tattlaxlvw mawaura was filed Wish «he seereiary of stale last weak tor the rupeel of the prohlbSUoa amendm eat of the state oonatlluUoa and all this Oregon prohibition stal utea. I f the In itia tiv e petit Iona are saccweefuily rtrouluied the measure Is to be voted oo la ths general «leoUaa of l i l t . & jr -;<• •> • X ’ the whistle, or w ith its rolnm e. In tuning the w histle it was neces­ sary to use an actylene blow pipe to loosen the w histle so It could be I changed The whistle had never been adjusted since it had been installed and It had rusted together. A ll this w ork took some tim e and caused the w histle to blow long and loud m ak­ ing many people th ic k there was a fire. of M arcóla this home in Marcóla. — PAOR EIG H T Form al declaration n t ths qnarwe tine prohibiting interstate movement of w hite or fiv e leaded plae from sev­ en Oregon counties and the anttrs state of Washington to prevent the spread of blister ruat haa been - ‘g - H by the acting secretary of agri salt ora. ® The famous old flag ship la shown at her berth In Philadelphia N avy Tard, the background for the Sesqul-Centennlal intern atio nal Exposition which oelebrntes 150 years of Am erican Independence Docked Just in front o f the Olympia is the U. S. 9. Constellation, oldeat fighting ship la commission. They dally attract thousands of visitors to the Exposition which continues nntll December L X w as announced The Phone 6S INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Pay Taxes Here A h u convenience to the people of the commun­ ity we wlll. uh ban been our practice in the punt, receive payment here of tuxes for the lant hnlf of the year, which are payable prior to November 6. Receipt» will be iHHued. r e s t r ic t Usui til become vffaeUsw on October 1. J The seven Oregoa sownttea affected are Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln. Polk. Tillam ook. Washington it nA Yam hill The new orders w ill not nafy bar any shipment of whits pine from that area ! but w lll require a federal permit frows ' furnish m a ilin g lists but he can re- M ailing L ist T o Be Revised— F. B . . . , . move names o f those who have tiled. ■he federal horticultural iMatrd al H am lin , local postm aster Is In re c e ip t. ® “ . , „ . , , . 1 moved away, o r m ake corrections In Vaahlcgton r « Interstate movasaaa of a le tte r advising all m ailers to have ‘ u u . . . j f wurrent and gooeeberrj pleat. spelling or In itia ls. th e ir m a ilin g lists revised. T his can be done by sending th « n In to the Goodman R eleased— T h e case Fined Tw o D ollar»—Q. H T u rn e against J. Goodman fo r vagrancy ha» post office who w in make a ll neevn- ; sary corrections and bring them u p , was fined 12 this m orning for allow- been dismissed by the dlstrtcg a t­ to date. T h e postm aster can not ing his engine to run unattended torney fo r lack of evidence. A t his First National Bank Of Springfield, Oregon Reputation goes with reliability. Thousands o f W e s te r n c o o k s through 40 years o f W estern history have, th r o u g h th e ir o w n c~ reputations as good cooks, built M ontag r e p u ta tio n — a n d c'i - e M onlag m a in ta in s it • I I by continuing to build BOX PLAITS ç " p . »on".ny rrr.srt : i r the Jenny r. ranges best suited to o -c t-’ cH here .rt L ; - ’ o* the b r ?':! tn