THURSDAY S E in’EMHER 30, 1926 T H E tiVlUNCjlf iKLD N K fr'b -HL PAGE SEVEN NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF 8HERIFT9 SALE T of beginning. ON EXECUTION | Join» the "Adams" on the Eaat Nolle« la hereby elven that all per- Notice la hereby given that by vlr- and thv Madison on the West. I sone having claims against the Estate I of Robert D. Evan», deceaaed, late of ,ur‘* r,t an execution taaueri out of the 8 5 I b * ln 8 ec - 26 T 13 8 R- Lane County. Oregon, abould preaent i Clfcnlt Court of the State of Oregon J E' ,B Bohemia Mining District. ln the anm* duly verified to the under- tur »be County of Lane on the 6th *'anp County, Oregon. Hlgned at the offlee of 8 D. Allem, day of Auguat. 192«, upon a Judgment 'Jnckaon” mining claim location Hovey Hu I Id In v Eugene, Oregon rendered therein on the 4th day of notice of which 1» recorded In VoL within alx nu nth» from the dale of May, 1923, In favor of W B Cooper 11 P“re 259. of Mining Claim», rnne thia noth e li»i. <| September 23, 1926 and agalnat A. P. Churchill, for the County. Oregon Record» and which la EDITH II EVANS, Admlnlatratrlx sum of »3566 67 with Intereat thereon described aa follows: B 23-30: O 7-14-21 at the rate of g per cent per annum Beginning at thia notice and run- ' from the 4th day of May. 1923, and for nlnge Northerly 300 ft. to corner No. H ill HALE New Oregon Htrawbnrry H ». PITTS, Agent and Demonstra -, Finad Monday— I. J. Bodwuy of NOTICE OF BHERIEF'S BALE ON th” further sum of »300 00 Attorney« 1. thence 1500 ft easterly to corner EXECUTION fee», and the coat» and disbursement». No. 2, thence 300 ft. southerly to east plant», Itatge plain* with long i tor for lb.. ELECTREAT Battery , Portland was fined »2 Monday morn- Notice la hereby given that /by a wfl,ch said Judgment was enrolled center end stake, thence 300 ft. south- routa, price » lo o per 100, ,7 Oo per | ........ i»r relief of p«|„ |„ uny part ling for turning In the middle of the ! rlr,ue of “n execution Issued out of ,B the ° fflce * ‘h# c f t k *‘rIy. ‘® cor“ r No’ £ th? “™ 1500 »n L r . Th » . . . .. »*”* Circuit court of the State of Ore of "ald <*nrt In »aid county on the westerly to corner No. 4, thence 300 100O W. F Willson, lltli and O ! of the body C o., le r y °*1 ,c 1 or 20 min street The offenae occurred at 8 .0 gon for ,b,. c 0Mn(y of j,ane on (be day of May. 1923. and said ex- ft. Northerly to thia notice and place atreví». It. “i' *1 144 21,1 *<■__________ It. A M Munday on Main street between | 13th day of September. 1928, upon a ec"llon 10 directed commanding of beginning. IIANi E Hiovana Itali Every Halur- N i i t i c » < iic . . . . . . , . . . . Second and Third. Judgment therein rendered on the m'* ln th<- name of the State of Ore- Joins the "Washington*1 quart« 'uSEJ rLEMENT I — ............................... ............................. l«th day of April, 1928, In favor of gon ««ttefy «a 'd Judgment, Intereat. claim on the weat and the •Grant* on day Night. Uarrett'a Oreoheatra. if. Eataie of Frederick Win Saubert, ................... ................ . . . j W illam ette Collection A Credit S e r ™ ” and disbursement», and the the East, being sltui-ted In Sec. 26. T. 0,*r' NOTICE <>F K I I F H I F F B s u p nte .W illam ette Collection ft Credit Ser- coala • » » ______________________________ ______ — ' ■ — Deceased, .. FXKCIITinw i n T,ce* a con>oratton. and against Burt coat" and expenses of and upon this 23 S. R 1 E ln Bohemia Mining Dlr- IIIIOF »KPAim u n . . . . . Notice I« hereby given that O«c ». H. E - 'E ' U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE a Morley and Kate B Morley, Morley, bis bis wrl' wr|t »o’ out «< °r th* personal ‘ property of ' trlct, I-ane County. Oregon it o r HEI AI It I N O -o id roof, mad« Haubert. AdmlnliHraior of the vatale i..> __ i„ , „ , , , .7;---- —- - — — I Notice It hereby given that by vlr-! wife. lor the sum of »150 37. with In- *ald Defendant, or If sufficient could -re,, „i„i_ inn« a paving process will " ? i'.” ' f t k k'"r. 8Bllb*”'t* deceased.j tue of an execution and oreder of »ab- treat thereon at the rate of 8 per not he found, then out of the real pro- t( notice of w « il.b I- r e c o r d e d In •ave you money and grief Leta L.„,„ “ J B J 1” " * o u n ,X <’*»urt °* the I !a foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- oenl P*r annum from the 18th day of perty belonging to said Defendant In VoI ra_p o. Mlalne Claims died right for winter ralna. y V s Enid' r w r t 1 » , «m h'’.d ’ ' CUl* •< <’Url County* Ore«on ' A? * ? k 1,M and /< * ,h« further sum|««l
  • ,'r *"“ um iroIn biinnit^r^t'n ’u.” t^n^ centeT end • u k # - ’hence 300 ft. south- east about 800 feet from thia notice. ’ January 7. 1928. and the further sum £>u,?te Oreeni h i n«1 * r'7 W C° n r T ’ * thenCe 1500 « »*»«>< ",?n*tpd 8 *c » T. 23 8 R. 1 , « .v application No 018819 under the Ao< COUNTY OF LANE. J ‘ Ck * ^ e - r ^ ^ h - find in v n l i l n a l n ro^ rtv ea’ ter1»' to no™er No. 4, thence 300 ft E. In Bohemia Mining District, of March 20. 1922. (43 Stat . 485) to :.J^ .»M »«>rA*Tly to this notice and place of County of Lane. State of Oregon BXrhnnge the NW%. Roc 1; N U a W li. Ult I 1.-1» • n e ._ d ._ . Judgment was enrolled and docketed I to said Defendants or .___ either of them, TO JACK I. MILLER: 8B%8W%. Sec 23. Tp. 2 0 H . R 1 Defendant , h„ r-™ ., i . _____ . _________beginning The "Hayes” mining Calm location Eaat; Lot 3 of Section 7; Lot 2 of Section 17; Lot 1 of Section lu, Tp 20 8 , R. 2 Eaat; Nty of Sec 29 Tp 20 8 . It 3 Eaat; E ^ . EHSW t*. BE%NW%. Sec 23; E%. E%»W%, BE%NW%, ft |x>t 4 of Sec 31. Tp 22 th« ^ o ’ . n / d e^ rlb X ~ » J ¡1State of in“ ^ p H . n c e ° ^ E «» Bohemia Mining D i.trlct, In from this notice running thence 31» 8 . R 3 Eaat; SH . S ^ N H . Sec 7; HH rt“ub l^ ! ,r o . ,.,/ .o n v .r •m m5nh0n:•bo•vn<, n‘ to-wtt: said execution, and In order to aatlafy feet N° rth ’‘Mtpr,y to con ,er No »• NWI4. N W K 8W H , Sec 17; 8E>4 tl le, auv. . i h l n . f t A u . , . . ’T.rloi Beginning The “Harrtaon" mining claim, Loca- thence 1500 feet southeasterly to cor- o< 0 Beginning at at a a point point 48 48 feet feet Weat West ¡»aid , said Judgment. Judgment. Interest, Interest, coats coats and and NW5,. Sec 36; E ^ R W ti. Sec 37; . . . •o , , 7 T i'n ^ r’Thi d ,t " '’M of « l“ '1"' 160 ft***1 ^ u ' 1 1 ,h * * North- disbursements and the coets and ex Uon Botlce ° t »I»1 «* <" recorded In B«r No 2 thence 300 feet southwest- NKt». Sec 31; Nt*NE>4. Rec 35; Tp hi ,hla th'* P'aln- .wet corner of Lot One (1) In Hud- pvnses of and upon this whit. 1 will Vo>- 11 P*«« »63. of Mining Claims. er»T to the Easterly end center, 13 8 . It J Ea»t Lot r, ,,f S.-c 11 HW ¿¡HI Addition to Eugene. Oregon. | on Saturday the l«th dav of O ctober.. ^ n * County. Oregon Record« and thence 300 feet southwesterly to cor- SEUN EI4. SW<4, Sec ^ .7 ,t d r«n . Al,,n< aald North lln,‘ 48 feet- thence I House. In Eugene. Lane County. Ore- »" corner No. 1. thence 1500 ft east- *” d center post the place of begin- 35. Tp 248 . R 5 East All of Section « !».?£< . . . . 9. and all of Section 11, Tp 24 8 . ant h iieln i f n d e r . n H ^ r to .hJ, n l.m i North 140 feel ,o a P0 "” ,B° f» " <”«>. offer for sale and sell for cash. • ’*•7 to corner No 2, thence 300 ft. ‘ .a«P r , . ] ” o" 'h of « ’>c ,nt ®4 fee’ West of the «( public- auction, subject to redemp- southerly to East center end stake. Th” claim Is located on rtfe south Range 6H Eaat, W M within the un‘ X , . n .m .,. I 5 L J L f r Z . ¿ ’ diton-ton?' .n .’’ to r, N corner of said U ,t One (1). tlon a . provided by law all of the »hence 300 ft Southerly to corner No. ”f . Cascade Natlonnl Forest. for the i . ™ from the defendant; and for. A '? .„ .proT a . , 7 , , a 3. thence 1500 f t w esterly to corner end center being Ideortcal —Ith the timber on the HE<4. Section 23; ft divorce a decree of ..Id Court restoring to t h e ' . 11 f t . » 2 ’ c onnt , , , “ a* V x.*", J w'“" ° f NEI4. Section 36. Township 20 S.. plaintiff her maiden name, as prayed a11 L , B e Co“ *2 -) f«>dan‘«. » » « A. Morley and Kate No. 4. thence 300 ft. northerly to this E e-terly end «««ter c f the “Garfield” (claim an* v « d « r b »»* center Range s Ea»t. W. M within the Cas­ for in the complaint In this «ult. , h. ,„ .1 ® , " " f t ; ht" Wlf** ° T ’“1U” ‘r ° f ‘f t ? ’ notice and place of beginning Joins the Lincoln Quartz Claim on Identical with »he - estcrly end center THIS SUMMONS I. .erred upon , ‘h'rebw e. n the n a w r of Ihe ,,, any other per.on or person, claim- cade National F orest ih . ^ 11* o f com pliance wltn 'in * by. through or under them, or the West, situated on the North »lde o f the "Clevtirrd'* d'-tot The purpose of tbla notice la to al­ vnn hv n..hiirt.»irvn »h^raarv/ i s wj i s ? “ s . i s s 5 " . j ■" - •• “ • Belr.g situated In Bohemia Mining of Monte Rico Ridge near the top. low all persona claiming the lands described property. Being In 8ec. 2« f T. »3 S R. 1 E. Dl’ trlct. In Lane County. Oregon. selected or having bona flde objec­ The "Cleveland” mining claim, toca- FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff In Bohemia Minia« District, In Lane tions Io such application, aa opportu­ I L ,.» I tlon notice of which is recorded in County. Oregon. of Lane County, Oregon. nity Io file their protests with the worth. Judge r of the above entitled a"d aeerndlng eoete. I will on Setor- Vol. 11 page 324, of Mlatng Claims. day the ltth day of October. 1924. at 8 : 14-33-30: O. 7-14 The "Arthur" mining Claim. Loca­ Register of the United States Land Court the hour of one o'clock In the after tion eotlce of which Is recorded In L*ne County Oregon Records and Office at Roaeburg, Oregon. The date of the first publication of noon of aald day. at the Southwest Voi. 11 page 322 of Mining Claims. which la described as follows: Any such protests or objection must thia summons It September 30. 1928 NOTICE OF 8 HER I FT*8 SALE County Court Houae. Commencing at thia notiee the east be filed In this office within thirty The date of the last publication of front door of the Y ^ « » tv Ove-oi» 1---------- , . - v Oregon , . Records and end eenter on the couth bank of SL NOTICE -- 18 HEREBY GTYEN. that Ix o c u County. *"** U"‘T* i „ « X b7 virtue of an execution and order ’i f t , '* d7 crtb*d «’ fol owa: days from the date of the first publica­ tbla summons Is November 11. 1928. R. O IMMRL, * * “ '* f° ,\ of ««le Issued out of the Circuit Court; ^(Wnra*n<-’B< •» thia notice the east Peter« Creek, running thence 300 feet tion of thia notice, which first publcca- auction. Mib)ao( to redemption . sta te o f n rm w A « center wklch center is identical southerlv. thence 150# feet westerly, A tto rn e y fo r n a t e t i * . ReeM eaee lie tlon le September 10, 1930. aa provided by law, all of the right. 1 « « • 8 u t e » £ • " with the weet w d venter of X Lte thence 300 feet northerly to the weet HAM IU, A CANADAT. Regteterer aad pnatoflee addveee; Eewewe. Ove- title and latereat of said d efen d an ts. ~ i . B,7_*_* * f * S e p t e m b e r . , n > , m rnnB, „ end center which center la identical Wm K trch .r and Olga Kercher. htei • Judgment rendered In J * 1“ * 8 30: O 7 14 21 23 » 30: O 7-14 21 23 N 4-11 — — ncrtherlv thence 1600 f e e t w e n t e r lr with »he east end center of tfce **Gar- B— « ^ y e w e I t ^ i r a la j . -m W ...'. .. . . i i !------. . a » y - i r ; = ^ i a]| iuu pereoaa claiming by. « t the 7te ttey of Severn- sw> the field" claim thence 3M feet nortfitarlr through or aader them or any or B owie, w a . ptatetlff aL wri T en<1 <*nter' »haB<* 3*> **» sou-berly » 2 * « * 1’ «<’ /«*» p««terly, thence 300 etcher of them la and to aald p re C arifta and f i . r t e . 7 ,hp" ~ ’« * ^ » -«tarty, thence 300 pU.V FRANK » TAT.Z.R i ( ~ » » - S - » > * “ " B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ! 1«% ; O: W. F. Walker X i™ '"'.? ' 8 n n iliB a ^ * ^ ^ •?UNDREI’ FMs» br the “Lincoln” claim and la 1,00 B<,ti<*» of which 1« record'd to «« - - » ” ft U o CR.dmr e a^ ^ ™ 23T of Mining C,at a s; SUMMON« îï_ ™ s „ £ L -™ ;. “ S 1 L ! 2 Î « . « « » » . » L ì EU4IENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, LANE t h t su tn o f . C ? : m » » « o » " » » i» r - f . o ^ . f ? * " “ '1. . ” : COUNTY OREGON. ney» fees and the »um of »32 88 «a nlng 300 ft northerly to com er No. 1. L. M Trarl». Ine., a corporation. coat» and disbursement» and alno de- ^ T h c "Madison" minine claim Ixw» '»hence 1500 feet ea»*er!v to e --> -r U aintlff va. Joha Adama and ---------- on’ ^ - , l*n d ft’,rI° r Urrt ° ? tl<,n notlce of wh,ch ” r e iö r d J r t f t .^ 0 .*• thence 300 feet ’ outhcrl-- to 223 Main 8t. Reeldeaee 126 C St ; Adams, his wife. Defendants .... Adam» X ,vtoAI , to d? " ^ n#r ; rJ . ’Tr' ^ “ . î Y"’ — 265 of M.nlnr claim« ' (2 J 43 M : To John Adam» and Geaeral I aiw PraeMee No No. 3. thence ’ *«0 vasar o r t h n u t a t z ' “ m l eu ».“ ^ .? ¿ d g H ° “ and “ « southerlv ^ ‘" l to y corti'-r to corner 4. »¿««ce hla wife, defendanta Full Auto Equipment ¡ OF O R ^ I N you arJ herebv L ^ x ^ t l ^ ^ n T ’Y PUr,"’anIt t0. ’ bM B. rinnlnr at this notice and run- ’ f* f t ! W th,S B<* lce and I. M. PETERSON I-ady A ssistant , v r iiK rw «in. you are nereoy rv- execution and order of sale I the ntnc -mo r« nortlerlv to cerner No 1 rl«<'p of beginning, Attorney-at-l,aw qulred to Mrpear and answer the com -. un()ers|gned will on Saturday October thence 1500 ft easterly to corner No Joins ,h e Jackson quartx claim on t lam which has bom filed «gains 192« at one o*clock P. M. of «aid ' ? C n’r 300 ñ ftu t**«-’^ to ess- ,hp Commercial Stale Bank Bldg., you in the above entitled Court amt dav at front door the Court cpntpr”pnil 3,„kp ,hpnpe 300 ft -outh- ’>»«•»''<’ » ”<*• «6. T . 13 S R Springfield. Ore. cause within six weeks from th . date house in the City of Eugene. Oregon prlv to corner No ’ »heno» 1600 ft 1 R B ” ’*f tn to Mining District Lane of the first publication of thia aum-, offer tor sale at public auction and ea.terlv to corner No 4 hence 700 C('nn^ - Oregon. I’hone Re*. 101-J Office 73-J m o h and If you fall to so appear, sell to the highest bidder for cash, ft ’ northerly to this notice a n d n iñ e e T h *' “ -« « » » « Cristo" mining claim F. H. WALKER a and n il a answer n ir w e r t the h e plaintiff n la ln t lf f will w in o«X lu d e , -„ h ik e » to redemption — *>— _________ k_ n_ bv n to m is notice and P19CP Locatjon Notice of which Is recorded a»k Judg- subject as provided nf hce'nnine mnno nivuinuf vrvn Kfi » by «»• le>. i . estate and _ a »J m m t against you t— in tHo the nt» su of »38.58 law all right, m title, In­ Auto Truck Transfer Joins the "Jefferson" on the Fast. . In Vol _ 11 page 203 of Mining Claims. . Onll u lto Interest at 6 per cent per annum terests that the said defendants and House Hold Goods, Bagpags, Being situated In Sec 26 of T 23 8. , P ’T Kon and from December 24. 1024. and for the all of them have or on the 1 st day c f r 1 E in Bohemia M i-ine District which Is described as follows Merchandise Moving SUTTON TRANSFER further sum of »7 85 with Interest at (June 1924 had in and to the following in Countv of la n e and t h e «State o f Commencing a» this pot'ee and go- Office at 312 Main St. I! per cent per annum from December described mortgaged premises, to-wlt. Oregon ' " ‘ | Ixxjr in a northerly direction 300 feet Phone 57 20. 1924. and It» costs and disburse- Beginning at a point In the center, _ . . 'to the northwest corner stake No 2. |tcenta In this action; nnd that the of toe Territorial road 12.97 chains . , " P i AdaI’’s ’B,BinH claim lx>ca- ,j,pnce jn a Snuthea«terlv direction ¡money held under garnishment be south 82’ -10' ea»t of the southerly ¿1°? Ijecor^ T i in 1Ron fept t0 th,e northeast corner GEO,. N, McLEAN c-dered paid Into court, or sufficient i southeast corner of the William O. 7°* 17, pa^e of MlBln8 » ,ain’9- ' stake No. 3. thence in a southerly ¡thereof to phy said’ Judgment, costs Simpson D. L. C. No. 55 In tow nship _S,?Pk , ln ■ ' 'J egf'n. R ecords and 1 direction 300 feet to the east end Automobil», Fire and Life and securing costs. ,17 south of Range 6 west W. M. ’ ™'r" ’’ ’’escribed as follows: ¡stake No. 4. »hence 300 feet Southerlv DR. N. W. EMERY IN S U R A N C E Beginning at this notice, running to southeast corner stake No 5, Surety Bond»,. Phone 417 J This summons Is served upon you Thence south 12--S0* west 3 16 chains OMNTIST I by the publication thereof once each «long the center of the road; thence 3flf1 ft- Northerly to corner No. 1., thence in a northwesterly direction My business Is to protect your ' week for »lx successive week» In the south 77*-30' east, 3.61 chains, thence thence 1500 ft. W esterly to corner No. 1500 f eet to the southwest corner Button Bldg. Phone 20 J business Springfield: News In accordance with north 13’-30* east. 3.16 chains, thence 2. thence 300 ft. southerly »0 west stake No. 6. thence in a northerly , Residence Phone 153 M 800 W illamette 8t. Eugene ,pr«ocrt J nn order made and entered the '»8 north 77*-30' west. 3 61 chains to the eenter end stake, thence 300 ft. south- direction 300 feet to this notice or — —w j 1 . of » August. . A 1926. A. - - authorizing and 1 1 - a place I_ . . - A . C F. ex- < vv»le» 4 to ex corner X No. T , A O A-,AAAAAk 1 1500 C A A P4 A. V- \» No. „ 4 1. .7. t.. ^ notice ak AI aaaa A ♦>«« ¡day o i V- beginning conta'ning 1.0? erly 3. 4l« thence ft. . stake »his he’ng n at the Springfield, Oregon J_ directing the service of summon» summons by bv clu8lve of the road In I « pc County, easterlv to corner No. 4. thence 300 summit of toe Calapoola Mt«. P»ld Oregon, ul»o ft Northerly to this notiee and place claim Is hound on the South and West publication Date of first publication VASBY BROS. Beginning at. a point 12 97 chains of beginning. Joins the “W ashington” , by toe Great Eastern Mining Co. and i September 2, 1926 sonth SC’-IO* east. 3.61 chains south n” bbe west and the Jefferson on the | on the eaat by the Henry Clav groti-' HAROLD J. WELLS. Painting & Decorating Justice of the Peace 77*-80* east from the south east cor- H ast being situated ln Sec. 26. T. 23 of mines and is about 1-2 mile south ner of the William G Simpson. D. L. 8. R 1 E. In Bohemia Mining District, of "Twin Recks" and 3 miles south 8 2-9-16 23-30; O 7 JEWELER In all Itb branches ! of Bohemia Mountains and crosses C. No. 55 Township 17 south of Range In Lane County, Oregon. NOTICE EOR pttri t o i r t n « 16 west W. M said beginning point be- The "Washington" mining claim the Oakland trail; being situated It» Repairing a Specialty 312 Main Street FORE8T P T P H *M n v« ” I,n* ,he northeast corner of a tract Location notice of which Is recorded the Bohemia Mining D istrict ln Lawn Springfield, Oregon ¡formerly deeded by Taresa A. Foun- In Vol. 11 page 251. of Mining C laim s,' County. Oregon. io n " nwiTB-n on»?XwJHE ’NTER ¡tain nnd T. A. Fountain her husband l^-ine County. Oregon Records and Now. therefore. In the name of the I L,...;, ' “ TATES LAND O F-|to Ell Jones and wife by deed record- which Is reserlhed as follows: State of Oregon. In compliance rwl’h 192f " ,l°seburg. Oregon, August 21. ed In Rook 96 page 173 of toe Deed Beginning nt this notlcp and rn n /sn ld execution and In order to satisfy DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL i s o t io b 1 records of Lane County Oregon and nlng 300 ft Northerly to corner No. 1, said iudgment. Interest, costs nnd dls- DENTIST Aiia..«t 1« io»« T Bn T. J8n thaf <'fl !r,,n thence south 77* 30’ east, 1.S4 thence 1500 ft. easterly to corner No. hursements. and the costs and ex- 1 IK th a » ' ar o . , nds.eT. of U 68ieh ain s to the southeast corner of the 2. thence 300 ft. Southerly to east penses c f and upon this writ, I will All kinds of grnval for con­ Phone 43 « ni .H . Vi . ' C.P a ,,.'l’ " ' ‘shlngton. Elmira High School T ot: thene» renter end stake, thence 300 ft South- on Saturday the 9fh day of October, crete or road work. We v '» .♦ M ..8 « ? « saaa i i f ' ' " " ''‘e south 11* St* WML S 10 r ams thcSCC erly 'o corner No. 3. thence 1500 ft. 1926. at the hour of one o'clock 1n the Flret Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield in .a t . n ®,a *'* 4fi6) [north 77“ 30’ west. 184 chains, thence westerly to corner No. 4. therce 300 afternoor of said dav. at the south- make a specialty of crushed -L'?1 _ • 2 ■L 4 B H i north 12” 30' east, 3.16 chains to the ft Northerly to this notiee and place west front door of the County Court rock and rock sand. Bunk­ SW R . and W '3 SE Sec. 2. Tp 20 I place of beginning, containing .58 of of beginning House. In Eugene. Lane County. Ore- 1 Range ers at foot of Main on Mill tance 1 1 W " 61 * l,hln the Cas- an nerc |n Lane County. Oregon. Also. t », im nn»ipp notiee I Is about 500 ft. S. W. P°n offer for sale and sell for cash, street. T n in i-U o v T i i e r<'e e o',’,{ T ,,R B eginning a t a point 12.97 chains • (hp N p WM. G. HUGHES VU-, K \ a n d |»outh 82” 10* east and 5.45 chains f t q ’ R , m corner of Sec. 26 T .; n* public auction, subject to redem p this claim Joins” toe t,cn a!1 Provided by law. all of the HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE N . E ,. Section -7 . T o w n s h ip - 0 : south 77® 30- e a s t fr o m th e s o u th e a s t . . .. e'W est and the J ack son ! P’^ t - »'»’e andJ n ,erest ot said de- S Range 3 E ast W M within t h e Adams *on . to NOTARY PUBLIC ¡C ascade N ational F o rest.' th< - corner j-f the W lU Inm O . Sim pson p. nn lho T,.,sf ,n thp p r e m i a fem lnnt. A. P H iurchin. or ?PT_WT- No. 55 Township 17 south of n ,atrl(.t ln Lanp countv. Ore- son or ner»ous claiming by. through Office at The purpose of this notice Is to U -ii«.- 11 persons claiming 1 > « .. fi we.4 M. helns tne deeded north- ’ " f t under them, or Minor of Inom In allow all toe lands 1 range Mst\ (irner of W. „ tract formerly . .. . „ or FRANK A. DEPUE FIRST NATIONAL BANK and to said above described property. clB’m.J l0™' BprlngflalcL Orqgon ¡selected, or having bonn fil'd objec to and now owned by Ell and Cecilia „ Thp Jeff> rson FRANK E TAYLOR Sheriff ATTORNEY AT LAW tlons to such application, an opnor Jones run thence south 77” 30* east. [ ’ "B "ot,ee Of which Is recorded 'n of Tene County, Oregon. tunity to file their prtoests with the 208% feet- thence south 12” 30’ wost. X01 11 pogo -63. of Mining ^ ,a,m s- NOTARY PUBLIC fS 9-16-23-30: O 71 R egister ef the United States Land 208% feet: thence north 77’ 30* west. Lane County, Oregon Records and I Bprlngtlald which Is reserlhed ns follows Office at Roseburg, Oregon. 208% feet; thence north 12”-S0* east. Beginning at this notice and run­ ■uldling Oregon. Any such protests or objections 208% feet to the place of beginning must be filed In this Office within containing one acre more or less In ning 300 ft. Northerly to corner No. 1, FOR SALE— Payroll sheets, printed and In stock at toe News offlee. Your Home When In thirty days from thp dRtc of first pub­ Lane County. Oregon, to satisfy said thence 1500 ft. Easte.rlv to rom er No. lication of this notice, which first pub­ Judgment anti costs accruelng upon 2. thence 300 ft. southerlv to East! Form suitable for road, construction Springfield center end stake, thence ’’00 ft south-, work, sawmills, etc., with table to lication will be September 2. 1926 1hls execution. VOR SALE—Carbon paper te la r g e , HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. FRANK E. TAYLOR Sheriff erly to corner No. 3. thence 1600 ft | compute workman's compeneaOoa " w ti, 26x39 inch«», suitable for CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery Non-Coal. w esterly to corner No. ■ ’ thpnce 300 and deductions. No employer should of Itane County. Oregon. ft. northerly to this notice and place j be without these f> m u when they »king trnetnga The Newa Offloe. on price» on pinto and other work, tf . -o tr-so- o it DR. J. M- JONES OPTOMETRIST LARAWAY BLDG., EUGENI Funeral Director ) D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. u The Loop” s r - n c - r "f