itK PAGE »Lx .'•('TICK OK SALK OX l.Ml’R.'VK MENT I.IKN F RKCLOSl RE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That pursuant to a resolution of the Town Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt- ed August 30 h 193«. and a warrant tsaued by the town Recorder there- under directing me to advertise and sell in the manner provided by law . th e’following described property Lots 7 and 8. Block 8. Kelly s Ad dition to the town of Springftleld. torT huqucnt town Improv, n ,. nt Hen icas«d b> Ordinance No* 3 ... 3.9. «53. passed and » P t™ « - * » * T hursday s u r r K MBun y Haa New Bulck- O. Wilson has -at. ot not great«.- than 15 S H A R M O N IN C AR p tr pent WRECK AT EtlOENEj p“rvb*“*’'1 “ ,h,l‘ k ITiacipal $«30 SS. Interest at « per cent from February Hth, 191« Dick Shannon narrowly escaped | Hera From Roarburg—lloseoe I’er- Preaeut owner, Grace and Jeaale Walker Anseaaed to Grace and Jea- serious injury Friday afternoon wh. n kina was a visitor in Springfield from ste Walker, the ear he was driving was complete , Roseburg. Sunday. Tertua cash , . . . . . ... Springfield. 'Oregon. September 33rd. ‘ l>' »recked as a result of b< Ing hit KKPKKKKR SALK 193« __ _ ¡a freight train In Eugene. The acci- JESS SMITSON Town Marshal 'dent occurred about 2 o'clock at the IN THE CIRCUIT COI UT OF THE of the Town of Springfield, Oregon Mtt,1Uon , treet crossing. Mr Shar STATE (1$ OREGON. IN AND FOR TIIE COUNTY OF LANE S l’IT N o NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE 1 mon was * driving 7 " * ? ■J“ ’ * and “7 had stop- slowly 16260. \|K X T LIEN FORKvXOSVRB 10 ior traiU11, but failed to NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That the freight coming because of a build- w »gg*n ™ Mary V Worni-ov-h"a“,' the no inert i Ì^TiatPriceBeautyi *• •. ----i y ì t l ù t Yawr Complexion , ,» v .m r s e ir td .-n tv of time and do not In our last article, we talked als ut X« ur i enlarge torea In the skin and how Io subject the skin to a dally treatm ent prevent them Now. If you are the of this kind It may prove too atlmu- mihappy, despairing possessor if a latinar You will be able to Judge how 191«. January 2«. 191« May 9. lj .1 . purRunnt to a resolution of the Town lng obstructing the view. I Administratrix of the Estate of Nor uuh covered often you can use It after the first that 1 will on the 23nd day o. October, until of Springfield, Oregon adopt- The freight caught ihe Overland ria Fulton Woodcock. deceased; greasy complexion that Is 193«. at the hour of 1.30 o'clock 1’ M. ed August SOh. 193«. and a warrant ,ed»n on . the rear wheel . , and swung N erle Woodcock. I inn Woodcock, with blackheads, or that always look» ireatnieul of said day. in front of the Town Hall lagued by thl> t0WB R eo rd er there- »«dan on the rear wheel and swung ued by the town Recorder mere- , Guy Woodcock. Ines Woodcock. Mary . ollo< 7 Bkxk t k j , ended Survey. t w Plaintiffs, versus Fred C. Walters and shamed, thia article Is for you. Whi r . lotion made by sums specialist of curing costs and interest thereon, and s prlngfleid. Oregon. coUlsalon Only the fact that both the Defendants large pores are a serious affection t-> gt>„d repute—or you can «imply pra- take a Redemption Deed at the lowest delinquent town Improvement lien freight and the car were going elow Sadie D. Walters K. ^ ^ X b ^ n d e W n . T b y rinuJ Md b‘ ‘•°rr7 , " 1 ^ ’ ¡’ T “ ’ “ " " ‘i '7 * 2 2 rate of inter««*, not greater than 1 assessed by Ordinance Nos. $79 and prevented a more serious mishap, of a decree of court entered In (he *•"»*« treatment, It certainly ¡„f tincture of benaoln to the cool p e rcen t passed and apprved January I ___________________ Principal $833 93. Interest at « per 1 i» (A and February lis t , 191« Springfield. Oregon, water In which you bathe your face. cent from July 1«- 1918. November let. tbat j wm 0B tbb j$nd day of October. for delinquent (own Improvement lisa, above entitled suit was appointed re- isn't a hopeless cond'tlon by any feree and directed to sell all of the mean* 111». k 1»M. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M assessed b y Ordinance N o. 4 51 interest of the parties to this suit Ini Present ourner. Arthur Kirkland Aa- gabj day (n „( tbg -pown Hall passed aad approved May 9th. 1911 llsre's a method I strongly urge you OREGON TO PRACTICE and to the following described real sensed to Junta Beals and Grace May. [n bidder for cash who offers to pay n< taM day. la front of the Town Hall road Intersects tbe north line of Dona­ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu­ IM A ____ _ .. _ , the assessm en t costa. Interest and sc- la Sprlagfield. Istne County. Oregon. tion Land Claim No. 41 la township It will do It Is very simple but very, JESS SMTTSON. Town Marshal curing costs and Interest thereon, and sell the above described property to very effective. U will cleanse the ek'.n gene, Oregon. September 10- Secret 1« south in range • weal o( the Wil­ of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. t>ke # Redemption De««l at »he lowest tbe bidder for cash who offers to pay lamette M«rediaa la Beaton County. football practice begins here after rate of interest, not greater than IS the assessm ent, costs, interest and so- Oregon; thence run east «00 chaina; of Its Impurities, (blackheads aad the enrtag costs and interest thereon, sad thence run south >00 chains; thsnce like) and Infuse It with Ike bright Monday. Coach John J. McEwan of NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- per cent MBNT LIEN FOREC3A5SCRE Principal $310 «5. Interest at < per taka a Redemption Deed at the lowest rus west I 70 chains to the east lias glow of healthy new life. It is a the University ot Oregon bxitball __ _ cent from December SIM. 191$ aad rats of latsreM. not greater than II ,of the said County Road; theace run'm ost Inexpensive method too, b ecau se, t*am announced today Everyone la NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That M>y U (h m o per cent. northerly along the east line o f th e ^ o u yourself can apply It tn your o w n ! to be excluded, but one day will be pursuant to a resolution of the Town owner. J W Machen. Ae- Principal $«< «7. interest at « per said county road 1 1 8 «k»'“* to lh* 1 home, after you have made the m il ¡„pan U» visitors Council of Oregon sessed to J W Mschen. cent from November 1st. 1911. place of beginning situated in to w n , ' ed August Sfith. 19W. and a » V ™ “ * Terms cash , , Preeant owner, Ethel Clark The hidden workouts w ill continue ■ h jp 1« south In range 0 «rest of the ,ur* ftom: tusurd by the town Recorder there- gprlnrfle>d, Oregon. September i$ r d .!MMed to Ethel Clark, Mollamene M«redlan In Bruton i | ounces Soit Green Soap until the Orrgon Waablugton game on under directing me to advertise and • Terms cash County. Oregon, containing 1000 sell. In Ute manner provided by law. 3 ounces Glycerine OctoberO. end perhaps all eeaaoa. JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal Springfield. Oregon. September $3rd. aerea of land. the following described property of the Town of Springfield, Oregon, h r 1 ounce Alcohol There will be little change In tbe In­ Therefore, pursuant to said decree Lot 19. Block 11. Emerald Heights JESS SMITSON Town Marshal Perfume (o su it tensity of work undertaken by itie I will sell to the highest tedder for Addition to Springfield. Or. gon . S Q T |c i o p SA l ,E ON IMPROVE- ' ** ,hr Town of Springfield, Or',«OB-*ash ‘ali the' ab ove‘dêsrrtbsT'real en The soap and glycerine are mixed green and yellow eleven behind closed tor delinquent town improvement lien tate at the southwest door of the . . T. MENT LIEN FORBCIZiST’RE asweesed by Ordinance No. 367. passe $ the alcohol stirred >n gutes, but more work on signals and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE Court House In Eugene, lo n e County, . . . ,, . , . . . . and approved December SO. 1913, . . ------- MENT LIEN FORBCLO8VRE Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock In LaMly. ado the perfume A light complicated furmaUona will be ia - that I will on the Siad day o l October, pursuant to a resolution of the Town NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the afternoon on Saturday. October colored nearly odorless soap pas’e eluded. 193« at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M. Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt M .aid dav in fr o « of the Town Hall ed August 30-h. 193«. and a warrant pursuant to a resolution of the Town 3°. 192« should result. The mixture should be Bo far thia season Coaoh Me Kwan tn ‘Snrinrfield. Lane County. Oregon. Issued by the town Recorder there- Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- FRANK jB. ^TAYIZHL^ Refer«#. krp, (B W|4«.mouthed bottles. baa glvun his men Utile but straight •ell the above described property to under directing me to advertise and ed August SOth. 192«. and a ’’ »tra'i the bidder for cash who offers to pay sell, in the manner provided by law. Issued by »he town R' ^ ’5 7 5 ..2 h'.La You will find It more stimulating football, so that any Inquisitive visitor under directing me to advertise and the assessment, Interest and and sc- the Lots following property than soothing almond meal It will with an «ye for Oregon a trick plays and costs. Interest thereon, IS and described 10. Block 10«. Wash sell. In the manner provided by law. kU ON» because I I've tried III or signals would bav« little opportua- u k e a Redemption Deed at tbe Icorest burn's Subdivision of Springfield In- the following described property , v THE CIRCUIT (.O|'R T OF THE smart (I " know ”* because rate of inter*« not greater than 15 vestment and Power company's Ad- Beginning at the Northwest corner STATE OE OREGON. IN AND FOR not b*> t’ur*‘ Dissolve Ity to uncover damaging Information, £ r <*nt dition to Springfield. Oregon. of 5th street. Hum's Add Don ! Spring- LAVE Co i ’NTY it In a little water U y you do not* Wednesday will be students' and Principal $1« 55. Interest at « per for delinquent town Improvement lien. I field. Oregon: ‘„ “¿ m a " X t an, w est: M\ r,'u\ , > ‘r" " n and Marie Peter mlBd ,h . smarting and the re d n .sa , , U ,tor'. day and all fans may turn * * P ^ e ^ « ^ £ e ” b ,J a i£ £ ' A.’ Fraser. a n T 'a p p t'^ « ^ s Z ^ b e r 13th. 1915. thence west along said county road a ’"oeorSZA "steVena. itorrih“ '"’^ ^ Wl" ,O,,OW * y° U OUt ,n d W*tcb ,h " * 1U“ ’ r“0 ,h ro u l* Assessed to O M Larson. that I will on the 33nd day of October, distance of 1«».JS N et; thence soWI ,r husband “«‘hlng better with which to remove It» p ace. On these days there wtU Terms cash 192«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M parrallel with the line first aeecrioea An||a }{<>nry 1><,or hgr hu,'_| lmpnrltles from the skin It Is «mat- - be no let up . In work. . .. . . ----------- Coach McEwsn Springfield. Oregon. September Mrd. Of said d a y j n fr o « of the Town Hall «33 81 set; ‘V ow .sh lp 17 band; K"* Y Henderson. W H Hen ,ng how clean and tight the skin feels declared, although aomn of thn plays »A«»« in Sprtnrt H , husband- Merw NOTICE OF SALE_ON VC fiw> , , ^ „ g j ^ n I^nd Claim No «9. Town- . „ .L . _ ¿7. u r v T i r r x FORECLOSURE take a Redemption Deed at tbe lo w est. Donation MENT LIEN F O R » lajs , nr. mterewL not greater than 15, «hip 17 South, range NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That pursuant to a ^ » ”lo»lo° »7 i Principal $2« 02. Interest at « or her unknown h e in at lanr, if de Council ot SnHngfteld. Orego" » ceBt October 13th. 191«. feet » ••» »« bJ * “ °5 f e e ' from the “ • • • * < L. O Linville, her hu.hand or ed August SOh. 192« and a wsrrant prMent Henry Phelan Aa- Beginning 11J75 feet from tn widower; Elltle Rtevens. Steven . Issued by the town Recorder there- gesgpd w Henry Phelan northwest corner of said E W low ers h)> n ----- nuvriunr and — . eT “ nJ V f-i«fvw V« At Town rr«ri Marne« r. a llamea, under directing me <1. to advertise •en. in tbe manner p r o v id e d ^ law. ^ ^ " o r e g o n . September 33rd.¡. ^ V T s o m b Rang« 3 - e s t ; th-ncs i » . . . .O « e s t sld« of 5th Steven», Austin Stevens. O lile the following described property î ^ e t in Hunt's Addition, «henee T ,ltam »»•’ "ns Josephine L « ^ I» d k if r e ^ ln ,” r JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal street in n u n c . .¿ “¿ ¿ V Stevens, the widow or w of William ^ d X n ° e « PW w ^ lS r r T v e ^ n t lien ot the Town of Springfield. Oregon, ^ t h j o fret; r te u c . »eMUOrM r ~ . steTen!I ------- ‘ i m o ^ ^ M Hen » » » • 1» nnknomn: Alvin Stevens. May a?Acas*d by Ordinance No. 302 and 303 ON IMPROVE- fo r d ,l 7 “ b vt T id ln a n ^ e n 7 2 «3. Walters. John Walters, her hu.hand; Da«a* tn front of the Town Hall 1 * ,! it L v^ q , J a? sell tbe above described property to „„ Au(p„ t 30, h. 19M. Bnd « wurrant, g^ n g fiM d . I-ane County. Oregon. hHr» at l. wr „ ' H l ^ V. Stevens, de- the bidder for cash who offers to pay , „ nM by the toWB Recorder there- aboy, described property to Unk^o»n ctalm ins’ sn v r!»h, the assessment, costa, lnterewt and ac- der directing me to advertise and “ “ b(dder for CMh who offers tn> p a y . P» 1 ' ’7 tn U r. . ^ 7 h e curing costs and Itrerest thereon and ge„ tfw mBtnPr provided by law. „ B, „ rapn<. co st. Intereat and ac “ e .,’. ^ d nroperty ¡ .n d in te r e st thereon and «*"»» *•«•»• describe.] take a Redemption Deed at tbe lowest tbe („(lowing described t lu n n y sid . Ad “W ’“’ <’'hr r" ^ f In e n the d a n complaint ts rate of Inter#«, not greater than 15 , and 7, Block Oregon. £ £ ‘ (R, n ¿ X not greater than 15 _ Oeorge_ A. »»evens. Dorothea dMIon to Springfield. Oregon. per cent. Rpnrka, Ida Raines. Ed Raines. Anna Principal $48.70. Interest at 6 per yor dellnquent town improvement llen nt ^ h 7 ¿ r ^ r Ñ o m ;^ 9 - , „ « . _ interest at « per Oecor H e n . D ecor El.a V Hender- cent from January 13th. 1912 son. W H Henderson. Sylvester Arm! Present owner. C N McClain. A»’ passed and approved Jaunary 13. 1912, ^ „ t from June l«th 1912 Armltage, his wife; Zella Ixxilse M Bettle- i tage- sensed to C N. McClain. that I will on the 22nd day of October. Present owner. I' rr. Io n ise M B ottle-, Smith. L D Smith. Ar’hur Get.-hell, Temce ---------- ca»h -----. 192«, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M ; .,nellIl Assessed to Louise M t* Bonnie Hawley, Albert Hawley. Mere- I helm SnringfieM. Oregon. September 23rd, of gatd day ,B „« Town Hall helm [dlth Thompson. Thompson, hla wife; 792« tn Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, -r^rtnj. cash e Thom peon his JESS SMITSON Town Marshal ge„ lbe aboye described property to Oregon. September m d ' !^ " T n H t o T T l n Invtlle, or her un- of the Town of Springfield. Oregon tbe b)(Jder for cash who offers to pay j J2e I " • Em I,n I‘,n JFSS SMITSON Town Marshal I known heirs at law If deceased L O ----------------------- — ~ the assessm ent, costs. Interest and ac-. ír * Town I f Springfield. Oregon L nvIRe her hnshand or wWower. NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- curing costs and interest thereon, and I of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. E llie Stevens. Stevens, his wife. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE take a Redemption Deed at the lowest A. Barnes, Rena ' Pearl Barnes. SUMMONS NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That rate of Inter»»*, not greater than 16 , . n O r LRTO n r nF IN THE C IRC yrr C F THE THF I Stevens, o n | Frank Stevens. Austin 9 t e v pursuant to a resolution of the Town per c e n t FOR LANE ens, OHIe Stevens. William Stevens. Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- Principal $76 62, Interest at 8 per STATE OF OREGON FOR Josephine Stevens. Alvin Stevens., ed August 3Wh. 192«. and a warrant cent from January 13 tK 1012. lsrued by the town Recorder there- Ç R**ev**s. D^f^ndant. under directing me to advertise and sessed to Seth Ralstricks. I L illie Vaughn, deceased: the _S Rf*VM. sell, following in the manner provided by _ law, Terms cash the described property _ Springfield,'Oregon. September 23rd. ' ‘ TO George NAME OF THE STATE known widow and helrs^ at Jnw of | hereby re-¡Charles Stevens, deceased; all other, OF OREGON You are Lot Washburn's Sub- --------- 192«. — o r , o l e T O f i W heirs at l« law of H Stevens, de- I X I l I 15. S . Block D l - e n 102 1 - ....................... - ~ M orahat ' ,,r ( h e CMU U e ir B BI W OI I l l lxev ie T V V n ie v e n n . u e- dlv'.slon of Springfield Investment and JESS SMITSON, T ° T \ dM a ” b oulred to appear and answ r < g|| ))ng 0(. Power Company's Addition to Spring of the Town of Springfield. O™«°" ' pla1nt flled against y o u jn the ahov^ nnknown rla|m|n(f nnd right. fr^deHnqi^nt town Improvement lien N 0T iCE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- ^ o m ’date’ of first publication of this »HK estate, lien or Interest In the | estate described In th* complaint assessed by Ordinance No. 317 passed FORECLOSURE ! ynmmons. ant thereof tue MENT LIEN FORDULAWUKB mmmons. or for w wane # ■ hprpln. and others. Defendants assessed ann apvru.v-j 191., NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That plalnt(ff wm take Judgment ag I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF and approved August 31st that I will on the 22nd day of October, pursuant to a resolution of tbe Town you and will apply »0 the o OREGON. You are hereby required to 192« at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- thfi rt.(|e( prayed for In ,h *‘ co™pla'"J appear and answer the complaint flled of said day, in front of the Town Hall e(j August 30th, 1926, and a warrant and for a decree of absolute d” 0™* aKa| nHt vou In the above entitled suit in Springfield. Lane County Oregon. | SSUed hy the town Recorder there- (rf I ««„ 'tiffw will tak<* * Judgment and decree n ** * 1 . ^» «-.<■• . •_ sa A » 0 » i« 0 « c s M f I V 11 '" ■ f i t weeklv the ''ml»” in m isfortune? take a Redemption w* Deed -S H at a a the lowest . Lot t B1 , beginning J n , U . s ■ C ounty. Orgon SUCCESS. per cent. o e c e B n i * s c d he forever established and quieted NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Prin(. |^ l $38.30. Interest at « P«’' ' C' o r a r d,’7g NOTICE Is hereby given that t h e , nnd that vou he forever barred and i_ Llo 1 i estopped . fr o m having lin v ln tr or o r rlnlm lniZ a !1flV pursuant to a resolution of the Town (,fn t (rom January 13th, 1912 I NOTI^^ * - " _ e ' c , his from claiming nv) Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- Pr„ppnt owner. C, W. Drlnkard. As-1 " " ^ ™ 'X ? nt to the above e sta te; r i ^ t W l e . estate or Interest .herein $1.00 Opens a Savings Account ed August 30-h. 1928 and a to q . W. Drlnkard. I * S ™ ' d " y the 30th d-.y of O rt-' adverse to their title and tor such Issued hv the town Recorder there. T(>rnl(| rBB.h that Satur ay _ of 10 „'dock i other and further relief as shall he by, and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank under directing rr.c to a'’v«rt^ , SpringfleW, Oregon, September 23rd. oh« r 1 ' f.„ n, v r o urt Room in .he Court, deemed Just nnd equitable j _ii •» 9l> gx monnpr 1926. 1 «».o ” fo H T - ' - « ____ t ««« i «_ av». I ■ell, < In the manner nroVlG^O provided Dy by .irt House In Eugene, Lane I in the premises JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal the following described County Oregon has been fixed by. This summons Is served upon yon “Lot» 7 "and 8 Block 29 Extended the Town of Springfield, Oregon. order Xof the Court as the time and |,y publication thereof once each w k Survey of Springfield, OTegon. ! — -------------------- - six successive —- weeks the Boring- Spring- place for bearing any objections that. for - ------------------- w . in .be Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System for delinquent town Improvement lien, l __ field News, printed nnd published In M e s s e d Sr Ordinance No 38«. passed NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- may be flled to said final account and Springfield, Oregon, by order of the A G O O D B A N K I N A G O O D C O U N T R Y ¿J for final settlem ent of said estate. •» •e s approved y . _ February ---------1B14 M R N T m e n FORECLOSURE B 1sd 21st, All persons having objections to Hon O. F. Sklpworth. Judge of said NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That «Ta’ f FW on the 22nd 9 5 n b M' Court, made and entered on the 21st m » at the hour of 1-30 o’clock P. M. pursuant to a resolution of the Town said final account of any Item 'hereof day of September, 192«, and the first iT raid dsy. In front of the Town Hall Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- are notified to file the same with the publication thereof Is made on the « ^prtngfleia. County. Oregon, onvingpeiu. Lane ----------------- ----------- August 30th, 1926, and a warrant Connty Clerk on or before the time 23rd day of September, 192« ¡¡ I l th« ^ ^ y t to o . )l!Rned by the town Recorder there- for final hearing thereon. , b„ above «bove described P property A. E. WHEELER. Attorney for flprtagfMd. Oregon R. CLAUDE GRAY, Executor ■?? wigAf-r tor who offers to P * y innder *5" for cash wbo pay ____ directing ___ ____ me to advertise and Bean ft Brooke, attorneys for Plaintiffs. Residing In Eugene, Ore- t o i ¿aeessroent, costs, Interest and ac- RPi(. the. manner provided by law Estate. r,B (8 21-30 O 7-14-11-28: N 4) «wits and Interest thereon, and , tbp following described property. 8 80: 0 7-14 21 28 S t a a Redemption Deed at the low est' le Block 11. Extended Burvey. .. - '¿s* JÄ:T53 ä b " EXTRAVAGANCE! wix i st Commercial State Bank