THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30. 1326 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief of Resume of Happenings the Week Collected for Our Readers. The prune harvest In I.Inn county la m iw p ra c tic a lly completed. (Illlluin county farmer« are saaured ef plenty nt mnlntiire for planting fail Crop« owing to recant rain«. Growth of Eugene waa rapid during tbe month between August 11 apd September 21, If the number of new telephone« Installed In the city In that time Is a criterion The net Increase In telephone user« during the period 1 was >18. Au order placing upon th« ballot at the general election In I-ans coun , ty November 2. the question of Issuing I *78.000 bonds a« Gann county's «ham 1 of the cost of constructing a bridge across the W illamette river at Spring- field. was made by th» county court P e titio n « fo r a measure to be put on the fall ballot giving the opportun I Ity to the voters of Tillamook county In vote on ■ special tax of 1 mill, which will raise J iS .o o o for further Improvement« of the county fair ’ grounds, were filed with th« county 1 clerk. T ttg tWJttNUriKtilJ NlfeWH PAG« A TOUCH OF OLD SPAIN Here From W endling—Mr. and Mr». | Nathan CAafTee of Wendling were In ¡ Springfield Saturday on business About y o u r Baby Boy Born— Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eaatburn of Marcóla are the parente! of a baby boy, born at their home M onday. . 1 , I Mrs. Murphy Operated Upon— Mrs. Dallas Murphy was taken to the Paci- I fit- Christian hoapltal where «be i underwent a major operation Wed- ' nesday. She lias been 111 for some time. Have Baby Girt—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bushman announced yester­ day the arrival of a baby girl, weigh­ ing «even pounds. The baby was born at the Pacific Christian hospital by jutiu /«w&p:* Cdus V i . D. MY LADY NICOTINE. The fifth annual Umatilla county potato «how will he held October 23 Cancer, one of the most dreadea In the high school gymnasium at Wes eor'litionx, inay be arouced into ao- ton. Goes To Oklahoma— Mr«. W. F. ti.x y by axceiei-c xixuting; ulcer Theft of more than 17000 worth of Anderson, mother of L. F. Andersen o: ’.he stunauii Is i-i/zra. uted if not Woman'« wearing apparel from the M. ! With the oiling of the Celllo «ac­ | left Tuesday for Ada, Oklahoma. She Caused by axceuaiv hewing; high Rternherg A Co. ladies' «hop In Al­ tion of the Columbia highway, tha Is returning home after a stay here olood-pressure, para:, as, ,'crnuda- oiling of state road« for the season bany 1« reported. of fifteen weeks. t>k diseases of the n esit, palsied J. A McGuire of Etna. Cal., waa has ended. Approximately (Mt) miles nc-.-es—even insanity—are often Go To Fair— Mrs. Carl Olson left killed and hl« wife was «erloualy In­ I were treated Tbe cost of oiling has ' ibuted to the wiles of my lady yesterday for the state fair In Salem jured In an automobile wreck about i varied rrom *800 to (1000 a mile, de- . f i ’.lne. > for a two days visit there. Mr. and i pending on the quality of oil uud the half a mile «outh of Buthsrlla. Shewing tobacco drains the sal- Mrs. James Davis are also attending 1 hauling distance. .••ary glands, causes “ac-M indi­ Fire of unknown origin caused »25.- the fair, having gone Monday for the Attorney-General Van Winkle will 0*o damage, fully covered by Insur­ gestion” and invite« ulceratinsi of entire week. ance, to the aawmlll department of the be asked to Intervene In behalf of the the stomach. If you have sour I stale of Oregon In proceedings to be Tomlin hoi factory at Medford. Here From Portland—C. Arthur stomach, quit chewing. The saliva __ . — „ . . . . . 8 wan son. representing the Pere Mar is a valuable corrective of acidity, Hnuthdown and Hampshire sheep ex- I Instituted In the state of Massachu- These entertainers have been brought to tbe Seaqul-Centenulal Interna­ and should not be wasted, fhnok- by J. <1 8. Hubbard and «on sett« against tbe American Telegraph tional Exposition In Philadelphia where 180 years of American Independence Bu et,e railroad, was n own yes er- hi£ poisons the olfactory, cardiac, of Monroe at the state fair at Gouls- A Telephone company looking to a Is being celebrated, by the Loe Angeles County, California, Chamber of Com- *1*2 on business He Is the traffic reduction of telephone rates. It was «111«, Ky.. won a number of prises. meres. The westerners have built a fine old Spanish mission In the Palace representative of the railroad with of- ..i’d respiratory nerves. Nicotine announced a t the executive depart - of Foreign. Civic, Fashion and Agriculture Display and there show the r e - flees In Portland, a subtle drug, aad will enter the Three Elgin nlmroda have reported I me nt. sources and advantages of their native heath. The musicians and dancers ; t- item from any point of contr-ct. to State nam e Warden Averill that entertain all visitors who enter tbs patio to rest a bit after "doing tbe expos»- Bert Snooks Here— Bert Snooki A wet tobacco-leaf, laid on the sur- they saw a white bear on the breaks • Hunters may now transport deer who has been ill at tbe Veterani hos­ tlon." The Expoaltlon continues ondi December L they have killed through C'rster lake f?.ce of the body, exerts (««found of tbe Mlnam rlVer, Just east of Elgin. pital In Portland for some time has national park Permission has been ' effects upon the neevet beneath. Linfield college has received a check so far recovered as to be able to re­ grantod by Superintendent C. O. i Some of sue useful ointments con- for »38,337 »9 from the General Edu­ turn to his home In Springfield for Thompson, rescinding orders previous , ts 'n oil of tobacco, and their use cation board, New York city, to ap­ ' ly giveu. The carcasses must be out a visit. He arrived Tuesday evening v-'.st be practiced with g reat cau­ ply on th« Income bearing endowment o f sight during the time they are In from Portland for a two week's stay tion. here after which be is to return to Koseburg Thursday celebrated tbs the park boundaries, according to the Growth in our young people is 7*1 h anniversary of the filing of tb s now order. Jaspsr People Hers— Mr and Mrs. Moved To Eugene— Harry G. G il-(the hospital for further treatm ent into:fared with, and mentality is Asr.ui Ross donation land «tala. Rather than foreclose on spproxi- Wa,“ 'r W allace of Jasper were in lette moved from Springfield Friday «..iiiitd very pereeptibly in youthful On Tw o Com m ittees— Dr. W . I I which became Ihe sits of the present mBU|y jjo o o seres of land owned by town Tuesday on busness. t motor route B, Eugene. c garotte-smokers. The man who Pollard was appointed on two lay­ city. the Oregon Band corporation, the Here Fpwn Marcóla— Mrs. J. A Her« From Crow — H W. Swaffotd man's comm ittees at the Methodist i.oe. not use tobacco in any form, Klamath voters November I will Klamath county court accepted SI2.000 »« «« _ . « « « ,. • « ~ . - a P ” * ld ,Or “ ,eW of C J°W ln ‘0WD 0D bUB,ne“ ÍOr I conference in Corvallis last week. He i‘ easier to relieve of his illnees vote on a proposal to crests a three in lieu of »38 000 owed on delinquent h _____ . . . . . ... ____ . .. . ¡hours Wednesday. a short time Friday. jjs on the camp meeting committee tiiar. the addict* h'..- n in elean- quarter mill county fair levy, to raise _____ taxes since 1917. The court In Its de­ - n and another the nature of .which he ' t i Ids nervous syrtcr-. r..:re ctabilc, »10,000 annually for (he Klamath cision held that In the event of fori- Here From Salem— Mr. and Mis. Fined Foe C utting Corners— George cad he PMponds tc tim isu x it mare county fair. closure the county would be burdened Edward Miller of Salimi were in j Polley of Eugene was fined (3 Friday does not know. The Methodist lay­ men are to have a great mass m eet­ promptly. Any or: t f drug ad­ The hop drtsr and warehouse on the with lands which It eobld not sell. Springfield Sunday on a v la lt , morning by acting Judge Ira Peterson ing in Portland in December to de­ dict?.. ci. -.r.oi bo tco strongly con- ‘ Walker hop ranrh near Independence, fo r cutting the corner a t M ain and Oregon has reported 196.(41 vehicle cide on organising tbe men in the de.r.r.t-— ' i T ‘moderiiti indulgence’ W endllng Man Here— H enry C a rte r ' second. was destroyed by firs together wltn registrations to the bureau of public Oregon conference. They will have in any seductive thing is ao im two hundred bales of bops, entailing a roads la Washington. D. C , for the i of Wendllng was a visitor to Spring- Mrs. Cowden B etter—Mrs. J. B speakers from all over the United possible. loss of *18 090 to *1*.000 first six months of Ihs present year, 1 field Sunday Cowden who has been very 111 recent- States there and arouse Interest in Twenty sacks of parcel post mail an Increase of * per cant over the Here From Albany— Mr. and Mrs. ly Is much Improved. She has b een ,tb e proposed organisation. O vei were destroyed when fire swept j same period of 1*3*. The gala In Templeton and their son of Albany sick since August being confined to 1690 laymen are expected to attend CALL AND BEX Dr. N. W. through the hutldlag keaatng the post motor conveyance. In that state ha. 1 8und„ the two day m eet her bed part of the time. on prices on plate aad other work, if •file» la Bead Tha lose la estimated not quite kept pare with that for the I T at betweea *1999 aa( (* (« • country aa a whole, which waa at the — Goes ..To Sweetbcune— Mrs Mary R » n a Sliver Into Leg— E W Magill spent Sunday at Swealhosne W alter ran a silver Into his leg Fri­ D espoaieaey ever ffi health ceased rate af to I per rest- H as Vers who campad sa Gelt» I ' vt«ltlng relatives. Alex H. C n aged T1. for tha taat day sm ile making repairs on a build­ M years a reeldent ef DeegTae eoaaty, creek, ta western Gaa« eeuaty, de ___ ___ . Ms re From Net r ow Mr. and Mrs. ing |n d bad to have It cat out by a to end hie Iff* by shMrtng hlaieelf «fared (bay would sas tb s rqete game « u .» _______. _ . __ . Verb Stnwart of Natron were ta local physician. Tha silver was over thanagh the head at Reseberg eosasnlwslos for damage ta their test two la ch es lcag Springfield Sunday visiting friends. Paehtag sf praam la betas raahad taffleted by m e sf the Alastras hall If we positively K N E W to s t every man, women and child la thia Fined Par Speeding—N E Me •u n d ay A t Cascade Summit—Mr. at the ex npmUive pwakar«' pleat la moeee which roam that territory town waa going to S T A Y here until they died! Forest Greve. paalrfag pleat Will While tha hnatera were fa the weed? and Mrs. Carl Olson K » nt Sunday at Dermott received a »7 fine Frldsy It we poeltlvely K N E W th a t no N E W people would ever locate moralng for speeding on East Malo here! have a van af three aaeatha. getting oas day m e of the morse prodded the Cascade Sum m it It we positively K N E W th a t no N E W babies would be born here,— street Cliff Fandrtim was fined *6 asit more thaa ((.««( pounds of praam test m ears evtl y that Ita barai tore W E W O U L D N O T A D V E R T IS E ! For T H E Y all know uel B ut! Jsaper People In Town— Mr. and for »he same offense. Both offenses the eaavaa full of helea. a day. These things won’t happen! Mrs. Chris Jones of Jasper «pent Sun- were committed early Friday morn­ The golden eagle, which waa re We believe in our bustaeea, in ourselves and In our ideals, are Msrtos aad Yamhill rooaty courts leased reeendy by tha” Oragaa” Hu [d<, ,rom » »hort Hrrult In the In Wendllng. , ‘or ’rea™”?nt. Harry Zahnlaer, SR. well-to-do young I (* r a g i d. «troyed the pirn z - . ii « i w Build N ew Sign— Erection of a near . . . . . of i .a Mount A uki -1 cal ese at Mourn To Leave For C alifo rn ia — M rs. * rancher living on The Dalles-Calirornia . , .» a h - z >h w Ri*n Main street to replace an old Best to Have it Handy! Bright Eyes! . . . I Angel with a loss eatlninti’d n t h<- Henry Adrian and her father Mr. highway eight mllea south of The , , .. „ Rmtt u . t . ... - n i . z one near the Mountain States Pow tr, No need for you to PRO­ Not the sort that bore a hole „ z . O ____ . u, .. tween *780,000 and tl.000.000. This bcott ° ‘ «alem will leave In a few _ ...................I MOTE an accident in order to Dalles, was fatally shot and his wife. , . (-_oz,.r_ c o m p a n y office was started Friday by in yon and make you forget z, ... .. I Included five buildings, equipment and