TW RUttllNG FlBU) «KW« PAOKPODR T H U R S D A Y R E P T R M B K K 3«. 1!»2U Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L C O N S T R U C T IO N . “ ^ A H M W O R K SLO W S: L O G G IN G A C T IV E P U B L IC A T IO N LANK CO UNTY U N IT « O . 14 a FOR SALB—Carbon paper In lar»» «haeta, 24x39 lacha*, «unable tot makin» tracine* Th« new * Office Portland, September SO, • (Special» — R e r r t s from many d i s t r i c t * ‘ throng! out th e Pacific N orthw est la -1 dicat- that w ith the M ating of cooler Weatfn r employm ent in several out-1 door industries is undergoing th e as­ nal seasonal decrease, according ‘a * the 41. employment letter publish,si Mere today, la g g in g In the flr dis­ • tricts, however, is even more active • than it was last month at this time. * the letter said ’ Where Champions Are M ade Z J t_ A fi O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y ’ F A R M E R S ' U N IO N • C W Allen. Vida. President. • | W. I Seale. Eugene. Vlce-Praat • J *n t- Betty M. Kappauf. Cottage Grove • ¡ Secretary-Treasurer. • j Walter Morgan. CreawelL Condnc-‘ tor „ H H Sm lth' Eu«ene' IXx’rk,‘0^ ’ | General construction, building a n d ' • O. L. Clement, ff a torville. Chap- • farm work are among the Industries lain. * i "S A R A A N N D U P L IC A T E " that are now tapering off for the se,v aon. Lumber manufgacturing In the ' ’ ’ ’ _ . _______ _ B ra n d C ha m p io n H o ls te in C ow a t P a c ific In te rn a tio n a l L ivesto ck E xp o sitio n flr districts la continuing at the past L E A V E T H E A U T O M O B IL E and “ A ll-A m e ric a n " Aged C ow foe 1925. O wned by C. S. P o tte r of Ogden, U ta h l>.r grade* and Mlaa Dorothy Travis* R E C L A M A T IO N C O N G R E S S l"«ch..r of lower grade. The Thur* M E E T A T H O O D R IV E R I ton and Davis districts have united . and the tipper grades attend at the m v, r VM||„ y w ||| be the b u t T hurston school house and the low , r ttcioh er 14 16 and 14 io the six te en th I « ra d e s ni D avis. annual session of the t*r«g provide for refinancing to aafo- M r a n , I Mr*. Charles Grant motor g u .n l a e tlle ra and Inveatora will ba led to Monmouth laat Bunday where un important feature of Ihe ««salon, they took their daughter M arjorie' Ryery Irrigation district in Oregon la who entered Normal there and they being aaked to have repreauntativea #l"° , "<’k M,*’r *°B' J“y' *° r<,r’ s,Ma present to aid In drawing up (be re- ' J?"/' ' ' ' '**»■»» P ric e and * ,‘rrJr 1‘rlee motored to Corvallis Frl ^a ' where they are entering O. A. C Mr »n,> Mrs. Fred Russell motored Io Monmouth Sunday with their daughter. Maude, who ta entering Normal , here , " r an” M r" Introduction a t Ih e com- lug session of the legislature. National authoritlea are b e i n g brought io the convention to dlacuxa »u, |, subjects a* Irrigation economics, land utilisation and selection aud financing of asdtler. Aim,ng ih e.« ,“ T k « 2 T Hv tn ch^rue vised law for If Cliff Potter of Ogden, Utah, had | ten-acre Exposition (he Dairy Dlvl- high level, the 4L letter said, while in L A W S A L O N E IS S L O G A N kept hla Holstein cow at home, ahelaion with the wonderful sulmala of the pine contry, Just East of the Cas- ' . —. would have been known only to the i the various breeds: the Fox »action cades, sawmills are less active than "Hands Off the Automobile" is go- people of Utah a* a very good cow showing five hundred pen* or more of during August, and several plan's ing to be a slogan heard frequently But Cliff Potter la a man of vision and silver, black and blue fox. brought there already have closed down for during the next session of the Oregon he sent h l. Holateln. "Sara Ann Pupil- rrom all points of the United S tate. the season Legislature. The state-wide meeting cate Into the hottest competition to and Aluaka Through the Sheep De ' C liffo rd w . ‘ ' *’ K ‘ h " r 1 * , 1» c h arg e Preparations for winter w o o d s of the Oregon Automotive Conference, be found In America ahe came to the partment. aurpaaaed by none In Ih e fh , Y " . * . f[ 8. , «pent of Ihe national bureau of research 10 operations in the pine districts are held in Portland Friday, September Pacific International U veetock Ex [ country 13 breeds being represented '* W'” cn‘ WHh ° <>me ’«Ik»- land economic« and public utilities, gettin g under way. and it 1» reported 24. indicated that the legislative activ position In 1925. There ahe was made thl» year Then Into the llorae Dirt- ^ r’ an<^ ^ rg‘ A Weaver arr . that this work will be unusually ex­ lty of the Conference will revolve Grand Champion Holateln of the Show alon. where you'll see the heavy draft C*Wornla. They expect to and later was made the wondercow and »how horse» The Hog section vUl1 w U t l m in San Francisco and M O S S O N T R E E S K IL L E D ten sive this year in regions where around "Hands Off the Automobile." Nearly 300 invited guests, including of the breed for the year, haring re will exhibit fire of the noted breeds San Diego before returning timber was damaged by flres during ceired the honor uf the “All-American” of aw lne. Then to the Bee/ section Winifred and Linn Kndleott and B O R D E A U X M IX S P R A Y the past summer, and must be logged state, county and local officials, civic Maude Rdmlston are attenuing U. of --------- to be salvaged. and commercial organisation repre- aged cow an honor which la outstand with four of the different breeds of lng in the Holateln breed. beef and dual purpose cattle. o |n R UgFnw There Is no reason why fruit trees None of the larger hiring centers sentatives. granges. leaders in hign- T h . beat livestock of the various In the Industrial »action will be „ huit «n « <* » « • >'cbens. Of men in the skidroad district». Conference listened to speakers who ciflc International and this year w ill showing raw products from the begin 1 an* ry wn«re she Is engaged o . be no exception Therefore, lovers of ning to their finish Also a wonder tench Die school there for the coming ” * conducted by the r.-gon ex- expressed disapproval of efforts to ixrlnunt station have shown that If tamper with the motor vehicle tax sys­ livestock should make It a point to ful Land Products Show and a aplen ****• set aside the week of Oct. 30-Nov. 6 did Dairy Products Division Hay Nevers who has driven the material Is used a single tem and the ever increasing tendency • F A R M R E M IN D E R S for their annual livestock vacation As all railroad* are making a rate ’ truck for the William Sawmill for ’**>ra^ k'ven In the fall of Ihe year to suped-tax and super-regulate the and education. of a fare and a third for the round the past two years la moving to Ku- wlt* Pr»»"n* the growth of th e'» automobile. Better yields than of other fall It la an inspiration to go through trip, our readera should see their g,.ne. whiskery plant* not only during th« C. C. Chapman, editor of the Ore­ the various departments of thia big. agents at once and get full particulars _____________ ______ wet fail and winter aiwaon following arheat varieties and a stiff straw that gon Voter. Chas. H. Purcell of the Minimizes danger of lodging are char­ . . _ _________________________ ___ ___________________________ _______________ CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery ' h* ,p r*jr bu’ • l*° for s u e »- Bureau of Federal Roads, Secretary of acteristics of hybrid 128 wheat that on prices on plate and other work. t f i ,l,r# F««ra. The material which w.:i State Koter. and Highway Commis­ have made this variety popular with ___________ do thl* la bordeaux mixture used In sioner Van Duxer were among the By B p ecia l •astern Oregon growers and led to th e 4 6 60 strength A very thorough speakers. DANCE Stevens Hall Every Satur the rapid expansion of acreage. application Is necessary bo that any Corre epond--ta Chairman Joe Dunne of the Confer­ day Night. Garrett s Orecbeatra. IL growth already present w i l l b e ence declared that this body, compris­ Western Oregon farmers not rais­ " thoroughly saturated dow n to the ing all car owner and trade groups in ing grain for feeding are not advieed • • • • • a a a a bark of the tree. fire to bum the old hoards. A swift GARDEN W AY the state, w ill aggressively oppose anv to raise pigs, in a recent report jn T IM E A N D P L A C E O F * Other material* will remove moss wind caused the sheds that were part­ move to rob the public of maximum cost of pork production by the college . .. . . . . , L O C A L M E E T IN G S • and lichen* but they do not prevent Mrs. Etcborat. who baa spent the ly down to catch fire and as the fire ; J e •»périm ent station. Only tankage or C an ary-F irst Wednesday. Third • ihem frtwn returning after a short ation and more burdensome, lmpra1 summer at the U. O. McElhaney home was at Its height the wind oftanged Other supplements may be bought if F a r m « « Union Hall. » period Bordeanx mixture will not H eal regulations, especially of the has returned to her home in Portland'. and burning shingles ware carrled’ oa 1 the operations are to be made gen­ Mrs. O. De Brockert of Eugene vlatt-, t*e roof ot the gymnasium. A few • Cloverdale- Saeoad and Fourth * cause old moss tod lichens to shrivel commercial vehicle. erally profitable. hlghaehool hoya who were near climb- • Frtdaye Cloverdsla School llstiae • up and drop off at once but will dav ■ T h e C o n fe r e n c e will hold m e e tin g * ed at the Maxwell home lost week. -every two week* until the 1927 Legis- Fish and Fish have finished balling. ed onto Ihe roof of the gymnasium • Cruowoil—Pleat sad Third T ubs • troy Utefr life and prevent them from Since only five wheats—w hits w in-. . .. . , • (spa. (UwawaM, M. W of A. Hall. • coming hock for a long time a t e r the U r. rink, blue chaff club, huaton. a n d “ * 1“ " ^"7"^ pr‘* ‘ Hn‘ J*™ “ ’ , o \ h* Te ’ to * ’ “ M”B '* and with -water put out the tew spark* • Gone« Porh—tterwad sad P on rk • weather baa caused them to dltlnto- before any damage was done. d e fia n ce-a re ever certified In Weat °° a n a ly ,‘’ of * warehouse in Eugene, » grata. Mia* Mary Harden who attended E • Thursday*. Mtrus Union H*n. r n Oregon by the coliege exten.lon Or*<°B “ « ‘»ring Mlaa Margaret Kirkland vtallM h e, Domeho— Twsaday. Danebe • — — B U. laat year will be at borne thl* gervice. buyers o f certified seed f o r ' p“ “ c ' brother. Clayton Kirkland, »t the Me- • ' winter but will continue her m usical • Behaal H o a * Elhaney home, and has now returned DnruM—B o e ^ aud Fouth Tu«s • Ta Ll*a ,n Mr uad Mrs. planting may be sure that any lot 3« , r m jat, aOaata education at the Bible University. 8he to her home in Canada. • »Bya, D«r«** (h a v rih • AlT* McPherson are moving to Bu-. gny other variety grown here la not — (B a t » « at the Naww will also teach music at Pleasant Hill. School district ,1(0 has been In certified. It they buy any other kind Form euMabta tar MB*, I-awrunce Laird and Kay Olson are i • HadlaysrtH* — FlruJ sad Third • ,an a ,hU w""k “ lhere wa* no hou»* session for the laat week, about they take their own chances on the work. aawmiUn. « t c . s ■udtervfrla Bekool • In town for them to ren t Each sum­ attending O. A. C. this -winter twenty-five pupils are enrolled. mer they spend on their ranch a sb o .l purity of the variety and freedom • lleoa*»—Plrm Saaday of aack • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laird returned No from weed seed and disease, which t Mrs T. J. Maxwell will spend a few from Pendleton Inst week where they ‘ uiaatb. Meeala Bekool House • distance out of town and at the be­ be without thoa« f'l the college passes on in certified lots. days Io Portland thia w eek. Jaep se -Beeou« and Fourth Wad- • ginning of school move to town Aus­ went for the Round Up tin and Wilbur McPherson will attend Merle Chase )■ able to be around Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson and four • aesday*. W. O. W. Hall. Jasper. • school thia year In Eugene. Lack of palaublllty of sunflower Fourth • again after a severe attack of Infiam children have moved on the ranch • I»ran e—Second and •Rage was much more noticeable n matory rheumatism. • occupied two years ago by Mr. and • WedneMavs I. O. O. F Hall, ^ A M M E R M / q ' P h y s ic a l E x a m in a tio n * O iv an gome of the O. A. C. station dairy • Mt Vernon—First and Third • Mrs. Emery and family. Mr and Mrs. William- Carrey cows than others, but was noticed to BOND d a u g h te r V e ra , and a frie n d , D o ro th y Wednesday B rasfeld Store. • Kvedy boy in the Hprlnrfield high gome extent In moat of the cows. THURSTON Bilk Creek Meets Flrat and Third • school and In the Junior high school Allen, of Philomath, visited at the Abrupt changes from corn silage to Thursday at Cedar School House » w ||| he given a complete physical eg- home of Mrs. Currey'a sister. Mrs. oats and vetch silage, or the reverse, Miss Hazel EdmlKton left last Frl- Frank Bailey. last 8unday. Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • amination before the fall la over, a©- «onld be made without 111 effects to day for Ashland where she entered • pine Grove School House. cording to plans of the physical educa- Mr. ami Mrs. Earle Hailey, visited any of the cows, but an abrupt change Normal school at that place. Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • tion department of tho Bprlngfleio with the Frank Bailey fam ily M o n d a -. from either of these to sunflower sil­ John Bdmls: n and son, Ixiren I nesdaya Pleasant HUI High • schools. Physical examinations have they are leaving this week for» their age caused nearly all the cows to rt- made a business trip to Salem last > School Bldg. already been given io 64 of Ihe hign home in Nebraska. fuse to eat. A full ten-dav transition i Sunday. • Secretaries will pleas* send In • vchool boy* by Dra Rehhan and l ’het- period was none too long to get the M iss Mildred Price has beet) in Eu­ • time and place of meeting and • t place. Dr. W. H. Pollard haa ex­ cows cn to a full sunflower silage U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E gene for several days staying with ! • changes of date as »hey may oc- • - î 7 -^ 2 amined 13 In the Junior high school ration. her grandmother. Mrs. Jennie Edmls-i • cur. a snd will give the others their exami­ Union High school No. 1 oponod ton who was struck by an auto a few • • • * • « • • • nations In Pile near future. Monday September 27 with an enroll days ago. ment of 69 students, the largest num The young peopla of the neighbor­ her the high school has ever had hood charlvaried, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Several others are expected to enroll George last W ednesday evening. before the end of the week E. D. They -were married some two weeks Kilpatrick formerly Instructor In the before, but most of the young people fo rv a llls high school Is principal. were away to the hop yards at that His assistants are Mrs. F. F. Cooper time. who with Mr. Cooper has been teach­ Misses Annie and Ogga Erickson ing at Aragv, the past four years, and from Fall Creek have entered Thurs­ Miss Lottie Hendshadler who Is teach­ ton high school. Ogga Is making her 676 DEPARTMENT STORES ing her third term at Pleasant Hill. home with Mr. and Mrs. Aroh Slough 842 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. The Pleasant Hill public school and Annie Is with Mr and Mrs. Wil­ opened Monday September 27 with liam Barnett. M rs Jeanette Clark of Eugene as Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer from principal and Miss Gulllford of l*ort- Springfield visited at the John Kd- land as primary teacher. Forty-one rninHton’s Bunday evening. pupils have enrolled so far. John William from Cottage Oro"e Bruce Wheeler has sold his Interest In the Wheeler mill to his brother motored over Sunday evening to see She had Ixiught a number of articles. They came J®d. his brother George. to $6.87, the salesman said. The customer took up i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wheeler and Ernest W est from Cottage Orove the sales-slip, noted the price of each arlid c carefully, children are In Salem where Bruce Is helping Oeorge W illiams at the then added up the column. has charge of the poultry display at mill for the past few days. "You are right,” she said, “hut while I know you the State Fair. save your customers lots of money, I never thought Maude Edmlston spent the paxt At an election at the Christian there was such a large difference." church last Sunday Taylor ( Ircle was week at Cottage Grove visiting Community News rWe u se it when PRINTING GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours We Give the Values Others Talk About Quality Counts in GROCERIES It Is not economy to buy anything except the firnt quality when Kupplying your table. There is less waste and more nourishment value In good Groceries—and we have only the best. Now Is the time to consider purchasing your winter supply. Make a call before Buying, at the Phone Phone 9 -W E FRONT GBOCERi-9 re-elected superintendent of the Sun­ day school, Mrs. p. n . Laird, vice, president, Belie Olsm, secretary and treasurer. Lawrence Wheeler, choir- I later and Mrs. Bruce W tie c le r organist. At the Christian Endeavor meeting ¡Sunday night r>ta W heeler was ■ chosen president, Taylor Circle vice- | President. Hazel Wheeler, secretary and treasurer, Belle Olsm organist. | Jed W heeler cholrlster. | A little excitem ent was caused ftt ¡the highschool Monday morning when a wrecking crew who were tearing down the old tfe-sheds started a bon­ friends. Frank Remle who Is a traveling salesman has spent the past fww days visiting home folks here. Mrs. Alberta Weaver and daught­ ers, Kdesse and Eugene bare movod to J/eabiirg where Mrs. W eaver Is teaching. Miss Margaret Russell Is also teaching at Leahurg. The Thurston High school started last week with Mr. Hayden from Oak­ ridge as principal and Mrs. Parks as­ sistant. The grade school started this weuk with Miss Veda Gruy, teacher of up-1 She told how she had bought the same art'elc.9 a t a “sale” a few days before and paid $7.49 for them. The salesman explained that the prices on her sales- slip were our regular prices, which never change ex­ cept when there ia gome drastic price-changes at the mills. Such incidents are plentiful in our Stores, showing that there ia a keen appreciation o f the important sav- mgs to be had. Like saving! await you here I