I FkOK TWO the THTRSDAY SEPTEMBER »0, 1»2< fcrK'v. plaat« a ft»r cosatrarUoa. » 1 1 )1 , «usât b« >a »>ral coscw s» lo >• |» r cost of tb» total f l u * «f !b» ms»f*w wert» m t w il u a m c t t k tmaatioc »»» »tr-aas« ta <’»r»gos h»»td»» ail ta»a» tb iosa ta* board u n id «»tabtts« »t«r«w ta c to r)*» tail- ( . « n , all w at»-« of ta * aufi* » **■ **** ** * * person a òprmgfield should hints« If a con- roads or say Its» of ba«io»«« .t tW«'i ’«brìi utmitMi« trf on« to get votes far the bonds to build w t bituwa *0 »atrr Bay. w i t t*as*. raaste»*-! -*w r »** M » of tW B E .» E L p g w w w -’» the bridge m :* im o n si«a»ar* tb r*a t«s a *atabitaa»d m >4 Ib d Tb» çocîer o b îà batrti of • » * tm g ae e w w —*« araste» la *4 L» Tkra» M T e a r Is aau t*« ta taaay lia » * It plss»s ---- Tw By rot.ng the bonds f a r »75 00© we get J U I r a o osar iWrw. ne» cbm a»£ lev* *• a. raiJroaS» la a e a ta c ia r* a a r M N lh J aiaih'-nt) ta ta» beard ( r * a t » r tbvs •* ■Midge costing 1 > », or in other w .rds we v _ '- k e * a * a B a t tar re fa ite s ta ta» w« tM Prete«?*] of India c j t . ty ”— F a n more Coopwr. Pbensoc will agree that »1 urmaston cotnes faith * a e ry !-*< as« ta Sacs tn* srtat-i f e r a p rrra tr or teac a* ra*t*i»*4 ts ts- »at*-, a n »! ta» osly curb u tasi prortdlcg Of «Tc'Brts! damala for ar utmost contempt There are some things people r-~T> i—. «ays ta*» »a*.: a« — — ta» for r u i m apporrai oa p arebaw of •« - s a in a g as» a tv p rn y ta« board s u t WHAT TO DO WTTH THE O. C. MONET do not expect from any man and this is one of l»()Bs plasta ralaad at o r« r h alf a « * a K » r boxdra; far ns a w h e * . 1 b pubhc oghatoa bo man can get awav . _ _____ B illio a d ollar* How Lane county should spend the mffhoo do»- t _. . ¡««a» b â t i I f U) t ¡ » t C»at of ta» ta n n r t r tt «uZ - — — w;,-h anything so tow as to take s woman out on £ £ £ ■ ¿ ^ £ > 3 £ £ & »**• - j « *»•— - — - « • > - tota! a a w aw d r a t a a !* » of p r-.p » r!f I t WORK FOR THE BRIDGE DANCERS ARE SEEN »N PROPOSED POWER BILL No oee should be over confident the bridge bonds will carry and that * e will get a new srruc- tore across the Willamette river at S;*tLgfieW estesa We can never be sure the bonds will carry aaul **- »every voter ta Lane county understands the need ¡ ------------------* a ; •>, E'er? , ry or roa THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS * un auuee ¡« « 1 I * » ■ *•» anaul «« A AUCTION SALE Closing Out Haxpole's Dairy Herd ■sent has bees the subject of a lot of talk and OWB «■»«•■*»- , e e Btuch advice to the county court. While we are Be* '-rfictring these people who are free with ad- There has been com plaint that m ae* girls are »to* for we suppose they have the welfare of the losing their health by denying themseHes food in county at heart we do think a lot o f them are attempts to reduce their weight so as to be in "talking through their hat " hue with prevailing fashion This s*ems inrred- IX M 'A T IO S — 4 s i t * * • e o t i* * » ! of Of course it is popular to aav that we should’^ * T bo “ y ?h^ '* rely ’**c “ ta« pay aD the county's debts. Evewbodv should ° / refreshments declined But we imagine kaowa a» ta» Sw art» oc r» TaM» pay their debts. The county has' hundreds of * 7 1 ,uchI1* thm< " * vacation even during !£» X auw a o r Ja»p*r H a eo*4 thousands of dollars in road bonds outstanding * f“ « 11« ”t* - ________________ rje.-sgSeM. We take ft that these advisors want these ail paH M O XQ AT. OCT I 1 » P M •ff A I t » herd of 4a2ry row *, all ta &r»t c i*M robdiOcaa But when we sold our road bonds we read* no D IS ' BJHT iO S provision for taking them up before they were D u rk a B row a U k la g »bow! « t* p u due. There are but a few thousand dollars worth I Hotobrts row tttlk -a « »beat that we probably could get hold of at this time c r a n e ; 1 Hoi»t»iB row B lik without we went into the market and paid a :a< »boat < a a iio a *. 1 H o U i-a premium for them. U w e b a y other bonds to take JerweP ra w B llk ls g I I * gaOua»; 1 the place of or offset our own bonds outstanding, B ro w * J«v»»7 ro w . fr*a k B ilk ia s * who is go ng to take the blame if we make a bad Nagg - g Helps Somettmes S».k i* » , 1 i v ü i a J « fw i cow tevestmemt. These people who are *o free with gdvice surely wiU not. Judge John W. Summerfield is authority for X ikJW 41* < * . - « » , 1 Jorsoy row » 1 Uie statement that nagging sometimes does a B ilk > a< 4Ak S * l l o * » , l D w rk a s J e r We would like to hear of some one come out h:iah»nd grxxl * •«7 cow. 4 a * to fr « * k r a aoos; I weth a comprehensive pian for paying off our i* r * » T ra w x ..< .c < 4 s *L o *» : S 4et»«d »acttrlty with 1st»rest kt Me imagine prisoners will have to be taken &bi» »nvlroment to the penitentiary in railway trains after the Of course no man would choose nagging or I p *r rast J. W H A R F O U L O w ner »«tomoWle accident of the Douglas county de- beg for it. but his philosophic hight 1s largelv de- J. K . G R E E R , AuctJoa*er ty sheriff that broke two prtoonera collar r » ™ ! ^ by bow he s p e n d s to it when it comes L D O T D M A R TE N C le rk nes At least there will probably be a b01 intro-, hi* way 4uoed n the legislature lo this effect. While lt’S| He can either be irritated and annoyed by B. Bll right for officers it isn’t human to treat prison or he can deliberately hold his course ar.d ignore •r s ta this manner They can’t enjoy themselves it. It can make him a lesser man or a greater •fter they get to Salem if they are to be crippled man according as he uses ft •B 'he way. Anyhow he cannot help himself, and he ought • • to study how to turn this disagreeable element of We wffi make your Suit or Dress will alter or remodel Bert Bates says a team am of o horses hitched up hie surroundings to his advantage your old one. will Clean and - - - - In a play some time ago called "Lonesome derided by a tongue and so are a tot of Like," a man who had been used all his life to f*ree» or Dye them m am -d teams. being nagged was suddenly called upon to under- 240 Main Street He has also started a movement to provide go the death of the nagger. He enjove