The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 30, 1926, Image 1

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C a ll Phone 5
•Tne Ptopie ■ P a p a v
L . Vt <j, L ib r m y
H. J. CM 10 su m
The Reverend Gabriel Silas of Port-
The contract for resurfacing Main
land will be tbe m inister for the afreet between Eight and Tenth wa»
given Wednesday morning to Guy
Methodist church for the next year
Pyle, Eugene Contractor, who met
and will aaaume hl» duties here next wJU> Mayo|, Q Q BughmaB and (ht.
Local Man Forms Company To
Reverend Sites comes to
Opsrats Near Lorane With A number of friends gathered In­ Springfield from a church in Portland
Backing Of Springfield Peo­ formally Moaday evening at the ' where comment on hla work baa ba-.n
ple; Plant T o Be Thirty home of Dr. and Mrs W. H. Pollard favorable.
Reverend F. H. Moors,
to visit the Reverend and Mrs. Yarnea,
Thousand Feet Capacity.
former Method 1st min later In String-
A new sawmill compear, beaded by field Tbe Reverend Yarnea and bis
by It. J. Cox. bee been formed by wife wars returning to Klamath Fall»,
SprtnghaM pe»«de and w ill alar* whets they have been for the last
operation» In (be iprlng
The new two years, from the conference at
Tboae Springfield people who met
Corvallis. Reverend Yarnea la mov­
company la known aa the Ixirane
ing from Klamath Falls to Oregon Ileyerend Site« at the conference In
Tim ber and Mllllnc company and will City.
Corvallis Ilka hla appearance very
Among those attending the
conduct Ila logging and milling opera­
Those present at the Pollard bomo much.
tion» near (lllll»ple Corners on the were; Reverend and Mrs. Yarnea. Dr. conference from here Sunday were,
and Mr» N W Emery. Mr. and Mr». Dr and Mra. N W. Emery. Dr and
Eugene Ixirane road. Veneta le tbe
II O. M eH h m y. R W Smith. Mr. and Mrs W. H. Pollard. Mr«. Annie K n o i,
chipping point tor the new concern.
Mrs. 8 8 l*ntter and their daughter, Mr». Emma Olaon and Oswald Olaon,
I I J Co« 1» preeldent of the company, Dorothy Mae. Mr. and Mr». W. 0. Mr». A. B. Van Valxuh, Mr. and Mrs.
I>r W. C. Rebhan vice-president. A M Hughe». Mr» Ikrnloe VanValxuh. Mr. V. D. Hain, Mr. and Mra. L. L. May,
Col secretary and treaaurer, and T. T. nnd Mra. Robert Drury, Mrs. Ida Mrs. Alice Ellison. Mr, and Mrs. W.
Parker production manager.
Hants, Mrs. Anna Knox. Mrs Alice O. Hughes and daughter. It. W. Smith,
Organisation of the company was Klll»on. Mra. Sarah Ihjrvance. Mr«. Ml»» Fay Spaulding, a n d
M ie s
effected last July and work of develop­ J. 8. Cruxan, and Mra. Mary Platt. Florence Hodge.
ment ha» been progreaalng »Ince then
- ■
1 1
Refreshment», consisting of wafers,
The company own# one thnueand cake and punch were served.
and fifty »1« acre» of land near Lorane
wlih thirty four million feet of virgin
Dougina flr timber upon It.
th e
The new milling concern ha* re­
ceived the hacking Of Sprlngfiobt bu«l-
The Girls League of the Sprlngfleld m ade by tit«- Eugene Cham ber o f Com-
ne«a nnd profe«»lonnl people a» Wc’l
High achool will meet this afternoon merce at Its m eeting M onday night.
a» that of thn»e of Eugene and Intno
to elect committees for the year and At one of the largest meetings In the
county. Helling of »took In the mill
plan the year» work
A social pro­ chambers history a motion was pass»l
ha» tM'on proceeding for the last
moter will lie elected to fill the place favoring the >76.000 bond Issue with-
month with financial <l< tail« nearlv
of units smith, who 1« not In school out a single protest
thl» year Members for the drumattc,
The agreement with the highway
The prraldent of the company. H J
refreshment, and entertainment com­ commission and Ijin e county’s method
Cog. la well known In l-an<- county
mittee» will be elected.
of financing Its half of the >150.000
and ha» been In the lumber Industry
Following the business ae«»lon a bridge was discussed by E. E. Morrl-
all hla life. He ha» been aaaoclaUd
program will be given. Hilda Ditto son, chairman of the Sprlngfleld
with the Booth Kelly lumber company
and Slbly Carney are to give a dance. Chamber of Commerce bridge com-
■Ince IPIO. itarlln g with them at their
Durene Lorlmer will sing “At Peace mlttee
Following his talk Eugene
old plant at Saginaw. and 1» now ac­
W ith The W orld“ and Lena Frlxell chamber members proposed the mo-
countant for the company at their
will play a S4penl»h Oypale dance.
! tlon which wa» pa»»ed unanimously
plant In Springfield
Mr. Cox has
Plans for the annual Glrla l-eagu«
Eugene and Sprlngfleld are expect­
taken an active part In bprlngfield
affairs, being at present president of reception for the Freshmen girls will ed to vote solidly for tbe bridge bonds.
be made later.
The committee Is now making plans
the Chamber of Commerce, a city
to carry the campaign Into tStf
count liman and member of the IJona
Eastern S tar V isits Creswell
country districts where people aro
Hla family will continue to
A group from tbe Sprlngfleld lodge not so fam iliar with the great need
mnke their home hare while Mr. Col
of the Eastern Star were Invited by
of a new bridge at Sprlngfleld.
will spend hl» time at the mill In at­
tbe Creswell lodge last Friday night
tending to the mill hualneaa.
to attend tbelr lodge Nineteen mem­
T. T. Parker, production manag> r.
ber» Charted a buk and visited the BRIDGE MEASURE TO BE
ha» had more than twenty fly« years
neighboring lodge.
Following tbe
experience In the logging and manu­
lodge work a dinner was served.
facturing of lumber In Oregon and
The Sprlngfleld Chamber of Com-
Those going from Sprlngfleld IncluJ-
Washington and la thoroughly ac­
ed; Mra. John F. Ketela, Mra. G. A. merce beard the report of the bridge
quainted with every detail of the
Swart«, Mrs. Mary Magill. Mra. C. K. committee Friday night a t its regulcr
manufacture of flr lumber. He le now
Wheaton. Mra. 8. Ralph Dlppel. Mra. monthly meeting and made plans to
at the mill alte making arrangements
Paul Hanford, M r and Mrs. Ira Peter- present the bridge proposition before
for the erection of the plant.
son. Mr and Mrs. M. J. McKIln, Mrs. the voters at the election this fall. A
The m ill will «tart operations about
W. C. Wright, Mrs. 8 C. W rlgbt, Mrs. committee was appointed to handle
April 1 of next year, according to the
W ill Rouse, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. J. C. tbe publicity work In connection w ltn
plans of the organ I sera. Work pre­
McMurray. Mr«. L. L. May. Miss Edna tbe bond Issue and to work with a
lim inary to the building of the plant
P la tt Miss Edna Swarta, and O * w ad stmllar committee appointed by the
1» now under way. with Its erection to
. Lions club
Tbe committee consists
start thta fall.
of the same members who have be«n
The timber to be milled by the com­
Mrs. Dlppel E ntertain s Saturday
handling the bridge work for the
pany Is of young growth and of tha
Mra. 8 Ralph Dlppel was the host­ ohamber. They are E. E Morrison,
best quality In l-ene county.
ess Saturday for a number of friends Welby Stevens. A J. Perkins and O
tract »tend» In the midst of one of
who met at her bome for an even­ |O. Bushman E. E Morrison w ill head
the heaviest stands of young timber
ing of bridge. Twelve gueeta were tbe combined committees of the two
In l-ane county, there being also one
They were; Mrs, C. A. o,’8 * n', , T|o,1*•
hundred and fifty million feet of
Swart«, Mra. H. W. Whitney. Mrs.
Tbe local men feel that they w ill
timber available to the mill for future
Mary Kessey. Mrs. Anna Krseey, Mrs. have no trouble In getting the support
John F Ketels, Mrs Harry Stewart, of the voters of the county for the
The now mill will be of from 26.000
Mrs. » In a Swarts. Mrs. Maude Bryan. new bridge. The project bas the sup-
to 30.000 feet dally capacity, equipped
Miss Crystal Bryan. Mrs. C. E, port of the state highway commission
to run the entire year. It will be one
Wheaton, Mrs. Carl Olsen, and Mrs. who ha» promised half the money as
of the moat modern of the «mall
Llde McGowan.
soon ns Ijin e county furnishes Its half.
plant» ns the men In chnrgc have
Eugene people are backing the pro-
visited all the nearby mill« and have
Legion To Meet Tomorrow
acquainted them»elvea with the new­
position as heartily as the local men.
The American Ia>glon will hold Its
est device» for milling lumber. -The
regular meeting tomorrow night at the
plant will make a specialty of long
W. O. W hall
A plan <0 conduct a JUNCTION CITY PLAYS
dimension lumber, heavy Jolata, and
membership campaign ha» been sug­
■mall limbers.
gested to some of the members ar.d
will be up for discussion nt the meet­
Twenty men will he used ln the
S ta rt Monday To Raise Depot
ing. Membership carhs for tho com­ football game hero Friday between
The work of rnlslng the Southern
ing year have been received and the Sprlngtleld and Junction City nt the
Pnclflc depot to tho grade of the
trnck» was started Monday with a Legion wants ns many lilted out ns High school grounds, It was an-
crew of men under the direction i f possible.
foreman C. H. W iley placing tim ber»1
tinder the building and mnklng ready- Mason» Meet— The Mn»nn« held
their usual meeting Tuesday noirtit
for actual raising of the building.
and gave one candidate tho first de­
The depot has to he raised fourteen
Inches to bring It even with the grade gree.
established for the tracks this sum-j
8prlngfletd People Wed
Marriage licenses have been Issued
during he past week to the following;
BenJ. Endicott nnd Gladys Griffis, both
of Sprlngfleld;
Ivan Heeson nnd
M yrtle Hawton, both of Sprlngfleld;
W alter McKay and L. May, Cane;
W illiam W ilder Heusner, Kansas City,
and Gertrude Livermore, Eugene;
Lester Vaughn nnd Ola Morey, both
of McOlynn; Charles Butterfield and
Edith Demares, both of Everett; John
Harrison Garmar, Cottage Grove, and
Robert Plrrle was sentenced to a
fine .1.' >200 Monday by Justice of the
Peace Harold Wells of Eugene on the
charge of possession of intoxicating
was arrested
day night by Jese Smltson and taken
to the county Jail to fnce the charge
of transportation of Intoxicating liquor
' for the second time. Plrrle was ar­
rested *ome tim e ago on the same
charge but was releneod following a
' Jury trial In which the Jury disagreed.
Peggy Hart, W ilbur.
A quart of liquor was taken from him
at thei time of hla arrest, according to
the chief of police.
In Sunny California
A card from At Montgomery saya
A t the trial Monday, Plrrle plead
It 1« nice a id warm, down In L M hot guilty to the charge of transporta­
Angeles. Mr. and M r*. Montgomery tion and was arraigned for poaseaaioo
live at «47 Euclid Avenna.
to which be plead fintlty.
Three new candidates far city of-
floes to be filled at the coming elec­
tion ore now Is the field. Georgs
Stewart, contractor, and W. P. Tyson,
commander of the American Legion,
have consented to run for council
men to fill the vacancies left by the
expiration of the terms of M. J. Mo-
Klin and R. E Moshler. Ira M. Peter­
son. city attorney, is being ran for
city recorder against R~ W. Smith,
present encumbent.
a n ottnt | O about >2000.
The work of resurfacing the atreot
WM ordered done some time ago by
the council but no contract was let
»» »n offer» were more expensive
than the city could afford. Mr. Pyle
offered to do a satisfactory Job a»
cheaply as possible.
Work of tearing up the old street
car tracks and replacing them by &
concrete base and asphalt top was
completed this week. Guy Pyle, who
had the Job, had a crew of men at
work Monday spreading the aspha't
over the concrete which was laid last
week. A coating of asphalt about
Friends of all three of the new
candidates are circulating petitions
for their nomination while R. W.
Smith ha» already filed bis nominate
ing petition.
three tnch“" th,ck waa lald up<,D th“
concrete and packed by a steam roll-
er The work was finished Tuesday.
■ ■
George Stewart and W. P. Ty«
eon Will be Candidate« for
Councilman While Ira M.
Peterson Will Oppose R. W.
Smith for City Recorder.
afreet committee of tbe council and
decided upon tbe kind and amount of
paving to be done
Mr. Pyle la to patch up and aclm
coat the two blocks with asphalt pav-
former pastor of the Hprlngfle.4 (B< Th<? job wag i)ven h|n) for n|na.
church haa been given a m arge nt ¿y- caBt^ a
re yard for the aclm
Gdel. near Hood River, He and Mra. coating and >20 a ton for the material
Moore plan to leave for their naw u>w1 |n
, be
p|ac<,R ta
residence thia week.
the pavement
The entire Job w ill
Beauties from all sections of tbe
United States participated in the
annual Atlantic
City Pageant.
Here we have Miss Norm a SmalL
wood, representing Tulsa, Okla.,
upon whom the judges bestowed
the coveted title of “M m America
Mr. Sewart was one of the high
men in a field of several candidate*
for councilman at last election. Ha
is a contractor and is said to be well
fitted for the position. Mr. Tyson ha*
long been active in local affairs. Be­
sides being commander of the Legion
he Is the scoutmaster of the Lion*
club boy scouts and chairman of th *
, l-egion troop committee. He Is also
prominent in the Four L organisa­
tion and other bodies.
Charles J Gorrle died at his home
east of Sprlngleld early this morning
after an Illness cf a few days. He
Both Mr. Stewart and M r. Tyson
» » * “ resident of Sprlnleld for forty-
have tbe endorsement of Councilman
l wo years and ahd a wide circle of
H. J. Cox who says that he believe*
friends In the vicinity.
they will ably fill the vacancies and
Mr- Gorrle wa» exactly 78 years
AND WATER CONTRACTS preserve the harmony on the counc'l
an,l ten months old. He was a native
that has existed during the past two
°1 Scotland, coming from Stromnesg , Two new contracts with the Moun- years. The men are known to be In
*° , *le United States in 1870.
He tain States Power company for light accord with city work now in pro-
mede five trip» from the United and water were approved and accept- KTe8a and th«‘ r ,“ cker’ bel,eTe th* f
S i*" “» to bis old home, marrying Miss
will fit in the council without dim­
Margaret Llnklater, whe still survlvts ed by tbe city council at its meeting culty
him. here In 1882.
Monday called specially to consider
s „ pporter8 of M r Pete„ on polllt
After living In Montana for two them.
-out that he Is a young and entergettt
T *« « . Mr. Oorrie came to Sprlnfleld
The contracts are substantially the man well qualified to handle the in­
In July 1884. settling on his farm east
same as the old ones. Provision Is creasing duties of the city recorders
of toesn where he has lived ever since.
made in the light contract for the office and municipal Judge. His train-
Mr. Oorrle was the youngest of
installation of the ornamental street ing aa a lawyer w ill be worth much
thirteen children, and has a sister,
lights and increases in the site of the to the city,- especially in handling
Mrs Matilda Moar, still living. Foar
lights. The city Is to pay >163 09 tor the work governed by law, says h l*
'sons survive him' Thomas Gorrle of the lights with a >20 reduction when friends.
Portland. and Jack. Charles and the ornamental lights are In. Tne
James of Springfield.
He has four
ornamental lights are paid for under DELEGATES SELECTED
Mrs. D. C. England of
a seperate agreement, at the rate 01
West limber, Maude Gorrle of Port-
>2.90 per light per month for electri­
land and Margaret and Anna of
city and >2.Io per tight per month for
D. W. Crites was selected as the de­
Springfield and seven grandchildren
ten years for cost of material and In-
1 legate from the Springfield 4L to at*
surviving him. He was a member of
stalUtlon, making a total « ,s t of ten(J tfae <L dlBtrJct conrentlon fjp
the Presbyterian church of Scotland,
>5 per light per month for ten years. Ioca, g weRt
the Caaca(le(1 , hlctl „ j ,
The funeral of Charles Gorrle wlU
Should the city ever wish to In-
heW at EuKene October 14. T h *
be beld at tbe W alker Undertaking
parlors Sunday at 2 o’clock. The Rev- crease the lights from the present u *.*, organlxatlon w ill have no re*
erend Blom, assisted by the Reverend «lie of 32 candle power to 60 candle- commendations to make to the dla*
J. F. Moore w ill have charge of tbe power, It con do so by paying >>4.86 trtet convention this year as no sug»
gestions were turned In at the meet*
Internment will be In the additional each month.
The water service furnished by the ing Monday night. This means, a »
Laurel H ill cemetery.
company cording to D. W. McKinnon, secretary
- ■
----- - ——
1 costs the city >54 a month.
This of the 4L, that the men are satisfied
BRDIGE COMPLETED 'services Includes 41 tire hydrants, with conditions here at the mill afiff
| two public drinking fountains, nine have no complaints to lodge ->r
The new Southern Pacific bridge .sewer flushera, and water for the city changes they would like to see made.
: The semi-annual financial state*
° ” *r the W illamette river w ill be en-
Some discussion was had upon th e . ment was read by the secretary. D. W.
tlrely finished by next Monday, nc-
I extension of the water and sewer McKinnon and approved. The state*
cording to P. J. Collins, foreman of
service to the east side of town. At ment shows that >896.76 was paid out
the cr‘‘w ln charge of the erection of
present the residents of East Main by the local 4L during the last six
, *le bridge. Riveting Is all that re-
street have np fire protection from months and that >1213 was taken In.
main« to be done on the actual work
the city.
Mountain States An upald balance of about >300 re-
oi building the bridge and that Is
Power officials explained that they mains on the expenses of the Labor
n,*arIy completed.
The work of
could not extend their service in that Day celebration at Wendling for th *
riveting the structure together was sc
direction at present because the state last two years. When this is paid
far completed last week that the public service commission
m akes! expenses w ill have about balanced re-
wooden pilings and supports could be
tbem confine themselves to servlco celpts for the half
n- although «
torn away.
from which they can get a reasonable, small surplus may remain.
A crew of men w ill remain for
return on their investment
about three weeks putting the flnish-
Ing touches to the bridge. New ties
remain to be placed, a walk and rail- TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS
ing has to be erected and the debris
A change in the management of th *
cleared away from the bridge and
That Springfield is the richer by Springfield Lumber company wa*
nounced today by coach Waited Fen- from the river.
wick. By using all available material
The new structure Is a handsome >229.50 for having a full time traffic' made last week when the plant on
the coach expects to get a line on the looking steel bridge spanning the officer is shown by a report of convlc- Third street was leased for a long
men and to develop new material. W illam ette on the new main line ot tions secured as the result of a c tlv l-' term by the Cascade Manufacturing
Every man out for football will be the Southern Pacific.
I t has two ties of C- S. Currie, traffic officer. This company. The two plants w ill hence-
given a chance to show what ho can spans, one of 261 feet and the other amount was obtained between August forth be operated under the same
do at the game Friday.
of 177 feet. W ork of building the 18 and September 25, during which management w ith Frank Anderson,
This game la the first of the sea- n<"w bridge on the site of the old one time Currie has been serving full manager of the Cascade Manufactur-
son for Sprlngfleld and will give a without disturbing traffic has prooeed- ttane on the Sprlngfleld police force, ing company in charge of the com-
He states that while he was on duty bined plants.
line on the football teem for tho year. rd a11 summer.
The consolidation Includes the en­
week ends only, tbe violations con­
A good team Is in prospect with Co-
tinued at an even rate as during the tire equipment of the Sprlngfleld
wart, McPherson, Ix>wls, Cox, and DR. W. C. REBHAN TO
Squires fighting for places on the
STUDY AT MAYO CLINIC week violations could occur w ith 'L u m b er company nnd gives the Ca»-
safety. Now violations are steadily j cade company a cut of about 30.000
backfield and plenty of men out for j
as motorists find they feet a day. The Cascade plant Is now
the line. Those who w ill appear In
Dr. W. C. Rebhan Is to leave some-
equipped to furnish framing lumber,
the Friday gnme are, Hugo Cowart, time ln September for the east where must obey the laws.
The >229.60 was collect«' from 39 finished lumber, sashes and doors,
Austin McPherson, Frank Lewis, Bill he Is planning to do some further
lenders, 20 of whom were lined for and dry kilning. The employees of the
Cox, F. Squires, Huck Harper, Joe study and work along sergical line».
Thompson. Kennith Geiger, W illiam ¡H e Is going to attend the Mayo clinic speeding, 13 tor cutting corners, 3 for Springfield Lumber company w ill be
Pollard, John Cooley, Bob Foster, at Rochester, Minnesota. From there leaving their engines running, and retained by Mr. Anderson.
R. H. Parsons, manager of the
Gordan 1-ee, Don Palmer, H arry he w ill go to Chicago to attend their three for parking near a hydrant. The
Grefcg. Ralph Cole, LaVerne Lawson, post graduate sohool. He w ill study heaviest (line was >20 for speeding Sprlngfleld Lum ber company hoe not
announced his future plans.
Thayer McMurray and Lane Morse, general surgery and gynecology while (jomblned w ith reckless driving.
Sprlngfleld company was not dtp-
In addition to these men, Fenwick away. Mra. Rebhan la to accomgiany
Homar Jones Out Of HoepRat— solved by the lease of It* property
hat a reserve of players upon whom him os far as Seattle where she w ill
he can call ln Sara Moskop, Alonso visit relatives w hile the doctor Is Hamer Jones, who had two finger* her* and may go into the lim b e r hm P
Matawarlng, Lester Knonse, Elmo gone. Dr. Rebhan w ill be acoompanl- ent off ln an aocldent a t Landax ha* nes* a t some other place. M r. P«p-
Leag, Keith H ill, Bob Case, and Hor- ed on his eastern trip by h l* brother- be*n d1*ml***d from the Bngen* Hos­ •o a * 1* going ta bolld two tionae* oa
D. street near h l* present I
ace Hucktn*.
Iln-law, Dr. A. T. Windom of Seattle. pital and wa* la ffpringfleld