THE BPRINOK1ELD MEWS THURSDAY HKPTEMBEK 23, 192« NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE GF SHERIFF-» BALE of beginning. Notice le hereby given that all per- ON EXECUTION Joins the “Adams" on the eons having claims against the Estate 1 Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- and the Madison on the West, of Robert I) Evans, deceased, late ot ture of an execution Issued out ot the Being situated In Sec. 1« T. 27 S. R. Lane County, Oregon, should present Circuit Court of the State of Oregon 1 E. In Bohemia Mining District, la the name duly verified Co the under- for the County of Lane on the 6th Lane County, Oregon, signed at the office of S. I). Alb-rn, day of August. 1928. upon a Judgment “Jackson" mining claim location Hovey Building. Eugene.. Oregon, rendered therein on the 4th day of notice of which 1« recorded In VoL within six months from the date of May. 1123. In favor of W B. Cooper 11 page 259. of Mining Claims. Lane thlx notice. Hated September 23. 1121 and agalnat A P. Churchill, for the County, Oregon Records and which is EHITII II EVANS. Administratrix, num of 13568.87 with Interest thereon described as follow«; S 23-30; O 7-14-21 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum Beginning at this notice and ma- -----------— ------- from the 4th day of May, 1123. and for nlnge Northerly 300 ft to corner No. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON th<> further sum of 1300 00 A ttorn- v» 1. thence 1500 ft. esaterly to com er EXECUTION fees, and the costs and dlsbursemfii|<. No 2. thence 300 ft. sou'herly to east D A N C E HlfiVth» H u ll Every N a tu r F()R HAI.E—tfnvnu-room house wlth FOR RALE—Carbon papar In Inrg* Notice Is hereby given that by a which said Judgment was enrolled center end stake, thence 300 ft. south­ diiy N I k I i I G urrctt's Grech* Him. it. acre ot ground on Kaat Maln Ht. sheets, 26x39 Inches, «intani« fin virtue of an execution Issued out ef and docketed In the office of the clerk erly to corner No. 3. thence 1500 ft. l'rice «1800. »600 down, bulnoce making tracings Tb« mew» Of fio» the Circuit court of the State of Ore- of said court In said county on the westerly to com er No. 4. then«e 70S go» for Ho- County of Lane on the r,th day of May. 1923, and said ex- ft. Northerly to this notice and plac» Itke reni. Addreaa J. E. Stewart, < ALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery 13th flay of September. 1926, upon a erutlon to me directed commanding beginning SUMMONS 11« C«dar Ht.. Klnmalh Falla, Ore on prices OB plate and other work, tf - Judgment therein rendered on the me In the name of the State of Ore- Joins tho "Washington" quarts IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE tf __________________ 16th day of April, 1926. in favor of gon to satisfy said Judgment, Interest, claim on the west and the "Grant” on STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 'W illam ette Collection & Credit Ser- costs and disbursements, and the U>e East, helr.g situated In flee. 25, T. ROOF REPAIRING— Old roof« mud« NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON I vice, a corporation, and against B urt‘costs and expenses of and upon this 23 S R 1 E In Bohemia Mining DIs- COUNTY OF LANE EXECUTION IN F O R E C L O S U R E I A. Morley and Kate R. Morley, his wr|t out of the personal property of trlct. Lane County, Oregon. to lant by a paving process will Robert W. I‘ru«cott. I'lalnUff vat The "Garfield“ mining claim loea- Notice It hereby given that by vlr- ’*»'»*' 2or the sum of 1150 37, with In- said Defendant, or If sufficient could save you money and grief. Ixtta Ag»u« H. Kluraer, a widow, Helen K. g»4 fixed right for winter ralna tue of an execution and oreder of sale ! ,ro"t »hereon at the rate of 6 p-r not be found, then out of the real pro- »«on notice of which Is recorded- In Klumer, a single woman; Walter F. In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir- »” r ,nnum from the 16th day ot perty belonging to said Defendant In »1 page 261. of M lnl-g Claims, Kleiner und Jane Hoe K lemur, hl* Guaranteed satisfaction. Herman cult Court of l-ane County, Oregon, anf’ *or »he further sum »aid Lane County, Oregon, and being Lane County, Oregon Records and wife; Edgar I* Kleiner and Florence eotly located. Phone Eugene 232GJ. on the 14th day of September, 1926,!,,r <'oata a"d disbursements, and unable to find any personal property which hi described as follows Kleiner, Ilia w ife, anF THE SALE OF TOWN «atlsfy said Judgment. Interest, at- County, Oregon. Rico Ridge near the top. County. Oregon; thence running Went' center s point shout 100 feet wes»erlr OF Hl'KINGEIELH FIRE ENGINE torn* y's fee. costs anil accruing costs Now, therefore. In the name of the Being In Section 26. of T. 23 S. R. 1 from this notice, running thence 300 11 chain« and 4 feat; thence North GENERAL OBLIGATION IK.'NHS. to a*-ll the following desert tied real S ta te of Oregon. In compliance wl'h E In Bohemia Mining D istrict In feet North easterly to corner No L IS chain I. thence Kant 11 rhalna and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That property, to-wlt: | said execution, and In order to satisfy Lane County. Oregon ♦hence 1500 feet southeasterly to cov­ four feet and thence South I t chain« in an - rilanar with tha provisions of Beginning st a point 46 feet W.-st said Judgment. Interest costs and The •'Harrison" mining claim, Loca- Ber s thence 300 feet southwest- to the place of beginning; and quiet- Ordlnaoce Number 507 of the Town of n point 150 feet South o f 'h e North-1 disbursements, and the costs and ex tlon notice of which Is recorded In yr| r to the Easterly end cee'er Inr the title to laid premteee In ««Id of Springfield, loin« County Oregon. c„ rn,.r of lxit tine (1) In Hud- ;>enses of and upon Ibis whit, I will Vol. 11 page 253. of Mining Claims, thence 300 feet southwesterly to cot - plaintiff aa against all claim s of avery th eflty Recorder null receive scaled dleston's Addition to Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday the 16th day of October. ‘Lane County, Oregon Records and a(>r sjo « thence 1500 feet North- kind of the above named defendant« bids for th e iiurebnse o f Seven running thence South 140 feet, more or 11926 st the hour of one o'clock In the which Is described as follow s- w e s te r ly to c o r n e r No 4 thence 308 and all peraona claiming by, through Thousaml Dollars (»7000 001 Town of lp|1g to the North line of Ninth Are- afternoon of said day. at the Southwest Beginning at this notice and- run- feet Northeasterly to the westerly or under them, or any or either of Springfield Fire Engine General Obl1-,nu„ if extended, thence Weat Front Door of the County Court nlng 300 ft. In a northerly direction Pnd center Dost the Diace of begin- gallon B o n d i said bonds to b« In de- Along said North line 48 feet, thence 1 House. In Eugene. Ijine County. Ore- to corner No. 1. thence 1500 ft east- B(rr them nominations o f »500 00 each, to bear Nor,h 140 feet to a point 15o feet gon. offer for sale and sell for cash, erly to corner No 2. thence 300 ft. This claim is located on the south THIS JWMMON8 le publlahed by Interest at th e rnte of 6 per cent per.Rnuth of n uolnt 94 feet Weat of the st public auction, subject to redemp- southerly to East center end stake, «lone of Jack ass ridge the westerly Virtue of an order therefor made by annum, payable sem iannually. Each Northeast corner of said I-ot One (ll.-t lo n as provided by la,w. all of the thence 300 ft Southerly to corner No PBx conter being Identical with the 3. thence 1500 ft. westerly to corner F«"terlv end center of the “G arfield" the Hon. O F. Sklpworth, Judge of bid must be accompanied by a certl j , h eno.- East 48 feet to the .place of ¡right title and Interest of said de- fi.-d check in favor of the City Re- beginning, all In L a n e County, fendants. Burt A. Morley and Kate No 4. thence 30« ft. northerly to this rlaPr and the Easterly end center the shove entitled Court. ¡B Morley his wife, or either of them, notice and place of beginning Identical with th» w esterly end center The date of the flrat publication «•order for at leas, three per cant o f , O regon Now. therefore, In the name of th e (of anv other person or persons claim j o(n« the Lincoln Quartz Claim on of the “Cleveland" clalmf hereof la August 11. 1928. end the dale the parchas« price as a guarantee of 1 ar,.Jof 'h e bldd«-r Rtate of Oregon, In compliance w lth ( lng by, through or under them, or the W est situated on the North side of the lest publication hereof la Sep No bid» will ¿he Being s'’ua?ed in Bohemia Mining be considered for leas N„|,i execution and order of sale and ¡either of them In and to the above of Monke Rico Ridge near the top teaVber IS. 111«. _ District. In Lanp County, Oregon. than par and accrued Intereat. Date |B order to satisfy said Judgment. In described property ’15 '5 ®ec' 2fi » T M S R 1 E The “Cleveland" mining claim, hica- E. O IMMEL, of Closing of bids, October 11. 1926 ter.-st, attorney’s fees, coats of suit FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff In Bohemia Mining District, in Lane tlon notice of which is recorded in Attorney for 1*1» In tiff, Reildenoe l»ate for Opening bids, October 11. and ncrrudlng costs. 1 will on Satur of Lane County, Oregon. Co~ ’y' Oreff°“ - IVol. 11 page 324. of Mining Claims. and poatofllce addreaa; Eugene. Or» 1926. 8: 1823-30: O. 7-14 day the l«th day of October. 192«. at The “Arthur' mining Claim. Loca-1 Lane County, Oregon Records and gon. A 1119 1« S » 9 18 11 W SMITH. Recorder., the hour of one o'clock In the after-. tlon notice of which Is recorded in which Is described as follows: 8. 16 20 noon of said day. at tho Southwest i NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS SALE Vol. 11_ page 322 of Mining Claims Commencing at this notice the east front door of the County Court House, j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lane County. Oregon Records and ertd center on the couth bank of St. in Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, , by virtue of an execution and order * h lc h is described as follows: Peters Creek, running thence 380 fp*t f fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub of gaJe lagued ont oi the circuit Court Commencing at this notice the east southerly, thence 1500 feet westerly, Uc auction, subject to redemptl n of g u t e of Ore(?on for end center which center Is identical thenca 300 feet northerly to the w est at provided by law all or he rig 1. countjr the gth d>y of September, w'»»t »*«' west end center of the T.ln- end center nvhlch center 1» ident’cal Hi • % ~ »•»*»■ « » » « U»*®ce 300 feet southerly to the west thence 1500 feet easterly, thence .700 through or under ---- Bowles was plhintlff and Mrs Lydia end center, thence 300 Oeet southerly fey-t southerly to the place of hegin- either of them in and to said pre­ DR. J. M- JONE3 Carlson and d ia r ie s J. Carlson her thence 1500 feet easterly, thence 300 Bing, being situated in the Bohemia mise«. OPTOMETRIST husband were defendants the plaintiff *»*» northerly to the place of begin Mining District in Lane County. Ore- FRANK B. TAYIXJR. Sheriff, ’ gon. Lane County, Oregon. recovered Judgment against said de-,nlng. LARAWAY BLDG., EUGENE fendant. Mrs. Lydia Carlson for the ’T* 1" claim was formerly known a s, The ••Grant" mining claim I-oca- 8: 18-23-38; O: 7-14 sum o f SIXTEEN HUNT>RED the “Husked" and le Kilned on the n on notice of which is recorded In DOLLAR8 with Interest thereon at J’5*"' the__"T.lncoIn" claim and Is Vol. u pay« 257. of MI"»«e claim s. gumcoMR 228 Main 8L Residence 126 c 81 -eight per cent per annum from the located on Mcnto Rico Ridee about Lane County. Oregon Records and Gaaerol Is» Fvaotlae IN THE JUBTICB COURT FOR^ ____ __ »,17th day of December 1935 until paid 1 H miles 8 E. from Bohemia Moon- s ___________ + ’rh Is dpsc»«h<’< 4 as f"l»-w«- «2 J «2M EUGENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, LANE t h e su m o f »250.00 a s attor- »a'n. said claim being In the Bohemia; Beginning at th l» notice and run- I. M. PETERSOÑ COUNTY. ORBOON. j nar, fPeg and gum ot M'ning District In Lane County. Ore- -« - - 300 *♦ pz3Ff>>pr1v fn onr’pr No. 1, Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-Law L M. Trarls. Inc., a corporation., cog, g stake, thence 300 ft. south- 1 e . *n B—h m i-, Mining District Lane Merchandise Moving of the first publication of this sum- offer for sale at public auction and ”r ' ’? corner No- ’ thenes 1580 ft County. Oregon. Phone 57 mons. and if you fall to »0 appear sell to the highest bidder for cash e C?n ,55. 0 *' th®“ pe 300 The "Monte Cristo” mining claim Office at 312 Main St. and answer the plaintiff will ask Judg- subject to redemption as provided by . Jiorthwrlw to this notice and place location Notice of w hich 1« rc cc rd » d | ment against you In the su of »38.58 by law all rig h t title, estate and in- of Jl, n"1’'5'„T . ,. .. _ . ,n Vo1- 17 20S of Mlniwe Claims, with Interest at 6 per cent per annuni terests that the said' defendants and L , " „ .“5 , rF„ n ? ? , p Lane County. Oregon Records and ■ from December 24. 1924. and for the all of them have or on the 1 st dnv cf _ Bpin* ". ° f J , ? 3, * w h ' r h *" rtp<1<'rihed as follows: GEO,. N, McLEAN DR. N. W. EMERY further sum of »7 85 with Interest at Jure 1924 had In and to the following ’ ® - ,n Ho»'pmla . Commencing n» this Automobile, Fire and Life 8 per cent per annum from D ecem ber; described mortgaged premises, to-wlt ' of ^ane an<1 tlie State of (ng In a northerly direction 300 feet O E N T IfiT IN S U R A N C E 20. 1924, and Its costs and disburse-' Beginning at a point in the center, rpgon- to the northwest corner »take No Surety Bonds.. Phone 817 Button Bldg. Phone 20-J iren ts In this action; and that the of the Territorial road 12 97 chains The "Adams” mining claim Loca- th »-ce in a southeasterly direction My buslnsea It to protect you» -m oney held under garnishment be south 82*-10' east of the southerly »'<”> notice of which anp Co,lntv Orpg0B Rpeordg M(J Now. therefore. In the name of the make a specialty of crushed Phone 43 State of Oregon. In compliance with IOR. UNITED STATES LAND OF­ to Ell Jones and wife by deed record- wh1ch „ „„ ^ n o w s: rock and rock eand. Bunk­ tn anfi satisfy FICE. • Roseburg, Oregon, August 21, ed In Book 96 Flr»t Nst'l Bank Bldg., Springfield kb page page 173 n s of 01 the m e Deed neen BrKtnnIn(t „t this notice and run- said """ execution, I and In order ‘ fi,». ers at foot of Main on Mill 1926. „ NorthprIv t0 pornpr No , ’ "VssmeiT, -n d the r S st? a id ex- records of Lane County Oregon, and street NOTICE Is hereby given that on run thence south 77--301 east. 154 ttw>ncp 1K00 ff PBsterly Io corner No. ^"” 5 ? ,mon thl? writ I V*U August 16. 1926, J. S. Lindsey, of 1168 chains to the ,e southeast, corner of the 2. thpncp 300 f t to P a s, n e n se s of and .won this writ w.,1 HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. 16th. Ave. N.. Seattle. Washington, filed application No. 016694, under the WM. G. HUGHES Act of March 20, 1922, (42 Stat.. 465) PIRB ANO AUTO INSURANCE to exchange the Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. EH „„ „ .... „ . . , NO TARY PUBLIC SW ’i, and W H S R 'i. Sec. 2, Tp 20 | p|ncP nf beginning, containing .58 of of beginning House, in Eugene, Lane Connty. Or» Range . 1 . W . est, . W. M. within the Cas- an -n acre a c r e In I^tne lam e County, County. Oregrfn, Oreedn. Also, Also. , __ gon. offer for sale and sell for cash, Office at cade National Forest, FOR THE 1 Beginning at a point 12.97 chains . Th l s " *ic e_ ,s about 5b0„ft s- nt public auction, suhlect to redemp- ! TIMBER ON THE EH SW% a n d ls0U, hK PaR,^ „ m, R 4R cha,na £"»" ' b* N = p°m er of Sec. 2« T ., tloB ag pP0T,dP(, by law. all of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Your Home When In Springfield, Oregon NW ”, SE'4 BU, Section 27. Township 20 , onfh 77« 30- eart from th P „outh east ” 3 R' V ® ' *?’’ cIal™ Jo'nat ,bo right, title ___ and _______ Interest — of ___ said ***" nuuiu ■ ■ -ou vn. l m ™ v v avuu. ™=i Springfield illiam O. Simpson D ; A’’fl’Ps ‘J18 d 2 he be ¿ ac'” 7 ’ fendnnt. A. P. S . Range ilr 3 3..Ka"i’ East. W. *!" M WltMn thP corner'of eorner of Ihe’ the w William A?"«?" tbe ^ eat pat ,}n *n<1l ‘ Churchill, “ ‘ ‘ or any r>^w Cascade National Forest. » L. c C. Nn e East ln No 55 Townshlo Township 17 south of on ,b bp ®IH’ , , an<1 an<; ,n the ™p Bohemia Bolbp’nla j SOB pr ^ » o n s cln'mlng hv, thrcpirt) Correct, Sit Down I The purpose of this notice Is to ran p „ wp®t w M thp north. 1 Mining n e “ County, ***-'"- District. ........... . In •" I^ » •" -------- Ore- ' ' ~ l or under them, or either of them In 27.25” 2 7 r:2 2 L .C',5.,!nJ.n8,,'?7 Paa» com er of a tract formerly deeded 1 . * _______________ . . . and to »»Id nbove described property. "Now children." said the teacher, M FRANK A. D FPUE selected, or having bona fled objec­ to and now owned bv Ell and Cecilia FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff The -Jefferson" mining claim Loca tell me the opposite of the word tions to such application, an oppor­ Jones run thence south JJ’-SO’ east,)»»0" notice of which ls recorded