PAO K S U TU R WBWS TH U R SD A Y d g lT E M n E R 23, 1926 NOTICE OF SAME ON IMPROVE- cent from February Hth. 191«. to Springfield. Oregon, MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE Present owner. Grace and Jessie for delinquent town improvement Hen H a rry M . D augherty NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Walker. Assessed to Grace and Jes­ assessed by Ordinance No. 303, 303, pursuant to a resolution of the Town sie Walker. passed and approved January IS. 1912, Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt­ Terms cash that 1 will on the 32nd play of October. ed August 39 h. 192« and a 'warrant Springfield. ‘Oregon, September SSrd. It««. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M Issued by the town Recorder there­ 192« of sai l day. Ir iron: of the Town Hall under directing me to advertise and JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal In Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, sell. In the manner provided by law, of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. soil the above ¡escribed property (> the following describes! property. the bidder for cash who offers to pa» Lot 7. Block 5, Emerald Heights Ad­ NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE tb< assessm ent, costs. Interest and a» cldedly unsightly CARE OF TH E SKIN dition to Springfield. Oregon, curing costs and In crest thereon, and MENT 1.1EN FORECLOSURE If liy any chance you have been Nothing, surely, enn be nicr»' dis for delinquent tewn Improvem nt lieu, NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That take a Redemption Petal at the lowest assessed by Ordinance' No 2S5. passed pursuant to a resolution of the Town rale of Intent*, not greater than l ’> tresslng or more disfiguring than an cleansing your fuce with a heavy cold and approved Nov :.iber 13 h. 1911. Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt­ per cent. ¡larged pores In the skin, and Hie »«<1 cream, discontinue tt Immediately. that I w 11 on the 22nd day of October. ed August 30 h 193«. and a warrant Principal $3$ SO, Interest at 8 per ) pari about II I* that such a condition SiitwtlHMe either a very light errnm of 192«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M issued by the town Recorder there­ e»nt from January 13th. 1913. J Is the direct carelessness In cleansing the kind that dissolves almost install of said day, in front of the Town Hall under directing me to advertise and Present owner. G W. Prlnkard A tn Springfield, I* n e County. Oregon. sell, in the manner provided by law. sensed to G W Prlnkard, i the skin after a prodigal use of mak— laueously Into a penetrating oil, or. ■ell the above described property to the following described property Terms cash, up. Too often they aren t notice,! even belter, use a liquor cleanser. the bidder for cash who offers to pay Lot 7. Block 1. Extended Survey, Springfield, Oregcn. September 33rd. until they are very bad Indeed, and Give up all greasy fatty prepurallon». the assessm ent, costs interest am! s e ­ Springfield. Oregon. 19'6 After thoroughly cleansing the face then, when they refuse to yield to a curing costs and tn'erest thereon, and for delinquent town improvement lien JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal take a Redemption Deed at the lowest assessed by Ordinance Nos. 379 and the Town of Springfield, Oregon few day's treatment, we become die- you may use warm w ater and a wash rate of interest, not greater than 15 386. passed and apprved January heartened and give II up as a bad Job cloth If you like, but always finish per cent. S4th. 191«. and February 2lst, 191« NOTICE OE SALE ON IMPROVE type of jklu requires Its with plenty of cold water. A little Ice per IMnctpal $14.66. interest at 6 I The eyes of the nation are upon Every that 1 will on the 32nd day of October, j MENT MEN P0RBC3X18URE cent from November 17th. 191«. the sensational trial being held in own particular treatment to prevent nibbed over the akin makes an ex­ 192«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Present owner. O. F. Knox, As- of said New York City. Harry M. Its enlarged pore condition. .Most nl cellent natural astringent. ___________________ _________ day. In front of ___ the Town Hall pursuant to a resolution of the Town tessed to O. F. Knox. General j us do not give the complexion the ty. < Daugherty, former Atty. Don't use cold r e a m before powder­ in Springfield. I-ane County, O regon.. Council of Spriifirttelil, Oregon adopt Terms cash, liter former and Col. Thomas W. Mill sell the above described property to ed August 3l>h. 1938. and a warrant ing. for It will cb>g the pores, and be SpringfleW. Oregon. September 23rd. the bidder for cash who offers ‘o pay Issued by the town Recorder then Alien Property Custodian are re­ ■laily attention It should have, and rely 19!« sisting the Government's attempt too optimistically upon cosmetics to sure that your powder la very line tn the assessm ent, costs. Interest and a c-| under directing me to advertise and JESS SM1TSON. Town Marshal Apply It lightly. l*ut on a to convict them of betrayal of cover up blemishes and hide Imper­ texture curing costs and in'eres» thereon, and sell. In the manner provided by law. of the Town of Springfield, Oregon take a Redemption Peed at the'low est the following described property. public trust In a case Involving fection*. surplus of powder and then dual II off rate of interest, not greater than 15 Lot 10. Block 32. Extended Survey, <7 <000.000 I Soap and water, the usual ste m s rather than use powder too sparingly NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ per cent. i Springfield. Oregon. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE Principal $31083, tnteresf at 6 per for delinquent town Improvement lien. «-•ess,-,| b y ordinance N o. 2 « 3, ■wnployed to cleanse the skin, will not and then grind It Into the pores. And never, never, no matter bow NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That cent from December 31st. 1918 and assessed b y Ordinance N o « 5 2 passed and approved June |Mh. 1911 entirely remove the oil. dust and pursuant to a resolution of the Town May 14th. 1920. passed and approved May 9th. 1921 that I will ,,n the 22nd day of October, germs from the fgee and neck There-j tired andsleepy you may be. retire 192«. at the hour of I - SO o'clock P’ M Council of Springfield, Oregon adopt­ Present owner. J W Machen. As­ that I will on the 23nd day of October without removing all make-up from ed August 30:h. 192«. and a warrant sessed to J. W. Machen. 192«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M of said day. In front of the Town Hall fore, when you hare used nothing else Issued by the town Recorder there­ Terms cash, of said day. In front of the Town Hall in Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, for months It stands to reaeon that the fare. under directing me to advertise and Springfield. Oregon. September 23rd. In Springfield, Lane County. Oregon sell the above described property to yowr akin Is discolored the pores d og I — sell, in the manner provided by law. 192€ sell the above described property to the bidder for cash who offers to pav ged or filled with blackheads, and t"e DANCE Stevens Hall Every Ratur- tho assessm ent, costs Interest and ac the following described property the bidder for cash who offers Io pay JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal tlarrelt'a Orecheatra If. Lot 10. Block 22. Emerald Heights of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. the assessm ent, costs. Interval and ac curing costs and Interest thereon, and general condition unhealthy and de- day Night Addition to Springfield. Oregon curing costs and Interest thereon, and take a Redemption Peed at the lowest of interemt. not greater than 15 for delinquent town improvement Hem p p SALE ON IMPROV E take a Redemption Deed at the lowest rate rate of Inter«*, not greater than 15 per cent. assessed by Ordinance No. 387. J**»*« MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE Principal $29« 30. interest at « per and approved December 20. 1913, NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That per cent. that I will on the 22nd day of October. pursuant to a resolution of the Town Principal $66 67. Interest at 6 per cent from June,l«ih. 1912 Present owner. Iziulse M Be,tie- 192«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M. Council of Snrlngfield. Oregon adopt cent from November 1st. 1921. helm Assessed to Ixialse M Ilrttle- of said dav. in front of the Town Hall ed August 30'h. 192«. and a warrant Present owner. Ethel Clark, As helm. In Springfield. Lane County. Oregon. issued by the town Recorder there­ sessed to Ethel Clark. Terms cash ■ell the above described property to under directing me to advertise anu Terms cash , the to pay »ell. in the manner provided by law S^rtogfleW, Oregon, September 33rd. Springfield. Oregon. September 33rd, — bidder for cash . who . . offers „„a 1936 192« the assessment, ecsts. ln‘p^ s ‘ ®c; the following described property JESS SMITSON Town Marshal curing costs and interest thereon, and JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal Lots 11 and IX Block 70. Wash­ take a Redemption Deed at the lowest burn's Subdivision of Sprlngfleflld In­ of the Town of Springfield. Oregon. of the Town of Springfield. Oregon rate of interest, not greater than 15 vestment end Power Company's Ad­ per cent. SUMMONS NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE dition to Springfield. Oregon, Prnetpal $16 55. interest at « per for delinquent town Improvement lien, ’\ ™ K CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MENT LIEN F ARECT/'St’RE cent from December 31st. 1913. IN AND FOR NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN Thai * i , v-L ' ' *■ ' assessed by Ordinance No. «67. passed Present owner. James A. Fraser. and approved February 11th. 192«. pursuant to a resolution of the Town . LANE COUNTY Assessed to O. M. Larson. Marius Feterson and Marie peter that I will on the 22nd day of October. Council of Spring-field. Oregon adopt Terms cash Husband and Wife. Plaintiffs, vs. 1926. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M ed August 30 h. 192«. and a warrant Springfield. Oregon. September 23rd. of said day. In front of the Town Hall Issued by the town Recorder there- , '~’rK*'A Stevens. Dorothea S'arks, Best Food Shortening Is Being Offered 1926 in Snrlngfield. Lane County. Oregon, under directing me to advertise ami *' a «a nes. Ed Raines, her hushaml. JESS SMITSON Town Marshal Henry Decor her hus- sell the above described property to sell. In the manner provided by law. ' nn'* of the ’ own o f Springfield Oregon. the bidder for cash who offers to pay the following described property hand: Ella V. Henderson. W. H. Hen- Block 2. W illamette Heights derson. her husband: Sylvester Arml ______ the assessm ent, costs. Interest and ac- — Lot 5. -------- , .... A raltage. hts wife; Zell« NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPR IE - curing costs and fn'ereet thereon, and Addition to Springfield. Oregon D Smith, her husband; MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE take a Redemption D eci at the lctwest for delinquent town Improvement Hen At the following low prices Arthur Getachell. Bonnie llaw ley NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That ra{P of inter««, not greater than 15 assessed by Ordinance No. «32. passed pursuant to a resolution of the Town p<>r cent , and approved December 12th, 1918. Alhep’ Hawley, her husband; Mere’ Thompson his 1 lb. Can .. 23c Council of Springfield. Oregon adopt principal $57 9«. Interest at 6 per that I will on the 22nd day of October <’l,’.h TL.?m 193«. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M wife; rhaddeus Thom pson ed August 30'h. 1926. and a warrant cpint from Juneist, 192«. 3 lb. Can .. 64c Issued by the town Recorder there- Present owner. Geo Mathers As- of said day. In front of the Town Hall Thompson, his wife; Emelin* Linville In Springfield. Lane County, Oregon or her unknown heirs at law. If de' under directing me to advertise and SPSSed p, Geo. Mathers, $123 6 lb. Can sell the above described property to ceased; L. 0 Linville, her husband orl sell, in the manner provided by law. Term, cash S teven«.1 the folloarinv desorthed property. Srringfleld. Oregon. September 23rd. the bidder for cash who offers to pay widower; Ellxle Stevens. 9 lb. Can $1.77 Lets 9 and 10, Block 8. Sunnyside 1926 tho assessm ent, costs. Interest and ar- hl» Wife Pearl Barnes E A. Barnes’ ! curing costs and Interest thereon, anil her husband; Rena Stevens. Frank, Addition to Springfield. Oregon JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal Take Advantage of thia Big Saving« Friday and Saturday Austin Stevena, O i l le i for delinquent town Imorovem-nt lien. , he Town of Springfield. Oregon, take a Redemption Deed at the lowest Steven«. assessed by Ordinance No. 302 and 303 - rate of Interem. not greater than 16 9tevens. William Stevens. Josephine Stevens, the widow of William H naased and approved January 13. 1912. ________per cent. that I will on the 22nd day of October. OF SALE ON IMPROVE- principal $26 «5. interest at 6 per Stevens, deceased, whose present J 19"6 at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P M MENT LIEN FOREOLOSl RE cent from December 13th. 1919. name Is unknown; Alvin Steven« May I of "a! i day. in iron' of the Town Hall NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That Pre(,en< ew ner. Wm anrt j UD| . Walters. John Walters, her husband: in I,ane Countv. Or^ffon. pursuant to a resolution of the Town Assessed to Wm. and Junta the unknown widower and heirs ni! sell -he above described property to Council of Bpringfteld, Oregon adopt- Be„Ia law of Lizzie Vaughn deeeaMd: the the bidder for cash who offers to pay ed August 39‘h. 192«. and a 'warrant Tepma Ca»h, unknown widow ---- and --------- heirs at law of! the assessment, costs, interest and ac- Issued by the town Recorder there- Rnringfleld, Oregon. September 23rJ, •1 . harlea . . Stevens, deceased: -------- , all other I heirs at law of HiX'-v V Stevens. de-I curing costs and in'erest thereon, an I under directing me to advertise and 1926 erased, and all other persons orl JESS SMITSON Town Marshal take a R"demo,ion Deed at th--- lc-weat sell. In the manner provided by law. of the Town of Springfield, Oregon par'les unknown claiming any right rate of inter*««, no, greater than 15 the following described property Lots 13 and 1«. Bieck 106. Wash­ ------------------------ I title, estate, lien or Interest In the per cent. burn's Subdivision of Srringfleld In­ NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE- J**1 p«lnhn Walters, the the following described property. sensed to Henry Phelan. in SpringfPld. I-ane County. Oregon. |known widower and heirs at la Lot 15. Block 102, Washburn's Sub- sell the ahoyp described property to Lizzie Vaughn, deceased dlv don of Springfield Investmen’ and Term« cash FnefngfieW, Oregon. September 23rd, the bidder for cash who offers tn pay known widow and hetrs at law of Power Company's Addition to Spring- 1926 the assessm ent, costs. Interest and ac- Charles Stevens, deceased; all other field. Oregon JESS SMITSON. Town Marshal curing costs and Interest thereon, and heirs at law of Hlxev V Stevens, de­ T'r delino■'< n, ,-w o Im-royem -nt Hen assessed by Ordinance No. 317 passed of the Town of Springfield, Oregon. take a Redemption Deed at the lowest ceas'd . and all other persons or rate of Interest, not greater than 15 parties unknown claiming and right and a(.,-roved August 31s', 1912. title, estate, lien or Interest In the that I w'll on the 22nd day of October. NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ per cent. Principal $323.93. Interest at 6 per real estate described In the complaint 1926 at the hoar of 1:30 o’clock P M. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE of said day, in iron' of the Town H ill NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That cent from July 16, 1918 November 1st, ¡herein, and others. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF In Scringf -Id. Lane County, Oregon, pursuant to a resolution of the Town 1921 Present owner. Arthur Kirkland. As- OREGON, You are h' rebv reoulred to sell the above described property to Council of Springfi id, Oregon adopt- the bidder for cash who offers to pay ed August 30'h. 1926. and a 'warrant sessed to Junla Beals and Grace May. appear and answer the rnmnlalnt filed against von In the above entitled suit the assessm ent, costs, interest and ac- issued by the town Recorder there- Terms cash curing r-f -i and interest thereon, and und,-r directing me to advertise and S"-ingfleld, Oregon September 23rd. within six weeks from th '•ate of the first publication of this Summons tn tak R ’' motion Deed at tb*- lowest Bell. In the manner provided by law, 1926. the Springfield N ew ’ and If vou fall JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal rate of Interfi«, not greater than 15 the following described property »wm of Soringfleld, Oregon so to answer, far want thereof, plain­ Lots 6 and 7. Block 2. Sunnyside Ad- ' t 'b per cent. tiffs will take Judgment and decree Pr neipal $31.31. interest at 6 P^f dition to Springfield. Oregon, cent from Srctember 5th. 1912. for delinquent town improvement Hen NOTICE OF SALE ON IMPROVE­ against von a»snra"c»"■ W est of the W illam ette Meridian, and m orrow ? Next week? Next m onth? One running thence North 12’ East, on KOTICF OF SAI E ON IMPROV®- the assessm ent, costs, interest and ac- 6 described proper y. never knows when adversity will strike but W est line of said claim 32 56 ebnins. thence East 30 61 chains thence when it does utrlke, a Savings account will ’TOTIf’F io «i.w«ws-**w• _________ field, Oregon: thence north 623 5 feet be your best friend. S ta rt now to build up a pur-uant to ‘a resolution of the Town rate of Interest, not greater than 15 to county rnerl running east and west; South 12’ Weof 32 56 chains and thence W est 30.61 chains to the place Havings fund for the “rainy” days ahead. A Councfl of Snringfield. Oregon adopt- per cent. thence w est along said county road a beginning. In Lnne County, Orgon >.| August 3 0 h 1926 and a warrant Principal $76 62, Interest at 6 per distance of 162 25 feet; thence south of Liberty Hell Hank will help you do it. be forever established and quieted usned by the town town Recorder there. . cent from January 13 th, 1912. parrallel with the line first described Issnrrl directing n> tne Pr(„.f.r., ownf,r, aeth !i"nder me to advertise and Present owner, Seth Ralatric Ralwtrlck As- '623 5 eet; thence east 162.25 feet to nnd that yon be forever barred and estopped from having or rlalmlng any sell in the manner provided by law, sessed to Seth Raistricks. beginning In Sec'Ion 26, Township 17 right, title, estate or Interest therein $1.00 Opens a Savings Account the following described property. Term« cash. South. Range 3 West containing 3 32 adverse to their title and for such Lots 7 and 8. Block 29. Extended Springfield, Oregon, September 23rd, acres, except, other and further relief as shall be bv and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank Survey of 9pringfleld. Oregon. 1926. . . . . Commencing «53 75 feet from the th* Court deemed Just and equitable j f "delinquent town Improvement lien. JESS SMITSON, Town Marshal northwest corner of the E. W Powers the premises. assessed by Ordinance No. 386. passed of the Town of Springfield, Oregon, Donation Land claim No. «9. Town- In This summons Is served upon you anti approved February 21st, 191«, ship 17 South, range 3 w est; thence hy publication thereof once each week iTfit I wlU on the 22nd day of October. NO tic E OF SALE ON 1MPROVE- 40 feet south; thence 162.25 fees EaHt; for six successive weeks |n the Spring- U lfi atU^e hour of 1:30 o’clock P. M. MENT LIEN FORECLOSURE Protected by Electric B urglarlyf A la rm S y s te m 'll thence «0 feet north; thence 162.25 field News, printed and published In I f said day in front of the Town Hall NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN That feet west to beginning, except, Snrlngfield, Oregon, by order of the A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY in snrlngfield I^ n e County, Oregon, pursUant to a resolution of the Town Beginning 21375 feet from the Hon. O F. Sklpworth. Judge of said the above described property to council of Springfield, Oregon adopt- northwest corner of said E. W. Powers Court, made and entered on the 21st tea bidder for cash who offers to pay Pd August 30th. 1926, and a warrant Donation Land Claim No. «9, Town­ day of September. 1926, and the first ♦he assessm ent coats. Interest and ac- |SBUWi by the town Recorder there- ship 17 South, Range 3 'west.; thence publication thereof Is made on the costs and interest thereon, and un