THURSDAY KKITKMBRR 28, 1926 TOWN AND VICINITY Thurston Man In J. Town—J. Bartsch iff Thurston « a s a visitor In Hprlngflrld Hal urti a y 1 THB g m H O » a L D NHVfc PAOB n v i About Ifout* tiREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Mars From Marcóla—J Daugherty wna In town Friday svstilng from hla homo In Marróla. Varnall Hara— Hurry Yarn*ll sto ni Saturday mornltiK In Hprlngflidd on hualnoas from Thurston Mara From Watervllla—Tom Car li.-v of Watorvllh was Ip town Hatui dnv morning for a short timo In bus) WORRY. Robertson III—John Itoberlson fore I 1 know a woman, wife of a small man of ilie repair shop uf the Danneri farmer, who w u bom In pioneer Motor compuny was III for a few ilu> , days when th o‘ popular habitation at bis home the tlrst of the week was a log cabin with a d ie She married early, and gi Move To Harbsrt Apuriment»—M . s J H Henderson has tnaved In t'i • family of eight children. Hi hands wove the clothing of llnrbert Apartments on A street. Kb family; she eewad the n r m e m . j took possession Wednesday hand—no maehinee then. hjl.o oookeil, summer and winter, on a McPhersons In Town— Mr sn.l M- ’ log fireplace. She helped do the Alva McPherson were In from the Dr j buMhering, 'rendered' the lard, Evans hop yard Wednesday on bu< ! mode soap from tha ‘trimming«' and did the family wash at tLa Bess. I nearbv crwnk. I cannot think <3 anything that she did not do, or Kohltr Moves— P. H Kohler, m< In doing,—even to bringing chanlc at the Booth Kelly mill bus jo > oaatst firw- Srw-wood and 1 helping help to chop It moved Into the new house furnish suitable lengths for use as by I. J McCracken on the corner r Eight and E streets. 8h lived fibs — to ~ bs a little post I Blnet ninety-two ywurs o f age! And, Has Operation— Mrs ('art Es'epp e- itr r v ^ all thia, 1 never knew her to Wendllng had a major operation or complain at her task, woman was not a ‘freak.* the t*arinr Christian hospital The Wa are the freaks, we who worry day She Is reported to be d.on-- nt trifles and regard all work as Blcely. degrading, all toll as unworthy or Work on the Improvement of tho I “ ar’on connt>r' d“H to ra,na' lba P4«* | channel and bar of Tillamook bay la wl)1 **• nonn**- according to W. F. i Aatolnette wilii ¡aft loot burned The about to begin, th« powerful 20 Inch . 1 H«lem Pr“ne I* « * « - Mr Drag- girl. had keen picking cucumbers oe auc tion dredge Natoma, owned by the er e "l‘inat.-d the pack for the district tha Pokorny farm southeast of Wood- Port of Astoria, with pontoons, pipe at P*1*®*0 80.000.000 and 70.000.000 burn, and had gone under a tree when and all necessary equipment, having p"unda Approximately 42.000.000 the atorm became severe. A dog with Brief of Resume of Happenings pounds of the pack already has been them also was killed by the lightning. rr • arrived at Garibaldi. sold or la under contract. The state highway commission re- the Week Collected for Just as It completed a jump of 15 September 23 la the lest day on fused to approve the boundaries of the rtup D o u d n o a i ,e *'t ,r°in tbB «round to the limb of a uur Ktaoers. pl|le trea # cou«• daugblar, ot Mr and Mr* Pob°™y ed at Klamath Falla. the attendance of approximately a and Stella, 33. sister of Mr. Pokorny. William K. Estes, prominent hard dozen uniformed drum corps and Two other daughters, Elsie, 14. and ware merchant of Oregon City, wa» bnn(Is on Anier|can Veg|on and B„og,, Antoinette, also were struck, Elsie be- kllled nt his place of business by the er day at , he gtate U lr at Salem , lag burned from the knees down, and "r ' Fr.-lay, ()17,827. e r,.d tn connec, lon wtlh plaDR for a quarantine on bay shipments from cer- our hands. We have almost coma ta|n counties ln Oregon, Idaho, Cali- From Oakridge—John Kelsur el-r. *o regard motherhood with Indig­ At no time except Thanksgiving and Xmas is the house so full of fornla, Wyoming. Colorado and Neva- keeper for the Western Lumber c-> enrancing intriguing odors! Whether it's jam, jelly, pickles or fru it nation In these days of faaldon and da, to prevent entry into Montana of panv at Oakridge passed throuiri grogrsss' the result is the same! the alfalfa weevil. It Is said. If you're a man or boy you're “ in the way" and have to watch your Springfield last Hnturdav on his wav , My point la, that work never step or get in Dutch) If you're handy with a peeling knife there's a T h e C ecilian club und th e Royal harm«*' any living soul, if carried The first arreBt ln the campaign of to Eugene where be will stay for i CHANCE of you getting your oar in and getting a whack at some of on intelligently, without worry. Troubadour*, high school social organ ' the Douglas fire patrol against In- 1 week visiting friends who are return the leavings in the cookers but MOSTLY you're NOT wanted about the 81ckness la merely the chastening Itatlons were ordered disbanded bj cendlarles, who were said to be re­ Ing to college there. kitchen. Are we right? for offenses committed—Ignorant­ directors of the Salem school district i sponsible for the heavy forest fire So in case you’re one of these unnecessary MALES who it reading ly or wilfully, and every crime Goes To Portland— Mias Clara Wyse this why just quit reading at this point and turn the newspaper over The aggregate cost of operating tht losses of the last year, waa made when against right lining Is sure to bring to the lady folks— who will APPRECIATE it a whole lot more. left for Portland thia morning t-i punishment. * Salem public schools during the com Floyd Finley of Elkton was brought to spend the week end While she I Roseburg charged with setting out Worrv kilts— striving to do the Ing school year baa been fixed at gone, Miss Mary Ellxahelh W hllnn Impossible, at unseeming hours, 1344,877, according to a tentative bud j numerous fires near hla home, overfeeding, Intemperance in ambi­ «III lake her place at the nffire of Drs k' l- The state land board has authorized tion, and in neglecting the laws of Ri-hhan. I*he|teplace and IKppel 8h< I A bolt of lightning shattered the C“« C. Moser. Portland attorney, and • rest and recreation. «III he back Sunday night. What a lev son in longevity! telephone In Anton Mallaris lunch Charles Hall of Marshfield, to extract There uro none so blind a . tliey room In Sandy and stunned Jack 8,’1<1 from black sands along the Has Operation— Mrs. Floyd Elliott who will not see. . Barnett of Sandy who was sitting at beaches In Curry county. Under the « a s taken to the Pacific Chrlstlnn | a neurhy table. terms of the contract the state la to hospital where she was operated up­ What's the Difference Four forest fires were reported from recelTe Per cent of an* gold tb*‘ on Saturday morning hy a local physl- In Spices? Personal Efficiency Asks Doctors' Cooperation the vicinity of Three Creeks butte m“7 extracte maturing, they fuBd bndt*t ” 1 mtn’ Y« Olds English Deckel Edge S ta tio n e ry ___ ef the port of Pert Orford, has started 50c. at the home of Mr. and Mra. N. A. haTe developed Immunity. Children, Transfer of the budget-making pow- Worth Anybody’s Six Bits a crew of ssea to work preparing a Rowe this week. They are old friends tmmune only In rare Instances r» ,>r of ” >• *» tba «•v»ri><«r. end camp at tke proposed location of its of the Rowes and were much Impress- aH parenta nhould take their boys and making him rully reepeaatble. ia pv» first dam at the mouth ef Reck creek, ed with the Oregon scenery l a s t Western White Cedar com­ pany and the Stout Lumber company. Involving delivery of 40.000,000 feet of white cedar logs to the Western White Cedar company within th s next two years. Dresses For School Girls Of Flannels and Serges are not only servicable but comfortable and show good taste and good judg­ ment. Styles are right at Breier’s. Dresses $3.95 to $8.75 Coat* for Girl« 3 to 16 Year Size $5.85 to 19.50 Underwear for Girls Girls’ Union Suits 6 to 16 year sizes CROSS KNIT BRAND Is a well tailored garment and fin­ ished well, in the cotton or wool suits. Six to 16 year sizes. Worsted, long sleeve, ankle length, suits— Girls’ Union Suits Six to 16 year sizes, Fine ribbed cotton, medium weight, 8Uit .... ........................... 89c $1.25 and $1.50 Children’s Golf Hose Heather mixtures, fancy tops, and checks and stripes— 65c, 75c, 85c “IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY AT BREIERS”