lb VF. WS PAOS POOR THURSDAY SE1TEMHKR 2.1. 192« Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANS COUNTY UNIT iy O. 14 MARKER AGENTS LETTER • of them lodge In »nJ about lb « 1 • «aniens in some form—adult, larva. FARM REMINDERS i pupa, or egg. Hosts of them may be I * * * * _* • • • • destroyed by plowiug the gardens in I Bordeaux mix ure applied as a the fall and leaving he surface clear' ■pray durtng the summer or early falll*AC*Pt for the late fall aud winter I Is the best knoan means to prevent '•tuff. Then in the spring m e ground the growth of mosses and lichens on 1» lightly cultivated aud spread with trees and shrubs, Thorough drench poison bran mash to get the early starters before the crops are up. tng is advisable. Beef Breeds “Coming Back'' j past. Vnder a Federal Warehouse receipt it Is fur easier to nuance than under the old method All producta must f>e Federally inspected by llo elised graders before they enter stor­ age atid tliev are barred from storage if they do not meet the requirements. Potato Prisse Look Good The potato jrtop Of the Unit'll Stales Is alunit the same us that of last year, and indicattnns are for fair prices. Prices were good In 1925, Mini the production thia season is alunit 13 per cent below the flvo year averag« aud around 7t> per cent of normal. Farm Conditions Improve The bureau of Agricultural Econ­ omics states that the average farm family earned »643 for labor und man­ ag n en t durtng 1925 26 or »24 niero than In the preceding!! year Although this showing Is considerably above the very meager years during the ««'•- ere years of d ep ression s it Is y d nearly 30 per cent below the earnings of 1919 20. he Departments slates. Peaches SO Cents Each Now is the time to make hill selec­ Rye grass and hairy vetch have tions of potatoes for next year's seed. G« t a bunch of lath or other small been profitable seed crops iu western •takes. Go through the Helds and Oregon for two or three years. Both •elect vigorous healthy plants that are are fall sowed on rather heavy land. not near to diseased ones. Avoid potatoes showing yellow leaves, badly wrinkled or ruffled leaves that arc discolored or mottled In any way Stake dark green plants with three to five or more vigorous stalks, not spindly, knobby at leaf stem s or ex ­ cessively tall. Leaves should oe rather smooth, even, dark green and free from mottling. Corn ear selecting time will soon b> here. Select good ears from erect Stalks, vigorous, healthy and early. Drooping ears on long shanks are good for western Oregon. Save no ears from down stalks, weak or suck­ er! ng plants, or from those with •triped or abnormal leaves. To check the swarm of insects that seem at times almost able to swamp the vegetable garden, fall garden sani­ tation is a big help. These pests that persist from year to year must find som e place to winter over, and many G ava A d d ress at Lane Fair What'll I Order? PHONE 9 We Will Solve the Problem For You Your everyday prob­ lem. "What'll I order" will quickly be solved □ere. where a great variety o f choicest groceries are attrac­ tively displayed and serve as suggestions for many variations of the menu. You will llnd tempting foods that will satisfy the m o s t fastidious ap­ petite. P^r vegetables and fruits, our complete line of bottled, package and canned goods, and our consistently low level prices, make this store the best place you could find to trade. Careful attention given to phone orders. Phone Phone 9-WHITEFR0NTGR0CEfiy-8 Wldle peaches have retailed ns low ns SO cents per box In Oregon they retail from 15 rents to 50 cents «Sch In England, so slate« a Department of ¡Agriculture publication. The same ¡authority slates that Pacific roasl I tira vensteln apples sold for f i l l i in Liverpool. with tho smaller slseu at from 13 41 to »3 39 Moulhern apples i In barrels «old for from »5 11 to fS.73. S H O R T H O R N S T E E R “ E DA HO II" Grand Chsmplen Pacific International Livestock Espogltlon 19IS. Bred. Fed I Llllnote Knows Value of Lime StsnneU Vour Potato Sacks A state law require« that every saeg I of potatoes sold or offered for sale in j Oregon ahnll be graded and have the name and address of the grower sten ­ ciled on the «ark Grades regulations, etc may be had by writing the sta ts Market Agent, <12 Court House, Port­ land. and Eshlbited by University of Idaho. Moscow The state of Illinois knows the The State of Idaho became famous i The Industrial Exhibit offers ranch value of lime a« a renewer of cropped during the 1925 Pacific International that la of intense interest, showing lands and last year KOO DOO tons were Livestock Exposition through the raw materials lu-lng converted into purchased bv the farmers of that state. splendid showing made by its live finished articles, and other manufnet- Oregon farms need lime aa badly a« •tock entries. One of the State's out ured pr>uiucts of many kinds Then standing awards was Grand Champion there Is the Land Products Show aud the middle west states but the high cost ha« hehl It hark from general I Steer, bred, fed and exhibited by the the splendid Hairy Products Show. Jailed For V io latin g Contract U b i - The lime rock Is shipped from University of Idaho, Moscow. Here It is possible, in one day, to A m«*nitN>r <*f (he O«errta cottnn na- Keen competition will prevail this get a bird's eye view of agricultural Jackson county to tho prison plant at year, for Oregon. Washington. Mon­ ami industrial developments and activ­ Salem where ,t Is ground by prison ■<«•'»’'•*" »’'"be bi. ,-entraci and sold tana, California and British Columbia labor and «hipped to farmers under outside the co-operative nnsoctatlen. ities In the West. are all sending entries which they be­ local freight rates. The combined The superior court Issued an Injunc­ The m llnnii* are Again coopérât I nt lieve will secure the premier award rates make the price t « high for geit. tion to restrain him from further sell- It is an inspiration to go through by offering round trip faro* at one and era! use, so Mate the farmers and Ing. which he Ignored, and he was ths mammoth ten acre building visit- one-third rates. Full particulars can Ths county ngvnts. Governor Pierce has aentenced Io ten days in Jail ing the exhibits of cattle, sheep, be obtained from the local agen t co-operative laws of the country are swine heavy draft horses, night Over 1100.000 00 In premium mousy taken np the matter of reduced rates here to stay. with the Public servira commission, Shnw "rr" iki n' * i* *• offered, the biggest livestock pre Snow will be offered thi* year for the and a hearing has been railed at first time The American National Fox mlum “> Amer Raben September 33 Breeders' A- 1 »•»•''«<' In’.-niatt.-nal to te s this make the Pacific International head Jr,'ar »re October 30 November ( In I Warsboualng Canned Goods quarters for an annual ahow. I elusive; the place—Portland, Oregon The Rccretrny of Agriculture has authorized the placing of can n el goods on tbs list for warehouse stora- age under the P R Warehouse Act. By Uoscial fan n ers and various grower's associa­ C o rre s p o n d « -!» tions in Oregon and California have been working for this for two years Community News UPPER WILLAMETTE DRUGSTORE Creswell this year. Mra. T F. Kohler and daughter. In spite of we' »he weather work or Mary Catherine, have gone to Elkton the high school construction has gone wh-re Mrs. Kobler will teach In the steadily ahead. The underground Rrj ^ ' | j work for the plumbing and the con Painting on the nigh school bull-l­ crets forms has been finished and the ings is progressing. E. E. Kilpatrick carpenters began work Tuesday. D. B. Johnson and Chas Armstrong has the contract. After spending a week at Bandon of the Inwood Leghorn Farm n«gxr ‘Corvallis were at Pleasant Hill look and other coast towns Mr. aud Mrs. ing over the poultry farms 'With t h e |V L. Williams returned to their home view o f placing their stock on these j M Pleasant Hill this week. They • • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS • • • • • • • • Canary—First Wednesday. Third Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. Cloverdale—Bscund and Fourth Fridays, t.lovsrdats School House. Creswell—First and Third Tues- days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. Coast Fork—Sac«nd and Fourth Thursday«. Farm Union Hall. Hanebo• - ♦"Irst • Sehool Houaa. farms to secure hatching eggs In the *ere accompanied on their trip by future. Several of the poultry raisers an<1 Mrs. Guy Carr of Cottage • have already signed up with them. j Grove and two sons. Lostor of M -d -l, __ _____ tord «nd Ivy. who has recently ry- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Handsakwr • have come flora their home at Hat ( lUrn<,<1 from the navy. • Diego, California to live on their' ° A- JOTO AW LE( ing out of Crow this year. • Miss Gladys Inman 1» teaching at! f - Tussalsy. • • CLARA NOME FACE POWDER •: • ■ • • »1 • • I * Uauebe • , • | Docena- Second and Foutb Tuas- day«» Horana CBayeB. Hadlayvilla — First and Third Thuratteya. Hadlwyvlli« School lis r s ti-fr v i Snaday ef «ach • • • • • mouth. M te s ta Rehool Hooss. • Jaapsr—dlenond and Fourth Wed- • nsadays. W, O. W. Hall. Jasper. • Ixvrane—Second and Fourth • W’edneedava I. O. O . F. Hall. • Mt. Vernon—First and Tfclrd • Wednesday Brasf.sld Store. • Silk creak Meets Flrat and Third • Thursday at Cedar School Honse • Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • Pine Orove School House. • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- •- nesdaye. Pleasant HUI High • School Bldg. « Secretaries will please send In • time and place of meeting and • changes of date • • they may oc- • cur. « • e e e e « . . . One of the Beveral tints of Cara Nome Face Powder will blend with your complexion perfectly! ____ And the powder will stay on until you want It off. Fragrant with the entrancing Cara Nome Perfume. $ 2 .0 0 Flanery’s Drug Store XL. Au« “Eugene’s Own Store” EXTENDS A CORDIAL INVITATION FOR ATTEND THE YOU TO A utum n Style Show N urse:— “Your baby’s skin is ir­ ritated—do you baby talc?" Mandy:— "No inam—we done don't use no baby talc—m e uses nutlln but de best English speakable." A“ ^ S ;6 7 6 D E P A R T M B fT STORES •42 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Probably True IN OUR WINDOWS MONDAY EVENING September 27 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS AT 3 P. M. Ju d ge— "Bay Mr Brown, this Is a purely domestic affair and it la Hhame to get a divorce on such petty J charges. Why don't you and Mrs. Brown nettle It out of court?” “Yes guh Jedge—ah 'green wlf you | all—but every time we ntarts settle­ m ent de police alius ntopn u s!” These Fall Suits A re Investment» in A ppearan ce a n d Q u a lity IN OUR SECOND FLOOR APPAREL SECTIONS Living Models WILL DISPLAY A CHARMING GROUP OF NEW FASH­ IONS IN GOWNS, WRAPS AND MILLINERY. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS A PERSONAL INVITATION. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large sheets, 36x3» Inches, suitable rot making tracings The n ew s Offlos • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • • FARMERS* UNION • C. W Allen, Vida, Prenldent. • W. I. Seal«, Eugene, Vlce-Presl- • I • dent. s I • Betty M. Kappauf, Cottage Orove • I • Secretary-Treasurer. • I • Walter Morgan, Crenwell, Conduc-* • tor. • I • H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- * • er. si • O. L. Clement, Wa tervllle, Chap- • • lain. s II Suits that not only LOOK the the part of good appearance, but that have V A L U E in every hidden stitch and team. Dependabls »ergea worsteds ai unfinished worsteds In m i x t u r e stripes— blues, browns, greys. B Values, Moderately Priced.* Others at $ 1 9 .7 5 to $ 3 4 .7 5