HUIT. HPUIMfllUlCI u THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1828 BOOTH-KELLY OFFERS PRIZE FOR SLOGAN A ten dollar prim la being offered by th» Booth Krlly rompnny for tthi bra' aafety Itrat alogan Io hr uaail on It* talnulnra for th» yrar IM27 WacH y»ar th» company conducts a slogan vonloal for |ta la b iiln ra which arc ob lalnrtl from the Nut tonal Safety Cou’i- d i, who laauaa Itraullful l»r» la shown a section of “High Street," a reproduction of Philadelphia'» tractors. famous Mnrkat »treat In the day» of 1776. It la on« of the outstanding feature» Back From Round-up— D w igh t Kes- of the Beaqul-Centannlal International Exposition now being held In Phil» ¡sey, Don Cllllsple and Mr. and Mrs. delpbla to commemorate the 160th annlveraury uf the »Ignlng of the Declara­ tion ut Indopandenea Every building haa been built to actual »lie and to G. O. Bushman are all back from at­ actual architectural detail The furnlahlng» of each building are exact repro­ ten d in g the Round-Up at Pendleton. duction» of thuae uaed In tha Revolutionary days Many of the pieces on Mr Bushman attended the big west-i display are the original» and today are worth thousands of dollars bucauae ern show Friday while the others wero oa thalr historic valuo. The Exposition continues uutll December L • there for the entire performance. Mr. Kessey reports that everything was very interesting. He estimate» that there was a crowd of <0,000 people there for the last day Saturday. i Qo»a To Salem—George spent Sunday In Salem. I’erklns Camp Craek Man In RUG CLEANING We use the Electric Rotary Shampoo Process. The colors are renewed and the original luster brought hack. All rugs are sized and lay well on the floor. OuZVX OT.. am - ova at Phone 300 Eugene, Oregon Tow n— Jnva Gates of Camp Creek spent a tew hours In Springfield Monday morning Go To Harrisburg—Mr. and Mrs. ( . on business. F Egglmann -went to Harrisburg Fri­ Hera From Coburg—The Reverend I day afternoon on business. Uarboden of cobufg was In Spring-! Mrs Wilson III— Mrs. Charlie Wilson field Munday morning visiting w ith ' was III the latter part of laat week at friends. her home on Emerald Heights. Here From Oakridge— Mrs. James Foster of Oakridge was In town Sun­ Go Hunting—Charley Hcott and day on her way to Wendllng where i Earl Parker went deer Hunting lajt she Is to visit her sister, Mrs. CUD I Bunday In the Mount Nebo district. L.y burger. Hare From Raedspoet— Mr and Mr». Barbar On V ' cation—-C. F. Barber la ■ Cecil Caulking and »on. Bobby, werj enjoying a week's vacation from th e ! Jicre Sunday from Reedsport visiting ' office of the Booth-Kelly lumber com- at the home of Fred Carr on M ill' pany by taking a bunting trip up the •treat. I McKenxIe. A tte n d Lane County Fair this week J. C. Brill Stores A X -B IL L Y D E P A R T M E N T STORE HALL’S CASH STORE AT SPRINGFIELD BANKRUPT O rdered To Be Sold By The (J. S, Court A t Once W e have purchased the Stock at ridiculously low prices and the full line of Men’« Suits, Overcoats, Men’s and Boys’ Shoes, Gent’s Furnishings and and Fixtures will be sold way below wholesale cost. W e have only a few days to dispose of the whole stock and fixtures. SALE NOW ON W. M. Oderkirk An Unusual Offer that will Please the Ladies! Only $9.99 Makes your first payment on this Headquarters for Good Blankets Wool Mixed Blankets $5.90 Thick, heavy weight and warm these colorful plaid Blankets. Plain color« too In tills group. Large size 70 x 80 inches. Heavy Plaid Blankets $3.98 fn reality this quality of blanket ordinarily sells for $4.98. Beautiful colorings, size (58 by 80 Inches. All Wool Blankets $11.50 Strictly high gratle, satin bound blankets in beauti­ ful plaids of gold, tan, lavender, blue, pink and gr.-v. Covering y o u certainly would be proud to have In your guest room because of their richness. Extra large size, 72 x 82 Inches, A $13.50 value. Large Sheet Blankets $3.25 Already the recent cool nights of late have re­ minded many of slipping into softly fleeced blankets such as these. Sizes 70 by 80 Inches, grey, double size Plaid Blankets Price $3.98 Made hy the renowned "N a s h u a" mills these comfy blankets, Size 66 by 80 inclus. Ask for “ Storm King.” Oregon City "Vldgln Wool’ Blankets .1. C. B rill Stores are head­ quarters for this celebrated brand of excellent quality blankets—and Juatly proud of this Oregon made pro­ duct. They are worthy of all the attributes the human can think of, $10.95, $11.95, $13.75, $15.00 and $16.50 ONE GROUP SLIGHTLY SOILED BLANKETS REDUCED ONE FOURTH Hotpoint Super- Automatic Range We try to make our plans fit your plans to make our terms easy on your pocketbook. Feeling that this Is the time you w ill be anxious to Im­ prove your kitchen. Feeling that this Hat point Super-Automatic Range is worthy of Installation in the finest kitchen. We are sure that every housewife w ill want to take advantage of this easy payment plan on an Electric Range immediately, and , in addition, HOTPOINT RANGES ARE CONVENIENT COOL CLEAN EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL Save $35.00 in wiring expense aad Have a Range Installed Free Mountain S t a t e s 'l l Power Company