THK HPK’ NGFIRI •» FAGS TWO '<** THURSDAY 8BPTKMBBK 28, ljW» pare Ihe es»»*. FARNHAM BURIED IN CAR TANGLES W ITH THK BIO FIGHT Sale of Ihe flrat fifteen placea if THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Jack Dempsey, a Westerner who is said to have FALLEN LIG H T W IRES properly -will be held at the city ball EUGENE LAST SUNDAY Published Every Tbu r*day at the instinct of a killer, and Gene Tunney, a na­ at 1:30 in the afternoon. Friday. Oct­ Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by tive New Yorker who is said to have the mind of W. It Farnham who wa* killed In Itaymond Wetael collided with the ober S3. (Vilef Rmltaon will have wires from a «Ireet light that had nn accident In the wooil« near Knter- a college profeasor, are to meet tonight in a ring T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS charge of the sale which goes Io the at the Philadelphia Seaquicentennial to do buttle prlse September 15. wa* burled In the fallen to the street on North Ftfth highest bidder. H . K. M A X K T . Editor. It »Ireet* with hl* Ford bug Sun for the heavyweight boxing championship of the Odd tYllowa' cemetery nt Eugene last and Sunday. Funeral arrangement* w ire ilu * night amt had In call upon the Batrrod aa se c o n d c la ssm a tte r February 3 4 , IM S at the world. M arriage License« laeued made by the Walker Undertaking p o lic e fo rce to e x tra c t him fro m the poatnfflce, ftrrlpgfiald, Oregon Dempsey is champion: Tunney hopes to be parlor*, with the Reverend T. M­ tanglod wires which were wrapp'd IhirltiK (be past week marriage tie* t iiNf t were |« mu <(I by the county clerlt M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E after tonight. Promoters say no less than 140,- bury cnnduetlng the aervlrea. about hla front axle. • to the fallowing couple«: L"«lle b. Ont Year In Advance___ $1.75 l'hree Months ----- 75c 000 persons will pay from $3 io $50 each to see W ettel ran Into Ike light In the Mr Farnham wa* etruck by a fall •tx M o n th s____________ $L99 S'ngle Copy ------- 5c these two powertul young men maul each other tng trti while driving home from dark and pulled Hie pole d w n In d o re B o o th , and Genevieve John «on, both anywhere from three to thirty minutes, l>'or this work. He wa* a foreel ranger by he could slop the cur No reason cau |o f C ottage d ro v e ; Hagan Ilanacn, Ku- THURSDAY SEPTEMBER M. 1926 Dempsey, who fought for a meal ten years ago. trade and had been In the wood* work­ be given for the light Io I»' on Ilia g riiv . an», G enevieve M< Nown, i f will receive in (lie neighborhood of three quarters ing when killed. The body wa* «hip ground, according to Jess Huittson. e x ­ | Wa,t« r v l, b '; A lfre d M athew « Shade WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN ¡and Mlldr«ards American boys will show an enlived iuter- Ing relief to the »tornach. Rtopa that » h , .Monthly by Jeaa ^lullaon. chief of bere as wed as erected a new bridge across the h( spon Hundreds of voung Lx.inpsvVil marks the la»t of the new hose to ar­ Willamette river. Taking everyhing into con- ; Tunnevs wi! ill be matched in school rive. 1300 feet having been purchased police These notice« are the Mr«*t of full, bloated feeling. Often bring« sideration Springfield probably has seen as much ' ; . £ v M C x quarters and recreation - altogether by the Are department the recent force,onure canea oiMered out old waste matter you never Improvement this year as any small town in the ai o|- „ centers. ............ * since Ihe new Are truck was tx 'tig h t. by the city council nt It« laat jneettn« thought waa In your system. Excel, The city now hu« sufficient new ho te and will be followed by oth er* a« aoon lent for chronic cunttlpation Flan- state. i i „v. .r,. ownoi Frankly, this Dempsey-Tunney match will re- to use tn all cases of Are -which the «« city attorney ,ra Paterson can pre- » * Drug store. The only place M e suit in worlds of goods for the bodies of young Are department might be railed upon ahead as fast as the demand justifies is in the. * to Aght. The flremen have seven or ■ B H B B B M M H Ifli building of residences. There is actually a house a,ul active Amet m i ov.■______ eight sixes of noxxles to use with the shortage here, Whether existing rents justifies. hose. > EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE the building of new houses to rent is a matter of DIRECT PRIMARIES A. E. Roberts, I*resldent opinion. One thing is certain that a builder here Fine« Collected Monday would be able to rent his houses as soon as con- The primary system was supposed to put all z\ catalogue, telling about our Secretarial, Bookkeep­ Btructed and would not have long periods of vac- government into the hands of the decent and d. A total ot $22 In Anns was collected ing and Stenographic Courses, sent free to any address, ancy as has been faced in larger places. Taking pendable primary and correct every disease with at the city hall Monday a* the result upon request. this into consideration we believe that in the long which popular government is afflicted, of traffic offences on the day before. M onday Is enrollm ent day. run he would be as well off, as if he spent his William J. Crawford was Ancd »2 for money where rents are higher chiefly because the lt failed to work out that way. leaving hlg engine running unattend­ people are able to pay more. Instead of killing the political monsters, it has ed E. G Robinson paid $10 for apeet- IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL fed them. Instead of being a weapon with which tng on East Main street as did M I*. Phone tifiti Ü92 W illam ette S treet Eugene, Oregon to fight the money power, it seems to be an in­ Mathew* for the same offense. Florida has Its hurricanes. California it earth­ strument which only money power can operate. quakes. the middlewest its blizzards and the east The recent primaries showed that in some in­ Its floods. All sections are visited with extreme stances it cost many dollars or the few votes that hot and cold periods besides. We in the north-1 were garnered. In several communities not as west should appreciate our even climatic condi- many votes were cast as there were officials em- tions. Even when the weather surprises us and ployed in the place of voting. freezes the plumbing or the Willamette spills over Instead of eliminating fraud from politics the We will make your Suit or the bank we have nothing to complain about, primary system invites fraud and a times almost Dress, will alter or remodel For after all the northwest is blessed with the has the appearance of making fraud necessary, your old one. will Clean and best all round climate in the United States. This is done when voters are urged to vote for a Press or Dye them. There Is no other Btore just like Egglmann's Candy • • • certaiR candidate without showing any reason for 240 Main Street Kitchen Service and friendliness goes hand In hand with I the action. our excellent ice creams, soft drinks and candies. People THE Now that we have a chance to vote for the new But the worst feature about the primary sys- for miles around, from country and large cltk«, like to bridge across the Willamette river let us convince tem is the lack of interest taken in It. This system Model Cleaners everyone else they should vote for it. All Lane probably does more to disenfranchise people by come to Egglmann's. They suy It Is different. county needs the bridge as well as ourselves. The robbing them of all Interest in the proceedings state stands ready to match the county’s money than all other influences combined. A willijtg- to build it. It is not often this condition exists ness to vote is one of the chief assets of the peo- where match money can be gotten on roads and pie- Any institution which helps rob them of this C o m in g t o bridges—only in select places. And if the state i willingness is pushing the whole country back- does not spend It here It will be placed elsewhere, ward. • • • • • • EUGENE A traffic court on wheels has been strated In Countries of Europe seem to be complaining California. The southern state has always been out of turn about their war debts to the United noted for service. Now speeders do not need to States. Government figures show that we have 'ose any time—they can be fined while they loaned them since the war two billion dollars travel more than they have paid us on their war debts. S P E C IA L IS T In other words we have paid our own war debt. The department of agriculture has evob-ed a In In te rn a l Msdlelns for the If his process keeps up they can pay their debts method for treating sawdust for cattle and sheep, Perfection Bread and Pasteries are what the name im­ past flftssn years to us out of our own money indefinitely. Soon a dairy may be a by-product plant for a plies—perfect products. They are completely excellent. • • • i sawmilL • • • Nothing requisite in the way of ingredients, quality, cleanli­ ness or scientific baking methods Is sacrificed In rnuklng DO ES N O T O P E R A T E Those nersons who have not made ud their' Aimee comes to bat aKa>n- Tbe Hollywood minds whether this country should cancel Eu- ave to take o « th e ir hat g to her. She our bakery goods the best you can imagine. ropes’ debts are advised to give It some thought at ieeps r,ght in the a” the «me- Every baking has our personal attention; we know il W ill be at is right before your are aBked to eat It. the time of paying their income tax this year. Osborne Hotel Make up your mind whether you want to pay! The stork can have an arrival in the air now. Wednesday Septem ber 29 Europe’s bills in this manner or would like to Australian doc-tors are using airplanes and have THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF have them pay a little themselves. a regular service of flying physicans. Office H oure 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Eggimanris Is Different EGGIMANN’S Dr. Mellenthin The Best You Can Imagine SPRINGFIELD BAKERY O NE DAY O N L Y tO ’N fw ; v - hc / p \ Fred Frese, Prop. Perklns-Laxton Bldg- Phone 66 Fifth Street. " cu r ) No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellnnthin la a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and la lic­ ensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen­ dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarnb, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon. Mrs. L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter Marie), Walton, tonsils and adenoids. Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the leg. Mrs. Nets Peterson, Hkamokawa, Washington, colitis. drover C. Oouthler, Coquille, Ore., colitis and ulcers ot the stomach. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear trouble. J. W. Turner, Dalles, stomach trouble. E. A. Russell, Klamath Falls, appen­ dicitis. Remember the above date, that con­ sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment Is different. Married women must be accompan­ ied by their husbands. Address; 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. (8 9-16-23) $3.65 Roundtrip to the Oregon S ta te F a ir Salem, Sept. X7-Oct. X Go this year—a bigger state fair than ever before. Take the whole family, travel by train and save time, money and nervous energy. Reduced fare is for u s e ....................... SEPT. 25 Good until . . . ......................... OCT. 4 Avoid crowded highways; comfortable trains daily at convenient hours. Southern Pacific C. OLSON, Agent