The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 23, 1926, Image 1

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C all Phone 5
Of O.
No C andidates
Council Vacancies Plana will be made tomorrow night
1 " « P eoples Paper"
The Fourteenth A n n u a l Lane
t’ounty Fair opened yesterday In Eu- ;
at the Chamber of Cammerce meeting
B in a li Interest la being shown In
gone with the largest number of agri­
to place the 175,000 bond Issue for a
Hprlngtl-ld regarding the city elec- __
npw ___
a(.rogg .__
lbg ______
w ulM M tte
cultural exblblta ever had and a pro- SURPRISE PARTY
gr-ni of racing and special attractions
6* ld l.h'*
Wh'C? fore lh‘ voUr* 80 *” to obuln Utot Petition Filed with 1100 Names
Council to Consider New Con­ unexoelled by any previous fair One
r , c l - u' r
m w r » B .w two councilman and a recorder are to able
- - action on tbe measure at . the
Ask that Measure Calling for
tract with Mountain States of th« moat Interesting features of the A a*IUrbtrul surprise waa given Rev- be elected Time for tiling of peti­ election thia fall.
$7*5.000 in Bonds be Submit«
Power Company at Meeting day waa the Whippet races, the first BrBt)d and Mrg r L Moore Saturday tions tor the offices haa almost ex­ H J. Cox. president of the Chamber
ted to Voters at November
Monday Evening; Street eur- to be held In the Northwest. An at- n|gbt when members of the Junior pired and aa yet no one haa expressed of Commerce, said In speaking of the
their Intention of running for the of-
Tacing alto to be Submitted. traction of the evening la the Cortel- Iu, (Jleg CIll„ o f the Methodist church tires left vacant by R E Moshler and
lo g review, a complete show of aero- (a ||ed gt tbe,r hom,. and prevented
lax In our efforts to secure tbe much
Whether a new highway bridge will
two bPBUtifui p |,c e i of M J. McKIln. councilman, whose needed new bridge Just because the
A »pedal council m eellug lie» been bats, trained dogs and trapeae per tbem
terms expire next January. Both of
sterling silver. Reverend and Mrs.
measure |s to be voted upon this fall. be constructed across the Willamette
called by U <1. Bushman. city mayor, formers.
these men have expressed their re­ The bond Issue -will not P»»s u n le ss' ri’ er « Hrtngfield will be voted on
Today la ColUga Grove and pioneer bave Mnn,)un<-ed their Intention of
for next Monday night to consider the
solve not to be a candidate to suc- we get behind It and secure the »< th* November election a . a result
day with stock Judging, and Judging ,Bavlng «pringlleld and the ladles call­
n r * oontrart with the Mountain of the exhibits In full sway The I-ane ed upon (hem to express their sPprS"|C
support of some of tbe other people of the tilling o t a petition this week
Hlatra 1‘owrr company or city light county pioneers will be honored with c|a((on of their services while -n
e or
of the county. Eugene la In favor of calling for a *75.004 bond Issue. The
r' * ' ° r ’
J , . ”
end water nervier. A proposed con­ special exercises ot be held at th» Hprlngfleld. The church membership
the -----------*
measure, but there are some petition circulated by the Springfield
fair grounds. All the old pioneers are bag lncreaaed one hundred since Rev-
n J L X i th a t
of the county that are Chamber of comm erce contained 1100
tract haa been aubmltted to tbn city
names or 300 more than necessary to
to be given free admission to th . fair
Moor,. cgmB to tow n
1 Uo“ - 8h° Uld "° ° “e
not as directly Interested In the bridge
for approval and la now In tbr hanla
time. It would tie necessary to place as is Eugene and Springfield. We
11 on tbe ballOt' when turned 0T,,,
of the city attorney. Tba new con­
Friday Is scheduled as Eugene day g„ w p,ecei> consisting of a meat the name« of candidates upon tbe must push the matter as much as we to the county clerk.
tract differs but little from the old
with all the stores of the city closing fork and „ grary lad,B the eT(.nlng ballot by petition.
A final drive for the names was made
one, except that provision la made
The term of the present city re­
last week as it was necessary to file
doors In the afternoon. A move• wa„ gpB„ ,
(«„»„ranHon and a so-
for the Inatallatlon of bigger light»
corder expires at the same time as
I ment to cloae the store« of Sprlnghel-I rta| gl)od t| m f
th petition 40 days before tbe elec­
should the d iy decide In the future
does that of the councllmen
tomorrow afternoon la on foot, but
Seventeen different people were
Those belonging to the Junlir Hmttlx Is expected to be a ca n d id ate
to put them In. The contract up for
definite declslnu had not been arrived
in charge of the circulating of tbe pe­
' lu d les Class, which was organised
consideration leaves out the street
for re-election, although he has made
at by th« merchants up to noon today.
tition and they report that they found
year ago by Mrs Moore and has been no statement to that effect as yet.
lights to lie supplanted by the orna­
Fulops and Newland* dry good* stores
The local 4L will hold its usual but three or four people who were op­
conducted by her. were; the Me*-
mental lighting system , aa they are
No other candidate has yet appear- monthly meeting next Monday night. posed to the Issuing of bonds for the
were the only ones who bad decided
dames Pearl Halley. Alma Cowden,
, or tbe ofBce
taken care of by a separate contrail.
to close.
bepteinber 27 at the W. O. W. had ¡purpose. Everyone seemed to reallxe
Alice Davis, Addle Fish, Nettle Foss,
The resurfacing of Main atreet be­
The concluding day of the fair has
At that time delegates to the district that the bridge Is a necessity and that
tween Bight and Tenth wilt again be been set aside as children’s day wlrh Ida Holverson Chris Hansen. E thd NEBRASKA MINISTER
board meeting at Eugene Thursday the county w as fortunate that the
discussed. At the last meeting t*o special attractions billed for the child­ Neel, W D. Nlckles, Clarlne Putman,
WILL PREACH SUNDAY October 14 will be selected. At this state would furnish half the money
contract waa let aa the only one su o ren* entertainment, and tbe boys and
board meelng delegates from all the on the *150,000 bridge structure.
m illed waa felt to be too costly for girls club work feature at tbe ex­ niianlol, Ethel Vaughn. W. Williams.
The Reverend George Newkirk will 4L Iocalg ln Oregon West of the Cas-
The bridge when built will likely be
the city to afford, Guy I’yle, who hibit rooms
conduct the morning services at the CB<jeg w||| be present. They w ill con- on the old street car piers and along
submitted the hid. offered an alter-
One of the innat Interesting features
Methodist church next Sunday In tho j^ e r resolutions and communications the old right of way. according to the
na'lve proposition for (he surfacing of the fair thia year haa been ths Genevieve Mmk. Charlotte Mustoe. absence of the Reverend F. L Moore and make recommendations to the 4L opinion of the state engineers now.
of thia street, and thia bid will lie dis­ Whippet races held In the afternoon.
who |s attending the Methodist con- board of director«. New board mem- However, this decision as to location
Conway. E. Johns, E. E. Mays. Oer-
Tbe auto show haa also attracted
ference at Corvallis this week. ^ e ' b e r s will also be elected at that time, .w ill be made by the highway commie-
j trude Easton, F. L. Moore and C.
The esenalon of th* city water sy s­ much attention and favorable com-
trend Newkirk has been visiting In
Any mat(«.r to be presented before slon. By using the old pier« not only
tem to W illam ette Helghta. Mill street j menL The stork exhibits are the b e ,b Sarnes.
Springfield from Lincoln, Nebraska ,b e board meeting by the local dele- Is a saving of some *12.000 made but
and First »treat will be started soon , ever shown In Lane county.
and offered to conduct the gervlcea ln ga(eB wm be taken up and considered also another saving made in the right-
according to Mayor lluahman
Other things of Intrest at the fair PINE CIRCLE DISCUSSES
the absence of the ragular pastor. at tbe m eeting next Monday.
’ of-way to be bought by the county,
contract baa been agreed upon and Is tbe dog show sponsored by he Eu­
UNIFORMS LAST NIGHT There will be no evening services.
The 4L hag received a supply of while the railroad right-of-way Is to
■ - 1
! Reverend Moore left for the con- sticker books sent out by the National be deeded to the city of Springfield
aw aits signature by the city and gene Kennel club with entries from
power officials.
Nelghbors of W oodcraft l*1ne Clr- ference Tuesday. After attending the Association of Wooden Box Man'i- by th e railroad,
‘ all over the atate. The 4-H dubs
! nave been very busy with Judging by cle number 46 met last night at the meetings, he will retnrn to Springfield fBO(Urers to be used in their wood
Fallowing the filing of the petition«
members of rabbits, stock and the dis- w. o. W halt with Past Guardian to move to hl« new church which will promotion campaign. These stickers the county court met and passed a
play of their work for the summer at Mary Magill In the chair
Mr«, be allotted him at the conference,
are given to .the local merchants to resolution placing the bond Issue on
SUNDAY AT DEPOT the club booth.
fOeorge Ward of the Eugene circle w a s 1 Several Springfield people. In ad- use on their orders and ask the whole­ the ballot. The county court Is un­
- - -
. «
i present and brought on of the un’-- dllon to the three delegate« are plan- salers to ship the goods In wooden animous for the bridge and expreseed
The first through passenger train to
B«ll T hsatsr To Hold Opening To- forms from the Eugene circle to show n| ng to attend the conference Sunday. containers.
satisfaction wrlth the large number of
pass through Hprlngfleld on the new
the ladles of Pine circle who are con- Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Potter and Dr. and
signers on the petition.
Cascade ttne was given an enthusias­
The Bell Theater will hold a special »'d*'’1“ « buying uniforms. She gave Mrs. N. W. Emery have expressed SCOUTS HAVE KNOT
While there seem s to be a unani­
tic welcome upon Its arrival In the
show and entertainment tomorrow • u lk °» ’ "««craft which was ve.-y their Intention of going. The dele­
mous sentiment for the bridge, mem-
city Sunday worming. A large crowd
gates-are; Dr. W. H Pollard, R. W.
night |n honor of the new Interior and , «nterentlag.
1 bers of the local committee headed by
w a s p re s e n t at tb e depot to meet the
The following ladles were appoint- Smith, and Mrs. Ida Gants,
train, and while the city tire siren
Troop one of the Springfield Boy E. E. Morrison, point ont that It will
ed to consider the purchase of the
Scouts spent Monday night learning be necessary to wage a campaign In
gave • prolonged roar, waking every­ made In the theater daring the sum­
Clvlc Club To Have Dinner
new uniforms;
Mrs. Nina McPher­
one In town, those at the depot pres­ mer. Work haa been In progre»» for
! the Intricacies of the various knots Its behalf. There are many voters In
The Ladies Civic club wt Its meet-j
sections of the county who have few
ented the train crew and traveling
_ I ...
„ i .s ,
haTe to be ab«e to tie in order
and Is now almost completeed. N ew iten sen . Mrs. C. F. Eggtmann. Mrs. H. ing last Thursday night at t h e ,
tielng test Instrnc- occasions to use tbe old bridge and
railroad officials with bouquets r f
seaU were installed the first of tbe Hanson. Mrs. Carl Oiard, Mrs. WII- Chamber of Commerce rooms decided
tle |ng ot knoti
rivenldo not realUe tbat 11 «» dangerous,
week, the ventilating system placed Ham Rodenbaugh. Mrs Burnette, and to open the fall activities of the club by
p -pvson gcout leader
T h e ' They are likely to vot» against the
Three coaches and a special coach, In the basement and set up. and all Mrs. H. Hlltebrand. They are to d * ,w lth a dinner to be held soon after
chose sides and had a contest at measure on grounds of economy.
carrying high railroad officials, and that remains to be done Is to set up i clde on the material and style of the the county fair. The dinner will be
tbe close of the hour
The team Therefore every vote that can be gou
two baggage coaches made up the tne furnace
With a carpet In the* uniforms and report to the circle.
given at the Chamber of Commerce
Several Springfield people, foyer, a ladles rest room, more seat- j Mrs. Ada Stafford submitted her re- rooms. Mrs. M. J. McKIln was ap­ ca p ta in ^ by Thayer McMurray won ten 18 need*<1 Bnd eTery C,tl,en
from that captalaed by Walter Scott. Springfield Is asked to do his utmost
among whom were II. C. Jarkeon, O. ing space, better ventilation, and com- slgnatlon as she Is to leave town and | pointed chairman of the ways and
The contest was held to give the boy, t0 w1n TOters favor fOT t t e new 8trU°-
M Olson and R. Fir on son. got on the
forlabln seats the Bell Theater prev- Mrs. Ada McPherson was elected and means committee by Mrs. 'Walter practice and to prepare them for the tu‘e '
train to ride as far as the summit enta a much Improved appearance.
. Installed ln her place to fill the unex- Scott, president of the club.
Later in the fall, a baxaar and food wl^ er
° «* h* ld
E“ Sen e’
where they caught the train from
pired term of Banker.
sale will be held. This baxaar will be
Tb« m eetln«' wa’ conducted by FIRST FOOTBALL
Klamath Falla to return In tbe after­
P ro m o tln D a y A t C h r is tia n C h u rc h enter(BinraPnt comm ittee of the
sometime before Christmas.
Tbe Evan Hu«he8 who was cbo8en 8enlor
Next S u n d ay
Mesdameg Adams. Eaton, Laxtan, dates for the two ev en t, will be an- patrol leader
tbe ,ast m**,ln «
The special coach carrying the ratl- j Next Sunday will be promotion day , , urnptlp an(1
McLBgan served a
Scrimmage was held for the first
troop one. Fourteen of the nineteen
iad jflld a ls was the targol for moat at the Christian church Sunday school, bounteous spread after the business nounced later.
boys belonging to the troop were pres- time by the Springfield high school
o f the floral tributes. T. Ahern, as­ , Tbe members of the various Sunday Bpgg,on of thp clrc,e Th„ cotnmitteg
yesterday evening with plenty of good
sistan t general mannger of this dlvl- | cla sses will each be advanced to a jor tbp ncgt m eeting is Mesdames
From California— Mrs. Ella Bab­
material on hand and lots of enthusl-
■Ion. L L. Ornham. district freight higher class at that time. An appro- Egg| nlann
asm displayed by the boys, who under
and pnsnenger agent and J. H. Hewitt, prlate program will be given in honor F,gh<ir Hanson. Oiard, H llteb ran d will leave Ix>s Angeles Saturday for
coach Walter Fenwick, are training
Springfield where she plans ot spend
ch ief clerk of the district freight and of the event. The topic of the morn
A comm ittee of three was appointed
for thp flr9t Ranle ¿Ittie over
Huntly The next m eeting will be
passenger office w ere among those on * Ing sermon has been announced by
the winter.
by the American Legion at Its meeting R wf>pk rpma)ns
October 13.
the roach.
j Reverend Childers as “Some Lessons
, g ‘ W arrSnge th f
»Otlnst their first opponents for
Back From Hospital
(social schedule of the Legion for the
geason a, thp fir9t gamp „
A telegram from Mr. Ahern axpress- j From The Antlach Church.
Mrs. Raleigh Morris Is back from coming year. The committee Is com- ‘ gfheduled with Junotlon Cltv for Frt-
Following the Senior Endeavor
Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Bowles moved
Ing bis pleasure at the demonstration
was received at the local depot from ' m eeting In the evening at 6 30 ser- .the first of the w eek from the Stacey the Pacific Hospital where she under- posed of Charley Scott, Daniel Taylor, day ^ ( „ b e r i
Lowell. The telegram was addressed vloes will be held with the topic, Russell home on Main street to the went a very serious operation for and Jess Meats. It was decided at the ’p enw,ek expeCt . to use all the men
g0 ag to obtaln .
to t'arl Olson, depot ngent here and "I, The Bible Inspired," selected for Elmer Paine place on the McKenxie Goitre. She Is reported to be getting m eeting to have at least one social he can
about Thurston.
along nicely.
activity a month this falL
rend as follows: Through you 1 wish , discussion.
lino of the new material he has to
to express to tbe people o f Springfield
work with this season and to give
my thanks and npipreelatlon not only
everyone a chance. Lets of substitu­
for the beautiful flowers presented to
tions will be made and over twenty
us this morning but ft>r the hospitality
players will be put into the game with
and greeting to the first through pass­
Junction City.
enger train operated over the new
Monday night saw three lettermen
Cascade line. I trust and believe that
present for practice who had not pre­
the opening o this new line will re­
viously come out. They were Hugh
bound greatly to the benefit of Spring-
Cowart, Austin McPherson and Edgar
Heavy Weight Champion and Challenger Who Meet Today
Their return has materially Increas­
ed the strength of the team. In addition
to games announced last week u>
scheduled, two more have been listed
although definite dates for them have
not yet been announced. They are
with Brownsville at Brownsville a n l
with Harrisburg here and will be play­
ed sometime ln October.
Twenty four of the boys on the fo»i-
ball squad have taken medical exami­
nations and have been pronounced fit
t participate in the games. The ex­
aminations of the others will be held
next week. Following the examina­
tions of the football men, the boys of
the Junior high will be examined with
special attention paid to their throat,
teeth, thyroid, heart and lungs. Any­
one needing medical attention will ba
advised to see a doctor.
Claude Harpole Injured In Auto A->
Claude Harpole was taken to the
Pacific Christian hospital Monday
morning with his middle finger of the
left hnnd nearly severe« as a result of
an auto collision at tho underhead
railroad crossing near Goahen. The
accident occurred about 8 o'clock. Har-
pole waa driving toward Eugnne when
his car collided with another coming
from the opposite direction.
finger w as tom loose at the middle
Joint and he waa bruised all over tho
body. The attending physlcan exports
to be able to save the flinger.
Invited To Tillamook
Membera of the Springfield Lions
club have been invited to the Installa­
tion ceremonies of tho new club at
Tillamook next Saturday night. Her-
oral members of the local club are
planning on attending.
Gene Tunney
Cuts Thumb—H. A. Day Of the
Davis and Davis mill ent hit left
thumb seriously Tuesday on
planer knife. He had several stitches
taken In It by a local physlcan.