THURSDAY flgPTBMWCR U>. PAOR H Ö H T y,..;,. - — reachea morning at 7:46; I*aunlna I I : I t P. M. Diamond latke neat Mwiuua» «« a ■»» stats office build st tlearkart # Among tha toploa for on thalr present schedule. The time table for the two through ll:tO , Kirk 1:30. Sprague I 41. ObllO Algoma 8:0», Chiloquin 3 47. Sprague lng at Balsas with funds provided by dlscuaaioa ware tha Hooaavalt high­ self-supporting stats commission« and way completion problem and tha re- lralna la aa follows; Train #1. aoutn- quin 3:00. Algotua 3 36. arrives Klaiu- » 03, Kirk »15. Diamond Iteks » 4 » . departments, and without direct lax forestation meaauran to be eunalder- bound, leaves Eugene 780 P. M. nth Fults 8:00 leave« Klamath Kails I'uunlua 10:0». Crescent latke 10 45, upon the taxpayers. la being advocab ad at the ne«t meeting of the Oregon reachea Springfield 7:40. Fall Cr»ek 6 40. arrlvea II la ok Hutte 6.36 gudjlum.1». leave» Crescent Lake 1100 A. ’ M . rearhee Cascade Huminit II 17. ed by Thomas It Kay. state treasurer, legislature 3 10. levwell 8:31. \V e.lflr.» 00. Dak- Weed 1:10 M.t'cradle Spring« 13:60 I'. M . Oak- A recommendation haa been »ub- # . , 0 Ml vreaiUe fttrlng« » 3«. For train »3. northbound Hie a. ho- aa a means of eliminating the conges Brief of Resumo of Happenings tlott now prevailing *t the stats capl- tulttsu by the acting chief of sugl- (•lW<.)M|„ Summit 10:55 Crescent Lall» dole la as follows ; leaves Black ridge 1:30, WestBr 13«. Lowell 3 04. the Week Collected for n««ra to the secretary of wer that uo u ;t0 |„ Ul.h B| crescen t la k e , leaves Butte 1:15 I1, M.. arrives Klamath Fall t'rei-kS 13. Sprlnglield 3:46. and tol. Hearing of the application O«V- objection be Interposed to retention crescent la k e 1160 A. M reaches Fulls 6 00, leaves Klamath Fall» the arrives al Fugen« 3 00 Our Readers. .... — ■ > - ■ ■ - ........... i......................... ................................................ . ........ ......................................... ernor Pierce for of rates rn c f th e . c a l e r p ia r cf a n o ld -, '.Ig e across the Lewis and Clark rivet near lime rock shipped from W lldsrvllls, The «tute convention of building and Josephine county, to the state lime Astoria, whlck wa to have b e e n re­ loan and savings and loan associations plant at Salem has been sat for Sep moved within »0 days after compia; of Oregon was held at Baker. timber 23 by the public service com lion of the new bridge there. The sew The annual Clatsop county fair will ' nil*« I eu The reduction r»que*t»d by bridge new Is complete and the »Id be held September 31. S3. S3 and 24 tbs governor is approximately 31 a bridge has been (seen down with the | axceutlan of the courreis center pier at the port of Astoria terminals. ton. - Navigators asked that this pier be Plans for the espanditene of 336.600 Fred Steualoff. meat packer and kept, as It aids them materially in aapltalist who died at Salem recent­ at The Dallss within the neat six holding their rafts straight. months, is the erection of a stage ter ly. left an estate valued at 3150.000 minai and garage to house busses ply- When a safety valve failed to func­ tion the thousand gallon water tank lag !■ ihs mid-Columbia oe a trai and eastern Oregon glstrteta. were so af the Boardman water works blew uouaced by Ray Conway. r e m m iin •A the Caiumbts Garge Moto» Conte sys­ Mrs. Lnclls Barr. 35. proprietor of tem. a waterfront lodging house at Astoria, Tbe state board of health has adopt­ drowned In the Columbia river at that ed a resolution loahtmg to a iwdaesioa Vlaoa. at Itte laeuramca ratea la Oragaa. The Announcment of the definite train Four were killed tn automobile ac- reeeiutlea directed the gv vwsmuv and eidsnta, and six died as the result of state lassrancs comnslsnteosr sad. U time on the now Cascade line was made from the» office of the gen eral1 Industrial accidents In Multnomah neceesary. the legislature, ta scanty during August. tMaTp’ropar D. F. Bun?« of Albany received sen­ lasuranse m t.s may ba bwnght abm.t by letter to all depot agents, Accord- ior and grand championship prises for la this state. *“« 10 U e “ fbedule. a train 111 leaie Eugene for Klamath Falls at 7 30 Farchon horses at the interstate la event of continued fair weather each morning and arrive at its da»-; folr at Spokane. Wash. tha Oregon and W ashlagtan prune The train Work constructing a new power dis- crop will aggregate mors than 70.«00. tination at 3 00 P. M. trlbstlon system in Bend ta cost »25.- 000 ^ „ , 4 , »ecordin« to csrimatsa re- from Kl“ “,ata >'*Ua that ‘" y 606, has been started by the Deschutes rte<1 m a meeting at Salem of the “ * 7 45 »rr,ve# 1,1 Lugi-ne at . b) _ _ _ . b' tv t l b e a t» n .4 l e u i n a P * i » H is t P. M The northbound trains S an- able Powar A Light company northwest dned fruit association Ola Hendrickson. 60. Astoria fisher­ TweaSy-eix representatives of prune to make flfteen minutes better time man. died In an Astoria hospital from packers from Oregon and Waaklngton I0“ “ the southbound on account of I the less grades. to! arise received when he was struck attended the snssloaa. Particular attention is called In killed In Oregon la Aug made less frequent and ohor-er. gna - a . n c .id ,« ta lly discharged by govem m eat h eater., sa y . a Little time Is saved from shorten­ while he was banting In the vicinity “ • T * ? ' S'“ * 7 J, * nr " ___ Scott near Glide the C"lt,d States biological survey ing of the route as the Cascades line ov -w w i . I ln p ortland During tbe month I is snorw-r i»»n Is only 13 23 m iles shorter than, t w.» the | Mass thus 6000 lambs bought by g0¥erBraent hunters killed 4» bob other. 6cm Boylan ot Pendleton from Con- badgers. 102 porcupines. <6 The trsln from Klamath Falls rill »oily brothers of Maupin, were ship- skunks. 550 coyotes and 11 sheep-cut ' connect with train 34 at Eugene pad »ut of Bend to winter feeding lng bears. ¡which leaves Portland at 7:40 P. M I ggoMds In Idaho and eastern Oregon. From last Thursday on until Sept­ The lower Columbia Associated Farmers of Lane county have again Chambers of Commerce. Including la ember 19. when the through train bagws ta order pyrotol explosive with Its organisation the co run-, errisi service is inaugurated, the service to whwb ta clear their lands, and more groups of about a score of lower Co- Railhead will be discontinued Trains than 6600 pounds have been signed I lumbla communltle* held a meeting from Eugene to Oakridge will opurate in» tevrard the first carload this fall Directors of the Spaulding Pulp A Paper company, meeting ln Newberg. *ad e final plans for construction of the f»s: unit of the big 31,200,000 pulp . g»d gaper mill to be erected there by that company. Patrol of tbs sat ions I forests of Oregea sad Washington by airplane 1 will be closed September 15. with the ! danger of forest first nearly over Plaaee and pilots will return te March field Californtsu R L Harris, 42. mayor of Dayton. 1 was shot in the right cheek while he and bis wife were scuffling for pos session of a shotgun with which, it was said, he bad announced the inten­ tion of ending his life The body of a man about 45, with a bullet hole in his chest, was found on the floor of a deserted mountain Of loryr ttanding; but not cabin by three men who were look­ ing lor horses in the Salisbury vlcin- ■ » la n d in g » til l, Montag lty, 14 miles from Baker. m aintains leadership in Grain nursery work In Umatilla county will be continued, despite the ttyle as in quality. fact »be county is at present without a county agent, It is announced by D. French plate top,— easy to B. Stsgihens, superintendent of the After years of service her M ontng Colonial Moro experiment station. keep clean and h ea tsa iin g ; Range is still the pride of her kitchen as Attendance at the Oregon caves has i»a 1 Hall’s Cash Store TRAIN SCHEDULE C M FOB CUTOFF At Springfield Bankrupt ORDERED TO BE SOLD BY THE U. S. COURT AT ONCE We have purchased the Stock at ridiculously low prices and the full line of Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Men’s and Boys’ Shoes, Gent’s Furnishings and and Fixtures will be sold way below wholesale cost. We have only a few days to dispose of the whole stock and fixtures. S A LE N O W b„ W. M. Oderkirk COLONIAL Ranges Wright & Son (faaa * 3 : ■ B i•<• « .y n »